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Bobby1050's photo
Wed 03/18/15 10:30 AM

Dear Bobby
Can I say that I find your posts both laughable and so sad in a way.
Laughable because you actually posted this nonsense.
Sad because it appears that you believe your own rubbish and even sadder for the people who have been murdered by these monsters.
You said earlier that it's up to people to disprove your posts, you're wrong again, it's up to you to prove it.

Nope; I already proved who and what ISIS is.

If anyone doesn't like my proof, they are free to post their own proof to try and refute and/or rebut my facts.

That's how debates work.

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Wed 03/18/15 05:53 PM

Nope; I already proved who and what ISIS is.

If anyone doesn't like my proof, they are free to post their own proof to try and refute and/or rebut my facts.

That's how debates work.

No, you just reposted partisan nonsense from anti-Semitic sites. Let's get real here and not fall into the delusion that you actually 'proved' anything.

Bobby1050's photo
Wed 03/18/15 06:00 PM

Nope; I already proved who and what ISIS is.

If anyone doesn't like my proof, they are free to post their own proof to try and refute and/or rebut my facts.

That's how debates work.

No, you just reposted partisan nonsense from anti-Semitic sites. Let's get real here and not fall into the delusion that you actually 'proved' anything.

mightymoe's photo
Wed 03/18/15 06:15 PM

Nope; I already proved who and what ISIS is.

If anyone doesn't like my proof, they are free to post their own proof to try and refute and/or rebut my facts.

That's how debates work.

No, you just reposted partisan nonsense from anti-Semitic sites. Let's get real here and not fall into the delusion that you actually 'proved' anything.

more of the spittle that's "infecting" these posts...

Bobby1050's photo
Wed 03/18/15 06:24 PM
Interesting opinion. Let me know when you're ready to answer my 3 questions.

no photo
Wed 03/18/15 07:05 PM

Dear Bobby
Can I say that I find your posts both laughable and so sad in a way.
Laughable because you actually posted this nonsense.
Sad because it appears that you believe your own rubbish and even sadder for the people who have been murdered by these monsters.
You said earlier that it's up to people to disprove your posts, you're wrong again, it's up to you to prove it.

Well Franky, here's the Hell of it...

Like it or not... Bobby1050 has just proven damned near ANYTHING can be orchestrated in the our public media to cause hate and dissention.

How much of a Sucker have You been...?

I certainly feel like I've had the wool pulled over my eyes!


Final thought, Franky...

Who's responsible for killing who...? And, what the Hell is the ulterior motive?

no photo
Wed 03/18/15 07:08 PM

Hey Bobby...

Care to put these Sheep in front of a Television? :thumbsup:

Bobby1050's photo
Wed 03/18/15 08:06 PM
Edited by Bobby1050 on Wed 03/18/15 08:09 PM

There are over 1.5 billion Muslims. I believe over 1% have either been radicalized or financially support the radical position.

1,500,000,000 times .01 equals 15,000,000 individuals willing to support the radical position of the Shiites.

Iran has actively supported terrorism since the fall of the Shaw. It supplies weapons and training to thousands.

I believe the 1% feel they are just as legitimate in their beliefs as the other 99% of Muslims.

For many years Saudi Arabia has spent billions spreading the Wahhabi version of Islam (a version of Sunni) which has extremist elements and teaching as well. In many cases it is just as bad or worse than the Iranian version of terrorism in the name of Islam.

Calling either of both of these groups "not real Islamics" is just an excuse to confuse the fact that the teachings of both have basis in the Koran and the faith of the radicals is no different than any other faith. The only things different are the goals and tactics.

The human mind is such that any well promoted crazy idea can be sold to at least 1% of the population.

This is a good post. However, there are a couple of things that need to be added.


Historians have traced that the Sauds belonged to Anza tribe who were settled in Najd around 1450 AD. It is said that Sauds were originally Jews and shrewd Feudal Lords.

King Faisal (1906-1975), who ruled the Kingdom between 1964-75, confirmed Jewish ancestry of Saudi Royals. In an interview to Washington post on September 17, 1969, King Faisal is reported to have said "We, the Saudi family are cousins of the Jews.

We entirely disagree with any Arab or Muslim Authority which shows any antagonism to the Jews; but we must live together with them in peace. Our country (Arabia) is the Fountain head from where the first Jew sprang, and his descendants spread out all over the world."

It is reported that Saudi Royal family trusts Israeli and US mercenaries as their personal body Guards : US and Israeli mercenary security personnel working for private contractors are allegedly used by Saudi Royal family to guard Saud family Princelings. This Praetorian Guards use balaclava (face cover) and other disguises during security operations which allows for anonymity.


Saudi Royal's Jewish ancestry is also confirmed from the fact that they have destroyed and eliminated the entire Islamic Heritage and established Salafism, a new religion in Arabian Peninsula.


Mohammed Ibn Abd al-Wahhab (1703-1799), born in Uyayna in Najd, belonged to Banu Tamim Tribe. He studied in his childhood from his father. Later, he spent some time in Basra, Southern Iraq from where he traveled to Makka and Madina. All historians agree that his new thinking of rebellion against Islam was developed when he was in Basra. By the time he returned to his native town Uyayna in 1740 he had completely transformed into a rebel against Islam. He started propagating his new ideology claiming that the entire population of Muslims of Arabian Peninsula and that of the world was Mushrikeen and that what he was preaching was real Islam.

Full article at...http://www.cifiaonline.com/factsaboutsaudiroyals.htm

What I posted above is from only ONE link (that is linked to others).

Now if you were to Yahoo the search term...Jewish roots of Saudi Royals...you would get slightly more than two and a half million results.

Ergo, the knowledge of the jewish roots of the Saudi Royals and the fact that Wahhabism is a jewish invention; (much the same as Christian Zionism is also a jewish invention); is VIRAL...it's all over the web.

The only people who don't know this are those who make an effort NOT to know it.

Interestingly? Christian Zionism, Wahhabism, and Marxist Communism, all came about at the same time. By the same people too.

no photo
Wed 03/18/15 08:07 PM
Edited by SheikOfLaBroquerie on Wed 03/18/15 08:45 PM

It needs to be said that if the Saudi Royals said they're 'cousins' to the Jews, that in no-way implements a direct heritage apart from Abraham onward.

I know this thread is locked, but I'll re-edit onto my last post with having said this...

It shouldn't matter anymore... Jews and Arabs are both Semitic or Shemetic peoples.

Shemetic: Descendants of Shem, son of Noah.

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