Topic: Who Do You Believe Killed JFK | |
All I know is I was at Dealey Plaza, on the sidewalk next to the Grassy Knoll taking pictures, my camera slipped from my hand and broke. I feel very strongly that there was some conspiracy behind it, as none of the photographs came out. It was heavily discussed with my friends at the time (mid- 1990s), and we came to a logical conclusion. Jerry Jones had Kennedy killed so that he could get Deion Sanders under the salary cap - which really was an amazing amount of fore-sight on his part. Also, it's just as plausible as any other conspiracy theory I've ever heard. The U.S govt. agencies should get an award for covering up incidents since the beginning of time I don't trust the government, but I also know that there is no evidence that anyone other than Oswald killed Kennedy. If you have any evidence other than the government is full of liars, I'd be happy to assess that evidence. But lack of evidence is often used as "evidence" to conspiracy theorists. Can I disprove that Oswald was paid or otherwise put up to it? No, but the shots had to have come from behind and above, and the rifle owned by Oswald, that just happened to be found, and fired at the time Kennedy was shot, was behind and above. And witnesses placed a man fitting Oswald's description in that window with a rifle at that exact moment. And he didn't do it? Wow... I cannot believe that not only one, but two people thought I was proposing a real conspiracy. Jesus guys, maybe you see too much into what you read, and should really think about getting out of this particular forum. Especially considering I espoused no links to government involvement at all. If you want real though, fine. I've heard an actual Marine Corps Sniper say that there was no way that Oswald could have gotten three direct hits with an Italian bolt action rifle in seven seconds. He literally said "it couldn't be done." I'm pretty sure I'd trust an expert sniper over what my government told me to believe in this matter any day. Your first "theory" was obviously satire. I was commenting in response to the response. Now in response to whether it's possible, it is. One person said it can't be done. Many other experts have said it is very possible, and in fact have reenacted it. The shot itself, from that window to that limousine, is not a difficult shot to make. Three different depository employees, who were on the 5th floor at the time, told the police that they heard 3 shots fired from above them, and that they heard 3 shell casings hit the floor. No more, no less than 3 shell casings were found on the 6th floor directly above where they were. Lee Harvey Oswald was known to be on the 6th floor alone only a few minutes before. Additionally, those shots came from the only reasonable angle considering the entrance and exit wounds, and those wounds were inflicted by the same caliber ammunition. There are too many "coincidences" that point away from conspiracy and to Oswald. Having been to the Texas Book Depository, I'll point out three things. The floors are thick hardwood and the ceilings are approximately 15' up. This being the case, the odds of someone hearing a shell casing hit on a lower floor, over the sounds of the crowd outside and the layer of concrete supporting the wood floor seems implausible. Plus witnesses on upper floors claimed to have seeing flashes coming from the building to the NE of the Book depository. So why believe one set of witnesses over another? Also, why the need to eject the third shell? The shots were fired, he stashed the rifle (not taking it with him to defend himself on escape) so why take the extra second to eject the shell. It makes no sense when speed was necessary, especially since Oswald was seen on the 2nd floor drinking a soda shortly after the assassination. Furthermore, the angle of the shot and the ability to make the aim has never been called into question. What is questionable is the ability to reload, aim and fire three times in seven seconds. With an automatic rifle a trained marksman would have difficulty, with a bolt action.... A lot has also been made of Oswald being trained by the U.S. Marine Corps. So why would someone pass an easy shot when the motorcade was coming directly at him in a straight line, only to wait until it made the turn and take a harder shot at a target moving across your vision? Back and to the left, back and to the left. Jackie, removed part of Kennedy's skull from the lid of the trunk (you can watch her crawl back and get it in the Zapruder film), bullets that pass through something very rarely throw large pieces of their target backwards. That being said, I don't think it was a government conspiracy - the U.S. government can't seem to do too much right to be able to get away with this - but I do have full faith in the FBI and local police to do poor investigative work and evidence collection. Just saying... |
Jackie, removed part of Kennedy's skull from the lid of the trunk (you can watch her crawl back and get it in the Zapruder film), bullets that pass through something very rarely throw large pieces of their target backwards.�
The bullet entering the skull, fractures, cracks the bone. As the bullet passes through, a tremendous shock wave..and pressure is produced. This pressure can cause pieces to fly in any direction. Last winter, I head shot a coyote with a 22/250. A good portion of the top of it's skull, flew upward, and directly back in my direction..about 2 feet. |
Ask LBJ |
Oswald was drinking a soda on the second floor because he was trying to blend in as though nothing happened. Why was he the only employee to leave work before being released for the day? And how would he have known that the President had just been shot if he was in a second floor break room? Not taking the rifle with him to defend himself is easily explained by the .38 caliber revolver that he used to kill Officer JD Tippett later that day. The fact that he got off a bus that was stuck in traffic and took a taxi is circumstantial evidence against him. And why did he have the cab driver go 2 blocks beyond his destination? Again, suspicious behavior. The police, based on witness accounts of those who were there, were looking for a man who fit Oswald's basic description. Without knowing the description, or even that Kennedy had been shot, the theater employee called the police because of Oswald's suspicious behavior when he entered the theater. Why behave in a suspicious manner if you're an innocent man?
Edited by
Sat 02/21/15 11:51 AM
Will, or can we ever, know the truth about much of anything shrouded in a "vail of secrecy", for "our own good", under the title of "National Defense"? Those who question are CT'ers, those who don't are fools, so no matter where you stand on any issue under that vail as a citizen or voter these days...... you're NUTZ! So at the very least I'll always question to avoid being a fool as well |
Will, or can we ever, know the truth about much of anything shrouded in a "vail of secrecy", for "our own good", under the title of "National Defense"? Those who question are CT'ers, those who don't are fools, so no matter where you stand on any issue under that vail as a citizen or voter these days...... you're NUTZ! So at least I'll always question to avoid being a fool as well Asking questions is a good thing. I'm accepting that Oswald did it and he acted alone not because the government said so, but because that's what the evidence points to. We all know that one guy who has the tinfoil wrapped around his head a little too tightly. The guy who thinks that everything is a conspiracy, even though conspiracies as vast as some have to be always come unraveled. And usually before the act, just like the Lincoln assassination conspiracy fell apart. Booth was the only one to actually follow through. If you have actual evidence that someone other than Oswald killed Kennedy, and not just theories based on who did and didn't like Kennedy and had motive, I'm willing to reassess my belief that Oswald acted alone. Until then, too much evidence says Oswald killed Kennedy. And I didn't always believe he acted alone. |
Will, or can we ever, know the truth about much of anything shrouded in a "vail of secrecy", for "our own good", under the title of "National Defense"? Those who question are CT'ers, those who don't are fools, so no matter where you stand on any issue under that vail as a citizen or voter these days...... you're NUTZ! So at least I'll always question to avoid being a fool as well Asking questions is a good thing. I'm accepting that Oswald did it and he acted alone not because the government said so, but because that's what the evidence points to. We all know that one guy who has the tinfoil wrapped around his head a little too tightly. The guy who thinks that everything is a conspiracy, even though conspiracies as vast as some have to be always come unraveled. And usually before the act, just like the Lincoln assassination conspiracy fell apart. Booth was the only one to actually follow through. If you have actual evidence that someone other than Oswald killed Kennedy, and not just theories based on who did and didn't like Kennedy and had motive, I'm willing to reassess my belief that Oswald acted alone. Until then, too much evidence says Oswald killed Kennedy. And I didn't always believe he acted alone. What evidence are you looking at, and who or what was the source? What "we" got was a media narrative approved by talking heads in govt for media release, and a commission report that was proven to be "edited" for public release |
Oswald owned the rifle that was on the 6th floor, Oswald was on the 6th floor, a man fitting Oswald's description was seen in that window, that rifle was fired that day, and there is no hard evidence to suggest that anyone else was involved.
Edited by
Sat 02/21/15 01:39 PM
Oswald owned the rifle that was on the 6th floor, Oswald was on the 6th floor, a man fitting Oswald's description was seen in that window, that rifle was fired that day, and there is no hard evidence to suggest that anyone else was involved. I would suggest you watch a movie called "Shooter" No "sniper" is going to stick a rifle barrel out a window to be seen Not all "news" is news..... it's often simply a narrative to implant a public opinion..... and it usually works well since a majority of the people still trust TV news....even CNN sadly |
Oswald owned the rifle that was on the 6th floor, Oswald was on the 6th floor, a man fitting Oswald's description was seen in that window, that rifle was fired that day, and there is no hard evidence to suggest that anyone else was involved. I would suggest you watch a movie called "Shooter" No "sniper" is going to stick a rifle barrel out a window to be seen Not all "news" is news..... it's often simply a narrative to implant a public opinion..... and it usually works well since a majority of the people still trust TV news....even CNN sadly Oswald was in the Marine Corps, but he was not a sniper. There is no evidence that he had any sniper training. This is a common misconception that has been perpetuated. The fact that he made mistakes is still not evidence that he either didn't do it or was part of a conspiracy. |
Oswald owned the rifle that was on the 6th floor, Oswald was on the 6th floor, a man fitting Oswald's description was seen in that window, that rifle was fired that day, and there is no hard evidence to suggest that anyone else was involved. I would suggest you watch a movie called "Shooter" No "sniper" is going to stick a rifle barrel out a window to be seen Not all "news" is news..... it's often simply a narrative to implant a public opinion..... and it usually works well since a majority of the people still trust TV news....even CNN sadly Oswald was in the Marine Corps, but he was not a sniper. There is no evidence that he had any sniper training. This is a common misconception that has been perpetuated. The fact that he made mistakes is still not evidence that he either didn't do it or was part of a conspiracy. Romney may have had his magic underwear but Oswald had a magic bullet. With bullets like that our soldiers could carry less ammunition. Then to appear, again by magic, in pristine condition after creating five wounds and even shattering bones, on Conneleys stretcher to match to Oswalds rifle......PRICELESS! |
what about the young black teenager who was seen wearing a #32 football jersey loitering behind the grassy knoll...??? was he an accomplice ?
![]() when will the real truth come out ?? lol |
The truth won't come out its been buried 6feet under
The "magic bullet" theory can't be disproved.
Why did all the hospital staff who tried to treat JFK, think that the shots had came from the front, not the back?
Edited by
Sat 02/21/15 06:28 PM
The evidence against Oswald is overwhelming, and the conspiracy theorists always cite holes in their theories as proof that they are right. I am not a conspiracy theorist, btw. Even a Congressional investigation concluded that there was a conspiracy. Hell, more and more is coming out on a regular basis about this and more and more points to Oswald being a patsy. so you believe a congressional investigation on this, but on benghazi you don't? wonder why that is? (rhetorical...i already know the answer to this.) |
Edited by
Sun 02/22/15 11:01 AM
The "magic bullet" theory can't be disproved. So physics is a farce? This was not a .223 round, it wasn't designed to "tumble". It was however copper jacketed and would have separated on impact. However, the bullet found on the stretcher and later matched to Oswald's rifle as evidence of his guilt, was pristine.... like it had never been fired or impacted anything, much less bone tissue Single-bullet theory ~ Wikipedia According to the single-bullet theory, a three-centimeter (1.2�)-long copper-jacketed lead-core 6.5-52mm Mannlicher-Carcano rifle bullet fired from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository passed through President Kennedy's neck and Governor Connally's chest and wrist and embedded itself in the Governor's thigh. If so, this bullet traversed 15 layers of clothing, 7 layers of skin, and approximately 15 inches of tissue, struck a necktie knot, removed 4 inches of rib, and shattered a radius bone. The bullet was found on a gurney in the corridor at the Parkland Memorial Hospital, in Dallas, after the assassination. The Warren Commission found that this gurney was the one that had borne Governor Connally.[3] This bullet became a key Commission exhibit, identified as CE 399. Its copper jacket was completely intact. While the bullet's nose appeared normal, the tail was compressed laterally on one side Simple logic says the greater possibilty is that you, and the Warren Commission, are conveniently misled Remember too that it wasn't only JFK, but Bobby and MLK as well. The CIA had a busy year |
A Top Sniper from the military shot JFK....Oswald was a scapegoat
The "magic bullet" theory can't be disproved. So physics is a farce? This was not a .223 round, it wasn't designed to "tumble". It was however copper jacketed and would have separated on impact. However, the bullet found on the stretcher and later matched to Oswald's rifle as evidence of his guilt, was pristine.... like it had never been fired or impacted anything, much less bone tissue Single-bullet theory ~ Wikipedia According to the single-bullet theory, a three-centimeter (1.2�)-long copper-jacketed lead-core 6.5-52mm Mannlicher-Carcano rifle bullet fired from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository passed through President Kennedy's neck and Governor Connally's chest and wrist and embedded itself in the Governor's thigh. If so, this bullet traversed 15 layers of clothing, 7 layers of skin, and approximately 15 inches of tissue, struck a necktie knot, removed 4 inches of rib, and shattered a radius bone. The bullet was found on a gurney in the corridor at the Parkland Memorial Hospital, in Dallas, after the assassination. The Warren Commission found that this gurney was the one that had borne Governor Connally.[3] This bullet became a key Commission exhibit, identified as CE 399. Its copper jacket was completely intact. While the bullet's nose appeared normal, the tail was compressed laterally on one side Simple logic says the greater possibilty is that you, and the Warren Commission, are conveniently mistaken Wikipedia is an unreliable source, with questionable reliability at best. The Zapruder film actually lends credibility to a single bullet passing through Kennedy's neck and striking Connelly. |
Back in those days they were easy targets to eliminate anyway so the theories are endless