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Topic: Profile Turn-offs And Pet peeves?
ErotiDoug's photo
Thu 01/07/16 03:47 PM

Turn off to me is when I read a freaking novel in their headline. I mean....don't tell me you like long walks on the beach. Be truthful. Tell me how kinky you are. 2016.....it's all about the honesty. :thumbsup: :laughing:

The suspense is over ladies... We now have our final contender for the block- list circa 2016! Yaaaaaaaaay!!!!! (Dont mind me. I.m just being retarded :)
Wooooo ! In his eyes "truth" :banana: We all have a mental age and a physical age. I deal with it every day, hahaha!

no photo
Thu 01/07/16 03:51 PM

Damn it Peggy, there's no like button here, some of these comments are brilliant. :)

Thanks justchat for now! Let's submit a petition for mingle to add a like button. The people have spoken!!! :)

no photo
Thu 01/07/16 04:00 PM

I called the local pet shop. They were all out of peeves. grumble


darkowl1's photo
Thu 01/07/16 04:08 PM
most "lists" and gripes, are from either being burned, bad experiences, or possible insecurities....

I understand the gripes, but what many do not know, and may never figure out, is that it draws exactly that energy that you are trying to defend against, directly to your door, and any good people that they might seem to want? it turns them off totally.

no photo
Thu 01/07/16 04:13 PM

What are some of the elements in profiles from the photograph to the written content that you consider a complete turn-off or at least a pet peeve?

None, anymore.

Your question implies:
1. I'm turned on when reading profiles, so can be turned off.
Reading profiles is like reading an ikea manual anymore.
It's just information.
Either useful, or not. If not, move on. If so, then for what purpose.

2. I get annoyed reading a profile, as though they are directly interacting with me.
Profiles don't really annoy me anymore.
It takes a few seconds to read, and I'm not really interacting with a person by reading it. So how could it annoy me.

3. There is a "right" way to fill out a profile, and that "right" way is to try and turn me on, or keep me turned on, and not be annoying from my perspective.
A persons profile is about them. Not me. Getting annoyed or turned off makes it seem like I believe their profile exists to satisfy my expectations and make me finding what I want the most important thing.

I figure if I'm having an emotional reaction based on reading a profile then I'm taking things way too seriously or I'm seeing online dating no different than a kid in a candy store, full of objects I am entitled to try and if I don't like the taste then it's their fault, and I'm in a hurry to find the best tasting thing to satiate my appetite and they're wasting my time with the yucky stuff.
I don't want to be that way.

So...I see profiles as pretty meaningless anymore unless they have what I consider relevant information that makes me want to talk to them about something, not forces me to emotionally react.
99.99999999999% don't.
So, either learn to find that .000000001%, or spend a lot of time being frustrated and turned off and emotionally crazy.

Being turned off or pet peeved by profiles seems like smacking myself in the head with a hammer repeatedly in order to knock myself unconscious so I don't feel the pain of being hit in the head with a hammer, anymore.


I agree with you that profiles are not the most meaningful things in the world lol. But the same way you gave an intense and detailed response to my unimportant question is the same way some people have strong and detailed responses to peoples unimportant profiles . It would be excessive and lame of us to spend days or weeks griping about chatroom peeves, but it's very human I think to have visceral reactions to stimuli provided by the chatroom world and to life in general. And we just happen to be having ONE light-hearted discussion about the visceral reactions we are experiencing. Just putting all of this in perspective :)
My school teachers slept all day at school. This teacher should be running the Government. Wow! You burned him at the stake. pitchfork (but you comments were correct) :banana: enjoy :)

Hahaha! You literally made me laugh out loud ! I really wasn't trying to burn him at the stake. I come in peace. I am like Ghandi... but with boobs :)

Justchat4now's photo
Thu 01/07/16 04:13 PM

on one site that i have been on for maybe 10 years, there was this beautiful girl (lets call her A). she was a member for the last 2 years. that was not a partner site like this, just a forum site, but still some people would fancy each other and relationships were happening. she was there all the time, she was one of the most active memmbers. not only men fancied her, also she was close friends with the women as well. they were chatting on phone, chatting on whatsapp (i mean the women), chatting at the topics all day long. 2 years !!
+ lately she started flirting with one of the male users who was very cool really. but they did not meet up. just whatsapp and writing etc.

a few months ago, an other topic member(call this one B ) somehow showed the profiles of the forum members to her very close friend saying that "these are my topic friends" and her friend got shocked. because that 2 year-member A was a married woman, coming from a very wealthy and well known family, with one kid, high society and would have nothing to do with forums, sites or anything. and the same day this was heard, that girl erased her account, instagram (which was fake) facebook(fake acc.) and everything (of course they were all fake). She was probably mentally ill, because there was a fake acc on all platforms. she prepared everything perfectly well, and for 2 years she gave not a small clue.

she just disappeared that day!

after fooling everybody with fake photos for 2 years, and even flirting with some..

soooo be carefullll :d


Again Catfish, some weird people out with split personalities, some with multiple personality disorders.

sorry i do not know that catfish expression. but agree about the personality disorders

Catfish was an American TV that started say 10 years ago roughly, it was just a one off but then made a few series I believe, anyway it's about this guy hunts down people for what he refers to as the "Catfish" basically a person on a wetsite/chatroom posing as someone else. In the pilot eppisode he chatted to a girl on a chatroom for months and she posted pictures from her high school, her town and plenty of other stuff that looked wholesome enough, but he know someting wasn't right, so he dug into it, by googling an images tag you can often find when it was posted, by who and where, and he found it wasn't who she said it was. The programme centers around him tracking her down to confront her, and in the end he finds it's some 40 or 50 year woman with like you say some sort of mental heath issues.
I think the show is still running, but I don't really follow it anymore, just too weird, lol.

waowww. it sounded very interesting to me. i don't know if i can find it but i will try to find. you explained it perfectly well. thank you :)

Maybe on youtube but it's listed on IMDb http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1584016/

no photo
Thu 01/07/16 04:15 PM
.....it draws exactly that energy that you are trying to defend against, directly to your door, and any good people that they might seem to want? it turns them off totally.

like a quote from "secret" :)

no photo
Thu 01/07/16 04:19 PM

on one site that i have been on for maybe 10 years, there was this beautiful girl (lets call her A). she was a member for the last 2 years. that was not a partner site like this, just a forum site, but still some people would fancy each other and relationships were happening. she was there all the time, she was one of the most active memmbers. not only men fancied her, also she was close friends with the women as well. they were chatting on phone, chatting on whatsapp (i mean the women), chatting at the topics all day long. 2 years !!
+ lately she started flirting with one of the male users who was very cool really. but they did not meet up. just whatsapp and writing etc.

a few months ago, an other topic member(call this one B ) somehow showed the profiles of the forum members to her very close friend saying that "these are my topic friends" and her friend got shocked. because that 2 year-member A was a married woman, coming from a very wealthy and well known family, with one kid, high society and would have nothing to do with forums, sites or anything. and the same day this was heard, that girl erased her account, instagram (which was fake) facebook(fake acc.) and everything (of course they were all fake). She was probably mentally ill, because there was a fake acc on all platforms. she prepared everything perfectly well, and for 2 years she gave not a small clue.

she just disappeared that day!

after fooling everybody with fake photos for 2 years, and even flirting with some..

soooo be carefullll :d


Again Catfish, some weird people out with split personalities, some with multiple personality disorders.

sorry i do not know that catfish expression. but agree about the personality disorders

Catfish was an American TV that started say 10 years ago roughly, it was just a one off but then made a few series I believe, anyway it's about this guy hunts down people for what he refers to as the "Catfish" basically a person on a wetsite/chatroom posing as someone else. In the pilot eppisode he chatted to a girl on a chatroom for months and she posted pictures from her high school, her town and plenty of other stuff that looked wholesome enough, but he know someting wasn't right, so he dug into it, by googling an images tag you can often find when it was posted, by who and where, and he found it wasn't who she said it was. The programme centers around him tracking her down to confront her, and in the end he finds it's some 40 or 50 year woman with like you say some sort of mental heath issues.
I think the show is still running, but I don't really follow it anymore, just too weird, lol.

waowww. it sounded very interesting to me. i don't know if i can find it but i will try to find. you explained it perfectly well. thank you :)

Maybe on youtube but it's listed on IMDb http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1584016/

aahhhh is it this one? i thought it was the other one made in 2012.
great !! because there are subtitles with this one. thanks a lot !

no photo
Thu 01/07/16 04:32 PM
Edited by Unknow on Thu 01/07/16 04:41 PM

and yes, the story is similar to my story. everone wonders who she is, what she looks like really. even if it was a she or a he. nobody knows..

Wow... That's very disturbing. Thanks for the warning. I have come to think of the chatroom world as interesting and informative but also very transient . Most of them don't last beyond 6 months so I enjoy interactions for as long as they last but I am careful about getting overly invested

no photo
Thu 01/07/16 04:35 PM

most "lists" and gripes, are from either being burned, bad experiences, or possible insecurities....

I understand the gripes, but what many do not know, and may never figure out, is that it draws exactly that energy that you are trying to defend against, directly to your door, and any good people that they might seem to want? it turns them off totally.

This is profoundly true and a great life lesson

no photo
Thu 01/07/16 04:36 PM

and yes, the story is similar to my story. everone wonders who she is, what she looks like really. even if it was a she or a he. nobody knows..

Wow... That's very disturbing. Thanks for the warning. I have come to think of the chatroom world as interesting and informative but also very transient . Most of them don't last beyond 6 months so I enjoy interactions for as they last but I am careful about getting overly invested

if i told you the story how i reached this site then you would freeze to your blood lol. this girl's story is nothing compared to what i have been through lol. good luck, hope you meet the right and real ones..

darkowl1's photo
Thu 01/07/16 04:39 PM

.....it draws exactly that energy that you are trying to defend against, directly to your door, and any good people that they might seem to want? it turns them off totally.

like a quote from "secret" :)

where-ever it's from, it's true. drinker

no photo
Thu 01/07/16 04:45 PM

if i told you the story how i reached this site then you would freeze to your blood lol. this girl's story is nothing compared to what i have been through lol. good luck, hope you meet the right and real ones..

thanks! Good luck to all of us in this conversation thread!

ErotiDoug's photo
Thu 01/07/16 04:46 PM
Titles that catch the eye: Ghandi with boobs

no photo
Thu 01/07/16 04:55 PM

Titles that catch the eye: Ghandi with boobs

Haha :)

ErotiDoug's photo
Thu 01/07/16 04:55 PM
Edited by ErotiDoug on Thu 01/07/16 04:57 PM

if i told you the story how i reached this site then you would freeze to your blood lol. this girl's story is nothing compared to what i have been through lol. good luck, hope you meet the right and real ones..

thanks! Good luck to all of us in this conversation thread!

As every good Judge knows "trust everyone" till proven otherwise,and live by example.

no photo
Thu 01/07/16 04:59 PM

if i told you the story how i reached this site then you would freeze to your blood lol. this girl's story is nothing compared to what i have been through lol. good luck, hope you meet the right and real ones..

thanks! Good luck to all of us in this conversation thread!

As every good Judge knows "trust everyone" till proven otherwise,and live by example.

haha you are very cunning :d

Goofball73's photo
Thu 01/07/16 05:05 PM

Turn off to me is when I read a freaking novel in their headline. I mean....don't tell me you like long walks on the beach. Be truthful. Tell me how kinky you are. 2016.....it's all about the honesty. :thumbsup: :laughing:

The suspense is over ladies... We now have our final contender for the block- list circa 2016! Yaaaaaaaaay!!!!! (Dont mind me. I.m just being retarded :)

Yay! I finally have made a list of some sort. whoa :laughing:

no photo
Thu 01/07/16 05:08 PM

As every good Judge knows "trust everyone" till proven otherwise,and live by example.

... but dont give your heart to anyone without them earning it :)

ErotiDoug's photo
Thu 01/07/16 05:24 PM

As every good Judge knows "trust everyone" till proven otherwise,and live by example.

... but dont give your heart to anyone without them earning it :)

You know that is not true... Every time our heart is broken, it will grow a little larger. Only to repeat the progress over and over again. Love is not earned it is given freely with each smile. blushing

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