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Topic: Make America Great
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Tue 01/30/18 07:02 PM
CBS News Live
State of the Union by POTUS

Good Job!

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Tue 01/30/18 07:55 PM

Workin4it's photo
Tue 01/30/18 08:04 PM

CBS News Live
State of the Union by POTUS

Good Job!
Good job indeed. This should have been a bi-partisan , coming together speech. But it failed on behalf of the liberal democrats. The president spoke of the lowest unemployment of African Americans, a good thing, right? Not for the democrat side of congress. Well what about reducing the cost of prescription drugs? Not supported by the Dems. How about better care for our veterans. No, the dems didn't like that either. More money in everyone's pocket? No, they hated that one to. How about America first and protecting our country from terrorists. They didn't stand in support of that either. So I'm wondering what they do support, besides abortions, free heroine give aways, illegal immigrants .and massive welfare.? Do they stand for anything beneficiary to our country?

no photo
Wed 01/31/18 07:55 AM

CBS News Live
State of the Union by POTUS

Good Job!
Good job indeed. This should have been a bi-partisan , coming together speech. But it failed on behalf of the liberal democrats. The president spoke of the lowest unemployment of African Americans, a good thing, right? Not for the democrat side of congress. Well what about reducing the cost of prescription drugs? Not supported by the Dems. How about better care for our veterans. No, the dems didn't like that either. More money in everyone's pocket? No, they hated that one to. How about America first and protecting our country from terrorists. They didn't stand in support of that either. So I'm wondering what they do support, besides abortions, free heroine give aways, illegal immigrants .and massive welfare.? Do they stand for anything beneficiary to our country?

It is the lowest unemployment rate for African Americans in 45 years. But they (libs) pushed that right to the side. Had it been the highest unemployment rate for African American in 45 years, you would not have been able to shut them up.

They are incapable of seeing anything other then their own tunnel vision adgenda

msharmony's photo
Wed 01/31/18 12:06 PM
Edited by msharmony on Wed 01/31/18 12:06 PM
maybe because its like bragging about the sun coming up, it was gonna happen anyway being that it was ALREADY Dropping and all ... and therefore not REALLY Much to do with the current administration.

no photo
Wed 01/31/18 12:12 PM



no photo
Wed 01/31/18 12:14 PM

CBS News Live
State of the Union by POTUS

Good Job!
Good job indeed. This should have been a bi-partisan , coming together speech. But it failed on behalf of the liberal democrats. The president spoke of the lowest unemployment of African Americans, a good thing, right? Not for the democrat side of congress. Well what about reducing the cost of prescription drugs? Not supported by the Dems. How about better care for our veterans. No, the dems didn't like that either. More money in everyone's pocket? No, they hated that one to. How about America first and protecting our country from terrorists. They didn't stand in support of that either. So I'm wondering what they do support, besides abortions, free heroine give aways, illegal immigrants .and massive welfare.? Do they stand for anything beneficiary to our country?

It is the lowest unemployment rate for African Americans in 45 years. But they (libs) pushed that right to the side. Had it been the highest unemployment rate for African American in 45 years, you would not have been able to shut them up.

They are incapable of seeing anything other then their own tunnel vision adgenda

Yes, very sad they not for American but just their agenda!

no photo
Wed 01/31/18 12:16 PM

maybe because its like bragging about the sun coming up, it was gonna happen anyway being that it was ALREADY Dropping and all ... and therefore not REALLY Much to do with the current administration.

the creation of new jobs, companies investing in new machinery an equipment. mfg. Companies coming BACK to the U.S. Companies hiring more people due to tax breaks. Companies giving across the board bonuses

and that was gonna happen anyway?.... how was that going to happen anyway?

what is "and all"?

no photo
Wed 01/31/18 12:21 PM

maybe because its like bragging about the sun coming up, it was gonna happen anyway being that it was ALREADY Dropping and all ... and therefore not REALLY Much to do with the current administration.

Some people just sat there, blank faces, so sad!!! Mostly democratics!

When are they going to see the light! happy

Wasn't about any bagging just facts!!! waving

msharmony's photo
Wed 01/31/18 12:35 PM
Edited by msharmony on Wed 01/31/18 12:37 PM

maybe because its like bragging about the sun coming up, it was gonna happen anyway being that it was ALREADY Dropping and all ... and therefore not REALLY Much to do with the current administration.

the creation of new jobs, companies investing in new machinery an equipment. mfg. Companies coming BACK to the U.S. Companies hiring more people due to tax breaks. Companies giving across the board bonuses

and that was gonna happen anyway?.... how was that going to happen anyway?

what is "and all"?

the rate was gonna DROP anyway

since 2014 it has been dropping ALREADY

jan-dec 2014 12.1-10.6 percent ( 1.5 percent drop)
jan-dec 2015 10.4-8.5 ( 1.9 percent drop)
jan-dec 2016 8.9-7.9 (1.0 percent drop)

jan-dec 2017 7.8-6.8 (1 pecent drop)

the rate HAS BEEN Droping at least one percent a year BEFORE TRUNP

Since Trump, that rate has not CHANGED or improved.

maybe he can get credit for not making it worse? But for making it better, no.

no photo
Wed 01/31/18 12:45 PM
I was part of a team that built a new factory in Fl, last year. It created 125 new jobs.. good paying jobs. Prior to that the product that is now made there was made in China.

I [personally know businessmen in the injection mold industry that are now purchasing more machines and equipment and they are hiring new workers here in America. The injection molding was formerly done in China. This is a entire industry coming back.

Why are they doing that?... Trump... sorry if you don't like that but it is the truth.

new jobs.. businesses coming back where they belong.. and still some not happy about that... unbelievable.

Both those folks have no plan of their own.. and complaining is not a plan.

msharmony's photo
Wed 01/31/18 12:47 PM

I was part of a team that built a new factory in Fl, last year. It created 125 new jobs.. good paying jobs. Prior to that the product that is now made there was made in China.

I [personally know businessmen in the injection mold industry that are now purchasing more machines and equipment and they are hiring new workers here in America. The injection molding was formerly done in China. This is a entire industry coming back.

Why are they doing that?... Trump... sorry if you don't like that but it is the truth.

new jobs.. businesses coming back where they belong.. and still some not happy about that... unbelievable.

Both those folks have no plan of their own.. and complaining is not a plan.


I was not speaking to how much better things are for your industry though. I was speaking to Trump taking credit for the low black unemployment rate.
that rate was declining BEFORE any of his measures and has not increased, indicating that he has not made any substantial improvement there.

no photo
Wed 01/31/18 12:51 PM

maybe because its like bragging about the sun coming up, it was gonna happen anyway being that it was ALREADY Dropping and all ... and therefore not REALLY Much to do with the current administration.

the creation of new jobs, companies investing in new machinery an equipment. mfg. Companies coming BACK to the U.S. Companies hiring more people due to tax breaks. Companies giving across the board bonuses

and that was gonna happen anyway?.... how was that going to happen anyway?

what is "and all"?

Sure wasn't happening under Hillary!! whoa

Strickly domcratic comments ! We can disagree, I m for American not against it growing !!!!

no photo
Wed 01/31/18 12:52 PM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Wed 01/31/18 01:42 PM
Hopefully Trump can continue his plans in office as POTUS!

And the Demos cannot find a way to impeach Him!

msharmony's photo
Wed 01/31/18 01:12 PM

maybe because its like bragging about the sun coming up, it was gonna happen anyway being that it was ALREADY Dropping and all ... and therefore not REALLY Much to do with the current administration.

the creation of new jobs, companies investing in new machinery an equipment. mfg. Companies coming BACK to the U.S. Companies hiring more people due to tax breaks. Companies giving across the board bonuses

and that was gonna happen anyway?.... how was that going to happen anyway?

what is "and all"?

Sure wasn't happening under Hillary!! whoa

Strickly domcratic comments ! We can disagree, I m for American not against it growing !!!!

But it DID happen 'under Hilary' when she held public office. It happened and the numbers above indicate precisely in what degree.

Hilary was never President, but no reason to believe the downward trend would not have been just as likely to continue at this point in Her Presidency, especially since real impact from the first budget would JUST be starting because the budget year only began in october of 2017.

no photo
Wed 01/31/18 01:21 PM

I was part of a team that built a new factory in Fl, last year. It created 125 new jobs.. good paying jobs. Prior to that the product that is now made there was made in China.

I [personally know businessmen in the injection mold industry that are now purchasing more machines and equipment and they are hiring new workers here in America. The injection molding was formerly done in China. This is a entire industry coming back.

Why are they doing that?... Trump... sorry if you don't like that but it is the truth.

new jobs.. businesses coming back where they belong.. and still some not happy about that... unbelievable.

Both those folks have no plan of their own.. and complaining is not a plan.


I was not speaking to how much better things are for your industry though. I was speaking to Trump taking credit for the low black unemployment rate.
that rate was declining BEFORE any of his measures and has not increased, indicating that he has not made any substantial improvement there.

With all due respect Ms. you do not know what you are talking about when it comes to businesses moving back to America.. how could you?.. you are not in it to know.

Businesses in many many different industries are moving back. Many Big and small. And African American people like all other people have benefitted from the new wave coming back.

Are you actually saying that African American have not benefited from this?.. because you would be ... wrong.

The Dems had no plan to bring jobs back.. none.

Off shore mfg. increased under Obama.. for all 8 years.

Sorry...I know you hate him, but Trump is the catalyst in corp. America deciding to bring these jobs home.. Not Obama.. and not the Dems.

Robxbox73's photo
Wed 01/31/18 01:25 PM
MAGA2020 with a side of Ice Creamdrinker flowers !!!!
The Dems have been in whiney ***** mood for over a year! Get over it!!!
I know for 8 years the Democrats kept saying...This is thw new future...GET USED TO IT....
We did not and secretly we know it could be better.....and now it is..
We just needed an AMERICAN President in the Whitehouse and SHAZAM!!!!


so bring in Creeoy Joe Bidden, Harvey Whinestien Pedophile enabler OOOPRAH, Senile Nancy Pelosi and her senile buddy Maxine Waters! 2020 will be even better. Organize now. Get those new conservative kids registered to vote! We know the Dems are really gonna cheat the next election!


thanks Mr. PRESIDENT!!!!drinker

msharmony's photo
Wed 01/31/18 01:25 PM
Edited by msharmony on Wed 01/31/18 01:26 PM
all due respect Green

Every president has seen SOME industries flourish and others decline. That is also the flow of life.

However, I Was speaking specifically to the Black Unemployment Rate(That is across ALL INDUSTRIES) and its decline.

I provided the data to back it up.

THE BLACK UNEMPLOYMENT RATE is not any improvement under Trump. It is as it has ALREADY been before Trump.

That only requires math, not a business major or impressive title to figure out.

msharmony's photo
Wed 01/31/18 01:27 PM

MAGA2020 with a side of Ice Creamdrinker flowers !!!!
The Dems have been in whiney ***** mood for over a year! Get over it!!!
I know for 8 years the Democrats kept saying...This is thw new future...GET USED TO IT....
We did not and secretly we know it could be better.....and now it is..
We just needed an AMERICAN President in the Whitehouse and SHAZAM!!!!


so bring in Creeoy Joe Bidden, Harvey Whinestien Pedophile enabler OOOPRAH, Senile Nancy Pelosi and her senile buddy Maxine Waters! 2020 will be even better. Organize now. Get those new conservative kids registered to vote! We know the Dems are really gonna cheat the next election!


thanks Mr. PRESIDENT!!!!drinker

Its a nice slogan. We will see what the actual details and facts end up being, though we may never hear what 'Great Again' actually refers to in any type of detail.

no photo
Wed 01/31/18 01:34 PM

Hillary was not a good candidate for POTUS! And everything Trump is doing is nothing she would have done. Trump is tring to do What American needs!

Democratic platform stands for what America does Not need.

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