Topic: Dear Diary , the second edition
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Sat 10/20/07 11:52 AM
:heart: hi purple

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Sat 10/20/07 11:55 AM
Dear diary.......ohhhhhhhhhh I am the wedding planner!!! lol you guys sounded like an old married couple!!!!laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

purplecat's photo
Sat 10/20/07 11:56 AM
hi bl8tantbigsmile

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Sat 10/20/07 11:56 AM
he's one of my favorite pets:heart: bigsmile :heart:

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Sat 10/20/07 11:56 AM
he's one of my favorite pets:heart: bigsmile :heart:

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Sat 10/20/07 11:59 AM
Dear diary.....I shouldnt watch these makeover come they wont find me and do a makeover??? spend thousands on new veneers, new nose, boobs, hair, makeup.......where do I sign up for this???

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Sat 10/20/07 12:02 PM
obedience is essential....muaaahahahhahahahahhahaaaaalaugh laugh bigsmile

kidatheart70's photo
Sat 10/20/07 12:03 PM
Careful what you wish for. You don't want to end up looking like Joan Rivers do you?laugh Or Herman Munster!laugh

kidatheart70's photo
Sat 10/20/07 12:04 PM

purplecat's photo
Sat 10/20/07 12:06 PM
oh DONT need ALL that STUFF an YOU know it !!
they'd make ya look like martha stewArt an you dont want that!!
we can do a make over at the metropolitin!!bigsmile

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Sat 10/20/07 12:07 PM
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh just say shopping!!!love love love laugh laugh laugh laugh

purplecat's photo
Sat 10/20/07 12:09 PM
yeah !!!!!!!!!!!!! SHOPPING !!!!!!!!!!!
I need to color my hair ......
new outfit ,,,new hair .........

no photo
Sat 10/20/07 12:10 PM
lmaoooooooooooo the metropolitin is sooooooooooooo expensive though.......isnt there any cheaper hotels but just as nice closeby???

purplecat's photo
Sat 10/20/07 12:12 PM
Days inn....... was much cheaper.....
but we will color hair at the METRO!!!bigsmile laugh
hmmmmm no smoking at the days innn though ...theres quite a few hotels down town that are not so expensive........

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Sat 10/20/07 12:15 PM
ohhhhhhhhhhhh I could colour your hair!!!! Do you have any idea how much crap I would have to pack to do my hair???? bleach powder, 30 volume peroxide, bla blablablabdlfdshfklasdfjiosd.....ohhhhhhh must have a smoking hotel.......and room servicedrinker ohhhhhhhhhhhh and clubs and shopping nearby......and fabulous restaurants!!!bigsmile

purplecat's photo
Sat 10/20/07 12:24 PM
therez a london drugs to skips an a jump from the metro ...bigsmile I think I have just about every hair color under my bathroom sink , red, brown ??laugh bigsmile

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Sat 10/20/07 12:27 PM
Ive had every colour under the rainbow but for the last few years have stuck to blonde...maybe I need a colour I dont know......dont look really good in red yuck, brown slides right off, hmmmmmmmmmm no idea.....

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Sat 10/20/07 12:30 PM
laugh dear you ever notice how men scatter when you mention shopping????laugh laugh laugh laugh

kidatheart70's photo
Sat 10/20/07 12:32 PM

lilwabbit's photo
Sat 10/20/07 12:32 PM
just because it's not for car parts or a toollaugh