Topic: Dear Diary , the second edition
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Sun 10/21/07 12:14 AM
Dear Diary..

I have just discovered I shop like a man....

I also need a cat candy dispenser..perhaps Sabrina will hold still for that..perhaps not , as I suggested it to her she gave me a disdainful look and hopped off the bed

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Sun 10/21/07 12:15 AM
hmmmmmmmmmmmmm dear code man code!!! someone decipher please!!!laugh

Belushi's photo
Sun 10/21/07 12:17 AM
I do not sound like the Queen!

... and isnt Canada just a park and ride for Americans?

purplecat's photo
Sun 10/21/07 12:17 AM
hmmmmmm man code.....donno........

ever feel not so fresh.....?noway laugh

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Sun 10/21/07 12:18 AM
depends on what part of Canada and what part of the US...see I am no where near close to Gypsy, Purple or Harry...they are all on the west coast of Canada..I'm east coast, I am near Quebec

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Sun 10/21/07 12:19 AM
Dear diary..........belushi is lucky I didnt do my "do I make you horny baby" impression!!!!!!:wink: laugh laugh

Ummmmmmmm park and that why so many americans want to come to canada???devil laugh laugh

purplecat's photo
Sun 10/21/07 12:21 AM
it is a very parklike setting here....?...bigsmile

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Sun 10/21/07 12:22 AM
Dear Diary..

Some of us just like Canada way better than the US

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Sun 10/21/07 12:23 AM
or they like our wimmins!!!devil devil laugh laugh :wink: :wink:

kidatheart70's photo
Sun 10/21/07 12:25 AM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

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Sun 10/21/07 12:25 AM
Dear Diary..

Someday I am going to become a Canadian, I love Canada and I've only been to St Jean, soo much more to discover!!

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Sun 10/21/07 12:27 AM
Come over here cherub!!!!!!!bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile Purple and I will take you out and not make you shop too much!!!laugh laugh laugh laugh

purplecat's photo
Sun 10/21/07 12:28 AM
omg ccp you should see Vancouver Islandbigsmile its VERY scenic.....bigsmile

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Sun 10/21/07 12:29 AM
Dear diary......I wonder if purple at the candy off her cat yet!!!laugh laugh laugh laugh

purplecat's photo
Sun 10/21/07 12:30 AM
oh the candies fell on the floor long ago and half of them are crushed vaccuum will eat em in a few days........bigsmile noway

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Sun 10/21/07 12:32 AM
I'll be the one carrying the purses and standing there looking all goofy when you take me out shopping..just make sure i have plenty of coffeelaugh laugh laugh Tim Horton's of course

no photo
Sun 10/21/07 12:32 AM
dear diary.....just so you know.........I am going to bed early tonight......errrrrrrr earlier than last night/morning whatever.......sick laugh laugh

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Sun 10/21/07 12:33 AM
noway who finished the coffeeeeeeeeeeeeee???????????

duncan....grumble grumble

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Sun 10/21/07 12:33 AM
lmaoooooooooooooo @ holding out purses!!!!laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh ohhhhhhhhhhhhh there are at least 2 timmy's in each town and a starbucks too!!!laugh laugh laugh

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Sun 10/21/07 12:35 AM
Dear Diary..

Alex's big bug eyed red eyes are kinda scarin me...please get her coffee or kill Duncan for drinkin it all