Topic: INS/FBI Statistical Report on Undocumented Immigrants | |
Sit back and watch!!
Queeny ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Have you ever even been to the States? ![]() |
who is bulu****
and where is his head stuck,I hate ignorance,Speaking our opinion is our right as a united states citizen.and if enough people were to voice thier opinions then mabe we could move Mountains |
sorry belushi
for the mispelled name |
Well Belushi it is amasing what U.S.american can do when we set our minds to it dont you remember WWII we saved your butts and kicked Japans ars at the same time you definately under estimate the power of our people who are fed up with this invasion.VOTE LOU DOBBS for PRESIDENT he will nip this bull in the butt...
Edited by
Thu 11/22/07 01:04 AM
New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer said Wednesday he is giving up his proposal to grant driver's licenses to undocumented workers, a plan he said would "improve the safety and security of the people of my state."
New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer says Wednesday in Washington that opposition to his plan doomed it. Spitzer said he was giving up because he had concluded that "New York state cannot successfully address this problem on its own." He said he wanted to act because of the failure of the federal government to deal with immigration policy and the impact that failure was having on New York. "I would suggest to you what everyone already knows, " Spitzer said. "The federal government has lost control of its borders. It has allowed millions of undocumented workers to enter our country and now has no solution to deal with them." The effect was about 1 million undocumented workers in New York state, "many of whom are driving without licenses," said Spitzer, surrounded at a news conference by members of his state's congressional delegation. Watch Spitzer explain why he's withdrawing the proposal » Spitzer said licensing workers who did not have Social Security numbers, which New York had done in the past, would have aided law enforcement and would have made the state's streets safer and more secure. However, Spitzer acknowledged that "you don't need a stethoscope to hear the heartbeat of the public," saying he had concluded that opposition to his plan would have doomed it. "You have polarization on this issue that has defied resolution," he said. Watch what a hornet's nest the proposal stirred up. He lies, Even the Police opposed it! |
You honestly think with a border as large as yours, you are going to get rid of the 12million illegals (that you know of)
Are you really that blind? Its too easy to hide in your country, because its too big. Work is too easy to find (if you have the desire) .. and there are too many Americans willing to pay cheap labour prices for illegals who are prepared to wrk for it. You would be better off taking your head out of the sand, and allowing these people legal entry. Then you can tax them to the hilt, oppress them with the laws you lot are governed by, and then send them to war. Better to govern them than have them running riot, doing who knows what to who knows who!!! Then they will probably be more inclined to help you again with your war. Probably dig you out of the doo doo again |
Sit back and watch!! Queeny ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Have you ever even been to the States? ![]() Not yet I haven't, but I hear its a delightfully cheap place to live. Especially as the dollar is being used as monopoly money, and being refused by celebrities as it is too unstable. |
Edited by
Thu 11/22/07 02:13 AM
Well Belushi it is amasing what U.S.american can do when we set our minds to it dont you remember WWII we saved your butts and kicked Japans ars at the same time you definately under estimate the power of our people who are fed up with this invasion.VOTE LOU DOBBS for PRESIDENT he will nip this bull in the butt... Excuse me you didnt kick Japan's arse, you tested bombs out on citizens, elderly people, children and any your sick government decided to. Decimated two cities of civilians.. Because your country had a bomb you needed to test out. That's not anything more than inhumane aggression. |
they did need the help of the Mexicans to do it though ...
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Very short memories ...
they have all the gear, but no idea! |
Neither one of you two Islanders know what you are talking about,you guys think you are so smart state by state is passing laws and the illegals are on the run now open your doors and see how jeanerous you guys are,it so easy for you to sit on your purches and say things it is obviousely you have little idea of ,and as for the BOMB what ever it takes to get the job done.Belushi you has no right to say anything England opressed stole raped kill and tortured more poor people then any other country except China who at leasd did it to their own,and Australia you either have a right to open your mouth you guys stole raped tortured and killed off almost all tha abrigines in your country beforeing rounding them up and shipping them off to a practally uninhabitable island to starv to death,at least we dont torture the poor illegals but they have a choice take their belongings and go home or goto jail lose everything and still be returned to their country.The world isant so big the ones hiding will be pointed out by the rest of us who are tired of these invaders.So after you clean up your own back yards and show some remorese for all the poor opressed people your country's have taken advantage of JUST SHUP UP!!!
Ahh .. now you see Jess, when the truth comes out, they have to resort to telling us to shut up.
... and we obviously dont know what is going on, because Deano says we dont. Ok, I've written this slowly just in case you cant read so fast. ... aboriginal/indigenous populations, foreign countries ... All Ill say in that order is ... The Native American, Grenada, and Vietnam .. oh and Guantanamo Bay in the concentration camps ... ooops sorry, (no references to Nazis allowed) Detention-without-trial base ... I have every right to say what I want to, Dean, because the last time I checked, this was not a board controlled by you, and you sure as hell are not my mother, my girlfriend or my lawyer. Hope you have a great day ... I am. ![]() |
Kats here. I have been very busy. I will stop in once in awhile.
Why do you ask where I am? There is nothing any of you can say to kame me change my stance on humanity. I see and know much of the issues of immigration; illegal or otherwise. I refuse to be a part of the hate, and the ill will for fellow human beings. Adults, old and not so old. The children, the innocent children...., babies, innocents, not worthy of hate and condemnation. Where's the humanity in all this? Outta here. Kat |
![]() Where is this "hate" that you keep referring to? It's not about hate. It's about legal/illegal. THAT'S the issue at hand here. Point is: There are legal ways to gain entry into this country. To me, anyone who enters this country--or any other country--ILLEGALLY, is doing so for one or more of the following reasons: 1.They're up to no good. 2.There's a reason why they CAN'T enter legally. 3.There's a reason they have to get out of their country FAST. I have no hate for anyone who enters this country illegally. I simply think they should be immediately deported. That's the law. A respect for the law CANNOT and SHOULD NOT be construed as hate, as you, Dragon, Belushi, and a couple others on here are attempting to do. Kat, I really don't care if you change your opinion or not as to whether illegal aliens enter this country. But you shouldn't be calling people like me--who's over and over calmly explained my position on this matter--haters and racists. It's really not appreciated. Feel free to make your points, if you think I'm racist, fine--think it. But hold your tongue on judging me until you know me--which you don't. |
Its amasing how people who dont live in this country can voice such a large opinion how we should live and tell us that the struggle that has been caused should be rectified by allowing it to happen and condoneing their invasion,i personally have lived with discrimination because of affirmative action and when i finally thought live would get better in came a massive invasion oh i see i should sit back let some Brit or Aussie dictate to us we are wrong what the hell do you guys know walk in my shoes and then you tell me i am wrong i will defend my country any matter necessary to provide a future for my children no matter what any foreigner says.And Kat no disrespect but you are part of the affirmative action which has discriminated against white males how much do all you people think we can handle before their is a real explosion in this country,i guess you can say first we will try the laws and if this doesnt work further action will be taken by the supporters of the minute men.It would be some much easier for us if we were haters and nazi but provideing a future for our children comes first and foremost no matter what our greedy politicians and bleeding hearts think.
So, Dean, how do you propose to find 12 million people in 350 million?
Armed soldiers on every street corner checking the papers of every person with slightly darker than white skin? The arrangement of the population into Black, Indian and white racial groups? Restricted dark-skinned movement? How about a tightly-controlled and more restricted system of migrant labour? What about a drastic strengthening of security legislation and control? Any of these work for you? |
horray for knox again
The wheels are in motion the illegals are on the run as the new laws come into effect there wont be no more deportationcosts any smart person will leave on their own the rest will find nice cost jail cells with their greedy bosses who with the fines will pay the cost of deportation of the rest a weedin out process it wont happen over night but persistence will pervail and a happy balance will be restored.
Very well said Knox. What you said is the crux of the issue illegal vs legal immigration.