Topic: Religion causing problems | |
So I am finding that the fact that I list myself as a Christian on my profile is pushing a lot of guys away. To me that makes no sense. I guess I am just venting, no real question.
I see where you have Baptist but not Christian.
Yes this does happen and not just the men. It makes perfect sense and be glad for it. |
what teasel said,,,
if they aren't interested in the same values,, its good to weed it out upfront,,, |
I run across the same thing ,and I am thankful for it. To me it's God working in my life. Thank you Lord for being my gardener.
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So I am finding that the fact that I list myself as a Christian on my profile is pushing a lot of guys away. To me that makes no sense. I guess I am just venting, no real question. |
Edited by
Tue 03/24/15 05:43 PM
So I am finding that the fact that I list myself as a Christian on my profile is pushing a lot of guys away. To me that makes no sense. I guess I am just venting, no real question. I'm haveIng a weird day on Mingle2 also.. Come vent on my thread... And BTW: damn heathens... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Well, history says people chose Barrabis and not Jesus. Many men do not want a Godly woman. That does not mean that we cannot be passionate or caring or the best we can be. Yes, it is painful to stand for what you believe sometimes, but more lonely if you don't. I tried to compromise to get love. It just got heartache.
Actually, religion does not cause problems, just some have problems with it. My ex said choose me or God. Guess who I chose?
Actually, religion does not cause problems, just some have problems with it. My ex said choose me or God. Guess who I chose? I heard that before too.. I told him his arms are too short to box with God but his legs are long enough to walk out the door. ![]() |
Good thoughts everyone and I agree!!
Actually, religion does not cause problems, just some have problems with it. My ex said choose me or God. Guess who I chose? ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Jesus Commands us NOT to be Unequally Yoked with Unbelievers. Many people don't know but our God is a Jealous God whose name is Jealous=Exodus 20:5+6 and Exodus 34:14. Peace to you ALL in Christ Jesus.
Kurt from Rice Lake, WI. |
Oh and I cannot remember who said this, but they said I had posted that I was Baptist, but not Christian. Baptists are Christian. Just an FYI:)
Oh and I cannot remember who said this, but they said I had posted that I was Baptist, but not Christian. Baptists are Christian. Just an FYI:) It gets crazy.. I heard ppl say ALL Christians & they mean Roman Catholic. Could of saved me an argument.. if they were specific. Now days- everything has to be clarified because the world is smaller & our thinking is global now. |
Edited by
Thu 03/26/15 06:16 PM
The biggest Baptist Church in the city I moved from didn't believe in the Holy Spirit among other things. So no not all Baptists think alike or consider themselves "Christians". They call themselves "Baptists" in the bible belt Period. FYI.
So I am finding that the fact that I list myself as a Christian on my profile is pushing a lot of guys away. Actually, you list yourself as a Baptist, not a Christian. Plenty of people like Christians in general but don't want to be with Baptists in particular. |
The biggest Baptist Church in the city I moved from didn't believe in the Holy Spirit among other things. So no not all Baptists think alike or consider themselves "Christians". They call themselves "Baptists" in the bible belt Period. FYI. I heard about some changes there... Now I'm sure as hell going to find out. And check the ones near me. That is TOTALLY unacceptable. Religion is NOT supposed to change to meet the desires of the masses. No Faith should. ![]() |
It always amazes me that we take the broad term Christian and break it down. To be a Christian,or little Christ, the only requirement is that you accept the fact that Christ is God and that He took away "ALL" your sins and left you clean and holy. "Holy - Set apart for a reason". You can't earn it or perfect it or work for it. It was given as a free gift 2000 years ago.
Mormons work through their salvation through good deeds and titheing. The same with Jehovas Witnesses. "You are saved by faith through grace so that no man can boast." The New covenant started at the exact moment of Jesus' deaath. Let me excplain. You have a rich uncle who names you in his Last Will an Testament to recieve an inheritance. The inheritance does not take place until he dies. Same here,it took the death of Jesus for the new Will, Testament, Covenant to take place. His teachings inn the Gospels were to show that the law was impossible to live up to. We is the Law and fulfilled the Law. Making us co-heirs with Him. Let me ask a question, what sins did you commit before Jesus lived on earth? Yeah I know,stupid question. None, you weren't borm yet. Sowhy do we have a problem believing that ALL our sins are forgiven. from when we were little, to to day and tomorrow. To God, time is irrelevant. A wise man once said 'Don't sweat the small stuff. Oh and it is all small stuff." Please check out the books, Naked Christianity, and God without Religion. by Dr Andrew Farley. Then look at the website for Church without religion in Lubbock Tx. Go to the archives and watch the weekly sermoons on the book of Ephesians. This Pastor teaches tyhat titheing is not a New Testament requirement. Never mentioned after the Crucifixion, where the New Testament is bequeathed. BTW,I have no ax to grind here. I live almost 700 miles south of the Texas border and have never met or set foot in that church. Oh one more thing, Wine and Baptists. Mr Welch invented grape juice for the specific purpose of Communion. Jesus made real alchoholic wine as His firsy miracle. Paul told Timothy to take a little wine for his stomach. We are only admonished not to get drunk on it. I have never seen a person get drunk on Welches. Before Louis Pasteur it was not possible for grape juice to last more than a day without fomenting into wine. |
Hi, bibarnes,
If there is a difference between non-alcoholic wine and alcoholic wine, please kindly tell where it is specifically written in the Bible that the miracle wine (water turned to wine by Jesus as first miracle) is the alcoholic wine. Also, I am wondering...does everyone have the same stomach condition that Timothy had? I just want to know. |
Hi, bibarnes, If there is a difference between non-alcoholic wine and alcoholic wine, please kindly tell where it is specifically written in the Bible that the miracle wine (water turned to wine by Jesus as first miracle) is the alcoholic wine. Also, I am wondering...does everyone have the same stomach condition that Timothy had? I just want to know. |