Topic: What do Men Mean when they say they want a Relationship - bu | |
Hi nice meet you , i'll love to meet and get to know each other
What bugs me, is that I learned the hard way, that marriage means double or more, the amount of government interference in my life. Wow if that what marriage means to you then your marriage must have been pretty bad. I didn't feel as though there was any government interference in my life when I was married, but then again I didn't have kids... |
If you get the Milk for free... Why buy the cow??? What's always bothered me about this adage, is that I haven't seen anyone who aspires either to be, or to be married to, a cow. Each to their own, though. |
What bugs me, is that I learned the hard way, that marriage means double or more, the amount of government interference in my life. Wow if that what marriage means to you then your marriage must have been pretty bad. I didn't feel as though there was any government interference in my life when I was married, but then again I didn't have kids... You nailed it. I am old fashioned and idealistic, unfortunately. Too many people these days, talk and act as though marriage isn't a life-long adventure in challenging yourself to see to your mate, they see it as some sort of month to month entertainment contract. Lots of people disguise that horrible notion behind fantasy ideals, such as the old happily ever after, or much worse, the "I have a right to be happy" self-indulgence. As long as everyone goes by that idea of marriage, as if it's a carnival ride, or a subscription to an entertainment management vendor, I'm not interested. Give me the classic to have and to hold from this day forward, lets go on a life-building adventure together deal. |
I believe , those opposed to marriage, have their reasons
most common is that they had no example in their own life of a 'happy' or successful marriage to model their life after OR they had a very painful divorce that they fear ever repeating and then growing numbers of people rebel against anything 'religious' too,,, |
I’ll throw my 2 cents worth in.
In my case I was happily married for 42 years, the last 5 of which involved my nursing my wife through terminal cancer. So what I am looking for is someone to, partially, fill the void left by her passing. BUT I have other responsibilities; I have 3 children and 8 grandchildren, I do not own much but what I do have is for them. Marriage alters that “next of kin” relationship and that is going to take a lot of thought. SO, For me I would like a relationship, that may turn into marriage but that becomes something that involves all of my descendants. I’ve seen the term FWB on a number of these sites so perhaps the best way to describe it is that the F is of primary importance, if the WB part comes along, well that’s good. |
Edited by
Wed 02/15/17 05:08 AM
Marriage, in its beginning, was between a man, a woman and their god. It was purely religious.
Then government stepped in and marriage became a union between a man, a woman and the state. Although many marriages are performed in religious ceremonies, those ceremonies mean nothing since the preacher has to have permission from the state to perform weddings. The bride and groom must also have permission in the form of a license from the state in order to get married. This license gives the state complete dominates over the marriage. It is mainly for this reason that I will never get married again. Besides, if I love someone and they love me, why can't we love one another forever without a piece of paper? I can take a woman by her hands, look into her eyes and say, "I take you for my wife" and she look into my eyes and say, "I take you for my husband" and we can be married the same as men and women married before government and preachers weren't always available. |
When my marriage failed I had a formula that expressed my impression of marriage.
"One part dedication plus one part commitment equals all parts stupidity" D+C=S Amazingly it applied to my job as well as many of my friendships. After actually and honestly having a hard look at myself and my desires I now believe that marriage is not such a bad thing. To do so would be unfair to someone I love. Just because I made the wrong decision and tried to make the best of it doesn't mean it can't work with the right woman. I chose poorly. I don't need marriage to solidify a union with a woman. If our relationship is solid and we decide for any reasons that we want to get married I am not against it. The only stipulation I will make is that we both have to demonstrate the dedication and commitment. Being married to a compulsive liar for 25 years has taught me some valuable lessons about myself and others. You can spot a ruse if you know when and where to look. Personality traits can only be hidden for a short time until the real person shines thru. I'm looking for a woman that thinks I am just as 'groovy' to be with as I do her. Someone that wants to be in the presence of my love for her and vice versa. Once we are together, marriage is merely a technical condition that allows certain benefits. Its not the ring on the finger as much as it is the hand in the hand. |
Edited by
Wed 02/15/17 08:37 AM
PO has been DEACTIVATED ??...
![]() CONCLUSION :.. AFTER the ❤ HONEYMOON ❤ IS OVER, STAYING IN ❤ LOVE ❤ IS THE HARDEST PART of any relationship ... Listen to the lyrics of this video before you go any further.. ************************************** That's why I wrote it on my profile and keep it there. ![]() - I'm here to make friends first. - Next, can be the following chapter. - I'm not alone or desperate, I still have myself and my family. - Show me yours and I will show you mine. - Be yourself, this Old Timer can sniff a wroten bone. ************************************** Sense of Humour required ![]() Not your average 65 years old Classic♔, 650.000 km on the clock, UNMODIFIED by the Winds of Fortunes & Times ☀☁☂, cruising On The Road Again ( Poor Willie Nelson ![]() yet Happy & Content, still enjoying going with the flow alone, strongly & humourous. Price ? NOT NEGOTIABLE ✌..LOL. ************************************************************ ![]() |
think a lot of women who have been married tend to not want to walk down the aisle again if as in my own case, they were married to a controlling manipulative A****** mmmmm...I tend to value this hard earned freedom guys that made that commitment once upon a time but lost their spouse, the house and most of the savings may also not want to try that fun again [/quote And what role did you play in choosing such a man in the first place? There is some personal responsibility needed here.... |
Marriage tends to keep bad relationships together longer than they should, wasting time...
as we get older, time is too precious to waste. ![]() |
Indeed, what is the big deal about marrying? Why do you have the need to be married? Being 'married' doesn't assure anything.. If you have your own house, and he has his own cut your grass, he cuts his...have your get togethers a couple 3 - 4 times a week; you have a couple days to yourself.. that seems perfect to me..women need to be more independent and comfortable in their own skin/environment..develop a life. just sayin.. after my first cup of coffee of the day. I really like your thinking. I guess a lot of people still think marriage is the only way |
men want sex a lot longer than women I'mma have to disagree with that statement!! |
BLAH BLAH many men (and maybe women) are so afraid if they get married and if it soesn't work out or if they die then the wife (or husband) will get everything and their children and childrens children and on and on will be left with nothing HAS ANY OF YOU HEARD OF A PRENUP? Oh I get it now , men so cheap making the woman pay for half of the date , so afraid of not getting a "bang for their buck", why can't men be gentlemen ? And BTW a date doesn't have to be expensive.....
LOL just re-reading my post....kinda sounds like a rant LOL
I have a special guy?
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It confuses me. Why don't men see that a long term relationship is the definition of marriage. Why the refusal to marry? OK, they don't want to lose half their stuff again in a divorce. That was then, what's now is the woman often has the same amount of monetary wealth as he does and brings that into the marriage - which is off limits for sharing (in Ontario, anyways, where I live). So what's the big deal about remarrying? Because long term doesn't mean marriage to everyone. I have no plan to get married again but don't mind long term. Not everyone thinks or feels the same |
Many people have long term relationships and that is not equal to a marriage! Imo. Many men don't want to marry any woman!! They just like dating!
What you say is all well and good for some ........but if two people meet and have found their soul mates then theirs nothing wrong with wanting to marry again either.......its a bit like sex, when your in love then sex with your lover is so much more meaningful, deeper and satisfying than otherwise. Marriage become a natural progression in some relationship chuck :-)
Edited by
Wed 05/17/17 11:57 AM
I've been and divorced twice. Lived with two others. Nice thing about the live ins, when it was over I had to pony up moving expenses, rent and deposit, etc for them to move (my house). After that, lick my wounds, heal up and life goes on. A few love affairs in between all 4 of the live togethers. Mostly, the love affairs in between wanted to talk marriage about 3 weeks after getting in bed together. I'm really bad at picking women. It's a lot easier and safer to move on without the marriage license. Trouble with divorce court where I live; the attorneys like to have a fight about the property until there's no more money left to pay them. One does something in court, then both have to file motions, charge money, go to court some more and squabble about it, then do it some more. Why would anyone be fool enough to want to take that risk?