Topic: Who Do You Believe Killed JFK | |
A Top Sniper from the military shot JFK....Oswald was a scapegoat Explain Oswald being on the 6th floor, his rifle being found, and shots being fired from his location. A "top sniper" isn't needed to make the shots from that window. |
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Sun 02/22/15 11:21 AM
The "magic bullet" theory can't be disproved. So physics is a farce? This was not a .223 round, it wasn't designed to "tumble". It was however copper jacketed and would have separated on impact. However, the bullet found on the stretcher and later matched to Oswald's rifle as evidence of his guilt, was pristine.... like it had never been fired or impacted anything, much less bone tissue Single-bullet theory ~ Wikipedia According to the single-bullet theory, a three-centimeter (1.2�)-long copper-jacketed lead-core 6.5-52mm Mannlicher-Carcano rifle bullet fired from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository passed through President Kennedy's neck and Governor Connally's chest and wrist and embedded itself in the Governor's thigh. If so, this bullet traversed 15 layers of clothing, 7 layers of skin, and approximately 15 inches of tissue, struck a necktie knot, removed 4 inches of rib, and shattered a radius bone. The bullet was found on a gurney in the corridor at the Parkland Memorial Hospital, in Dallas, after the assassination. The Warren Commission found that this gurney was the one that had borne Governor Connally.[3] This bullet became a key Commission exhibit, identified as CE 399. Its copper jacket was completely intact. While the bullet's nose appeared normal, the tail was compressed laterally on one side Simple logic says the greater possibilty is that you, and the Warren Commission, are conveniently mistaken Wikipedia is an unreliable source, with questionable reliability at best. The Zapruder film actually lends credibility to a single bullet passing through Kennedy's neck and striking Connelly. That part is not so much in question as the 7 wounds and reversing trajectory, shattered bones and a pristine copper jacketed bullet after all that destruction. Guess you're not a hunter huh.... or that familiar with firearms? "Bullets are jacketed to prevent fouling, although these inflicted less severe wounds. Partially jacketing the bullet allowed the bullet to foul the barrel less while also exposing the soft tip which is designed to expand upon impact and to spread open the harder metal jacket." |
A Top Sniper from the military shot JFK....Oswald was a scapegoat Explain Oswald being on the 6th floor, his rifle being found, and shots being fired from his location. A "top sniper" isn't needed to make the shots from that window. Dude lets say hypothetically i could be an agent & i find your clothes and stuff at a motel next to a bank that got robbed & the robber had a similarity yet he escaped but you get arrested but you were on another mission & got framed ............ |
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Sun 02/22/15 11:37 AM
A Top Sniper from the military shot JFK....Oswald was a scapegoat Explain Oswald being on the 6th floor, his rifle being found, and shots being fired from his location. A "top sniper" isn't needed to make the shots from that window. That tells me you know very little about firearms, much less rifles and firing 3 rounds (supposedly) with accuracy on a Czech made bolt action rifle in less than 6 seconds. We were told in the Marine Corps that Oswald was a wizard to pull it off, and we (the USMC) have some of the best snipers in the world! So forgetting the magic bullet theory, that feat in itself was impossible! And on a moving target no less! |
James Files shot JFK from the grassy knoll (just a small excerpt from the 3hour Interview) |
A Top Sniper from the military shot JFK....Oswald was a scapegoat Explain Oswald being on the 6th floor, his rifle being found, and shots being fired from his location. A "top sniper" isn't needed to make the shots from that window. That tells me you know very little about firearms, much less rifles and firing 3 rounds (supposedly) with accuracy on a Czech made bolt action rifle in less than 6 seconds. We were told in the Marine Corps that Oswald was a wizard to pull it off, and we (the USMC) have some of the best snipers in the world! So forgetting the magic bullet theory, that feat in itself was impossible! And on a moving target no less! could have sworn a Carcano is Italian? |
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Sun 02/22/15 12:49 PM
A Top Sniper from the military shot JFK....Oswald was a scapegoat Explain Oswald being on the 6th floor, his rifle being found, and shots being fired from his location. A "top sniper" isn't needed to make the shots from that window. That tells me you know very little about firearms, much less rifles and firing 3 rounds (supposedly) with accuracy on a Czech made bolt action rifle in less than 6 seconds. We were told in the Marine Corps that Oswald was a wizard to pull it off, and we (the USMC) have some of the best snipers in the world! So forgetting the magic bullet theory, that feat in itself was impossible! And on a moving target no less! could have sworn a Carcano is Italian? You may be right, I'm not familiar with many of the old mail order rifles of the day (I was only like 12). But Oswald had to be some kind of super sniper to take a cheap mail order, bolt action, foreign rifle, load, aim, and fire 3 times (again supposedly) at a moving target, with accuracy, at that distance, in 6 seconds..... don't you think? |
A Top Sniper from the military shot JFK....Oswald was a scapegoat Explain Oswald being on the 6th floor, his rifle being found, and shots being fired from his location. A "top sniper" isn't needed to make the shots from that window. That tells me you know very little about firearms, much less rifles and firing 3 rounds (supposedly) with accuracy on a Czech made bolt action rifle in less than 6 seconds. We were told in the Marine Corps that Oswald was a wizard to pull it off, and we (the USMC) have some of the best snipers in the world! So forgetting the magic bullet theory, that feat in itself was impossible! And on a moving target no less! could have sworn a Carcano is Italian? You may be right, I'm not familiar with many of the old mail order rifles of the day (I was only like 12). But Oswald had to be some kind of super sniper to take a cheap mail order, bolt action, foreign rifle, load, aim, and fire 3 times (again supposedly) at a moving target, with accuracy, at that distance, in 6 seconds..... don't you think? The rifle was Italian, but where it was made and the fact that he ordered it through the mail is irrelevant. That rifle can be fired that quickly with accuracy by someone who is proficient, but not necessarily a sniper. This has been proven many times over the last 50 years. That particular shot is not as difficult as we are led to believe. Did Oswald act alone? In terms of firing the shots, all evidence says yes. Was he sent by someone to do it? Maybe. I don't believe so based on what didn't happen afterward, but it is possible that a government, the mafia, or someone else sent him. One would think there would be a getaway vehicle, perhaps to get him out of the country, perhaps to kill him, but certainly to get him out of Dallas so that whoever sent him would not be implicated. And the idea that Jack Ruby killed Oswald to silence him isn't entirely implausible, but for him to do so in front of television cameras and implicate no one else, and having no suspected ties to anyone who may have sent Oswald according to the theories is where that theory falls a part. He was a strip club owner. Kennedy was not popular in Dallas, and Ruby held the majority opinion, but he was angry that Dallas looked bad because of Kennedy being assassinated. |
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Mon 02/23/15 10:51 AM
A Top Sniper from the military shot JFK....Oswald was a scapegoat Explain Oswald being on the 6th floor, his rifle being found, and shots being fired from his location. A "top sniper" isn't needed to make the shots from that window. That tells me you know very little about firearms, much less rifles and firing 3 rounds (supposedly) with accuracy on a Czech made bolt action rifle in less than 6 seconds. We were told in the Marine Corps that Oswald was a wizard to pull it off, and we (the USMC) have some of the best snipers in the world! So forgetting the magic bullet theory, that feat in itself was impossible! And on a moving target no less! could have sworn a Carcano is Italian? You may be right, I'm not familiar with many of the old mail order rifles of the day (I was only like 12). But Oswald had to be some kind of super sniper to take a cheap mail order, bolt action, foreign rifle, load, aim, and fire 3 times (again supposedly) at a moving target, with accuracy, at that distance, in 6 seconds..... don't you think? The rifle was Italian, but where it was made and the fact that he ordered it through the mail is irrelevant. That rifle can be fired that quickly with accuracy by someone who is proficient, but not necessarily a sniper. This has been proven many times over the last 50 years. That particular shot is not as difficult as we are led to believe. Did Oswald act alone? In terms of firing the shots, all evidence says yes. Was he sent by someone to do it? Maybe. I don't believe so based on what didn't happen afterward, but it is possible that a government, the mafia, or someone else sent him. One would think there would be a getaway vehicle, perhaps to get him out of the country, perhaps to kill him, but certainly to get him out of Dallas so that whoever sent him would not be implicated. And the idea that Jack Ruby killed Oswald to silence him isn't entirely implausible, but for him to do so in front of television cameras and implicate no one else, and having no suspected ties to anyone who may have sent Oswald according to the theories is where that theory falls a part. He was a strip club owner. Kennedy was not popular in Dallas, and Ruby held the majority opinion, but he was angry that Dallas looked bad because of Kennedy being assassinated. And you actually believe this drivel? ![]() If ANYTHING had ever been "proven" about the JFK assassination there would be no controversy. And your "easy shot" for someone proficient but not a sniper is a joke. We're talking the 60's here, and snipers today would have difficulty pulling it off in six seconds as Oswald supposedly did with the equipment he had. Facts - You Decide No one has ever duplicated the marksmanship attributed to Oswald. The CBS Reenactment Test CBS news did a reenactment in 1967 involving several expert riflemen firing from a 60 foot tower at a moving sled using a similar Mannlicher-Carcano rifle. None of these expert riflemen hit the target twice on their first try and 7 of them failed to do so on any try. They also were able to fire several practice rounds before the test. Oswald's Marine Background Former Marines recall that Oswald was a poor shot. Nelson Delgado said Oswald on the firing line was "a pretty big joke" because he got a lot of complete misses. Delgado told researcher Mark Lane that Oswald just was not that interested in guns. He was always being penalized for not taking proper care of his rifle or cleaning it regularly. Sherman Cooley, another Marine, said "If I had to pick one man in the entire United States to shoot me, I'd pick Oswald. I saw the man shoot. There's no way he could have ever learned to shoot well enough to do what they accused him of doing in Dallas." Henry Hurt, author of "Reasonable Doubt" interviewed many of Oswald's fellow Marines. Hurt said "On the subject of Oswald's shooting ability, there was virtually no exception to Delgado's opinion that it was laughable." Many of the Marines said that Oswald had a certain lack of coordination that they felt was responsible for the fact that he had difficulty learning to shoot. Roberts interviewed Sergeant Carlos Hathcock, the former senior instructor at the Marines Corps Sniper Instruction School at Quantico, Virginia. Roberts asked Hathcock if he thought Oswald could have done what the Warren Commission said he did. Hathcock said no. Hathcock reconstructed the assassination at Quantico: the angle, moving target, time limit etc. he told Roberts, "I don't know how many times we tried it, but we couldn't duplicate what the Warren Commission said Oswald did." |
So explain this. Why would Oswald have been framed, and so perfectly? And if Oswald was in on some conspiracy (he was clearly involved) in which he would be the only person implicated, why would he have shown up at work that day? The nature of Kennedy's wounds, and the Zapruder film show that he was shot from where Oswald was known to be. So if the guy who was there, owned the rifle, brought the rifle, fled the scene, killed a police officer, and was a person of interest to the FBI for quite some time before that day because of his communist activities didn't do it, who exactly did fire those shots from that window? That is the only logical place the shots could have come from.
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Mon 02/23/15 11:49 AM
So explain this. Why would Oswald have been framed, and so perfectly? And if Oswald was in on some conspiracy (he was clearly involved) in which he would be the only person implicated, why would he have shown up at work that day? The nature of Kennedy's wounds, and the Zapruder film show that he was shot from where Oswald was known to be. So if the guy who was there, owned the rifle, brought the rifle, fled the scene, killed a police officer, and was a person of interest to the FBI for quite some time before that day because of his communist activities didn't do it, who exactly did fire those shots from that window? That is the only logical place the shots could have come from. Can you prove the shots were fired from that window or simply stating the media narrative? As to why? Someone had just killed our President! Someone needed to be guilty to avoid a REAL investigation! Do you not understand the terminology of "patsy"? ![]() Oswald was the perfect one! A nobody who had been to Russia, Cuba, or elsewhere, had no money, influence, or resources to fight with, and worked at a convenient location to make it all plausible. Those responsible obviously had resources, power, money, and influence enough to compose a media narrative and create any "evidence" needed to make it all fit into a pretty picture of his guilt....but then there was no trial of course when he was also killed.....while under police protection in a jail.... Just a little too perfect! Ever hear the addage "if it seems too good to be true....."? Perhaps "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth" is more fitting to your belief system? I don't know who was responsible, but it sure wasn't Oswald! As you said above.....he had no escape plan, or even try to implement one. |
It is possible that Kennedy died of natural causes. Quite frankly, I think with all he was dealing with, he had an episode of spontaneous combustion. It was localized inside his head and it just exploded. Connely was actually shot by Secret Service men who thought they were protecting the President, and that is why a stooge and cover-up was needed and ensued.
Once again, just as plausible as any other explanation, including "lone gunman." |
A Top Sniper from the military shot JFK....Oswald was a scapegoat Explain Oswald being on the 6th floor, his rifle being found, and shots being fired from his location. A "top sniper" isn't needed to make the shots from that window. That tells me you know very little about firearms, much less rifles and firing 3 rounds (supposedly) with accuracy on a Czech made bolt action rifle in less than 6 seconds. We were told in the Marine Corps that Oswald was a wizard to pull it off, and we (the USMC) have some of the best snipers in the world! So forgetting the magic bullet theory, that feat in itself was impossible! And on a moving target no less! could have sworn a Carcano is Italian? You may be right, I'm not familiar with many of the old mail order rifles of the day (I was only like 12). But Oswald had to be some kind of super sniper to take a cheap mail order, bolt action, foreign rifle, load, aim, and fire 3 times (again supposedly) at a moving target, with accuracy, at that distance, in 6 seconds..... don't you think? still think Oswald was just a Patsy,and the Fibers recovered and matched to Oswald's Clothing could have been left on the Buttplate earlier! |
Why Oswald? And who put his rifle in that location? Why was his behavior leading up up and following the assassination so suspicious. If he was part of a conspiracy, his actions afterward would have been better planned out. He did implement an escape plan, although a poorly executed one. The fact that he killed Officer Tippett still is unexplained in your theory that he didn't do it. Keep in mind Oswald also attempted to assassinate General Edwin Walker in April of 1963. He had a vision of himself as a great man in history. What better way to cement his place in history than to assassinate the President of the United States? Where else in the direction of the depository and from that angle, which Kennedy's wounds indicate, could the shots have come from? And who else was there? And why was no ballistic evidence other than that which matches that rifle ever found in Dealey Plaza, the limousine, or either victim?
So explain this. Why would Oswald have been framed, and so perfectly? And if Oswald was in on some conspiracy (he was clearly involved) in which he would be the only person implicated, why would he have shown up at work that day? The nature of Kennedy's wounds, and the Zapruder film show that he was shot from where Oswald was known to be. So if the guy who was there, owned the rifle, brought the rifle, fled the scene, killed a police officer, and was a person of interest to the FBI for quite some time before that day because of his communist activities didn't do it, who exactly did fire those shots from that window? That is the only logical place the shots could have come from. Can you prove the shots were fired from that window or simply stating the media narrative? As to why? Someone had just killed our President! Someone needed to be guilty to avoid a REAL investigation! Do you not understand the terminology of "patsy"? ![]() Oswald was the perfect one! A nobody who had been to Russia, Cuba, or elsewhere, had no money, influence, or resources to fight with, and worked at a convenient location to make it all plausible. Those responsible obviously had resources, power, money, and influence enough to compose a media narrative and create any "evidence" needed to make it all fit into a pretty picture of his guilt....but then there was no trial of course when he was also killed.....while under police protection in a jail.... Just a little too perfect! Ever hear the addage "if it seems too good to be true....."? Perhaps "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth" is more fitting to your belief system? I don't know who was responsible, but it sure wasn't Oswald! As you said above.....he had no escape plan, or even try to implement one. Oswald might not have been the Nobody everyone thinks he was,but more likely The Man Who Knew Too Much! |
So explain this. Why would Oswald have been framed, and so perfectly? And if Oswald was in on some conspiracy (he was clearly involved) in which he would be the only person implicated, why would he have shown up at work that day? The nature of Kennedy's wounds, and the Zapruder film show that he was shot from where Oswald was known to be. So if the guy who was there, owned the rifle, brought the rifle, fled the scene, killed a police officer, and was a person of interest to the FBI for quite some time before that day because of his communist activities didn't do it, who exactly did fire those shots from that window? That is the only logical place the shots could have come from. Can you prove the shots were fired from that window or simply stating the media narrative? As to why? Someone had just killed our President! Someone needed to be guilty to avoid a REAL investigation! Do you not understand the terminology of "patsy"? ![]() Oswald was the perfect one! A nobody who had been to Russia, Cuba, or elsewhere, had no money, influence, or resources to fight with, and worked at a convenient location to make it all plausible. Those responsible obviously had resources, power, money, and influence enough to compose a media narrative and create any "evidence" needed to make it all fit into a pretty picture of his guilt....but then there was no trial of course when he was also killed.....while under police protection in a jail.... Just a little too perfect! Ever hear the addage "if it seems too good to be true....."? Perhaps "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth" is more fitting to your belief system? I don't know who was responsible, but it sure wasn't Oswald! As you said above.....he had no escape plan, or even try to implement one. Oswald might not have been the Nobody everyone thinks he was,but more likely The Man Who Knew Too Much! Precisely ![]() |
Pssst...Oswald did it.
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Tue 02/24/15 04:59 AM
It's the Repulsicons fault! Just ask the Obozo admin ![]() Yep, Bush dood it! (and that could be partially true depending on which Bush you're referring to) ![]() |
It's the Repulsicons fault! Just ask the Obozo admin ![]() Yep, Bush dood it! (and that could be partially true depending on which Bush you're referring to) ![]() Considering George HW Bush wasn't the head of the CIA until the Ford Administration, and he wasn't elected to Congress until 1964, that is the least plausible of the prominent theories. |
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Tue 02/24/15 05:26 AM
JFK died of self inflicted gunshot wounds. He shot himself, from the 6th, 7th, and 3rd floors of the book depository, AFTER painting an X, to mark the spot on Elm Street, where he'd need to be, for the bullets to catch up to him.
53 years down the road, nobody has anything but speculation. |