Topic: Criticizing the President | |
mountains of mistakes? such as? I do feel we began an era of foreign relation disaster once we went in after Hussein that will take plenty of time to correct whatever else he was , he knew a hell of lot more about that region /culture and sustaining it than we ever will,, ,,but that's the biggest 'mistake' I could understand his critics having,,, and then perception is important, many major accomplishments being made UNDER HIS PRESIDENCY (notice I don't say 'by him' because presidents dont have singular power to effect such things) are currently viewed as 'mistakes' like accomplishment in healthcare with reform accomplishment for LGBT with same sex marriage and repeal of dadt in the military accommplishments for women with equal pay legislation accomplishments for immigrants with immigration reform unemployment coming back down to pre presidency rates job gains coming back up alternate energy sources increasing in development ,,,etc,,, Liberal Hogwash, ![]() And you forgot the myth about him saving the auto industry. Oh, let's not forget that he started the Solar Industry with Solendra. And he got rid of that little ole debt problem with a much bigger one. What a way to save our country. ![]() Ms, Do you really believe that liberal garbage? I know that you are smarter than that. Sorry, but it's time for the rolling heads... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() what was untrue in what I posted? did anything on my list not happen? than what is 'hogwash' exactly? All of it. "Hogwash" is what politicians feed to gullible, low info believers. Ms, people don't dislike Obama because of his color, black or white. He is not respected because he is a liar. hogwash is also what the paranoid and conspiracists believe,,, its all subjective alle, some people do indeed dislike him because of his color, just like some of them don't respect him because of whatever they believe about his actions or words,, |
Obama has not turned anything around. all the government does is falsify statistics to make it look like he is doing good. unemployment is way higher than they tell you it is, look at the facts and how they came up with those numbers. im sorry I hate to be confrontational but you really are delusional. look at Obama before he became president, he went on the ellen degenerous show promoting his health care. he said its optional(complete BS) obamacare is so much more dangerous than people realize. our hospitals are going to be run like the dmv center in your area, so if you call that improved healthcare, once again you are delusional. gitmo is still open. all the troops aren't home from war. he resigned the patriot act to keep spying on americans. Obama claims hes all about "transparency" HAHAHA r u kidding me wow wake up msharmony, I am sorry to say but if Obama was white you would probably be criticizing him, like I said any person of color will stand by him no matter what. black people just love him cause he is black, and Spanish people love him cuz he lets them illegally come here, and then gives them rights that our ancestors died for so we can have. and all this race crap is BS. they always promote racism to keep the people fighting with eachother, so they don't realize who the real enemy is. its called divide and conquer and I must say its working brilliantly. msharmony I would love for you to inform me on how Obama is good for this country, name a few things that he promised to do, and actually did when he became president. and please before you respond and tell me all the great things he has done, do some research that doesn't come from the main stream news and brian Williams, obviously main stream news cant be trusted. so please tell me all the great things he has done, with facts to back it up. and there we have it a distrust in the sources that report allows us no real room for discussion 1st, presidents rarely 'promise' anything, thats a modern spin media puts on their statements when they run on what they are going to attempt to do,, persidents cant PROMISE because they dont have singlar authority and must work with the consensus of 100s of others in the government(congress) 2nd, you can easily research what things he stated that have been accomplished,but why would you bother when any positive report is by its nature going to therefore have its source questioned? I doubt I 'trust' the same disgruntled non authenticated types of sources that others give credit to just because they line up with their preconceptions,,,, ![]() I tire of refuting the nonsense people believe are fact because they keep being repeated,,, give an executive order number that requested his records sealed... ![]() |
How about we criticize Obama's latest screw up?...A nuclear deal with Iran!...Fools never learn...Iran agrees not to finalize the production of a nuclear weapon FOR 10 YEARS and in the meantime Obama paves their way to nuclear with the best asphalt money can buy!...The question all you HARD CORE Obama supporters should be asking yourselves is, "Why is giving Iran nuclear so damn important to this president?"...And before those of you who "have his back" answer, do a little research...It will confirm the FACT that up until Obama took office the official position of the US was (and still is) NO NUCLEAR FOR IRAN...!!...He has all but destroyed our relationship with Israel...The man is a travesty... again, subjective opinions, nothing wrong with them, like buttholes, everyone has one mine is this,, the Nuclear situation started well before 2009, I recall Bush did very little about it either,, its nothing thats specific to this President or squarely on his feet as far as Israel, when I see that our funding of them has dropped, I will believe our relationship is 'destroyed',,,and I imagine even Netanyahus declaration of appreciation of Obama will fall on the deaf ears of his haters,,, Who's talking about when the nuclear 'situation' started started?...Stay on topic, this thread is about Obama, not Bush... the question 'why is giving nuclear to iran so important to THIS president' implies that other presidents have had a better approach to stopping the nuclear progress in Iran which isn't true that's on topic |
How about we criticize Obama's latest screw up?...A nuclear deal with Iran!...Fools never learn...Iran agrees not to finalize the production of a nuclear weapon FOR 10 YEARS and in the meantime Obama paves their way to nuclear with the best asphalt money can buy!...The question all you HARD CORE Obama supporters should be asking yourselves is, "Why is giving Iran nuclear so damn important to this president?"...And before those of you who "have his back" answer, do a little research...It will confirm the FACT that up until Obama took office the official position of the US was (and still is) NO NUCLEAR FOR IRAN...!!...He has all but destroyed our relationship with Israel...The man is a travesty... again, subjective opinions, nothing wrong with them, like buttholes, everyone has one mine is this,, the Nuclear situation started well before 2009, I recall Bush did very little about it either,, its nothing thats specific to this President or squarely on his feet as far as Israel, when I see that our funding of them has dropped, I will believe our relationship is 'destroyed',,,and I imagine even Netanyahus declaration of appreciation of Obama will fall on the deaf ears of his haters,,, there is a lot of assumption here,,, if its fine and different races don't matter, why do you keep referring to it? I never said you were Obama haters for no reason, in fact, I try to address the posts Individually and my reasons for disagreeing with the opinions in question I support him for whatever reasons anyone else supports those public figures they support,, race isn't a factor in my support, nor is pride I have plainly stated what I BELIEVE his accomplishments to be why you keep BASHING him is your business, and just as perplexing to me as my 'defense' of him is to you but that perplexity wont change either of our opinions, and those opinions will continue to be present due to our own perceptions and experiences,,, |
Obama has not turned anything around. all the government does is falsify statistics to make it look like he is doing good. unemployment is way higher than they tell you it is, look at the facts and how they came up with those numbers. im sorry I hate to be confrontational but you really are delusional. look at Obama before he became president, he went on the ellen degenerous show promoting his health care. he said its optional(complete BS) obamacare is so much more dangerous than people realize. our hospitals are going to be run like the dmv center in your area, so if you call that improved healthcare, once again you are delusional. gitmo is still open. all the troops aren't home from war. he resigned the patriot act to keep spying on americans. Obama claims hes all about "transparency" HAHAHA r u kidding me wow wake up msharmony, I am sorry to say but if Obama was white you would probably be criticizing him, like I said any person of color will stand by him no matter what. black people just love him cause he is black, and Spanish people love him cuz he lets them illegally come here, and then gives them rights that our ancestors died for so we can have. and all this race crap is BS. they always promote racism to keep the people fighting with eachother, so they don't realize who the real enemy is. its called divide and conquer and I must say its working brilliantly. msharmony I would love for you to inform me on how Obama is good for this country, name a few things that he promised to do, and actually did when he became president. and please before you respond and tell me all the great things he has done, do some research that doesn't come from the main stream news and brian Williams, obviously main stream news cant be trusted. so please tell me all the great things he has done, with facts to back it up. and there we have it a distrust in the sources that report allows us no real room for discussion 1st, presidents rarely 'promise' anything, thats a modern spin media puts on their statements when they run on what they are going to attempt to do,, persidents cant PROMISE because they dont have singlar authority and must work with the consensus of 100s of others in the government(congress) 2nd, you can easily research what things he stated that have been accomplished,but why would you bother when any positive report is by its nature going to therefore have its source questioned? I doubt I 'trust' the same disgruntled non authenticated types of sources that others give credit to just because they line up with their preconceptions,,,, ![]() I tire of refuting the nonsense people believe are fact because they keep being repeated,,, give an executive order number that requested his records sealed... ![]() |
How about we criticize Obama's latest screw up?...A nuclear deal with Iran!...Fools never learn...Iran agrees not to finalize the production of a nuclear weapon FOR 10 YEARS and in the meantime Obama paves their way to nuclear with the best asphalt money can buy!...The question all you HARD CORE Obama supporters should be asking yourselves is, "Why is giving Iran nuclear so damn important to this president?"...And before those of you who "have his back" answer, do a little research...It will confirm the FACT that up until Obama took office the official position of the US was (and still is) NO NUCLEAR FOR IRAN...!!...He has all but destroyed our relationship with Israel...The man is a travesty... again, subjective opinions, nothing wrong with them, like buttholes, everyone has one mine is this,, the Nuclear situation started well before 2009, I recall Bush did very little about it either,, its nothing thats specific to this President or squarely on his feet as far as Israel, when I see that our funding of them has dropped, I will believe our relationship is 'destroyed',,,and I imagine even Netanyahus declaration of appreciation of Obama will fall on the deaf ears of his haters,,, Who's talking about when the nuclear 'situation' started started?...Stay on topic, this thread is about Obama, not Bush... the question 'why is giving nuclear to iran so important to THIS president' implies that other presidents have had a better approach to stopping the nuclear progress in Iran which isn't true that's on topic You mean it implies that in your opinion...Which, if I may borrow a phrase from you, is like buttholes..... ![]() And why you keep going on about US aid to Israel is beyond me as it 'implies' that you have zero understanding about the return we get on that money.... |
How about we criticize Obama's latest screw up?...A nuclear deal with Iran!...Fools never learn...Iran agrees not to finalize the production of a nuclear weapon FOR 10 YEARS and in the meantime Obama paves their way to nuclear with the best asphalt money can buy!...The question all you HARD CORE Obama supporters should be asking yourselves is, "Why is giving Iran nuclear so damn important to this president?"...And before those of you who "have his back" answer, do a little research...It will confirm the FACT that up until Obama took office the official position of the US was (and still is) NO NUCLEAR FOR IRAN...!!...He has all but destroyed our relationship with Israel...The man is a travesty... again, subjective opinions, nothing wrong with them, like buttholes, everyone has one mine is this,, the Nuclear situation started well before 2009, I recall Bush did very little about it either,, its nothing thats specific to this President or squarely on his feet as far as Israel, when I see that our funding of them has dropped, I will believe our relationship is 'destroyed',,,and I imagine even Netanyahus declaration of appreciation of Obama will fall on the deaf ears of his haters,,, Who's talking about when the nuclear 'situation' started started?...Stay on topic, this thread is about Obama, not Bush... the question 'why is giving nuclear to iran so important to THIS president' implies that other presidents have had a better approach to stopping the nuclear progress in Iran which isn't true that's on topic You mean it implies that in your opinion...Which, if I may borrow a phrase from you, is like buttholes..... ![]() And why you keep going on about US aid to Israel is beyond me as it 'implies' that you have zero understanding about the return we get on that money.... one has only to look at the post before mine to understand why I go ;on' about anything, I Respond to the posts of others if they have mentioned Israel, my response has too it shouldn't really be beyond anyone that is paying attention,,, |
Obama has not turned anything around. all the government does is falsify statistics to make it look like he is doing good. unemployment is way higher than they tell you it is, look at the facts and how they came up with those numbers. im sorry I hate to be confrontational but you really are delusional. look at Obama before he became president, he went on the ellen degenerous show promoting his health care. he said its optional(complete BS) obamacare is so much more dangerous than people realize. our hospitals are going to be run like the dmv center in your area, so if you call that improved healthcare, once again you are delusional. gitmo is still open. all the troops aren't home from war. he resigned the patriot act to keep spying on americans. Obama claims hes all about "transparency" HAHAHA r u kidding me wow wake up msharmony, I am sorry to say but if Obama was white you would probably be criticizing him, like I said any person of color will stand by him no matter what. black people just love him cause he is black, and Spanish people love him cuz he lets them illegally come here, and then gives them rights that our ancestors died for so we can have. and all this race crap is BS. they always promote racism to keep the people fighting with eachother, so they don't realize who the real enemy is. its called divide and conquer and I must say its working brilliantly. msharmony I would love for you to inform me on how Obama is good for this country, name a few things that he promised to do, and actually did when he became president. and please before you respond and tell me all the great things he has done, do some research that doesn't come from the main stream news and brian Williams, obviously main stream news cant be trusted. so please tell me all the great things he has done, with facts to back it up. and there we have it a distrust in the sources that report allows us no real room for discussion 1st, presidents rarely 'promise' anything, thats a modern spin media puts on their statements when they run on what they are going to attempt to do,, persidents cant PROMISE because they dont have singlar authority and must work with the consensus of 100s of others in the government(congress) 2nd, you can easily research what things he stated that have been accomplished,but why would you bother when any positive report is by its nature going to therefore have its source questioned? I doubt I 'trust' the same disgruntled non authenticated types of sources that others give credit to just because they line up with their preconceptions,,,, ![]() I tire of refuting the nonsense people believe are fact because they keep being repeated,,, give an executive order number that requested his records sealed... ![]() you have this wrong too 1st executive order 12667 ws issued by RR, and then it was REVOKED by BUSH,,Exec order 13233 which put MORE LIMITATIONS on presidential records finally OBAMA revoked order 13233, (eliminating those added limitations) |
Edited by
Wed 03/04/15 06:47 PM
Obama has not turned anything around. all the government does is falsify statistics to make it look like he is doing good. unemployment is way higher than they tell you it is, look at the facts and how they came up with those numbers. im sorry I hate to be confrontational but you really are delusional. look at Obama before he became president, he went on the ellen degenerous show promoting his health care. he said its optional(complete BS) obamacare is so much more dangerous than people realize. our hospitals are going to be run like the dmv center in your area, so if you call that improved healthcare, once again you are delusional. gitmo is still open. all the troops aren't home from war. he resigned the patriot act to keep spying on americans. Obama claims hes all about "transparency" HAHAHA r u kidding me wow wake up msharmony, I am sorry to say but if Obama was white you would probably be criticizing him, like I said any person of color will stand by him no matter what. black people just love him cause he is black, and Spanish people love him cuz he lets them illegally come here, and then gives them rights that our ancestors died for so we can have. and all this race crap is BS. they always promote racism to keep the people fighting with eachother, so they don't realize who the real enemy is. its called divide and conquer and I must say its working brilliantly. msharmony I would love for you to inform me on how Obama is good for this country, name a few things that he promised to do, and actually did when he became president. and please before you respond and tell me all the great things he has done, do some research that doesn't come from the main stream news and brian Williams, obviously main stream news cant be trusted. so please tell me all the great things he has done, with facts to back it up. and there we have it a distrust in the sources that report allows us no real room for discussion 1st, presidents rarely 'promise' anything, thats a modern spin media puts on their statements when they run on what they are going to attempt to do,, persidents cant PROMISE because they dont have singlar authority and must work with the consensus of 100s of others in the government(congress) 2nd, you can easily research what things he stated that have been accomplished,but why would you bother when any positive report is by its nature going to therefore have its source questioned? I doubt I 'trust' the same disgruntled non authenticated types of sources that others give credit to just because they line up with their preconceptions,,,, ![]() I tire of refuting the nonsense people believe are fact because they keep being repeated,,, give an executive order number that requested his records sealed... ![]() you have this wrong too 1st executive order 12667 ws issued by RR, and then it was REVOKED by BUSH,,Exec order 13233 which put MORE LIMITATIONS on presidential records finally OBAMA revoked order 13233, (eliminating those added limitations) again, you've been reading liberals website lies, as usual... |
Uh, for what it's worth, that particular executive order that President Obama signed in January of 2009 pertains only to the presidential records kept by the National Archives and Records Administration, and it pertains to previous American Presidents as well as to the current POTUS.
At the time that President Obama signed that particular executive order, there were not yet any presidential records pertaining to him, because he had just became the POTUS. |
As imperfect as Obama may very well be, Americans will likely never get as articulate a President as him again for a very long time.
Nobody has ever held his office that comes near to his command of the spoken-word since Dwight Eisenhower. Have you noticed that he keeps vetoing the oil-sands pipe-line project? Well, there's a damned good reason why he's doing so. It takes millions of cubic feet of natural gas to make the tiniest amount of usable oil, and when all that natural gas is used-up... Guess how many Canadians are going to be looking to the U.S. to figure-out how the Hell do we heat our homes now? I don't know about you, but I do know this much... If you gave me the choice of not filling the gas-tank of my car once... or... you gave me choice of not being able to heat my house for an entire winter here in Canada, I'd make-do without my car. THAT... Is a parallel of just how wasteful the Tar-Sands Project is! |
Does this exist anymore? Can we criticize the fumbles of Obama without being called a racist for doing so? I swear nearly every conversation I've read, (not on here but others) always bring up his race as the main reason people are so upset with the conflicts of this country when the issue at hand has nothing to do with his race but his policies at the first. Why can't we live in a country where we can criticize without this pc race branding bullchit following a conversation? I'm seeing it a lot more in the news, the paper, just everywhere in politics. I'm just a little puzzled on why it's always certain people who really don't allow any form of talk unless it's praise and shrugging apathy. They reason they do that is because that is the only comeback or defense they have for a President who is sinking faster then the Titanic. |
mountains of mistakes? such as? I do feel we began an era of foreign relation disaster once we went in after Hussein that will take plenty of time to correct whatever else he was , he knew a hell of lot more about that region /culture and sustaining it than we ever will,, ,,but that's the biggest 'mistake' I could understand his critics having,,, and then perception is important, many major accomplishments being made UNDER HIS PRESIDENCY (notice I don't say 'by him' because presidents dont have singular power to effect such things) are currently viewed as 'mistakes' like accomplishment in healthcare with reform accomplishment for LGBT with same sex marriage and repeal of dadt in the military accommplishments for women with equal pay legislation accomplishments for immigrants with immigration reform unemployment coming back down to pre presidency rates job gains coming back up alternate energy sources increasing in development ,,,etc,,, ![]() Especially Immigration Reform,Alternate Energy(-Cronyism),the Unemployment-Lie,the gutting of the Military,net-Neutrality,dang,he's even beating Jimmy Carter! Last but not least,his Failed Arab-spring! ![]() ![]() You left out letting ISIS take over a large portion of the Middle East, totally screwing up in Iraq and Iran, allowing an illegal prisoner swap of 5 of the most dangerous terrorists (who two are confirmed back in the fight against the US) for a deserter\traitor, as of today two US Ambassadors have been attacked, one killed and one who had to have major surgery. Both incidents could have been avoided. Letting the biggest state sponsor of terrorism gain a nuclear weapon. Having the US's credit rating lowered for the first time in history. Paying millions of dollars to keep his personal records sealed. His phony BS red lines that not only did he get walked all over on he lost the respect of many world leaders. I can keep going.......... |
mountains of mistakes? such as? I do feel we began an era of foreign relation disaster once we went in after Hussein that will take plenty of time to correct whatever else he was , he knew a hell of lot more about that region /culture and sustaining it than we ever will,, ,,but that's the biggest 'mistake' I could understand his critics having,,, and then perception is important, many major accomplishments being made UNDER HIS PRESIDENCY (notice I don't say 'by him' because presidents dont have singular power to effect such things) are currently viewed as 'mistakes' like accomplishment in healthcare with reform accomplishment for LGBT with same sex marriage and repeal of dadt in the military accommplishments for women with equal pay legislation accomplishments for immigrants with immigration reform unemployment coming back down to pre presidency rates job gains coming back up alternate energy sources increasing in development ,,,etc,,, ![]() Especially Immigration Reform,Alternate Energy(-Cronyism),the Unemployment-Lie,the gutting of the Military,net-Neutrality,dang,he's even beating Jimmy Carter! Last but not least,his Failed Arab-spring! ![]() ![]() You left out letting ISIS take over a large portion of the Middle East, totally screwing up in Iraq and Iran, allowing an illegal prisoner swap of 5 of the most dangerous terrorists (who two are confirmed back in the fight against the US) for a deserter\traitor, as of today two US Ambassadors have been attacked, one killed and one who had to have major surgery. Both incidents could have been avoided. Letting the biggest state sponsor of terrorism gain a nuclear weapon. Having the US's credit rating lowered for the first time in history. Paying millions of dollars to keep his personal records sealed. His phony BS red lines that not only did he get walked all over on he lost the respect of many world leaders. I can keep going.......... I didn't want to break the Site! ![]() |
As imperfect as Obama may very well be, Americans will likely never get as articulate a President as him again for a very long time. uh, if you say so... ![]() ![]() ![]() Have you noticed that he keeps vetoing the oil-sands pipe-line project? Well, there's a damned good reason why he's doing so. It takes millions of cubic feet of natural gas to make the tiniest amount of usable oil, and when all that natural gas is used-up... Guess how many Canadians are going to be looking to the U.S. to figure-out how the Hell do we heat our homes now? Might wanna tell that^^ to TransCanada, the Canadian company who's pushing HARD to build the pipeline... ![]() |
As imperfect as Obama may very well be, Americans will likely never get as articulate a President as him again for a very long time. Nobody has ever held his office that comes near to his command of the spoken-word since Dwight Eisenhower. Have you noticed that he keeps vetoing the oil-sands pipe-line project? Well, there's a damned good reason why he's doing so. It takes millions of cubic feet of natural gas to make the tiniest amount of usable oil, and when all that natural gas is used-up... Guess how many Canadians are going to be looking to the U.S. to figure-out how the Hell do we heat our homes now? I don't know about you, but I do know this much... If you gave me the choice of not filling the gas-tank of my car once... or... you gave me choice of not being able to heat my house for an entire winter here in Canada, I'd make-do without my car. THAT... Is a parallel of just how wasteful the Tar-Sands Project is! yep,an Empty Suit containing a Dictaphoney! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
It's hilarious, how soon the world forgets....
In 2008, a video was circulated on several websites. The link was even posted here on mingle2. The video shows obama, stuttering and stammering like porky pig, as he's answering an interviewer's question, without the aid of a teleprompter. |
As imperfect as Obama may very well be, Americans will likely never get as articulate a President as him again for a very long time. Nobody has ever held his office that comes near to his command of the spoken-word since Dwight Eisenhower. Have you noticed that he keeps vetoing the oil-sands pipe-line project? Well, there's a damned good reason why he's doing so. It takes millions of cubic feet of natural gas to make the tiniest amount of usable oil, and when all that natural gas is used-up... Guess how many Canadians are going to be looking to the U.S. to figure-out how the Hell do we heat our homes now? I don't know about you, but I do know this much... If you gave me the choice of not filling the gas-tank of my car once... or... you gave me choice of not being able to heat my house for an entire winter here in Canada, I'd make-do without my car. THAT... Is a parallel of just how wasteful the Tar-Sands Project is! yep,an Empty Suit containing a Dictaphoney! ![]() ![]() ![]() His ability to speak aside, his ability to speak the truth appears to fall in the functionally disabled category. |
Big News!!!
President Obama has decided to ban the ammunition for the guns he could not get outlawed! Once again he is making laws instead of enforcing them. No police organization has had a death from a handgun or "easily concealed weapon" using rifle ammunition and the wording of the new "presidential decree" appears to include most rifle ammunition, not just the Remington 223. The US Constitution means nothing to this man. "The White House claim that the ammunition for the popular AR-15 rifle should be banned as part of a “common sense” effort to protect police officers’ lives is being derided by police officers themselves as a shameful lie. White House spokesman Josh Earnest said this week that the .223-caliber M855 ball should be banned because it can penetrate an officer’s soft armor and can be fired not just from sporting rifles but “easily concealable weapons.” The term “easily concealable” was used to describe the AR-15 handgun. A bulky 6 pounds and 25 inches long, the semi-automatic version of this weapon, with a magazine, would be difficult to conceal, say firearms experts. And it would likely not be the first choice of any street thug or gang member, as it retails for between $1,000 and $2,000. In fact, gun-rights advocates and law enforcement agencies contacted by WND say they have been unable to document a single incident in which a police officer has been taken down by a criminal using an AR-15 handgun in the 20 years since this particular round, the M855 ball, has been exempted from the federal ban on armor-piercing bullets. It was exempted based on its use for sporting purposes. “We have not been able to find a single instance where a police officer has been shot from this type of handgun using a bullet that pierces his soft-body armor, and if the administration had any examples you know they would be pushing it in everybody’s face to further their executive action,” said Alan Gottlieb, executive vice president of the Second Amendment Foundation. “We’ve scoured everywhere, gone into every source possible to try to find an instance of this and have not been able to find one.”... Read more at |
How about we criticize Obama's latest screw up?...A nuclear deal with Iran!...Fools never learn...Iran agrees not to finalize the production of a nuclear weapon FOR 10 YEARS and in the meantime Obama paves their way to nuclear with the best asphalt money can buy!...The question all you HARD CORE Obama supporters should be asking yourselves is, "Why is giving Iran nuclear so damn important to this president?"...And before those of you who "have his back" answer, do a little research...It will confirm the FACT that up until Obama took office the official position of the US was (and still is) NO NUCLEAR FOR IRAN...!!...He has all but destroyed our relationship with Israel...The man is a travesty... again, subjective opinions, nothing wrong with them, like buttholes, everyone has one mine is this,, the Nuclear situation started well before 2009, I recall Bush did very little about it either,, its nothing thats specific to this President or squarely on his feet as far as Israel, when I see that our funding of them has dropped, I will believe our relationship is 'destroyed',,,and I imagine even Netanyahus declaration of appreciation of Obama will fall on the deaf ears of his haters,,, Who's talking about when the nuclear 'situation' started started?...Stay on topic, this thread is about Obama, not Bush... the question 'why is giving nuclear to iran so important to THIS president' implies that other presidents have had a better approach to stopping the nuclear progress in Iran which isn't true that's on topic You mean it implies that in your opinion...Which, if I may borrow a phrase from you, is like buttholes..... ![]() And why you keep going on about US aid to Israel is beyond me as it 'implies' that you have zero understanding about the return we get on that money.... one has only to look at the post before mine to understand why I go ;on' about anything, I Respond to the posts of others if they have mentioned Israel, my response has too it shouldn't really be beyond anyone that is paying attention,,, You should pay closer attention Ms. Harmony, the key word in MY post is AID, not ISRAEL.... :-) |