Topic: Criticizing the President | |
With poverty at an all-time high, daunting black unemployment levels and Obamacare threatening black babies, black support for Barack Obama remains surprisingly strong. Why? Blacks are not uniformly as radical as Obama. So why do 91 percent of blacks still support him1 when only 79 percent of his Democrat constituency2 does? It's a black thang. Again, why? Some say Obama's support comes from "black solidarity" — that birds of a feather flock together. That is racist in itself. After all, imagine if white voters similarly lined up in "racial solidarity." This is compounded by the facts. Under George W. Bush, black unemployment was actually lower than during the Clinton years3 and much lower than the 16.3 percent it is today.4 Under Obama, black unemployment rose from 12.6 percent to 16.3 percent as of August 1, 2010.5 Despite promoting black upward mobility, Bush only enjoyed a black approval rating in the low 30s at a similar time in his presidency.6 Bush also made historic cabinet-level appointments of blacks and dramatically increased funding to fight AIDS in Africa. Much to Kanye West's chagrin, President Bush did care about black people. Furthermore, after nearly two years of Obama's reckless spending, 43.6 million Americans (one in seven) live in poverty — a 51-year high.7 Blacks, who account for only 13 percent of the population, make up 22.6 percent of those now receiving food stamp benefits.8 And, after a promise there would be no federal abortion funding in Obamacare, tax dollars for abortions may be provided through high-risk insurance programs in Pennsylvania, New Mexico and Maryland.9 Polling shows blacks are overwhelmingly pro-life.10 We undoubtedly want jobs and freedom from poverty. So why the blind loyalty to someone who hasn't delivered? When a constituency clearly provides loyal support, as blacks are to progressives, it begs to be taken for granted. So is it any wonder that, after 50 years of conceding support to liberals and letting Uncle Sam be their "baby daddy," we are mired in an anti-empowerment culture of dependency? Liberals can argue racism causes black stagnation, but is a 70 percent illegitimacy rate among blacks (90 percent in some inner cities) due to racism or a lack of accountability and personal responsibility? It's also a painful truth that blacks kill more blacks (by gun, unhealthy lifestyle and abortion) than racists could ever accomplish. So-called "civil rights leaders," pseudo-intellectuals and liberal lawmakers must know this, yet they insist on pretending racism is more responsible for sluggish black advancement than behavior they foster. It's time for a frank discussion about the folly of black Americans' monolithic support of liberalism. When 91 percent of any racial group votes one way, it's either out of racism or blind groupthink. Neither is good for America. # # # Jerome Hudson is a member of the national advisory council of the Project 21 black leadership network. His work has also appeared in Human Events. Comments may be sent to Being that some black American consider socialism to be a quick path to economic equality, it isn't surprising that they would constantly support politicians who favor socialist policies. I agree, and I think Jerome Hudson says as much in his article...Key word here being "some"... ![]() |
interesting opinion piece,,, Thanks...loaded with facts too.... ![]() figures lie and liars figure, a lot of out of context 'facts' to make deceptive points 1st. Unemployment doesn't develop in a vacuum. Bush, Clinton , and OBama have 8 year terms , each year recording an unemployment rate ,,,,we can just look at history and figure that the black unemployment rate is consistently about TWICE that of the average/white rate and looking at the average rates during the term we can see the real 'facts' in context ,,,Clinton took office in 1993 with an unemployment rate ALREADY at 6.9 percent,, when Bush took office in 2001 it was DOWN to 4.7 when Obama took office in 2009 , it was up once again to 9.3 and currently( Obama leaves office in another two years yet) , it is at 5.7. So people using LOGIC and not emotionalism,, whatever their race, might see that Under DEM Clinton,, unemployment goes down, Under REP Bush, unemployment goes UP, and under Dem Obama unemployment goes down again ,,that might be a reason to support that is separate from race(OBama and Clinton aren't the same race) 2nd. At this time In Bushes presidency , KATRINA had happened,, his approval SUNK amongst blacks because of the appearance that he didn't give much of a damn and the statement that praised how it was being handled. This is nothing specifically a 'black' thing either, as OBamas ratings have dipped as well right after some national spotlight issue that people didn't agree with him on 3rd, blacks recognize their 'poverty' has been ingrained into the system long before OBama came and don't hold him responsible for singlehandedly changing that trend,,, 4th, those like me have no expectation that because a black man takes the office he will suddenly or brazenly turn things around that have taken hundreds of years to build up,,,lol,, so yeah 'freedom 'from poverty is a nice ideal but not any more an expectation from this president than it was any before him. but bringing unemployment down and adding jobs is a nice refresher,,, 5th, although 'illegitimacy' is the popular go to to explain the economic situation of blacks, it is nothing provable and doesn't explain the 'stagnation' that has been present even when those rates were much lower,, or higher in a time where more black women are choosing not to have more kids( which leads to the higher 'illegitimate' rate when many of those women are married, ) 6th, there really isn't much relevance in the discussion about blacks killing blacks, as the same is true any every group,,,, and is a separate issue from the most recent concern about INSTITUTIONAL Racism amongst police forces and the justice system ,,,,ya see, these things come from a different perspective, and I don't mandate or expect everyone to have it,, but it is rather insulting for all of that to be dismissed as simple 'black loyalty' |
Perhaps the U.S. unemployment rate will get down to where it was before President Obama moved into the White House.
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interesting opinion piece,,, Thanks...loaded with facts too.... ![]() figures lie and liars figure, a lot of out of context 'facts' to make deceptive points 1st. Unemployment doesn't develop in a vacuum. Bush, Clinton , and OBama have 8 year terms , each year recording an unemployment rate ,,,,we can just look at history and figure that the black unemployment rate is consistently about TWICE that of the average/white rate and looking at the average rates during the term we can see the real 'facts' in context ,,,Clinton took office in 1993 with an unemployment rate ALREADY at 6.9 percent,, when Bush took office in 2001 it was DOWN to 4.7 when Obama took office in 2009 , it was up once again to 9.3 and currently( Obama leaves office in another two years yet) , it is at 5.7. So people using LOGIC and not emotionalism,, whatever their race, might see that Under DEM Clinton,, unemployment goes down, Under REP Bush, unemployment goes UP, and under Dem Obama unemployment goes down again ,,that might be a reason to support that is separate from race(OBama and Clinton aren't the same race) 2nd. At this time In Bushes presidency , KATRINA had happened,, his approval SUNK amongst blacks because of the appearance that he didn't give much of a damn and the statement that praised how it was being handled. This is nothing specifically a 'black' thing either, as OBamas ratings have dipped as well right after some national spotlight issue that people didn't agree with him on 3rd, blacks recognize their 'poverty' has been ingrained into the system long before OBama came and don't hold him responsible for singlehandedly changing that trend,,, 4th, those like me have no expectation that because a black man takes the office he will suddenly or brazenly turn things around that have taken hundreds of years to build up,,,lol,, so yeah 'freedom 'from poverty is a nice ideal but not any more an expectation from this president than it was any before him. but bringing unemployment down and adding jobs is a nice refresher,,, 5th, although 'illegitimacy' is the popular go to to explain the economic situation of blacks, it is nothing provable and doesn't explain the 'stagnation' that has been present even when those rates were much lower,, or higher in a time where more black women are choosing not to have more kids( which leads to the higher 'illegitimate' rate when many of those women are married, ) 6th, there really isn't much relevance in the discussion about blacks killing blacks, as the same is true any every group,,,, and is a separate issue from the most recent concern about INSTITUTIONAL Racism amongst police forces and the justice system ,,,,ya see, these things come from a different perspective, and I don't mandate or expect everyone to have it,, but it is rather insulting for all of that to be dismissed as simple 'black loyalty' Im positive everyone posting in this thread knows how unemployment 'develops'...They also know what exacerbates the problem...This statement, "blacks recognize their poverty has been ingrained into the system" that you 'borrowed' from the late Stokely Carmichael not only tell me where your head is, it tells me you have no real understanding of where the president stands on eliminating institutional racism...Obama, like all powermongers, is part of the problem...IMO, the rest of your post is denial, bias and spin... |
Edited by
Fri 03/06/15 07:40 AM
I actually don't think that Obama will be stepping down next year. By next year the US national debt will be $20 trillion and that will lead to the economic collapse of the US. China, is owed most of this debt and could end up owning swathes of the US, as collateral against this debt. Think I'm joking? Think again? Obama, then leads a coup de etat, backed by the military. Obama, behind the scenes is part of a secret shadow government and this will be when the NWO kicks in and takes control. You may laugh, but you won't be when it proves true and the seeds that have been planted for decades reach fruitition. Changing times we are in and it isn't for the better, i'm sure of that!
interesting opinion piece,,, Thanks...loaded with facts too.... ![]() figures lie and liars figure, a lot of out of context 'facts' to make deceptive points 1st. Unemployment doesn't develop in a vacuum. Bush, Clinton , and OBama have 8 year terms , each year recording an unemployment rate ,,,,we can just look at history and figure that the black unemployment rate is consistently about TWICE that of the average/white rate and looking at the average rates during the term we can see the real 'facts' in context ,,,Clinton took office in 1993 with an unemployment rate ALREADY at 6.9 percent,, when Bush took office in 2001 it was DOWN to 4.7 when Obama took office in 2009 , it was up once again to 9.3 and currently( Obama leaves office in another two years yet) , it is at 5.7. So people using LOGIC and not emotionalism,, whatever their race, might see that Under DEM Clinton,, unemployment goes down, Under REP Bush, unemployment goes UP, and under Dem Obama unemployment goes down again ,,that might be a reason to support that is separate from race(OBama and Clinton aren't the same race) 2nd. At this time In Bushes presidency , KATRINA had happened,, his approval SUNK amongst blacks because of the appearance that he didn't give much of a damn and the statement that praised how it was being handled. This is nothing specifically a 'black' thing either, as OBamas ratings have dipped as well right after some national spotlight issue that people didn't agree with him on 3rd, blacks recognize their 'poverty' has been ingrained into the system long before OBama came and don't hold him responsible for singlehandedly changing that trend,,, 4th, those like me have no expectation that because a black man takes the office he will suddenly or brazenly turn things around that have taken hundreds of years to build up,,,lol,, so yeah 'freedom 'from poverty is a nice ideal but not any more an expectation from this president than it was any before him. but bringing unemployment down and adding jobs is a nice refresher,,, 5th, although 'illegitimacy' is the popular go to to explain the economic situation of blacks, it is nothing provable and doesn't explain the 'stagnation' that has been present even when those rates were much lower,, or higher in a time where more black women are choosing not to have more kids( which leads to the higher 'illegitimate' rate when many of those women are married, ) 6th, there really isn't much relevance in the discussion about blacks killing blacks, as the same is true any every group,,,, and is a separate issue from the most recent concern about INSTITUTIONAL Racism amongst police forces and the justice system ,,,,ya see, these things come from a different perspective, and I don't mandate or expect everyone to have it,, but it is rather insulting for all of that to be dismissed as simple 'black loyalty' Im positive everyone posting in this thread knows how unemployment 'develops'...They also know what exacerbates the problem...This statement, "blacks recognize their poverty has been ingrained into the system" that you 'borrowed' from the late Stokely Carmichael not only tell me where your head is, it tells me you have no real understanding of where the president stands on eliminating institutional racism...Obama, like all powermongers, is part of the problem...IMO, the rest of your post is denial, bias and spin... Indubitably! ![]() |
After Five Years Of Obamanomics, A Record 100 Million Americans Not Working |
Perhaps the U.S. unemployment rate will get down to where it was before President Obama moved into the White House. ![]() With an ACTUAL unemployment rate of around 21% ...... that will take some doing...... and a whole new congress. Even tho the Repulsicons now control both houses .... by protest vote..... don't hold your breath expecting much to change, you'll just pass out |
Edited by
Fri 03/06/15 09:34 AM
| After Five Years Of Obamanomics, A Record 100 Million Americans Not Working ![]() Some highlights from the article... President Obama is not the only President to be challenged by a recession while in office. Since the Great Depression, there have been 10 other recessions before this last one. On average, all the jobs lost in those recessions were recovered within two years after the recession started, as reflected in the official historical data, which is well presented on the website of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. But here we are today under President Obama, more than 6 years after the recession started, and we still have not recovered all of the lost jobs! Moreover, Obama apologists cannot say that Obama'��s recovery from the recession is so bad because the recession was so bad. The historical record for the American economy has always been the worse the recession, the stronger the recovery. America has forgotten that experience, because Reaganomics produced 25 years of steady, often booming growth, from 1982 to 2007, with only two, short, shallow recessions. But under every other President in U.S. history, going back for well over a century at least, the economy was in a booming recovery within 5 years as President Obama has had, even under Franklin Roosevelt during the Great Depression! Today's economic reality is better represented by what the BLS calls the U6 unemployment rate. That rate includes discouraged workers who have given up looking for a job in the past 4 weeks, and others the BLS considers marginally attached to the work force. It also includes involuntary part time workers who want a full time job but could only find part time work. That U6 unemployment rate was 13.1% in December. |
interesting opinion piece,,, Thanks...loaded with facts too.... ![]() figures lie and liars figure, a lot of out of context 'facts' to make deceptive points 1st. Unemployment doesn't develop in a vacuum. Bush, Clinton , and OBama have 8 year terms , each year recording an unemployment rate ,,,,we can just look at history and figure that the black unemployment rate is consistently about TWICE that of the average/white rate and looking at the average rates during the term we can see the real 'facts' in context ,,,Clinton took office in 1993 with an unemployment rate ALREADY at 6.9 percent,, when Bush took office in 2001 it was DOWN to 4.7 when Obama took office in 2009 , it was up once again to 9.3 and currently( Obama leaves office in another two years yet) , it is at 5.7. So people using LOGIC and not emotionalism,, whatever their race, might see that Under DEM Clinton,, unemployment goes down, Under REP Bush, unemployment goes UP, and under Dem Obama unemployment goes down again ,,that might be a reason to support that is separate from race(OBama and Clinton aren't the same race) 2nd. At this time In Bushes presidency , KATRINA had happened,, his approval SUNK amongst blacks because of the appearance that he didn't give much of a damn and the statement that praised how it was being handled. This is nothing specifically a 'black' thing either, as OBamas ratings have dipped as well right after some national spotlight issue that people didn't agree with him on 3rd, blacks recognize their 'poverty' has been ingrained into the system long before OBama came and don't hold him responsible for singlehandedly changing that trend,,, 4th, those like me have no expectation that because a black man takes the office he will suddenly or brazenly turn things around that have taken hundreds of years to build up,,,lol,, so yeah 'freedom 'from poverty is a nice ideal but not any more an expectation from this president than it was any before him. but bringing unemployment down and adding jobs is a nice refresher,,, 5th, although 'illegitimacy' is the popular go to to explain the economic situation of blacks, it is nothing provable and doesn't explain the 'stagnation' that has been present even when those rates were much lower,, or higher in a time where more black women are choosing not to have more kids( which leads to the higher 'illegitimate' rate when many of those women are married, ) 6th, there really isn't much relevance in the discussion about blacks killing blacks, as the same is true any every group,,,, and is a separate issue from the most recent concern about INSTITUTIONAL Racism amongst police forces and the justice system ,,,,ya see, these things come from a different perspective, and I don't mandate or expect everyone to have it,, but it is rather insulting for all of that to be dismissed as simple 'black loyalty' Im positive everyone posting in this thread knows how unemployment 'develops'...They also know what exacerbates the problem...This statement, "blacks recognize their poverty has been ingrained into the system" that you 'borrowed' from the late Stokely Carmichael not only tell me where your head is, it tells me you have no real understanding of where the president stands on eliminating institutional racism...Obama, like all powermongers, is part of the problem...IMO, the rest of your post is denial, bias and spin... I stole nothing from anyone,, everything here is my own opinion, although I dont discount that I am not the only one to ever have it,,, you already know where my head is I have as much 'understanding' as anyone here,, there is no way to 'eliminate' institutional racism in one or two presidential terms, particularly if you are a BLACK president facing the congressional obstructionism of people who for the most part cant relate to the reality of it or the need for anything to change,,, and people, who for the most part, are a large part of who voted you in (and not to see you address institutional racism since MOST of them dont believe it exists and can explain it away by attacking the character of blacks instead,, you can bet) IN my opinion, your posts are nothing but persona opinion wrapped in ego that causes a belief that they are the only 'right' ones,,, |
I actually don't think that Obama will be stepping down next year. By next year the US national debt will be $20 trillion and that will lead to the economic collapse of the US. China, is owed most of this debt and could end up owning swathes of the US, as collateral against this debt. Think I'm joking? Think again? Obama, then leads a coup de etat, backed by the military. Obama, behind the scenes is part of a secret shadow government and this will be when the NWO kicks in and takes control. You may laugh, but you won't be when it proves true and the seeds that have been planted for decades reach fruitition. Changing times we are in and it isn't for the better, i'm sure of that! ![]() ![]() |
| After Five Years Of Obamanomics, A Record 100 Million Americans Not Working after 200 odd years of population growth, we HAVE a 'reocrd' number of americans,,,lol |
Perhaps the U.S. unemployment rate will get down to where it was before President Obama moved into the White House. ![]() With an ACTUAL unemployment rate of around 21% ...... that will take some doing...... and a whole new congress. Even tho the Repulsicons now control both houses .... by protest vote..... don't hold your breath expecting much to change, you'll just pass out it already has, since he didnt 'take office' uhtil 2009 |
Edited by
Fri 03/06/15 11:18 AM
interesting opinion piece,,, Thanks...loaded with facts too.... ![]() figures lie and liars figure, a lot of out of context 'facts' to make deceptive points 1st. Unemployment doesn't develop in a vacuum. Bush, Clinton , and OBama have 8 year terms , each year recording an unemployment rate ,,,,we can just look at history and figure that the black unemployment rate is consistently about TWICE that of the average/white rate and looking at the average rates during the term we can see the real 'facts' in context ,,,Clinton took office in 1993 with an unemployment rate ALREADY at 6.9 percent,, when Bush took office in 2001 it was DOWN to 4.7 when Obama took office in 2009 , it was up once again to 9.3 and currently( Obama leaves office in another two years yet) , it is at 5.7. So people using LOGIC and not emotionalism,, whatever their race, might see that Under DEM Clinton,, unemployment goes down, Under REP Bush, unemployment goes UP, and under Dem Obama unemployment goes down again ,,that might be a reason to support that is separate from race(OBama and Clinton aren't the same race) 2nd. At this time In Bushes presidency , KATRINA had happened,, his approval SUNK amongst blacks because of the appearance that he didn't give much of a damn and the statement that praised how it was being handled. This is nothing specifically a 'black' thing either, as OBamas ratings have dipped as well right after some national spotlight issue that people didn't agree with him on 3rd, blacks recognize their 'poverty' has been ingrained into the system long before OBama came and don't hold him responsible for singlehandedly changing that trend,,, 4th, those like me have no expectation that because a black man takes the office he will suddenly or brazenly turn things around that have taken hundreds of years to build up,,,lol,, so yeah 'freedom 'from poverty is a nice ideal but not any more an expectation from this president than it was any before him. but bringing unemployment down and adding jobs is a nice refresher,,, 5th, although 'illegitimacy' is the popular go to to explain the economic situation of blacks, it is nothing provable and doesn't explain the 'stagnation' that has been present even when those rates were much lower,, or higher in a time where more black women are choosing not to have more kids( which leads to the higher 'illegitimate' rate when many of those women are married, ) 6th, there really isn't much relevance in the discussion about blacks killing blacks, as the same is true any every group,,,, and is a separate issue from the most recent concern about INSTITUTIONAL Racism amongst police forces and the justice system ,,,,ya see, these things come from a different perspective, and I don't mandate or expect everyone to have it,, but it is rather insulting for all of that to be dismissed as simple 'black loyalty' Im positive everyone posting in this thread knows how unemployment 'develops'...They also know what exacerbates the problem...This statement, "blacks recognize their poverty has been ingrained into the system" that you 'borrowed' from the late Stokely Carmichael not only tell me where your head is, it tells me you have no real understanding of where the president stands on eliminating institutional racism...Obama, like all powermongers, is part of the problem...IMO, the rest of your post is denial, bias and spin... I stole nothing from anyone,, everything here is my own opinion, although I dont discount that I am not the only one to ever have it,,, you already know where my head is I have as much 'understanding' as anyone here,, there is no way to 'eliminate' institutional racism in one or two presidential terms, particularly if you are a BLACK president facing the congressional obstructionism of people who for the most part cant relate to the reality of it or the need for anything to change,,, and people, who for the most part, are a large part of who voted you in (and not to see you address institutional racism since MOST of them dont believe it exists and can explain it away by attacking the character of blacks instead,, you can bet) IN my opinion, your posts are nothing but persona opinion wrapped in ego that causes a belief that they are the only 'right' ones,,, Not only more of the same racist spewing, but now you are telling me what I know about you! ![]() ![]() |
interesting opinion piece,,, Thanks...loaded with facts too.... ![]() figures lie and liars figure, a lot of out of context 'facts' to make deceptive points 1st. Unemployment doesn't develop in a vacuum. Bush, Clinton , and OBama have 8 year terms , each year recording an unemployment rate ,,,,we can just look at history and figure that the black unemployment rate is consistently about TWICE that of the average/white rate and looking at the average rates during the term we can see the real 'facts' in context ,,,Clinton took office in 1993 with an unemployment rate ALREADY at 6.9 percent,, when Bush took office in 2001 it was DOWN to 4.7 when Obama took office in 2009 , it was up once again to 9.3 and currently( Obama leaves office in another two years yet) , it is at 5.7. So people using LOGIC and not emotionalism,, whatever their race, might see that Under DEM Clinton,, unemployment goes down, Under REP Bush, unemployment goes UP, and under Dem Obama unemployment goes down again ,,that might be a reason to support that is separate from race(OBama and Clinton aren't the same race) 2nd. At this time In Bushes presidency , KATRINA had happened,, his approval SUNK amongst blacks because of the appearance that he didn't give much of a damn and the statement that praised how it was being handled. This is nothing specifically a 'black' thing either, as OBamas ratings have dipped as well right after some national spotlight issue that people didn't agree with him on 3rd, blacks recognize their 'poverty' has been ingrained into the system long before OBama came and don't hold him responsible for singlehandedly changing that trend,,, 4th, those like me have no expectation that because a black man takes the office he will suddenly or brazenly turn things around that have taken hundreds of years to build up,,,lol,, so yeah 'freedom 'from poverty is a nice ideal but not any more an expectation from this president than it was any before him. but bringing unemployment down and adding jobs is a nice refresher,,, 5th, although 'illegitimacy' is the popular go to to explain the economic situation of blacks, it is nothing provable and doesn't explain the 'stagnation' that has been present even when those rates were much lower,, or higher in a time where more black women are choosing not to have more kids( which leads to the higher 'illegitimate' rate when many of those women are married, ) 6th, there really isn't much relevance in the discussion about blacks killing blacks, as the same is true any every group,,,, and is a separate issue from the most recent concern about INSTITUTIONAL Racism amongst police forces and the justice system ,,,,ya see, these things come from a different perspective, and I don't mandate or expect everyone to have it,, but it is rather insulting for all of that to be dismissed as simple 'black loyalty' Im positive everyone posting in this thread knows how unemployment 'develops'...They also know what exacerbates the problem...This statement, "blacks recognize their poverty has been ingrained into the system" that you 'borrowed' from the late Stokely Carmichael not only tell me where your head is, it tells me you have no real understanding of where the president stands on eliminating institutional racism...Obama, like all powermongers, is part of the problem...IMO, the rest of your post is denial, bias and spin... I stole nothing from anyone,, everything here is my own opinion, although I dont discount that I am not the only one to ever have it,,, you already know where my head is I have as much 'understanding' as anyone here,, there is no way to 'eliminate' institutional racism in one or two presidential terms, particularly if you are a BLACK president facing the congressional obstructionism of people who for the most part cant relate to the reality of it or the need for anything to change,,, and people, who for the most part, are a large part of who voted you in (and not to see you address institutional racism since MOST of them dont believe it exists and can explain it away by attacking the character of blacks instead,, you can bet) IN my opinion, your posts are nothing but persona opinion wrapped in ego that causes a belief that they are the only 'right' ones,,, Not only more of the same racist spewing, but now you are telling me what I know about you! ![]() ![]() |
| After Five Years Of Obamanomics, A Record 100 Million Americans Not Working after 200 odd years of population growth, we HAVE a 'reocrd' number of americans,,,lol your wiggle-room is getting smaller and smaller! |
Edited by
Fri 03/06/15 01:01 PM
interesting opinion piece,,, Thanks...loaded with facts too.... ![]() figures lie and liars figure, a lot of out of context 'facts' to make deceptive points 1st. Unemployment doesn't develop in a vacuum. Bush, Clinton , and OBama have 8 year terms , each year recording an unemployment rate ,,,,we can just look at history and figure that the black unemployment rate is consistently about TWICE that of the average/white rate and looking at the average rates during the term we can see the real 'facts' in context ,,,Clinton took office in 1993 with an unemployment rate ALREADY at 6.9 percent,, when Bush took office in 2001 it was DOWN to 4.7 when Obama took office in 2009 , it was up once again to 9.3 and currently( Obama leaves office in another two years yet) , it is at 5.7. So people using LOGIC and not emotionalism,, whatever their race, might see that Under DEM Clinton,, unemployment goes down, Under REP Bush, unemployment goes UP, and under Dem Obama unemployment goes down again ,,that might be a reason to support that is separate from race(OBama and Clinton aren't the same race) 2nd. At this time In Bushes presidency , KATRINA had happened,, his approval SUNK amongst blacks because of the appearance that he didn't give much of a damn and the statement that praised how it was being handled. This is nothing specifically a 'black' thing either, as OBamas ratings have dipped as well right after some national spotlight issue that people didn't agree with him on 3rd, blacks recognize their 'poverty' has been ingrained into the system long before OBama came and don't hold him responsible for singlehandedly changing that trend,,, 4th, those like me have no expectation that because a black man takes the office he will suddenly or brazenly turn things around that have taken hundreds of years to build up,,,lol,, so yeah 'freedom 'from poverty is a nice ideal but not any more an expectation from this president than it was any before him. but bringing unemployment down and adding jobs is a nice refresher,,, 5th, although 'illegitimacy' is the popular go to to explain the economic situation of blacks, it is nothing provable and doesn't explain the 'stagnation' that has been present even when those rates were much lower,, or higher in a time where more black women are choosing not to have more kids( which leads to the higher 'illegitimate' rate when many of those women are married, ) 6th, there really isn't much relevance in the discussion about blacks killing blacks, as the same is true any every group,,,, and is a separate issue from the most recent concern about INSTITUTIONAL Racism amongst police forces and the justice system ,,,,ya see, these things come from a different perspective, and I don't mandate or expect everyone to have it,, but it is rather insulting for all of that to be dismissed as simple 'black loyalty' Im positive everyone posting in this thread knows how unemployment 'develops'...They also know what exacerbates the problem...This statement, "blacks recognize their poverty has been ingrained into the system" that you 'borrowed' from the late Stokely Carmichael not only tell me where your head is, it tells me you have no real understanding of where the president stands on eliminating institutional racism...Obama, like all powermongers, is part of the problem...IMO, the rest of your post is denial, bias and spin... I stole nothing from anyone,, everything here is my own opinion, although I dont discount that I am not the only one to ever have it,,, you already know where my head is I have as much 'understanding' as anyone here,, there is no way to 'eliminate' institutional racism in one or two presidential terms, particularly if you are a BLACK president facing the congressional obstructionism of people who for the most part cant relate to the reality of it or the need for anything to change,,, and people, who for the most part, are a large part of who voted you in (and not to see you address institutional racism since MOST of them dont believe it exists and can explain it away by attacking the character of blacks instead,, you can bet) IN my opinion, your posts are nothing but persona opinion wrapped in ego that causes a belief that they are the only 'right' ones,,, kinda funny how your saying that... seems both sides of this argument believe this... isn't that what an argument is in the first place? it also seems that a lot of killing/wars started in the same pretense... right and wrong are just words, and to say anyone is right and everyone is wrong is not a beneficial way of communicating... some believe that obarry is bad for America, while others don't think so... so rather than be divided as a nation, where is the common ground? and a bigger question is who is doing the dividing? |
Edited by
Fri 03/06/15 01:25 PM
For some Barry could be standing over a bloody corpse, in a locked room, with the bloody knife in his hand, a signed confession for the crime, video surveillance showing him committing the crime, and they would still swear he found it that way. His favorability is never about race tho..... but it is about racism if you criticize or judge him guilty, even after all the evidence and him stating his guilt publicly on national TV. Go figure ![]() |
For some Barry could be standing over a bloody corpse, in a locked room, with the bloody knife in his hand, a signed confession for the crime, video surveillance showing him committing the crime, and they would still swear he found it that way. It's never about race for them tho..... but it is about racism if you judge him guilty even after all the evidence and him stating his guilt publicly on national TV. Go figure ![]() the main thing i find him guilty of is never telling the truth... about anything... and saying everyone lies is not an acceptable answer to me... he's the president, he's held to a higher standard, but that standard seems have been lowered quite a bit... |
a bigger question is who is doing the dividing?
Oh yes! That is an excellent question! THE question actually... |