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Topic: Tired of waiting for the right woman
redD4u1979's photo
Wed 09/27/17 04:31 PM
I'm 38yrs old and want kids of my own someday. Most women my age already have kids and don't want anymore. I'm starting to feel like its too late for me. Maybe I should settle down and cut my losses. What are your thoughts on this? Is it too late?

no photo
Wed 09/27/17 04:34 PM
it's never too late but be wary of settling you might end up with a 2nd divorce

no photo
Wed 09/27/17 05:03 PM
If you're looking for women your age or younger, it's not too late for kids.

no photo
Wed 09/27/17 05:22 PM
Don't say that . there is always someone out there . Just be sure your right for each other and don't just settle.

no photo
Wed 09/27/17 05:38 PM
Its very much possible to start a family at your age, and even years from now,if it means enough to you. And its certainly not too late for you to find love.:)

Until then, continue to do all the things that bring you joy, and try mentoring some kids in your family or the community . Kts great parenting practice and its likely to be a very fulfilling experience for you and those kids prior to starting a family of your own.

Mike6615's photo
Wed 09/27/17 06:32 PM
Here's something to seriously consider--if you started a family this year, when they're 18 and ready for college, you'll be 56, nearing retirement. Will you be able to afford their tuitions at that age?

Dodo_David's photo
Wed 09/27/17 06:38 PM
Topic: Tired of waiting for the right woman

If you want to settle for the wrong woman, then I'll put you in contact with my ex-.

mzrosie's photo
Wed 09/27/17 07:10 PM

Topic: Tired of waiting for the right woman

Stop waiting! Go look for her. Good luck.

no photo
Wed 09/27/17 08:16 PM

If you're looking for women your age or younger, it's not too late for kids.

Its NEVER too late for a man. Now a woman is totally different, but you never know?

mendo1790's photo
Thu 09/28/17 10:08 AM
can we chat i wanna have kids

soufiehere's photo
Thu 09/28/17 11:07 AM

Tired of waiting for the right woman

Try pretending you are waiting for the wrong woman.
Time will fly.

no photo
Thu 09/28/17 11:09 AM
or better still stop waiting and become pro active

no photo
Thu 09/28/17 02:27 PM
You'll probably have better luck trying to meet someone in person vs a dating site,

mzrosie's photo
Thu 09/28/17 02:57 PM

can we chat i wanna have kids

There you go, redD4u1979... me thinks you got a match!!!! drinker

no photo
Thu 09/28/17 03:01 PM
How do you start that conversation? On a first or second date, " I want to be in a relationship and have kids." That's awkward, isn't it?

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Thu 09/28/17 03:16 PM

If you're looking for women your age or younger, it's not too late for kids.

Its NEVER too late for a man. Now a woman is totally different, but you never know?

No, but there is the issue of being old when your kids are still quite young. Not ideal for the kids.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Thu 09/28/17 03:18 PM

or better still stop waiting and become pro active


no1phD's photo
Thu 09/28/17 03:55 PM
Well op have you ever thought about hatching your own...
. Oh wait a minute that doesn't make any sense.. unless he was a penguin..
Ummm..hmmm..hmmmm..ohhh.. I got it have you ever tried adopting on your own..
Not Penguins

no photo
Thu 09/28/17 03:59 PM
Edited by mui887 on Thu 09/28/17 04:00 PM

If you're looking for women your age or younger, it's not too late for kids.

Its NEVER too late for a man. Now a woman is totally different, but you never know?

No, but there is the issue of being old when your kids are still quite young. Not ideal for the kids.

Bada Boom! Yo just said it. f the guy wants kids he needs a younger female. Not an old women who has grown kids. Women dry up,,,men dont.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Thu 09/28/17 04:24 PM

If you're looking for women your age or younger, it's not too late for kids.

Its NEVER too late for a man. Now a woman is totally different, but you never know?

No, but there is the issue of being old when your kids are still quite young. Not ideal for the kids.

Bada Boom! Yo just said it. f the guy wants kids he needs a younger female. Not an old women who has grown kids. Women dry up,,,men dont.

Lol, maybe I'll have to be more blunt for you: men age and being an old fart of a dad for your kids isn't fun and not ideal for kids.
So even if an old man still can reproduce -technically speaking that is- it still ain't ideal.

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