Topic: What do Men Mean when they say they want a Relationship - bu | |
Re-marrying is not totally out of the question for me....if the sweet and sexy woman, can come to the table with matching assets etc....yup, I aint ready to lose half of my 25 % I came away with first time around....I am a giver as you can see....But honestly, I have not come across any woman , so far, who can do that....and that is beginning to bother me...Dang I gave the ex way too much.....but I am the happy one today....ha ha!!! Well, that's the thing - you don't have to give away half your stuff in case of a divorce. Assets brought into the 2nd marriage aren't subject to division, as long as you have proof of assets via bank records, etc. Same thing with the house, if you own it before marriage it's still yours after a divorce. So those statements are irrelevant - which is my point about why men don't want to remarry. That opinion is ill-informed and unfair. Well thats the thing...I am the guy who will give you half my stuff...simply because I want you to have it.....We did enjoy X amounts of years together.....and I want you to continue being happy, but just not with me... |
To me a relationship a relationship is being with a person you want to be with, where you are both happy. It is having respect for your partner allowing them to be who they are, it is give and take.
Marriage is just a religious convention to control people in my opinion, it can be part of a relationship or if you look at some cultures can be just a way of cementing an alliance or enforcing slavery for want of a better word. I have seen so many relationships die as a result of marriage, just because they rushed into it or were pressured into it by either parents or society. |
men want sex a lot longer than women pro age so they use the word relationship I disagree with this one. It is the men that need the little blue pill. Women have just as strong of a sex drive as men!! It is how we are treated and approached not just a physical urge! It might take more work on the man's part to get our physical response going due to physical changes after a certain age. MPO is that some men are just not spending enough time getting us for thought. |
It confuses me. Why don't men see that a long term relationship is the definition of marriage. Why the refusal to marry? OK, they don't want to lose half their stuff again in a divorce. That was then, what's now is the woman often has the same amount of monetary wealth as he does and brings that into the marriage - which is off limits for sharing (in Ontario, anyways, where I live). So what's the big deal about remarrying? They want sex without the commitment. |
i am not against marriage a second time actually more for it, but honey it needs to be clear my assets are mine and your assets are yours.
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I used to think I wanted to remarry, mainly for the commitment of belonging to each other, but if a man can't be faithful in a relationship, chances are he wouldn't be if married either.
Edited by
Mon 09/12/16 11:36 AM
Here in New Zealand if you have lived with a person in a relationship type marriage for two years . It doesn't matter if it's in a female /male or Gay. Every thing is divided equally unless their is a legal prenuptial done.
I'm not sure if I would get married again. I would seriously consider it to the right person but I wouldn't rush into it. At the moment I'm enjoying life by doing things I haven't done before. |
Hey, I just found out the girl I am dating has absolutely no I still proposed to her.....yup I am soo crazy in love with her....I dont need a pre-nup, she said we wont be needing one and she ain't gonna sign one anyway...Wow...should have met this beauty years ago....Then, she accepted my proposal and added she just inherited 10 mill.....Dang! thats when I woke up ....just dreaming....
So when did the word marriage become a dirty word. How sad we have made what marriage should be and that includes the governments interference. Oh wait, it is Mingle2 now I get it.
Marriage can't be a dirty has more than four letters...!!!Marriage has become a sport...I heard they want to include it in the next Winter Olympics !!!!
So many bitter X-spouses. When a marriage is good and love remains it can be the most wonderful experience. I try to remember the good years, be grateful for that and move forward. It's probably best not to bring the bitterness into a new relationship. My pursuit is focused on spending time with a very special man that loves me and understands that I do not share my man. I'd be happy to find that. or that run out and latch onto someone in order to cater to their needs or to sooth their wounded pride/ego |
Edited by
Tue 09/20/16 06:26 PM
Relationship does not mean Marriage. relationship is communication messaging one another on this site since it is virtual.
A relationship in person is one that people associate with each other in person often or on occasion. This can be sharing thoughts going to pro games, playing chess, traveling together,shopping together "doing it together" Like in business you do business together; one does not do the soulmate thing there? relationship is a very broad term. ![]() |
If you get the Milk for free... Why buy the cow??? Because I want to make damn sure I like the milk and the Cow keeps on producing.. I have said it for years I will "test drive" any new model before I buy it... But that is just me... |
"Test " drive a new model every! I know what you what kinda car or tractor constitutes your ride this year.....rofl...
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All I truly seek today and tomorrow is that lovely Gal to go places with me. Lets hang out and have fun. Dinner movies and a few road trips maybe I'll fix her dinner. Finding a fun person is like finding a good car lot to go to. I just seek a friend with a heart tell me is that to much to ask.Tom.
People in today's society don't understand the "marriage vows" as being sacred. We live in a legalistic society today and it should be just as hard to get married as it is to get unmarried. Most people don't commit their mind, heart n soul to the other person and when the hard times come they cut n run when it gets too difficult. It's just too easier for people to "reinvent" themselves in another persona and move on with life.
I agree to an extent, Lazyone, but what if you are the one that committed your heart and soul for 21 years...only to find you have been replaced? I think that's my struggle - I was in it "till the end"...
I think some men maybe most of us have gone through at least one ,sometimes more relationships and marriages and find it easier to not marry .I think think ultimately men do want to get married but are not in a rush to do I think .what's wrong with finding someone perhaps the love of your life, ,,finally! and taking awhile to get married?
if the two people are happy, and love each other it will be.if you find someone you want to be with the rest of your life treat them that way,and they will not ever want to leave you either. |
men want sex a lot longer than women pro age so they use the word relationship Long story short... the answer to the question is.. THIS ^^^^^^ BRAVO ![]() |
Marriage like all institutions, is only as good and successful as the people who engage in the process. the fact that it is so often punitive is a function of how people do not know how to communicate nor negotiate their different needs,.wants and desires..