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Topic: Profile Turn-offs And Pet peeves?
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Thu 01/07/16 08:57 PM

... but dont give your heart to anyone without them earning it :)

You know that is not true... Every time our heart is broken, it will grow a little larger. Only to repeat the progress over and over again. Love is not earned it is given freely with each smile. blushing

You have a sweet point of view here and I am certainly no expert on the matter but I will try to explain why I said what I did. I have never seen the display of mature demonstrative love where a cost wasn't incurred on the part of the giver in terms of effort and sacrifice . This suggests to me that love is not given freely as you described earlier. Just because it LOOKS free from the perspective of the receiver who sacrificed NOTHING, and just because the giver of love is HAPPY to give that love. it doesn't change the reality that a price was paid by the giver, in terms of effort and sacrifice. On that note, I don't have the energy or desire to give that kind of sacrificial love to a man, who offers no evidence of being able to appreciate or reciprocate that love in like manner. I want to be in a situation where I show myself worthy of receiving that special man's heart and he simultaneously shows himself worthy of receiving my heart. I clumsily refer to this process as "earning someone's heart" because I don't think anyone should be so selfish to expect sacrificial love from someone without the cost of any effort or sacrifice on their part. I am not sure that explanation was clear but I tried my best :)

isaac_dede's photo
Thu 01/07/16 09:29 PM
Profile pet peeves....don't really have them. But I really only look at profiles when someone says something in the forums that I leaves an impression...either good or bad.

Sometimes it's to see if my snap judgment of them was correct, or sometimes it's learn more because they impressed me with their comments.

in either case it doesn't really matter if its filled out or not, they don't owe me anything, sure if it is filled out it may lead to me messaging them because I'm interested in their opinions on a particular topic.

But it also may mean that I superficially judge that my initial snap-judgment was correct and I don't message at all, and then skip most of their posts because Im not interested in their opinions and don't want to waste my time reading them....unless im really bored.

but filled out or not, content is an advertisement for who they are, all I can do is decide is I'm interested in that advertisement.

Daniel74126's photo
Thu 01/07/16 10:05 PM
pet peeves....

No picture on your profile but you are "looking" for a relationship"

Your profile says you are mature, dont like to party or go to bars, etc, that you are laid back, respectful and looking for someone that shares these traits, but your picture looks like yuo were trying to imitate Myley Cyrus and you got caught with your booty in the air, nose on the ground and shorts that would make Daisey Duke blush in shame.

your entire profile consists of the single word "hey" and nothing is filled in

PacificStar48's photo
Thu 01/07/16 10:31 PM

pet peeves....

No picture on your profile but you are "looking" for a relationship"

Your profile says you are mature, dont like to party or go to bars, etc, that you are laid back, respectful and looking for someone that shares these traits, but your picture looks like yuo were trying to imitate Myley Cyrus and you got caught with your booty in the air, nose on the ground and shorts that would make Daisey Duke blush in shame.

your entire profile consists of the single word "hey" and nothing is filled in

So true; the CONtradictions always show out the con jobs. Pictures are often a dead give away but language is another. Another is how people eat. I can almost always tell you where someone is from once they start talking food. Scammers can occasionally drop a few fast food items comments but nuances of local delicacies they don't have a clue.

no photo
Thu 01/07/16 10:50 PM

pet peeves....

No picture on your profile but you are "looking" for a relationship"

Your profile says you are mature, dont like to party or go to bars, etc, that you are laid back, respectful and looking for someone that shares these traits, but your picture looks like yuo were trying to imitate Myley Cyrus and you got caught with your booty in the air, nose on the ground and shorts that would make Daisey Duke blush in shame.

your entire profile consists of the single word "hey" and nothing is filled in

you are very humorous, the way you put the things down in writing. i like it, makes me laugh :D

no photo
Fri 01/08/16 06:25 AM

Profile pet peeves....don't really have them. But I really only look at profiles when someone says something in the forums that I leaves an impression...either good or bad.

Sometimes it's to see if my snap judgment of them was correct, or sometimes it's learn more because they impressed me with their comments.

in either case it doesn't really matter if its filled out or not, they don't owe me anything, sure if it is filled out it may lead to me messaging them because I'm interested in their opinions on a particular topic.

But it also may mean that I superficially judge that my initial snap-judgment was correct and I don't message at all, and then skip most of their posts because Im not interested in their opinions and don't want to waste my time reading them....unless im really bored.

but filled out or not, content is an advertisement for who they are, all I can do is decide is I'm interested in that advertisement.

Your advertisement analogy is perfect as it illustrates the reality that a person has less than 10 seconds to compete with dozens of other chatters in order to stand out favourably and get a favourable response from their target. And there are only 3 avenues that the pursuer is afforded to get the attention they desire from their target:- 1)The profile pic which many pursuers screw up with poor lighting, bad angles etc, 2) the first line the pursuer approahes the target with, which is usually an unimpressive and generic "hi" and 3).the written content of the profile which many pursuers neglect. i think investing effort into all 3 avenues increases the chances of a favourable response by leaps and bounds ,especially when they only have 10 seconds to compete with several other people for the target's attention and response

no photo
Fri 01/08/16 06:41 AM
Edited by Unknow on Fri 01/08/16 06:43 AM

pet peeves....

No picture on your profile but you are "looking" for a relationship"

Your profile says you are mature, dont like to party or go to bars, etc, that you are laid back, respectful and looking for someone that shares these traits, but your picture looks like yuo were trying to imitate Myley Cyrus and you got caught with your booty in the air, nose on the ground and shorts that would make Daisey Duke blush in shame.

your entire profile consists of the single word "hey" and nothing is filled in

Another great point! Inconsistency between pics and words are usually a red flag of insincerity or instability. I love your very humourous illustration of it too!

no photo
Fri 01/08/16 06:50 AM

I've enjoyed this chat you all have been having immensely. I can definately relate. Lately, besides all the scammers I seem to be getting makes who want me to dominate them.... When they have offered to come clean for me while I tell them what to do in tempted.... I gotta admit.

Yeah tradko! The people that seek to be dominated are such a riot! I cant tell you the weird requests i have been presented with including changing a chatter's diaper . I kid u not! I hope you know that i blocked them immediately!

no photo
Fri 01/08/16 06:50 AM

I've enjoyed this chat you all have been having immensely. I can definately relate. Lately, besides all the scammers I seem to be getting makes who want me to dominate them.... When they have offered to come clean for me while I tell them what to do in tempted.... I gotta admit.

Yeah tradko! The people that seek to be dominated are such a riot! I cant tell you the weird requests i have been presented with including changing a chatter's diaper . I kid u not! I hope you know that i blocked them immediately!

Justchat4now's photo
Fri 01/08/16 11:12 AM
Edited by Justchat4now on Fri 01/08/16 11:19 AM
Just read a girls profile from Ethiopia in "My Matches", all it says is: "U would be lucky to get me" Well seeing as she probably doesn't exsist, she's got a point, lol.

no photo
Fri 01/08/16 11:23 AM
Edited by butribu on Fri 01/08/16 11:24 AM
"U would be lucky to get me"
what a self-confidence

no photo
Fri 01/08/16 01:10 PM
Edited by Unknow on Fri 01/08/16 01:19 PM

Just read a girls profile from Ethiopia in "My Matches", all it says is: "U would be lucky to get me" Well seeing as she probably doesn't exsist, she's got a point, lol.

Hahaha! Good one justchatfornow ! But we should applaud this imposter for knowing her worth . Real entities could do with a page or two from her imaginary book. :)

no photo
Fri 01/08/16 01:23 PM
no profile pic no description of self. why even join a dating site if you don't want people to see you or learn about you?

no photo
Fri 01/08/16 01:23 PM
no profile pic no description of self. why even join a dating site if you don't want people to see you or learn about you?

no photo
Fri 01/08/16 01:25 PM
People who state they wear socks that match

What's all that about ohwell

ErotiDoug's photo
Fri 01/08/16 02:48 PM
Edited by ErotiDoug on Fri 01/08/16 02:55 PM

I've enjoyed this chat you all have been having immensely. I can definately relate. Lately, besides all the scammers I seem to be getting makes who want me to dominate them.... When they have offered to come clean for me while I tell them what to do in tempted.... I gotta admit.

I had to read what you said (posted) 2 or 3 times.(???mmm?) Oh! Now I understand. You are sooo lucky "house cleaning, laundry and you get to have fun! Maybe I should rewrite my Profile and receive the service pitchfork

no photo
Fri 01/08/16 03:14 PM
Turn off? - "looking for a god fearing woman".

no photo
Fri 01/08/16 03:23 PM
I know that this has been on here already, but I am bothered by a picture with sunglasses, and a hat, and sometimes the picture is taken from half a mile away.

popcornncoke's photo
Fri 01/08/16 04:37 PM
A Man Without a Shirt on is a turn off for me Also when there is No Picture, makes me wonder what is he hided, also when he tells you nothing about hisself. Don't Talk Dirty. There was a guy last year that wanted to meet me, he would tell me how pretty I was, that it didn't matter that I was 6 yrs older. I told him if he was just after sex that he was barking up the wrong tree. He said he wasn't. So I decided to meet him but before that happen, he send me a text that say need a woman that he wants to F my brains out. That was it !!! I told him that he needed to wash his mouth out and Goodbye. You don't Talk to a lady that way.

Justchat4now's photo
Fri 01/08/16 04:52 PM

Turn off? - "looking for a god fearing woman".


From my angle it's "God fearing man" but yeah sounds so cheesy.

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