Topic: What do Men Mean when they say they want a Relationship - bu
no photo
Wed 05/17/17 11:54 AM
I've been and divorced twice. Lived with two others. Nice thing about the live ins, when it was over I had to pony up moving expenses, rent and depsit, etc for them. After that, lick my wounds, heal up and live goes on. A few love affairs in between all 4 of the live togethers. Mostly, the love affairs in between wanted to talk marriage about 3 weeks after getting in bed together. I'm really bad at picking women. It's a lot easier and safer to move on without the marriage license. Trouble with divorce court where I lie; the attorneys like to have a fight about the property until there's no more money left to pay them. One does something in court, then both have to file motions, charge money, go to court some more and squabble about it, then do it some more. Why would anyone be fool enough to want to take that risk?

no photo
Wed 05/17/17 11:54 AM
I've been and divorced twice. Lived with two others. Nice thing about the live ins, when it was over I had to pony up moving expenses, rent and depsit, etc for them. After that, lick my wounds, heal up and live goes on. A few love affairs in between all 4 of the live togethers. Mostly, the love affairs in between wanted to talk marriage about 3 weeks after getting in bed together. I'm really bad at picking women. It's a lot easier and safer to move on without the marriage license. Trouble with divorce court where I lie; the attorneys like to have a fight about the property until there's no more money left to pay them. One does something in court, then both have to file motions, charge money, go to court some more and squabble about it, then do it some more. Why would anyone be fool enough to want to take that risk?

no photo
Wed 05/17/17 11:58 AM
I've been and divorced twice. Lived with two others. Nice thing about the live ins, when it was over I had to pony up moving expenses, rent and depsit, etc for them. After that, lick my wounds, heal up and live goes on. A few love affairs in between all 4 of the live togethers. Mostly, the love affairs in between wanted to talk marriage about 3 weeks after getting in bed together. I'm really bad at picking women. It's a lot easier and safer to move on without the marriage license. Trouble with divorce court where I lie; the attorneys like to have a fight about the property until there's no more money left to pay them. One does something in court, then both have to file motions, charge money, go to court some more and squabble about it, then do it some more. Why would anyone be fool enough to want to take that risk?

msharmony's photo
Wed 05/17/17 12:56 PM

I'm in no desperate hurry to marry again - just saying that I'd like to be married again. Let me get to know you first and see if we have similar philosophies in life. I'm very much for taking my time to get to know someone first and see if we're compatible. You can be a great person but still not mesh with my life values and experiences - and that's fine.

To me marriage means you have the commitment to a person to stay with them in sickness and in health, not just the good times. I will stick around and push your wheelchair for you.

I imagine , its just a matter of experiences and how those experiences shape their perception about either the benefits of risks of marriage, compared to shacking up or continuing to have seperate lives with occasional hookups called 'dating'.

no photo
Wed 05/17/17 02:06 PM
In sickness and health I can handle. Biggist trouble I've had most of my life is I partnered up with a liar, cheat and sometime thief. Hard to stay around when all I did is clean up a few her's messes. Now, at my age looks like the wheelchair is not too far off. Most women with any sense don't want anything to do with that.

Blanque's photo
Wed 05/17/17 08:25 PM
Surmise the short answer would be that the Guy wants the female all to himself when and where mutually convenient. Having said that, if marriage entails, usually the "romance" in the relationship begins to fade, and one or both begin to let themselves go physically and emotionally. He no longer surprises her with spontaneous ideas, gifts,trips, etc. She no longer dresses for him in her sexiest, puts on weight, and her ardor declines, in and out of the bedroom.

shespecial's photo
Wed 05/17/17 09:16 PM
I agree. I like how you put that. It is living our lives separately yet coming together from time to time for the sake of companionship. Still somewhere down the road, this could still meet a fork in the road where one leads to marriage or the other to continue as it is.

luciano61's photo
Mon 05/22/17 04:56 AM
I never married but I agree with that...

danielvoy's photo
Mon 05/22/17 02:30 PM
please use you,r comun sene at age 60, im not going to married, do to the fact, #1 im not going to losse my widowed pencio,#2 the rent will go up do to 2 ocupant,s in a houshold,#3 im claiming incom tax and my returnes are to me, should this not sufised, chek the fact,s, and lets love for the right reason.,s.

Dkhaled974's photo
Mon 05/22/17 02:37 PM
Marriage is a unique union which everyone should experience,,,, if you don't mind Please text me I will love to talk more

no photo
Sat 06/03/17 09:48 AM
Many times it is about the misalignment of financial resources that occur in the divorce.

no photo
Sat 06/03/17 12:23 PM
That is so true

dennyfox's photo
Sun 06/04/17 09:48 AM
I buy that, you absolutely right

dennyfox's photo
Sun 06/04/17 09:54 AM
I am sorry man, take heart ,where you from?

NavyRETIRED's photo
Mon 06/19/17 06:33 PM
Edited by NavyRETIRED on Mon 06/19/17 06:36 PM
I try to think the glass is half full rather than half empty. Trust issues come and go. I lived through divorce(S) and come out okay except the emotions involved with it afterwards. I kind of think this, get to know each other over the length of a year, then pop the question and become engaged. And, be engaged, the couple should come to the conclusion after three years whether or not if you can trust this or that person for the rest of your life. I don't ever recommend something fast. Just my opinion in for a penny, in for a pound. Just remember to let her know how much you care and appreciate her, and that would be the emotion talking here, not some multi-dollar gift like your trying to buy her.

no photo
Sat 01/06/18 11:47 AM
A lot of men who state that are looking for a FWB , NSA relationship. Most may be married and looking for a lady in my the same boat. The passion stopped, the hugs and kisses stopped, and then of course the sex. I am a man in that boat. The last time I asked my wife for sex, she answered "what do you want me to do about it.

In my opinion, that was pretty much a hall pass. I at first thought of course the moral and ethical considerations. Now I no longer insider that. If this is not your feeling on the issue I understand. I still haven't found anyone.

DaveakaDavid's photo
Mon 01/22/18 07:07 PM
When I was married it was pure Hell, as soon as we were married she got really mean & no longer liked things I liked. My case is extreme but I think most guys that didn't have a good marriage just see marriage as not likely to be a good thing. Women are more in love with the thought of being married, it scares the Hell out of me!

Robxbox73's photo
Mon 01/22/18 07:13 PM
Marriage over 50?....hummm.
If its a faith based marriage, I say yes!

If not...What is the point? Seven year itch, flirtations, lies???

Might as well just live toghether....the outcome will be the same. Your better off not getting married, besides....After 50 Men and Women are set in their ways! Imo..

Toodygirl5's photo
Tue 01/23/18 01:04 PM

It confuses me. Why don't men see that a long term relationship is the definition of marriage. Why the refusal to marry? OK, they don't want to lose half their stuff again in a divorce. That was then, what's now is the woman often has the same amount of monetary wealth as he does and brings that into the marriage - which is off limits for sharing (in Ontario, anyways, where I live). So what's the big deal about remarrying?

Many men do not want marriage! Especially a man who has been divorced. They like livins!

JonathanSepharad's photo
Fri 02/02/18 01:11 AM
Why not marriage?

It inmeshes government and law into my personal life.
It takes away control of my personal rights, behaviors and resources.
It codifies legal and economic disadvantages to myself. Some of them severe and very one-sided.

After 13 years of working in family law, the notion that the tables are either fair OR equal, is either silly or disingenuous. Divorce is an unfortunate reality. The financial, emotional and legal damage as a result is easily avoided. Why would a man OR a woman put themselves willingly into that position, unless they feel they will benefit?

One poster noted why buy the pig when you can get the sausage for free? Well, I am not shopping for a pig or any other consumable product. I am looking for a decent, pleasant intelligent woman with whom to spend my time, share thoughts and experiences and have intimacy with.

If the "fee" for "admission" is Marriage, then I don't need it. I am not buying a pig. I am sharing myself with someone else. The very thought that someone perceives relationships only in terms of an exchange of contractual rights, shoots up red flares, to me.

Thats why not.