Topic: Criticizing the President | |
Edited by
Fri 03/06/15 07:54 PM
interesting opinion piece,,, Thanks...loaded with facts too.... ![]() figures lie and liars figure, a lot of out of context 'facts' to make deceptive points 1st. Unemployment doesn't develop in a vacuum. Bush, Clinton , and OBama have 8 year terms , each year recording an unemployment rate ,,,,we can just look at history and figure that the black unemployment rate is consistently about TWICE that of the average/white rate and looking at the average rates during the term we can see the real 'facts' in context ,,,Clinton took office in 1993 with an unemployment rate ALREADY at 6.9 percent,, when Bush took office in 2001 it was DOWN to 4.7 when Obama took office in 2009 , it was up once again to 9.3 and currently( Obama leaves office in another two years yet) , it is at 5.7. So people using LOGIC and not emotionalism,, whatever their race, might see that Under DEM Clinton,, unemployment goes down, Under REP Bush, unemployment goes UP, and under Dem Obama unemployment goes down again ,,that might be a reason to support that is separate from race(OBama and Clinton aren't the same race) 2nd. At this time In Bushes presidency , KATRINA had happened,, his approval SUNK amongst blacks because of the appearance that he didn't give much of a damn and the statement that praised how it was being handled. This is nothing specifically a 'black' thing either, as OBamas ratings have dipped as well right after some national spotlight issue that people didn't agree with him on 3rd, blacks recognize their 'poverty' has been ingrained into the system long before OBama came and don't hold him responsible for singlehandedly changing that trend,,, 4th, those like me have no expectation that because a black man takes the office he will suddenly or brazenly turn things around that have taken hundreds of years to build up,,,lol,, so yeah 'freedom 'from poverty is a nice ideal but not any more an expectation from this president than it was any before him. but bringing unemployment down and adding jobs is a nice refresher,,, 5th, although 'illegitimacy' is the popular go to to explain the economic situation of blacks, it is nothing provable and doesn't explain the 'stagnation' that has been present even when those rates were much lower,, or higher in a time where more black women are choosing not to have more kids( which leads to the higher 'illegitimate' rate when many of those women are married, ) 6th, there really isn't much relevance in the discussion about blacks killing blacks, as the same is true any every group,,,, and is a separate issue from the most recent concern about INSTITUTIONAL Racism amongst police forces and the justice system ,,,,ya see, these things come from a different perspective, and I don't mandate or expect everyone to have it,, but it is rather insulting for all of that to be dismissed as simple 'black loyalty' Im positive everyone posting in this thread knows how unemployment 'develops'...They also know what exacerbates the problem...This statement, "blacks recognize their poverty has been ingrained into the system" that you 'borrowed' from the late Stokely Carmichael not only tell me where your head is, it tells me you have no real understanding of where the president stands on eliminating institutional racism...Obama, like all powermongers, is part of the problem...IMO, the rest of your post is denial, bias and spin... I stole nothing from anyone,, everything here is my own opinion, although I dont discount that I am not the only one to ever have it,,, you already know where my head is I have as much 'understanding' as anyone here,, there is no way to 'eliminate' institutional racism in one or two presidential terms, particularly if you are a BLACK president facing the congressional obstructionism of people who for the most part cant relate to the reality of it or the need for anything to change,,, and people, who for the most part, are a large part of who voted you in (and not to see you address institutional racism since MOST of them dont believe it exists and can explain it away by attacking the character of blacks instead,, you can bet) IN my opinion, your posts are nothing but persona opinion wrapped in ego that causes a belief that they are the only 'right' ones,,, Not only more of the same racist spewing, but now you are telling me what I know about you! ![]() ![]() I repost the nonsense that's posted and respond to it,,,, its amazing that the initiators of the nonsense don't see their nonsense in my response,,, I didn't equate a 'cure' with anything, I stated in response to the INITIAL mention of PRESIDENT OBAMA ending institutional racism,,, by stating I have o expectation for any president to 'end it' at this point in history,, there are a lot of other time consuming steps that will have to happen for that to even be a reality ,,and that doesn't change because they happen to be black I know institutional racism exists, I haven't tried to explain it away,, but this has been a nice effort at criss crossing points in an attempt to distract and plant the narrative of choice,, were you ever a cop? ,,,but back to the point,, I stand by my observation that most in America do not believe institutional racism (against blacks, hispanics, etc) is a real thing,, most will attribute any of the number of inconsistent conditions and disparities between blacks and others on 'cultural' flaws,, such as 'illegitimate' births |
interesting opinion piece,,, Thanks...loaded with facts too.... ![]() figures lie and liars figure, a lot of out of context 'facts' to make deceptive points 1st. Unemployment doesn't develop in a vacuum. Bush, Clinton , and OBama have 8 year terms , each year recording an unemployment rate ,,,,we can just look at history and figure that the black unemployment rate is consistently about TWICE that of the average/white rate and looking at the average rates during the term we can see the real 'facts' in context ,,,Clinton took office in 1993 with an unemployment rate ALREADY at 6.9 percent,, when Bush took office in 2001 it was DOWN to 4.7 when Obama took office in 2009 , it was up once again to 9.3 and currently( Obama leaves office in another two years yet) , it is at 5.7. So people using LOGIC and not emotionalism,, whatever their race, might see that Under DEM Clinton,, unemployment goes down, Under REP Bush, unemployment goes UP, and under Dem Obama unemployment goes down again ,,that might be a reason to support that is separate from race(OBama and Clinton aren't the same race) 2nd. At this time In Bushes presidency , KATRINA had happened,, his approval SUNK amongst blacks because of the appearance that he didn't give much of a damn and the statement that praised how it was being handled. This is nothing specifically a 'black' thing either, as OBamas ratings have dipped as well right after some national spotlight issue that people didn't agree with him on 3rd, blacks recognize their 'poverty' has been ingrained into the system long before OBama came and don't hold him responsible for singlehandedly changing that trend,,, 4th, those like me have no expectation that because a black man takes the office he will suddenly or brazenly turn things around that have taken hundreds of years to build up,,,lol,, so yeah 'freedom 'from poverty is a nice ideal but not any more an expectation from this president than it was any before him. but bringing unemployment down and adding jobs is a nice refresher,,, 5th, although 'illegitimacy' is the popular go to to explain the economic situation of blacks, it is nothing provable and doesn't explain the 'stagnation' that has been present even when those rates were much lower,, or higher in a time where more black women are choosing not to have more kids( which leads to the higher 'illegitimate' rate when many of those women are married, ) 6th, there really isn't much relevance in the discussion about blacks killing blacks, as the same is true any every group,,,, and is a separate issue from the most recent concern about INSTITUTIONAL Racism amongst police forces and the justice system ,,,,ya see, these things come from a different perspective, and I don't mandate or expect everyone to have it,, but it is rather insulting for all of that to be dismissed as simple 'black loyalty' Im positive everyone posting in this thread knows how unemployment 'develops'...They also know what exacerbates the problem...This statement, "blacks recognize their poverty has been ingrained into the system" that you 'borrowed' from the late Stokely Carmichael not only tell me where your head is, it tells me you have no real understanding of where the president stands on eliminating institutional racism...Obama, like all powermongers, is part of the problem...IMO, the rest of your post is denial, bias and spin... I stole nothing from anyone,, everything here is my own opinion, although I dont discount that I am not the only one to ever have it,,, you already know where my head is I have as much 'understanding' as anyone here,, there is no way to 'eliminate' institutional racism in one or two presidential terms, particularly if you are a BLACK president facing the congressional obstructionism of people who for the most part cant relate to the reality of it or the need for anything to change,,, and people, who for the most part, are a large part of who voted you in (and not to see you address institutional racism since MOST of them dont believe it exists and can explain it away by attacking the character of blacks instead,, you can bet) IN my opinion, your posts are nothing but persona opinion wrapped in ego that causes a belief that they are the only 'right' ones,,, kinda funny how your saying that... seems both sides of this argument believe this... isn't that what an argument is in the first place? it also seems that a lot of killing/wars started in the same pretense... right and wrong are just words, and to say anyone is right and everyone is wrong is not a beneficial way of communicating... some believe that obarry is bad for America, while others don't think so... so rather than be divided as a nation, where is the common ground? and a bigger question is who is doing the dividing? no, actually both sides don't believe this I have stated over and over that my 'opinions' are based on my perception as everyone else but I keep having my intelligence and opinions chided as 'nonsense' or some racial allegiance or 'gobbledygook' instead of the personal opinions and perceptions they are,, formed like everyone elses.. I TOTALLY agree that some support Obama and some don't(like every other president) , and with opinions there isn't a 'right' or 'wrong' as to who is doing the dividing, no one, the division has been here from the start,,, that's just the truth but who is turning a blind eye and trying to impede progress by impeding discussion and planning,, is a question I am more likely to ask,,, |
Edited by
Sat 03/07/15 04:35 AM
I stand by my observation that most in America do not believe institutional racism (against blacks, hispanics, etc) is a real thing,, most will attribute any of the number of inconsistent conditions and disparities between blacks and others on 'cultural' flaws,, such as 'illegitimate' births After all those decades of the Democratic Party creating and supporting institutional racism . . . Oh, forget it. ![]() |
interesting opinion piece,,, Thanks...loaded with facts too.... ![]() figures lie and liars figure, a lot of out of context 'facts' to make deceptive points 1st. Unemployment doesn't develop in a vacuum. Bush, Clinton , and OBama have 8 year terms , each year recording an unemployment rate ,,,,we can just look at history and figure that the black unemployment rate is consistently about TWICE that of the average/white rate and looking at the average rates during the term we can see the real 'facts' in context ,,,Clinton took office in 1993 with an unemployment rate ALREADY at 6.9 percent,, when Bush took office in 2001 it was DOWN to 4.7 when Obama took office in 2009 , it was up once again to 9.3 and currently( Obama leaves office in another two years yet) , it is at 5.7. So people using LOGIC and not emotionalism,, whatever their race, might see that Under DEM Clinton,, unemployment goes down, Under REP Bush, unemployment goes UP, and under Dem Obama unemployment goes down again ,,that might be a reason to support that is separate from race(OBama and Clinton aren't the same race) 2nd. At this time In Bushes presidency , KATRINA had happened,, his approval SUNK amongst blacks because of the appearance that he didn't give much of a damn and the statement that praised how it was being handled. This is nothing specifically a 'black' thing either, as OBamas ratings have dipped as well right after some national spotlight issue that people didn't agree with him on 3rd, blacks recognize their 'poverty' has been ingrained into the system long before OBama came and don't hold him responsible for singlehandedly changing that trend,,, 4th, those like me have no expectation that because a black man takes the office he will suddenly or brazenly turn things around that have taken hundreds of years to build up,,,lol,, so yeah 'freedom 'from poverty is a nice ideal but not any more an expectation from this president than it was any before him. but bringing unemployment down and adding jobs is a nice refresher,,, 5th, although 'illegitimacy' is the popular go to to explain the economic situation of blacks, it is nothing provable and doesn't explain the 'stagnation' that has been present even when those rates were much lower,, or higher in a time where more black women are choosing not to have more kids( which leads to the higher 'illegitimate' rate when many of those women are married, ) 6th, there really isn't much relevance in the discussion about blacks killing blacks, as the same is true any every group,,,, and is a separate issue from the most recent concern about INSTITUTIONAL Racism amongst police forces and the justice system ,,,,ya see, these things come from a different perspective, and I don't mandate or expect everyone to have it,, but it is rather insulting for all of that to be dismissed as simple 'black loyalty' Im positive everyone posting in this thread knows how unemployment 'develops'...They also know what exacerbates the problem...This statement, "blacks recognize their poverty has been ingrained into the system" that you 'borrowed' from the late Stokely Carmichael not only tell me where your head is, it tells me you have no real understanding of where the president stands on eliminating institutional racism...Obama, like all powermongers, is part of the problem...IMO, the rest of your post is denial, bias and spin... I stole nothing from anyone,, everything here is my own opinion, although I dont discount that I am not the only one to ever have it,,, you already know where my head is I have as much 'understanding' as anyone here,, there is no way to 'eliminate' institutional racism in one or two presidential terms, particularly if you are a BLACK president facing the congressional obstructionism of people who for the most part cant relate to the reality of it or the need for anything to change,,, and people, who for the most part, are a large part of who voted you in (and not to see you address institutional racism since MOST of them dont believe it exists and can explain it away by attacking the character of blacks instead,, you can bet) IN my opinion, your posts are nothing but persona opinion wrapped in ego that causes a belief that they are the only 'right' ones,,, kinda funny how your saying that... seems both sides of this argument believe this... isn't that what an argument is in the first place? it also seems that a lot of killing/wars started in the same pretense... right and wrong are just words, and to say anyone is right and everyone is wrong is not a beneficial way of communicating... some believe that obarry is bad for America, while others don't think so... so rather than be divided as a nation, where is the common ground? and a bigger question is who is doing the dividing? but I keep having my intelligence and opinions chided as 'nonsense' or some racial allegiance or 'gobbledygook' instead of the personal opinions and perceptions they are,, formed like everyone elses.. Good!...You said it yourself, most here disagree with your 'perceptions and opinion', especially when you use racism as an excuse for Obama's failures...You do it constantly and those of us WHO ARE NOT RACISTS are going to take issue with you...And by the way, this racist statement you made TO ME yesterday "particularly if you are a BLACK president facing the congressional obstructionism of people who for the most part cant relate to the reality of it or the need for anything to change",,, is pure gobbledyhgook... |
Edited by
Sat 03/07/15 06:42 AM
Like everyone after 9/11 I wanted a pound of flesh, someone to pay, and I followed the hype of the Bill O'Riellys, Joe Scarbouroughs, and everyone else touting the lies that were to become the "OFFICIAL" 9/11 report, and the reasons why we must give up some of our rights to keep America safe.... and then I started seeing, living, understanding, the results of those actions. I didn't vote for the man in either election, but I was excited when a young black man promised "Hope and Change" after the abuses of the Repulsicon War Machine against peoples rights, the torture, the Iraq lie. In one way MsH is right..... Barry is no different than any other POTUS of the last 2 decades. Just another banker/corporate/war machine shill following a script written long ago by those seeking "power over the people" rather than serving them. It wasn't racism that brought me to my beliefs and criticism of this POTUS or any other.... it was my love of my country and seeing what was happening to our once great nation, the growing decline of ethics, morals, pride, the abuse of rights..... I saw slavery coming once again to America, and I wasn't wrong. Hope and change means nothing when it is promised by a liar and meaningless puppet! As police forces are militarized against the population, and rights become negotiable, how can you say your leader is serving the people and not leading us towards fascism?! We should be strengthening our stand on the Constitution,not allowing it to be gutted, interpreted by govt lawyers before our eyes! Government is FORCE! Walking into a prison of your own making..... it's still a prison! David Rockefeller, Speaking at the June, 1991 Bilderberger meeting in Baden, Germany (a meeting also attended by then-Governor Bill Clinton and by Dan Quayle "We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years." He went on to explain: "It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries." Only a fool would believe that ambition is not still even more alive and well in the world! Look around you! |
interesting opinion piece,,, Thanks...loaded with facts too.... ![]() figures lie and liars figure, a lot of out of context 'facts' to make deceptive points 1st. Unemployment doesn't develop in a vacuum. Bush, Clinton , and OBama have 8 year terms , each year recording an unemployment rate ,,,,we can just look at history and figure that the black unemployment rate is consistently about TWICE that of the average/white rate and looking at the average rates during the term we can see the real 'facts' in context ,,,Clinton took office in 1993 with an unemployment rate ALREADY at 6.9 percent,, when Bush took office in 2001 it was DOWN to 4.7 when Obama took office in 2009 , it was up once again to 9.3 and currently( Obama leaves office in another two years yet) , it is at 5.7. So people using LOGIC and not emotionalism,, whatever their race, might see that Under DEM Clinton,, unemployment goes down, Under REP Bush, unemployment goes UP, and under Dem Obama unemployment goes down again ,,that might be a reason to support that is separate from race(OBama and Clinton aren't the same race) 2nd. At this time In Bushes presidency , KATRINA had happened,, his approval SUNK amongst blacks because of the appearance that he didn't give much of a damn and the statement that praised how it was being handled. This is nothing specifically a 'black' thing either, as OBamas ratings have dipped as well right after some national spotlight issue that people didn't agree with him on 3rd, blacks recognize their 'poverty' has been ingrained into the system long before OBama came and don't hold him responsible for singlehandedly changing that trend,,, 4th, those like me have no expectation that because a black man takes the office he will suddenly or brazenly turn things around that have taken hundreds of years to build up,,,lol,, so yeah 'freedom 'from poverty is a nice ideal but not any more an expectation from this president than it was any before him. but bringing unemployment down and adding jobs is a nice refresher,,, 5th, although 'illegitimacy' is the popular go to to explain the economic situation of blacks, it is nothing provable and doesn't explain the 'stagnation' that has been present even when those rates were much lower,, or higher in a time where more black women are choosing not to have more kids( which leads to the higher 'illegitimate' rate when many of those women are married, ) 6th, there really isn't much relevance in the discussion about blacks killing blacks, as the same is true any every group,,,, and is a separate issue from the most recent concern about INSTITUTIONAL Racism amongst police forces and the justice system ,,,,ya see, these things come from a different perspective, and I don't mandate or expect everyone to have it,, but it is rather insulting for all of that to be dismissed as simple 'black loyalty' Im positive everyone posting in this thread knows how unemployment 'develops'...They also know what exacerbates the problem...This statement, "blacks recognize their poverty has been ingrained into the system" that you 'borrowed' from the late Stokely Carmichael not only tell me where your head is, it tells me you have no real understanding of where the president stands on eliminating institutional racism...Obama, like all powermongers, is part of the problem...IMO, the rest of your post is denial, bias and spin... I stole nothing from anyone,, everything here is my own opinion, although I dont discount that I am not the only one to ever have it,,, you already know where my head is I have as much 'understanding' as anyone here,, there is no way to 'eliminate' institutional racism in one or two presidential terms, particularly if you are a BLACK president facing the congressional obstructionism of people who for the most part cant relate to the reality of it or the need for anything to change,,, and people, who for the most part, are a large part of who voted you in (and not to see you address institutional racism since MOST of them dont believe it exists and can explain it away by attacking the character of blacks instead,, you can bet) IN my opinion, your posts are nothing but persona opinion wrapped in ego that causes a belief that they are the only 'right' ones,,, Not only more of the same racist spewing, but now you are telling me what I know about you! ![]() ![]() I repost the nonsense that's posted and respond to it,,,, its amazing that the initiators of the nonsense don't see their nonsense in my response,,, I didn't equate a 'cure' with anything, I stated in response to the INITIAL mention of PRESIDENT OBAMA ending institutional racism,,, by stating I have o expectation for any president to 'end it' at this point in history,, there are a lot of other time consuming steps that will have to happen for that to even be a reality ,,and that doesn't change because they happen to be black I know institutional racism exists, I haven't tried to explain it away,, but this has been a nice effort at criss crossing points in an attempt to distract and plant the narrative of choice,, were you ever a cop? ,,,but back to the point,, I stand by my observation that most in America do not believe institutional racism (against blacks, hispanics, etc) is a real thing,, most will attribute any of the number of inconsistent conditions and disparities between blacks and others on 'cultural' flaws,, such as 'illegitimate' births you have been Harfing on this now for time,but the proof that's forthcoming is rather scant! |
interesting opinion piece,,, Thanks...loaded with facts too.... ![]() figures lie and liars figure, a lot of out of context 'facts' to make deceptive points 1st. Unemployment doesn't develop in a vacuum. Bush, Clinton , and OBama have 8 year terms , each year recording an unemployment rate ,,,,we can just look at history and figure that the black unemployment rate is consistently about TWICE that of the average/white rate and looking at the average rates during the term we can see the real 'facts' in context ,,,Clinton took office in 1993 with an unemployment rate ALREADY at 6.9 percent,, when Bush took office in 2001 it was DOWN to 4.7 when Obama took office in 2009 , it was up once again to 9.3 and currently( Obama leaves office in another two years yet) , it is at 5.7. So people using LOGIC and not emotionalism,, whatever their race, might see that Under DEM Clinton,, unemployment goes down, Under REP Bush, unemployment goes UP, and under Dem Obama unemployment goes down again ,,that might be a reason to support that is separate from race(OBama and Clinton aren't the same race) 2nd. At this time In Bushes presidency , KATRINA had happened,, his approval SUNK amongst blacks because of the appearance that he didn't give much of a damn and the statement that praised how it was being handled. This is nothing specifically a 'black' thing either, as OBamas ratings have dipped as well right after some national spotlight issue that people didn't agree with him on 3rd, blacks recognize their 'poverty' has been ingrained into the system long before OBama came and don't hold him responsible for singlehandedly changing that trend,,, 4th, those like me have no expectation that because a black man takes the office he will suddenly or brazenly turn things around that have taken hundreds of years to build up,,,lol,, so yeah 'freedom 'from poverty is a nice ideal but not any more an expectation from this president than it was any before him. but bringing unemployment down and adding jobs is a nice refresher,,, 5th, although 'illegitimacy' is the popular go to to explain the economic situation of blacks, it is nothing provable and doesn't explain the 'stagnation' that has been present even when those rates were much lower,, or higher in a time where more black women are choosing not to have more kids( which leads to the higher 'illegitimate' rate when many of those women are married, ) 6th, there really isn't much relevance in the discussion about blacks killing blacks, as the same is true any every group,,,, and is a separate issue from the most recent concern about INSTITUTIONAL Racism amongst police forces and the justice system ,,,,ya see, these things come from a different perspective, and I don't mandate or expect everyone to have it,, but it is rather insulting for all of that to be dismissed as simple 'black loyalty' Im positive everyone posting in this thread knows how unemployment 'develops'...They also know what exacerbates the problem...This statement, "blacks recognize their poverty has been ingrained into the system" that you 'borrowed' from the late Stokely Carmichael not only tell me where your head is, it tells me you have no real understanding of where the president stands on eliminating institutional racism...Obama, like all powermongers, is part of the problem...IMO, the rest of your post is denial, bias and spin... I stole nothing from anyone,, everything here is my own opinion, although I dont discount that I am not the only one to ever have it,,, you already know where my head is I have as much 'understanding' as anyone here,, there is no way to 'eliminate' institutional racism in one or two presidential terms, particularly if you are a BLACK president facing the congressional obstructionism of people who for the most part cant relate to the reality of it or the need for anything to change,,, and people, who for the most part, are a large part of who voted you in (and not to see you address institutional racism since MOST of them dont believe it exists and can explain it away by attacking the character of blacks instead,, you can bet) IN my opinion, your posts are nothing but persona opinion wrapped in ego that causes a belief that they are the only 'right' ones,,, Not only more of the same racist spewing, but now you are telling me what I know about you! ![]() ![]() I repost the nonsense that's posted and respond to it,,,, its amazing that the initiators of the nonsense don't see their nonsense in my response,,, I didn't equate a 'cure' with anything, I stated in response to the INITIAL mention of PRESIDENT OBAMA ending institutional racism,,, by stating I have o expectation for any president to 'end it' at this point in history,, there are a lot of other time consuming steps that will have to happen for that to even be a reality ,,and that doesn't change because they happen to be black I know institutional racism exists, I haven't tried to explain it away,, but this has been a nice effort at criss crossing points in an attempt to distract and plant the narrative of choice,, were you ever a cop? ,,,but back to the point,, I stand by my observation that most in America do not believe institutional racism (against blacks, hispanics, etc) is a real thing,, most will attribute any of the number of inconsistent conditions and disparities between blacks and others on 'cultural' flaws,, such as 'illegitimate' births you have been Harfing on this now for time,but the proof that's forthcoming is rather scant! Roflmao @ Harfing!! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I stand by my observation that most in America do not believe institutional racism (against blacks, hispanics, etc) is a real thing,, most will attribute any of the number of inconsistent conditions and disparities between blacks and others on 'cultural' flaws,, such as 'illegitimate' births After all those decades of the Democratic Party creating and supporting institutional racism . . . Oh, forget it. ![]() [/quote} yeah, please do, this aint your grandparents political parties... ![]() |
interesting opinion piece,,, Thanks...loaded with facts too.... ![]() figures lie and liars figure, a lot of out of context 'facts' to make deceptive points 1st. Unemployment doesn't develop in a vacuum. Bush, Clinton , and OBama have 8 year terms , each year recording an unemployment rate ,,,,we can just look at history and figure that the black unemployment rate is consistently about TWICE that of the average/white rate and looking at the average rates during the term we can see the real 'facts' in context ,,,Clinton took office in 1993 with an unemployment rate ALREADY at 6.9 percent,, when Bush took office in 2001 it was DOWN to 4.7 when Obama took office in 2009 , it was up once again to 9.3 and currently( Obama leaves office in another two years yet) , it is at 5.7. So people using LOGIC and not emotionalism,, whatever their race, might see that Under DEM Clinton,, unemployment goes down, Under REP Bush, unemployment goes UP, and under Dem Obama unemployment goes down again ,,that might be a reason to support that is separate from race(OBama and Clinton aren't the same race) 2nd. At this time In Bushes presidency , KATRINA had happened,, his approval SUNK amongst blacks because of the appearance that he didn't give much of a damn and the statement that praised how it was being handled. This is nothing specifically a 'black' thing either, as OBamas ratings have dipped as well right after some national spotlight issue that people didn't agree with him on 3rd, blacks recognize their 'poverty' has been ingrained into the system long before OBama came and don't hold him responsible for singlehandedly changing that trend,,, 4th, those like me have no expectation that because a black man takes the office he will suddenly or brazenly turn things around that have taken hundreds of years to build up,,,lol,, so yeah 'freedom 'from poverty is a nice ideal but not any more an expectation from this president than it was any before him. but bringing unemployment down and adding jobs is a nice refresher,,, 5th, although 'illegitimacy' is the popular go to to explain the economic situation of blacks, it is nothing provable and doesn't explain the 'stagnation' that has been present even when those rates were much lower,, or higher in a time where more black women are choosing not to have more kids( which leads to the higher 'illegitimate' rate when many of those women are married, ) 6th, there really isn't much relevance in the discussion about blacks killing blacks, as the same is true any every group,,,, and is a separate issue from the most recent concern about INSTITUTIONAL Racism amongst police forces and the justice system ,,,,ya see, these things come from a different perspective, and I don't mandate or expect everyone to have it,, but it is rather insulting for all of that to be dismissed as simple 'black loyalty' Im positive everyone posting in this thread knows how unemployment 'develops'...They also know what exacerbates the problem...This statement, "blacks recognize their poverty has been ingrained into the system" that you 'borrowed' from the late Stokely Carmichael not only tell me where your head is, it tells me you have no real understanding of where the president stands on eliminating institutional racism...Obama, like all powermongers, is part of the problem...IMO, the rest of your post is denial, bias and spin... I stole nothing from anyone,, everything here is my own opinion, although I dont discount that I am not the only one to ever have it,,, you already know where my head is I have as much 'understanding' as anyone here,, there is no way to 'eliminate' institutional racism in one or two presidential terms, particularly if you are a BLACK president facing the congressional obstructionism of people who for the most part cant relate to the reality of it or the need for anything to change,,, and people, who for the most part, are a large part of who voted you in (and not to see you address institutional racism since MOST of them dont believe it exists and can explain it away by attacking the character of blacks instead,, you can bet) IN my opinion, your posts are nothing but persona opinion wrapped in ego that causes a belief that they are the only 'right' ones,,, kinda funny how your saying that... seems both sides of this argument believe this... isn't that what an argument is in the first place? it also seems that a lot of killing/wars started in the same pretense... right and wrong are just words, and to say anyone is right and everyone is wrong is not a beneficial way of communicating... some believe that obarry is bad for America, while others don't think so... so rather than be divided as a nation, where is the common ground? and a bigger question is who is doing the dividing? but I keep having my intelligence and opinions chided as 'nonsense' or some racial allegiance or 'gobbledygook' instead of the personal opinions and perceptions they are,, formed like everyone elses.. Good!...You said it yourself, most here disagree with your 'perceptions and opinion', especially when you use racism as an excuse for Obama's failures...You do it constantly and those of us WHO ARE NOT RACISTS are going to take issue with you...And by the way, this racist statement you made TO ME yesterday "particularly if you are a BLACK president facing the congressional obstructionism of people who for the most part cant relate to the reality of it or the need for anything to change",,, is pure gobbledyhgook... I don't use racism for anything people here tend to jump to a conclusion that if I mention race , I am 'excusing' something or racist, but when the people I respond to have mentioned race,,,oh well,,lol I do nothing 'constantly' becaue I respond to hundreds of posts and a very small portion have to do with race, but , for some reason, many here tend to immediately jump and harp on those times ,,,,,,,perception,,,,,lol,,,,,things change but things stay the same and double standards persist ,,,there is no more 'gobbledygook' involved when I criticize Congress than when all the other people who are here 'CONSTANTLY' complaining about government,,,,,except if I mention the tabu topic of race,, oh well yet I can respond to someone elses post about what Obama isn't doing for black people,,,, and its only MY Response that is forcing the issue of race,,,,, ![]() ![]() its truly a riot,, but one Im quite used to at this point,, ,,,but we are all free to our personal experiences and observations which lead to our SUBJECTIVE points of view,,,, |
interesting opinion piece,,, Thanks...loaded with facts too.... ![]() figures lie and liars figure, a lot of out of context 'facts' to make deceptive points 1st. Unemployment doesn't develop in a vacuum. Bush, Clinton , and OBama have 8 year terms , each year recording an unemployment rate ,,,,we can just look at history and figure that the black unemployment rate is consistently about TWICE that of the average/white rate and looking at the average rates during the term we can see the real 'facts' in context ,,,Clinton took office in 1993 with an unemployment rate ALREADY at 6.9 percent,, when Bush took office in 2001 it was DOWN to 4.7 when Obama took office in 2009 , it was up once again to 9.3 and currently( Obama leaves office in another two years yet) , it is at 5.7. So people using LOGIC and not emotionalism,, whatever their race, might see that Under DEM Clinton,, unemployment goes down, Under REP Bush, unemployment goes UP, and under Dem Obama unemployment goes down again ,,that might be a reason to support that is separate from race(OBama and Clinton aren't the same race) 2nd. At this time In Bushes presidency , KATRINA had happened,, his approval SUNK amongst blacks because of the appearance that he didn't give much of a damn and the statement that praised how it was being handled. This is nothing specifically a 'black' thing either, as OBamas ratings have dipped as well right after some national spotlight issue that people didn't agree with him on 3rd, blacks recognize their 'poverty' has been ingrained into the system long before OBama came and don't hold him responsible for singlehandedly changing that trend,,, 4th, those like me have no expectation that because a black man takes the office he will suddenly or brazenly turn things around that have taken hundreds of years to build up,,,lol,, so yeah 'freedom 'from poverty is a nice ideal but not any more an expectation from this president than it was any before him. but bringing unemployment down and adding jobs is a nice refresher,,, 5th, although 'illegitimacy' is the popular go to to explain the economic situation of blacks, it is nothing provable and doesn't explain the 'stagnation' that has been present even when those rates were much lower,, or higher in a time where more black women are choosing not to have more kids( which leads to the higher 'illegitimate' rate when many of those women are married, ) 6th, there really isn't much relevance in the discussion about blacks killing blacks, as the same is true any every group,,,, and is a separate issue from the most recent concern about INSTITUTIONAL Racism amongst police forces and the justice system ,,,,ya see, these things come from a different perspective, and I don't mandate or expect everyone to have it,, but it is rather insulting for all of that to be dismissed as simple 'black loyalty' Im positive everyone posting in this thread knows how unemployment 'develops'...They also know what exacerbates the problem...This statement, "blacks recognize their poverty has been ingrained into the system" that you 'borrowed' from the late Stokely Carmichael not only tell me where your head is, it tells me you have no real understanding of where the president stands on eliminating institutional racism...Obama, like all powermongers, is part of the problem...IMO, the rest of your post is denial, bias and spin... I stole nothing from anyone,, everything here is my own opinion, although I dont discount that I am not the only one to ever have it,,, you already know where my head is I have as much 'understanding' as anyone here,, there is no way to 'eliminate' institutional racism in one or two presidential terms, particularly if you are a BLACK president facing the congressional obstructionism of people who for the most part cant relate to the reality of it or the need for anything to change,,, and people, who for the most part, are a large part of who voted you in (and not to see you address institutional racism since MOST of them dont believe it exists and can explain it away by attacking the character of blacks instead,, you can bet) IN my opinion, your posts are nothing but persona opinion wrapped in ego that causes a belief that they are the only 'right' ones,,, Not only more of the same racist spewing, but now you are telling me what I know about you! ![]() ![]() I repost the nonsense that's posted and respond to it,,,, its amazing that the initiators of the nonsense don't see their nonsense in my response,,, I didn't equate a 'cure' with anything, I stated in response to the INITIAL mention of PRESIDENT OBAMA ending institutional racism,,, by stating I have o expectation for any president to 'end it' at this point in history,, there are a lot of other time consuming steps that will have to happen for that to even be a reality ,,and that doesn't change because they happen to be black I know institutional racism exists, I haven't tried to explain it away,, but this has been a nice effort at criss crossing points in an attempt to distract and plant the narrative of choice,, were you ever a cop? ,,,but back to the point,, I stand by my observation that most in America do not believe institutional racism (against blacks, hispanics, etc) is a real thing,, most will attribute any of the number of inconsistent conditions and disparities between blacks and others on 'cultural' flaws,, such as 'illegitimate' births you have been Harfing on this now for time,but the proof that's forthcoming is rather scant! I'm not 'harfing' , IM responding to others,, but continue only noticing my part in the conversation,,,,,,nothing new,,, ![]() ![]() |
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that would be kind of weird, considering they are recruiting people to try to kill him,,,lol
,,but it does entertain the idea that he is one of 'those' muslims,,, or has allegiance to the radicals,,, |
![]() ![]() ![]() Hello, beautiful Leigh...... ![]() |
that would be kind of weird, considering they are recruiting people to try to kill him,,,lol ,,but it does entertain the idea that he is one of 'those' muslims,,, or has allegiance to the radicals,,, ummm... who gave them their weapons and money? |
that would be kind of weird, considering they are recruiting people to try to kill him,,,lol ,,but it does entertain the idea that he is one of 'those' muslims,,, or has allegiance to the radicals,,, ummm... who gave them their weapons and money? lol,, The US we give weapons and money to plenty of nations who have radicals who get their hands on them,,, but what has that to do with whether they and the pres are buddies,,, |
![]() ![]() ![]() Hello, beautiful Leigh...... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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After all those decades of the Democratic Party creating and supporting institutional racism . . . Oh, forget it. ![]() yeah, please do, this aint your grandparents political parties... ![]() My Melmacian grandparents had nothing to do with the institutional racism that the Democratic Party created and supported. |
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