Topic: Bizzarro World/Liberals want recount? | |
According to some Democrats there were a few precincts in Wisconsin that use paper ballots. A majority of those ballots went for Hillary 7 to 1 but a majority of the precincts that use electronic voting machines went for Trump. Because the paper ballots went 7 to 1 for Hillary the Democrats think the electronic machine votes were tampered with, so they want a recount.It seems to me that since most precinct volunteers and election personal are probably Democrats and would not rig the results for Trump. and also it seems the paper ballots would be much easier to manipulate then the electronic votes,I would think if there was any tampering it was for Hillary.BTW if there was going to be a recount it should be because of all the votes cast by dead people and illegal aliens. I really hope there is no reversal of the outcome because the "protesting" you see now is nothing compared to what might happen if this basic right of every citizen 18 and up is trampled on and taken away after a fair and free election.
Even if Hillary got Wisconsin's votes, she would be still be way short of the mark. She'll do well to stay out of jail.
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Jill Stein is one of the idiots behind the move.
I think it very odd the way the Press is still bringing up HRC, as if she is significant and necessary to our existence.
But, not mentioning her as far as crimes and prosecution. Maybe, it is more than a pardon, or to keep the Clinton name alive. Maybe for Chelsea's future, maybe not. They are yesterday news, so it now, kind of creepy. Creepy Clintons ![]() |
The Clinton Foundation paying for the Re-count?
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I really hope there is no reversal of the outcome
Me too. It would be completely unprecedented. December 20th will be interesting. |
Edited by
Sat 11/26/16 12:39 AM
Jill Stein,Useful Idiot,doing Soros' and Clinton's Dirty Work!
Keep counting until the Result suits you,find a few more Votes on every Recount,just like the Minnesota Senate-Election,that finally put that failed Comedian into the US-Senate! Now they are trying the same Stunt in a National Election! |
I think it's great! Once they find the ballot stuffing done by the Clinton mafia. Do not collect, go directly to jail!
The only "bizarro" aspect of it, is that so many of the people who spent the entire election declaring that it WOULD be full of fake votes (the right), now that they won (or think they did), want to point and laugh when the OTHER side says the same things they did, just a few weeks ago.
The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything." - Joseph Stalin
![]() It's the Green party? ![]() |
The only "bizarro" aspect of it, is that so many of the people who spent the entire election declaring that it WOULD be full of fake votes (the right), now that they won (or think they did), want to point and laugh when the OTHER side says the same things they did, just a few weeks ago. You could also say the opposite of that: the entire time Trump was berating the voting system, calling it rigged, and indicating he wouldn't necessarily concede if he lost (and everyone predicted him losing), the media, Hillary, and the Dems, demonized him for calling into question the voting process. Once Trump won, Clinton was in a pickle. If she called into question, the legitimacy of a Trump win, it would paint her as a complete hypocrite. Don't be surprised if it is found that Jill Stein is being funded, cajoled, offered favors, etc., to push this issue. Nothing should surprise any of us, any longer. |
I look forward to this show. Here's how I foresee it playing out:
Stein files a petition for recounts in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Wisconsin flips to Clinton but Michigan and Pennsylvania stay with Trump. Trump is inaugurated on January 20th. Meanwhile, the Republicans fight back by filing counter-challenges in states that Clinton allegedly won: Nevada, Colorado, New Hampshire, Virginia. The Republicans also fund the challenge by Pat Conroy in North Carolina. This trial incidentally exposes massive election fraud by the Democrats in that state. Massive fraud favoring the Democrats is also proven in Nevada and Virginia. The RNC then takes the North Carolina evidence and the Project Veritas videos plus the Nevada and Virginia evidence to Federal and State courts to sue for examination of voting procedures in all 50 states. 3 million votes cast by illegal aliens are thrown out. 4 million votes cast in the names of dead voters are thrown out. Result: Trump still wins, and now we know he won the popular vote as well as the electoral college. Further result: thanks to Jill Stein, the Republicans pick up several state legislatures in the 2018 election. Ultimate result: thanks to Jill Stein, the Republicans control the White House, Senate, House, and enough state legislatures to have the power to pass new Constitutional amendments at will, beginning in 2019. |
The only "bizarro" aspect of it, is that so many of the people who spent the entire election declaring that it WOULD be full of fake votes (the right), now that they won (or think they did), want to point and laugh when the OTHER side says the same things they did, just a few weeks ago. The left were in total denial of voter fraud, and the right have been warning about this for years. i agree that there was fake votes but they came from the left not the right but seeing as WE won the election we are willing to live with the results. and your right we are pointing and laughing, but only because now your just using that arguement to prolong your anti-Trump stance. And i dont just think we won, we did win, by a landslide. Im surprised the Democrats have the time to demonstrate now. Shouldnt you Liberals be mourning the death of Castro. |
The only "bizarro" aspect of it, is that so many of the people who spent the entire election declaring that it WOULD be full of fake votes (the right), now that they won (or think they did), want to point and laugh when the OTHER side says the same things they did, just a few weeks ago. You could also say the opposite of that: the entire time Trump was berating the voting system, calling it rigged, and indicating he wouldn't necessarily concede if he lost (and everyone predicted him losing), the media, Hillary, and the Dems, demonized him for calling into question the voting process. Once Trump won, Clinton was in a pickle. If she called into question, the legitimacy of a Trump win, it would paint her as a complete hypocrite. Don't be surprised if it is found that Jill Stein is being funded, cajoled, offered favors, etc., to push this issue. Nothing should surprise any of us, any longer. Well, I think you are reading things into this, which aren't there. A number of people here are doing that. I suggest that each part of this, is independent. Trump said what he did, because he's Donald Trump. That is, because it's a part of his personal ego-stroking modus, to declare any contest that he loses, to be rigged against him. In addition, he seems to have a love of intrigue and conspiracy, probably because he enjoys imagining that he has "conspired" to make money in his various business activities. The reason why the Republicans have harped on voter fraud, is unrelated to Trump. They do it mostly, in order to trick certain segments of the American public into voting for them, even though Republican goals will actually cause the people voting for them, to have much poorer lives. The democrats usually oppose Republican efforts to "fix" the voting process, not because they want to cheat (as certain people here like to pretend), they oppose them because most of the Republican efforts are rather obviously targeted to keep legal, likely pro-democrats from voting, and not from actually making voting any more secure. In turn, the reason why the Hillary campaign would not themselves challenge the election, isn't "fear of being exposed as hypocrites," as (again) certain people here like to pretend. It is much more likely that they want to avoid a repeat of the unpopular soap opera that was Bush Gore election. |
Edited by
Sat 11/26/16 10:11 AM
The only "bizarro" aspect of it, is that so many of the people who spent the entire election declaring that it WOULD be full of fake votes (the right), now that they won (or think they did), want to point and laugh when the OTHER side says the same things they did, just a few weeks ago. The left were in total denial of voter fraud, and the right have been warning about this for years. i agree that there was fake votes but they came from the left not the right but seeing as WE won the election we are willing to live with the results. and your right we are pointing and laughing, but only because now your just using that arguement to prolong your anti-Trump stance. And i dont just think we won, we did win, by a landslide. Im surprised the Democrats have the time to demonstrate now. Shouldnt you Liberals be mourning the death of Castro. Two things: first, if you are more careful with the way to write quotes, you wont mix up your response with what you are quoting, as you did here, and what you are or are not saying will be more understandable. As for what you do seem to have written (with missing caps and punctuation making it very difficult to make out), it contradicts itself so many times and ways, as to be functionally nonsense. I can't tell what you mean by "you" or by "we," since you make false statements while using each term. |
In turn, the reason why the Hillary campaign would not themselves challenge the election, isn't "fear of being exposed as hypocrites," as (again) certain people here like to pretend. It is much more likely that they want to avoid a repeat of the unpopular soap opera that was Bush Gore election. It's only my opinion, based on what I know of her. Same as your opinion. Funny how two people of high intelligence can see things and make such different assumptions. ![]() That's why this election has been so very odd. |
The reason why the Republicans have harped on voter fraud, is unrelated to Trump. They do it mostly, in order to trick certain segments of the American public into voting for them, even though Republican goals will actually cause the people voting for them, to have much poorer lives.
Meanwhile, back in this universe . . . |
The reason why the Republicans have harped on voter fraud, is unrelated to Trump. They do it mostly, in order to trick certain segments of the American public into voting for them, even though Republican goals will actually cause the people voting for them, to have much poorer lives.
Meanwhile, back in this universe . . . ![]() ![]() |
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