Topic: Opinions on those who cannot spell | |
I find commas rather interesting... E.g. Let's eat Grandma. Let's eat, Grandma. Uh-oh this is "Panda goes into a bar and eats shoots and leaves" territory. Put the commas in where ever you like. ![]() |
I've also been a teacher and never seem to get over that part of being a teacher. Bad spelling tends to really irritate me. I try to not pay heed to it, but I can't seem to find the off switch.
I try to be tolerant but I draw the line at school newsletters with spelling mistakes.
I'm the first to admit that i make some seems easier to spot errors from others,rather than my own. I do read a lot,so i suppose that helps ? As a result,and as far as online dating goes,my attraction to someone is much greater if they are literate....
So I got a message from a guy who seemed nice...I guess...I don't know since I could not understand a word of his message. I asked him if he was from the US and he said yes. He was talking a lot of gibberish...really bad misspellings and words that made no sense. Anyway, just wondering if I am the only one that this is a turn off for. I like someone who can spell wear :) .. bEcAuSe oF pAsT ExPeRiEnCeS i FiNd iT hArD tO tRuSt PeOpLe.. i LoVe CuDdLiNg.. wErE nOt iN HiGh sChOoL aNyMoRe sO LeAvE tHe dRaMa BeHiNd.. sTaRbUcKs iS mY PiCk mE uP.. ii LoVe SpRiNg & sUmMeR.. i LoVe hAuNtEd hOuSeS.. i hAvE fUn WiTh eVErYtHiNg i dO.. i LoVe hAnGiNβ oUt WiTh fRiEnDs.. i LiKe tO dReSs~uP aNd LoOk cUte bUt tHeRe aRe sOmE dAyS wHeRe i dOnT GiVe a ****.. i LoVe rAnDoMnEsS.. i LoVe tO dO cRaZy aNd sPoNtAnEoUs tHiNgS.. iiF yOu WaNt To KnOw AnYtHiiNg eLsE, JuSt AsK mE! bUt yEa..tHaTs iT! bYeS! ::. * ![]() ![]() |
Proper spelling can mean the difference between
a good conversation, and getting blocked. ![]() God, this made me ![]() |
They can put their legs straight up.
![]() ![]() ![]() |
That must be those fancy show hores.
![]() |
Edited by
Mon 03/30/15 09:17 PM
Apperently, King Richard the 3rd's last words were, "' My Kingdom For A Hores !'"
(At Least, I Think That's What He Said) ![]() . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . Now, the 'H' isn't always pronounced in Old English. |
Did he find one who liked carrots?
What... ?
Are we talking about Horses, now ! ![]() |
Huked on fonix dun mest me up.
Maybe, he just wanted to feel good.
And watch those legs go straight up. |
Edited by
Mon 03/30/15 09:23 PM
Yes, Phonics were never my strong point in school.
You have my complete empathy, RockGnome. |