Topic: Who Do You Believe Killed JFK | |
hey maddog1974, I might be a tin foil hatter. did u ever hear of operation north woods, where the cia had plans to use people to fly planes into american buildings and blame it on cuba so we could go to war with cuba back in the 60's. do your research man before you call people names and try to discredit them. a plan to hijack planes and fly them into buildings with the intent on blaming it on someone else to encourage the American people to be ok with going to war. but yea 9/11 was an inside job. look up operation north woods its declassified, read that before you talk shi* to other people. but yea the cia and the mob had jfk killed because he wanted to change a lot of things in government which didn't sit well with intelligence agencies and the mob. mob and government work together. what do u think the government is? a giant mob that rules by threat of violence and imprisonment. the high ups in gov. are the "dons" and the police are theyre "enforcers" sounds kinda familiar? look at evidence from 9/11 and its very clear it was B/S. they just happened to find the hijackers passport in the rubble? like r u kidding me. you talk about crazy people being conspiracy theorists, your the joke for believing what your government tells you. I cant believe there is still people in todays day in age that just automatically dismiss something because the government labels it a "conspiracy". funny the day after it happened, what was the first thing bush did? publicly said that the government will not tolerate conspiracy's about 9/11. labeling it a conspiracy right away so retards like you would just dismiss it and try to make people that want to know the truth look like "tin foil hatters". please shut up man your a joke do some research before you open you mouth. the government tells you not to bring up 9/11 because of the family members of the people that died so you don't hurt their feelings, but yet most of the people that lost someone in 9/11 want it further investigated more than anyone because they all believe it was BS. too bad JFK got killed, we might actually live in a free country, not a surveillance/nanny state where the gov regulates every aspect of your life. now Obama wants your guns, what do you think will happen when he takes them? well just look at history, when peoples right to defend themselves is taken away, very bad things follow. but what do I know, im just a "tin foil hatter".
The mob connection to JFK, begins with the Kennedy family fortune.
The Kennedy family made it's fortune during prohibition by bootlegging contraband liquor. Tons of mob connections due to that, and other reasons. JFK as president, and RFK as attorney general, went after the mob with a vengeance. JFK, literally screwed old family alliances. ...... I still say that JFK shot himself from the 3rd, 6th, and 7th floors of the depository. As well as, from the grassy knoll, and from Central Bowl on Harry Hines Boulevard at Northwest Highway. |
hey maddog1974, I might be a tin foil hatter. did u ever hear of operation north woods, where the cia had plans to use people to fly planes into american buildings and blame it on cuba so we could go to war with cuba back in the 60's. do your research man before you call people names and try to discredit them. a plan to hijack planes and fly them into buildings with the intent on blaming it on someone else to encourage the American people to be ok with going to war. but yea 9/11 was an inside job. look up operation north woods its declassified, read that before you talk shi* to other people. but yea the cia and the mob had jfk killed because he wanted to change a lot of things in government which didn't sit well with intelligence agencies and the mob. mob and government work together. what do u think the government is? a giant mob that rules by threat of violence and imprisonment. the high ups in gov. are the "dons" and the police are theyre "enforcers" sounds kinda familiar? look at evidence from 9/11 and its very clear it was B/S. they just happened to find the hijackers passport in the rubble? like r u kidding me. you talk about crazy people being conspiracy theorists, your the joke for believing what your government tells you. I cant believe there is still people in todays day in age that just automatically dismiss something because the government labels it a "conspiracy". funny the day after it happened, what was the first thing bush did? publicly said that the government will not tolerate conspiracy's about 9/11. labeling it a conspiracy right away so retards like you would just dismiss it and try to make people that want to know the truth look like "tin foil hatters". please shut up man your a joke do some research before you open you mouth. the government tells you not to bring up 9/11 because of the family members of the people that died so you don't hurt their feelings, but yet most of the people that lost someone in 9/11 want it further investigated more than anyone because they all believe it was BS. too bad JFK got killed, we might actually live in a free country, not a surveillance/nanny state where the gov regulates every aspect of your life. now Obama wants your guns, what do you think will happen when he takes them? well just look at history, when peoples right to defend themselves is taken away, very bad things follow. but what do I know, im just a "tin foil hatter". The assumption you make is just because I am slow to believe crazy theories, that means I'll buy just any government line. Let's start with one basic fact, and that is your argument is short on facts. Another fact is that considering how vast most conspiracies have to be, someone would have said something. Conspiracies come unraveled. The Lincoln assassination conspiracy, for example, came unraveled beforehand. No one in more than 50 years since the Kennedy assassination who had any involvement or knowledge of a conspiracy has come forward. The biggest flaw in conspiracy theories is, just as you have done, pointing to lack of evidence as evidence, or at something that is unlikely, but not impossible, even though every other piece of hard evidence works against their theory. Whether or not the government had plans in the 60's to fly planes into American buildings proves nothing about 9/11. My advice to you is to avoid getting too close to the microwave. |
the only thing short on facts is the governemtns explanation to what happened on 9/11. "Whether or not the government had plans in the 60's to fly planes into American buildings proves nothing about 9/11" o really it doesn't? wow sir you must be too close to the microwaves buddy. so the FACT that our gov. was going to hijack planes and fly them into buildings in America in the 60's to start unnecessary wars and further political gains says nothing about 9/11? really man do you even understand the words you are typing? what came of 9/11? unnecessary wars filling the pockets of politicians who own stock in companies who make products for war. Afghanistan has more poppy fields than ever before, why you ask maybe big pharma has something to do with it. your whole argument is based upon we cant fully prove our "conspiracy" theories. well I would love to see you prove the governments story of 9/11. you sir have way to much faith in your government. and you state all these "facts" about the jfk shooting, where did you get those facts, did NBC's brian Williams take you on his Blackhawk helicopter and tell you? what im saying is where did you get your "facts" im guessing either the main stream news, or the BS reports that the government puts out? im sure the government is going to put out a report saying "yea we did it". sorry sir but you are delusional.
Edited by
Wed 03/04/15 12:16 AM
Step away from the tinfoil. It's interfering with your ability to form comprehensible sentences.
great comeback, too bad the tin foil people are the majority now, and your the lonesome retard that still believes what you see on the main stream news. im not arguing with you anymore, stop trolling the forums looking to discredit people on subjects you have no idea about. im sorry you apparently have no life and sit here looking push your pro government nonsense on people, but chill with it your not the majority anymore.
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omg, wth does 9/11 have to do with Kennedy????
can you people just give up on 9/11 now? 14 years old now and you still nothing more than you did 12 years ago, which is nothing but bad science and creating your so called "facts" out of nothing... // |
the only thing short on facts is the governemtns explanation to what happened on 9/11. "Whether or not the government had plans in the 60's to fly planes into American buildings proves nothing about 9/11" o really it doesn't? wow sir you must be too close to the microwaves buddy. so the FACT that our gov. was going to hijack planes and fly them into buildings in America in the 60's to start unnecessary wars and further political gains says nothing about 9/11? really man do you even understand the words you are typing? what came of 9/11? unnecessary wars filling the pockets of politicians who own stock in companies who make products for war. Afghanistan has more poppy fields than ever before, why you ask maybe big pharma has something to do with it. your whole argument is based upon we cant fully prove our "conspiracy" theories. well I would love to see you prove the governments story of 9/11. you sir have way to much faith in your government. and you state all these "facts" about the jfk shooting, where did you get those facts, did NBC's brian Williams take you on his Blackhawk helicopter and tell you? what im saying is where did you get your "facts" im guessing either the main stream news, or the BS reports that the government puts out? im sure the government is going to put out a report saying "yea we did it". sorry sir but you are delusional. Wait! JFK helped plan 9/11 in the 1960s? Is this what you're trying to say? No wonder he shot himself on elm street in Dallas, from the 3rd, 6th, and 7th floors of the depository, central bowl on Harry Hines Blvd. at Northwest highway, and from the rooftop of Kodak headquarters on Forrest Lane. |
Edited by
Wed 03/04/15 01:15 PM
The mob connection to JFK, begins with the Kennedy family fortune. The Kennedy family made it's fortune during prohibition by bootlegging contraband liquor. Tons of mob connections due to that, and other reasons. JFK as president, and RFK as attorney general, went after the mob with a vengeance. JFK, literally screwed old family alliances. ...... I still say that JFK shot himself from the 3rd, 6th, and 7th floors of the depository. As well as, from the grassy knoll, and from Central Bowl on Harry Hines Boulevard at Northwest Highway. I went down Commerce street today (jury duty) and he was still shooting himself there. (That was the Circle Bowl on Harry Hines and Northwest hwy). |
The mob connection to JFK, begins with the Kennedy family fortune. The Kennedy family made it's fortune during prohibition by bootlegging contraband liquor. Tons of mob connections due to that, and other reasons. JFK as president, and RFK as attorney general, went after the mob with a vengeance. JFK, literally screwed old family alliances. ...... I still say that JFK shot himself from the 3rd, 6th, and 7th floors of the depository. As well as, from the grassy knoll, and from Central Bowl on Harry Hines Boulevard at Northwest Highway. I went down Commerce street today (jury duty) and he was still shooting himself there. (That was the Circle Bowl on Harry Hines and Northwest hwy). Was.. Now it isn't even that. I'm always saddened when the world loses a bowling alley. I've been past there many times in the last 6 or 7 months. Whatthehell went up in place of the bowling alley? I've not even paid attention... |
all i can say is.....if you believe, that Oswald (if he even fired, at all ?) was the only shooter involved in the jfk assassination ....and that those commercial airliners caused the WTC twin towers to collapse exactly into their own footprint.....then i'd have to say, you would be pretty damn naive....
all i can say is.....if you believe, that Oswald (if he even fired, at all ?) was the only shooter involved in the jfk assassination ....and that those commercial airliners caused the WTC twin towers to collapse exactly into their own footprint.....then i'd have to say, you would be pretty damn naive.... i don't think oswald was the only shooter, people in the films and pics were looking in front of JFK, not behind...i don't think oswald ever fired a shot |
all i can say is.....if you believe, that Oswald (if he even fired, at all ?) was the only shooter involved in the jfk assassination ....and that those commercial airliners caused the WTC twin towers to collapse exactly into their own footprint.....then i'd have to say, you would be pretty damn naive.... i don't think oswald was the only shooter, people in the films and pics were looking in front of JFK, not behind...i don't think oswald ever fired a shot that actually what James Files claims as well! |
all i can say is.....if you believe, that Oswald (if he even fired, at all ?) was the only shooter involved in the jfk assassination ....and that those commercial airliners caused the WTC twin towers to collapse exactly into their own footprint.....then i'd have to say, you would be pretty damn naive.... i don't think oswald was the only shooter, people in the films and pics were looking in front of JFK, not behind...i don't think oswald ever fired a shot that actually what James Files claims as well! it makes sense, but the government can't be wrong...ever |
all i can say is.....if you believe, that Oswald (if he even fired, at all ?) was the only shooter involved in the jfk assassination ....and that those commercial airliners caused the WTC twin towers to collapse exactly into their own footprint.....then i'd have to say, you would be pretty damn naive.... i don't think oswald was the only shooter, people in the films and pics were looking in front of JFK, not behind...i don't think oswald ever fired a shot that actually what James Files claims as well! it makes sense, but the government can't be wrong...ever they hate like Hell getting caught with their Pants around their Ankles! ![]() |
all i can say is.....if you believe, that Oswald (if he even fired, at all ?) was the only shooter involved in the jfk assassination ....and that those commercial airliners caused the WTC twin towers to collapse exactly into their own footprint.....then i'd have to say, you would be pretty damn naive.... i don't think oswald was the only shooter, people in the films and pics were looking in front of JFK, not behind...i don't think oswald ever fired a shot |
all i can say is.....if you believe, that Oswald (if he even fired, at all ?) was the only shooter involved in the jfk assassination ....and that those commercial airliners caused the WTC twin towers to collapse exactly into their own footprint.....then i'd have to say, you would be pretty damn naive.... i don't think oswald was the only shooter, people in the films and pics were looking in front of JFK, not behind...i don't think oswald ever fired a shot that actually what James Files claims as well! it makes sense, but the government can't be wrong...ever they hate like Hell getting caught with their Pants around their Ankles! ![]() it's ok now, SSM and all that...just another day at the office ![]() |
It's official, after shooting himself repeatedly, JFK settled on beating himself to death with a bowling ball.
It's official, after shooting himself repeatedly, JFK settled on beating himself to death with a bowling ball. after that, he shot Oswald several times.... |
I really think Jim Garrison was on to something. It was learned in the 80's that the people he investigated and brought to trial were in fact CIA Operatives, I believe it was a combined effort between Lyndon Johnson, the CIA and the Mob. SOUNDS ABOUT RIGHT TO ME.. JFK did not want war in VIETNAM... Lyndon Banes (BEN) Johnson was one of the 'tribe'..and the Banksters wanted war with vietnam..Its how they make their money. So they offed JFK...and installed out Zionist President...Lyndon.. Bet you didnt know he was Jewish...well..he was and he worked with the crooked Jewish Federal Reserve..and you cannot know the truth about these things..until you know who the perps are..and their way of thinking.. Also Kennedy was going to mess the FED RESV up ..He was making AMERICAN DOLLARS...LIKE ANDREW JACKSON DID WHEN HE KICKED AZZ ON THE FEDERAL RESERVE.. |