Community > Posts By > serioussalvation
Dear Caroline,
I forgot to tell you we are NOT under the Old Testament Law. Read Hebrews 8:7, Hebrews 8:13, 2-Corinthians 3:9, Colossians 2:14, Ephesians 2:15, 2-Corinthians 3:6=Letter means=Old Testament Law, and 1-Corinthians 5:7. Please read in the Old King James Version Bible. Peace to you. Kurt in Christ Jesus. |
Dear Caroline,
Satan wants, and Teaches us that Judgment is Wrong. It is simply Misunderstood. Because Judgment is Love. There are TWO kinds of Judgments: 1) Telling you your know good, and NEVER change type of Judgment which Jesus says NOT to do. 2) Then there is the Judgment Spoke of in 1-Corinthians 2:15=He that is Spiritual Judgeth ALL THINGS, yet He Himself is Judged of No Man. This means when I use the TRUTH which is the New Testament to prove there is ONLY ONE Faith or Name for the Church for example. And lets say you are Catholic. You can't use Scripture to PROVE the Catholic Church is in Scripture because it is NOT. Paul calls the Catholic Faith is the Doctrine of Devils in 1-Timothy 4:1-6. So when we use Sound Doctrine (Scripture from Old Version King James)like I just did to Prove it is Truth there is NOTHING the other person can come back with. In John 7:24=Judge NOT according to the appearance, but Judge RIGHTEOUS JUDGMENT (Scripture in the Old King James Bible ONLY). Please read 1-Corinthians 7:36=But if ANY Man think that He behaveth himself Uncomely Toward His Virgin, if she Passes the Flower of Her age, and NEED SO REQUIRE, let Him "DO WHAT HE WILL", He Sinneth Not: let them Marry. This is completely diffferent then what the New International Version says which is Satan's Bible. So if you are BOTH Christins, and have agreed to be Married soon, and you give in to SEX before the Wedding Day Scripture says you Sin Not. But you BOTH MUST be Sincere about getting Married. Better yet is to get a Quick Judge to Marry you if you have that much of a problem waiting. But I do believe it Profits you MORE to Suffer in the Flesh, and wait until your Wedding Night. Best Wishes to you two. Kurt in Christ Jesus |
If you don't take Sin Seriously then you become a NON Believer. God doesn't Hear the Prayers of a Sinner Brother. Remember what Jesus told us in Mathew 5:48=Be ye therefore Perfect, even as your Father which is in Heaven is Perfect. You sound like you have a problem with Uncleanness=Masturbation which is called Uncleanness, and Weakens Our Mind, and Destroys are Spirit when we are OVERCOME by it. I Speak from experience my friend.
Your attitude that you plan on Sinning the rest of your life tells "ME" you don't know God or the Word of Truth. Can you show me your Named Church in the Bible? Keep it real Brother. This is Forever in Hell. Which Woman/Man is worth that? That is what I tell myself when I put my Hormones before God. We have to CHECK our selves CONSTANTLY. Look how Paul Suffered. Paul wanted SEX I do believe=1-Corinthians 9:27. But He tells us we must Check our selves, and we do this by Living in the Spirit. NOT the Flesh. Read Galatians 5:16+17 please. If you want Wisdom know that YOU MUST FIRST FEAR God=Proverbs 1:7. Do you know Paul who calls the Church the Church of Christ, or Church of God (Same Thing)stopped attending the Jews Religion when Jesus CHECKED Him, and took His sight in the Desert? Do you know Paul calls Jesus the Church in Colossians 1:18=And He is the Head of the Body, the Church. This is why Paul only refers to the Church as the Church of Christ or Church of God (Same Thing)=1-Timothy 3:16=God, (Meaning Jesus) was Manifest in the Flesh=When He came to earth. My Point in all this is if you are in a Church of Satan created by Man for Man which is Motivated by Satan you don't know the TRUTH. Paul made it CLEAR in 2-Thessalonians 2:11 what happens when Satan Tricks you into attending Satan Churches. God makes you believe you are okay with Him by SENDING you a "Strong Delusion" that there is Salvation in Satan Church which is NOT in Scripture, and God CLEARLY tells us we can NOT ADD TO or TAKE AWAY from His Word or God will TAKE OUR NAME OUT OF THE BOOK OF LIFE=Revelation 22:18+19. Satan REASON for Changing the Name of the Church which is the Body of Christ is TWO FOLD: 1) To Deceive you and kill you by Deception. 2) To Mock God,take the Glory away from Jesus who is, and Died for the Church, and GIVE THAT GLORY TO MEN INSTEAD OF JESUS. If you want to Communicate please Email me at: Peace to YOU ALL in Christ Jesus. Kurt. P.S. Remember, Acts 4:12=There is Salvation in NO OTHER NAME then Christ Jesus. Also 2-Corinthians 11:12-15=Ministers of Satan which are in Satan's Churches of today Deceiving Millions by convincing US to Glorify a Man's Name over Jesus. |
Telling the truth
When will you realize that as Christians we are required to Suffer in this life. Please call me at 262-705-6638, and I will give you a bunch of Scriptures on Suffering. Or Email me at: Here are a couple good ones on Suffering: James5:10, and 1-Peter 1:11. Please understand that we are required to Suffer as Jesus Suffered. Peace to you all. Kurt in Christ Jesus. |
Telling the truth
Seriously, if you don't know that ALL THINGS are Possible with God then you Truly don't know God or His Power. He is ALL in ALL. Read Mark 10:27, and Luke 18:27. You need to find your Faith in God or you will NEVER KNOW Him. I speak from experience making the SAME Faithless errors. I know them when I see them Brother. Hebrews 11:6=But without Faith it is Impossible to please Him: For He that Cometh to God "MUST BELIEVE" that He is, andthat He is a REWARDER of them that Diligently SEEK Him. Find your Faith, and there you will find your Wife also. If it is God's Will. If it is NOT then know you need to except it. But don't you dare even think of Divorcing Her or giving Her a Divorce if she wants it. Stay True to the Faith/Word of Truth. Peace to you ALL. Kurt in Rice Lake. |
Telling the truth
Thank you for sharing. That was very well said Sister.
Kurt. |
Telling the truth
Jesus said you will be Hated by ALL Men for my name sake. Remember Paul in 1-Corinthians 15:19=If in this life we have HOPE in Christ, we are of ALL Men Most Miserable.
Remember it was also Paul who also Rejoiced in Trials, Tribulations, and when He was Persecuted. Do you know why Paul did that? Paul did that because Paul KNOW that SUFFERING Created Strength, and it also Created Rewards BOTH in this Life, and in the Life to Come=Eternal Life. So Rejoice, and Humble your self, and in due time God will Exalt you/Lift you up Brother. Peace to you ALL. Kurt from Rice Lake, WI. |
Divorced Christians
Perfectly said Cowboy. Fornication is the only way you can Remarry under God's Law. That is the Word, and the Word is the TRUTH. Peace to you ALL.
Kurt from Rice Lake. |
Religion causing problems
Jesus Commands us NOT to be Unequally Yoked with Unbelievers. Many people don't know but our God is a Jealous God whose name is Jealous=Exodus 20:5+6 and Exodus 34:14. Peace to you ALL in Christ Jesus.
Kurt from Rice Lake, WI. |
I am looking for Serious Minded Women in, and around the Kenosha, WI area for, bible study's, and who are real TRUTH SEEKERS. I am also looking to be Married to such a woman.
Thankyou, Kurt from Kenosha, Wisconsin. |
I am looking to fall in Love, and Marry a Woman who TRULY Fears and Obeys God, and is a TRUTH SEEKER like myself.
![]() I would love to hear from you, and chat with you soon. Sincerely, Kurt from Kenosha, WI |