Topic: Dear Diary , the second edition
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Sat 10/20/07 12:34 PM
lmaoooooooooooooooo car parts and tools!~!!! Can you see my eyes glaze over??? can ya???indifferent laugh laugh

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Sat 10/20/07 12:35 PM
I can hold a door open with the best of them ... right Kid ?....

Bring it on ladies ...

Metro, Metropolitin life ... where in the world do you belong ... ( old song sorry .. )

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Sat 10/20/07 12:36 PM
dear diary........I wonder if the tall guy remembers he promised me and purple that he would be our chauffeur!!drinker laugh laugh

kidatheart70's photo
Sat 10/20/07 12:37 PM
I don't understand the whole shopping thing. Is it the aquisition or is it the spending that's so appealing?

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Sat 10/20/07 12:39 PM
Its the excitement!!! Its the flashing signs!!! Its allllllllllll those things we want, with tags hanging.........idk my son doesnt understand it either!!!laugh laugh laugh

s1owhand's photo
Sat 10/20/07 12:39 PM
it's the gratification. it's instant. it's less filling. it tastes great!

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Sat 10/20/07 12:40 PM
Dear J ...

Oh Gypsy of course I have not forgotten , I have to hold the doors open as well , don't I ?... lol...

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Sat 10/20/07 12:41 PM
we'll pay you in beer tall one!!!drinker laugh laugh laugh

deaer diary........I must get ready for work.........ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh showerhead here I come!!!devil bigsmile

purplecat's photo
Sat 10/20/07 12:46 PM
ah the art of shopping ......

for me its really nice to buy some clothes that look good and feel compfortable , to get out of the house , its interesting to see the different sorts of people out an about , I REALLY love buyin stuff for my kids too , movies , yummy foods to cook , most times the whole famdamnily comes along , we are thinking of getting a counter to see how many people the four year old trips up along the way.....laugh

kidatheart70's photo
Sat 10/20/07 12:47 PM
laugh If only that showerhead could talk!:tongue: laugh

Hi TTOdrinker Absolutly!drinker

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Sat 10/20/07 12:50 PM
get paid in BEERS ??... oh my God I think I am in heaven .... must be heaven .. LOL....

Did some one mention tool shopping ??.... DOH !!!!.. I'm in .. LOL

purplecat's photo
Sat 10/20/07 12:56 PM
oooooooh sears tower has toools.....bigsmile
london drugs has EVERYTHING !!!!!
OMG downtown Vancouver has EVERYTHING!!!:tongue: love bigsmile
ugh......I'm gettin tired thinkin about it...laugh yawn
I should go have a nappy......yawn

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Sat 10/20/07 01:39 PM
LOL.. ok that dog is freakin me out Purple ... lmao .... "Luke ... use the fork , Luke ... :)" lmao

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Sat 10/20/07 01:44 PM
Dear diary.....Im wearing my new nursey uniform and its bright red!!! I look like santa's little helper omg!!laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

kidatheart70's photo
Sat 10/20/07 01:56 PM
Wanna sit on Santa's lap?devil

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Sat 10/20/07 02:05 PM
shopping is sooooo yuckysick

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Sat 10/20/07 02:07 PM
You have never really shopped then!!!bigsmile bigsmile We do lunch too!!!bigsmile drinker bigsmile

whoa santa??? Is that you???devil laugh laugh

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Sat 10/20/07 02:09 PM
Hey Poet ... :) ...

I have Long RED underwear when I play hockey ... does that count ?... LMAO

kidatheart70's photo
Sat 10/20/07 02:10 PM
Lunch I like! Shopping I'll tolerate, but only for so long. It can be fun and interesting but not if it takes all day. After a while it's somewhat like pulling teeth for hours on end.laugh

kidatheart70's photo
Sat 10/20/07 02:10 PM
Hi Jenniflowerforyou