Topic: German WW2 Survivor Says Obama Is Hitler | |
And just to throw a little gas on that big ole fire, did you know it is against the law to say bad things about Odumbo within earshot of the Secret Service? Gee, even Hitler wasn't that vain. Ah, another false urban legend being promoted. ![]() Can you prove prove it false? No he can't: But the 2006 version of the law contained the same undefined phrases: The 2006 version says it is unlawful for a person or group to "willfully, knowingly, and with intent to impede or disrupt the orderly conduct of Government business or official functions, to engage in disorderly or disruptive conduct in, or within such proximity to, any building or grounds." The 2012 version says it is unlawful if someone "knowingly, and with intent to impede or disrupt the orderly conduct of Government business or official functions, engages in disorderly or disruptive conduct in, or within such proximity to, any restricted building or grounds when, or so that, such conduct, in fact, impedes or disrupts the orderly conduct of Government business or official functions." One last thing: Critics of the president are using the law to scare people into thinking that the law will be used against his critics. Maybe it will be. But the law doesn’t cover just the president and vice president and it hasn’t since it was amended in 1982. It covers anyone under Secret Service protection, including past presidents of both parties and the Republican presidential and vice presidential nominees. So, to recap: The law isn’t new; it merely amends existing law. The law doesn’t impose new penalties, although the ACLU is concerned that it may make it easier for the government to prove its case against someone who knowingly enters a restricted area or causes a disturbance in areas under Secret Service protection. The law doesn’t criminalize free speech any more than it did when Bush revised the same law in 2006. Now we add Odumbo and the "Maybe it will be." becomes.... Did someone disappear? Or maybe there is a car wreck. |
We haven't had a representative of the people in office for a very long time, and that is the long and short of it. Since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 we have been doomed, and with allowing "corporations are people too" and the influence of money into politics our fate was sealed. Power corrupts, and money corrupts absolutely. The media controls the vote, the corporations control the media, and the banks control the corporations and therefore the elections. Goodyear, IBM, Standard Oil, practically the entire list of multinational corporations and the banks who enable them all supported every war effort, both sides, since long before the Civil War. Lincoln fought the banks with the "Green Back" and was assassinated, Jackson fought the banks and was attempted to be assassinated but the shooters pistols failed, Kennedy tried to put us on a tax free dollar and we know that history. If something happens once it might be a mistake, twice is not, but 4 times...... So every puppet that has come to power, and not been assassinated, is following the agenda of money and power..... the central bankers... so they are all indeed Napoleons, Alexanders, and yes, Hitlers by similarity. That similarity is control of the banks and their agenda of world domination thru manipulation of the currency and elections. They don't care who fights wars or who wins or loses, they are paid from both sides. "Give me the power to print a nations currency and I care not who makes its laws" That is why Obozo will never be impeached, stand trial, or punished for his acts of treason. He adds a new wild card to the bankers deck to better their odds still further..... The Race Card! The Ice Queen would add another for 2016..... The Gender Card! But they are running out of cards..... and time. But they have made a fatal error and the people are waking up. We can thank Egypt for their contribution to the awaking. But, now there will in all probability be violence, hence Homeland Security. We have consistently ignored one of the prime attributes of the constitution: "To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;" This subject was explained most succinctly by Hamilton in Federalist 24: "This statement of the matter is taken from the printed collection of State constitutions. Pennsylvania and North Carolina are the two which contain the interdiction in these words: ``As standing armies in time of peace are dangerous to liberty, they ought not to be kept up.'' This is, in truth, rather a caution than a prohibition. New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Delaware, and Maryland have, in each of their bils of rights, a clause to this effect: ``Standing armies are dangerous to liberty, and ought not to be raised or kept up without the consent of the legislature''; which is a formal admission of the authority of the Legislature. New York has no bills of rights, and her constitution says not a word about the matter. No bills of rights appear annexed to the constitutions of the other States, except the foregoing, and their constitutions are equally silent. I am told, however that one or two States have bills of rights which do not appear in this collection; but that those also recognize the right of the legislative authority in this respect." But this country has been at war for longer than most can remember, the war on drugs, the war on poverty, etc., etc. etc. But, the military has proven to be more moral than the owners liked and now we have Homeland Security. In addition, have you looked at your local police/sheriff department lately? Where did the police go? Now the only real function of a police department is "keeper of the peace", you know the old "peace officer". But that is now just another myth of the past unless the "people" stand up and demand their servants behave and remove the objectionable "toys". |
The claim that President Obama is another Hitler is an opinion. And a retarded one at that. ![]() |
The claim that President Obama is another Hitler is an opinion. And a retarded one at that. ![]() no reason to insult the mentally challenged that way,,,, ![]() |
The claim that President Obama is another Hitler is an opinion. And a retarded one at that. ![]() no reason to insult the mentally challenged that way,,,, ![]() ![]() I have never voted for President Obama, and I disagree with his politics. Still, I find these attempts to demonize him to be disgusting. |
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Tue 01/14/14 05:14 AM
actually Obama is just continuing the Policies that started Decades ago,and it is getting no better!
Those Policies are perpetuating themselves in the Powerstructure for obvious reasons! That's how the System perpetuates,grows bigger and protects it self! Obama,with his particular Philosophy is simply the Man of the Hour! It's a "Conspiracy" without center and without leaders! |
I have stated repeatedly that the trend in this country is toward a fascist system with communist slogans. But what all of today's pressure groups are busy evading is the fact that neither business nor labor nor anyone else, except the ruling clique, gains anything under fascism or communism or any form of statism that all become victims of an impartial, egalitarian destruction. The Ayn Rand Letter The Moratorium on Brains, and it was many Moons ago when the Lady said that for the first time! Me thinks it was even the Theme of 'The Fountainhead' ,and 'We The Living'! |
Ominous Parallels by Leonard Peikoff a Book worthwhile to get. Kelly Murray's review Feb 07, 13 5 of 5 stars bookshelves: non-fiction, sp Recommended for: Anyone who is interested in history/philosophy Read in June, 2009 I'd give this book a million stars if I could! Phenomenal. Peikoff did a great job showing how the German people were able to be so accepting of Nazism- what philosophies, ideologies, religions, etc made it possible for the horrible totalitarian take-over. Well thought-out explanations were given as to how a country's philosophical/ideological base is the seed from which EVERYHING else stems. If the philosophers and intellectuals of a country/culture endorse and spread chaotic, disembodied, irrational ideas, then it's only a matter of course that a human embodiment of those ideas will emerge (Hitler). He also compared modern America with pre-Nazi Germany, saying that we're moving closer towards a similar decline in rational thought, towards irrational, mystic subjectivism (anti- individual, anti-reason, etc)...which is the path Germany was on when the Nazis took over. A few key quotes which I feel really capture the cause of the uprise: ** "Reason does not permit man to feel metaphysically helpless; egoism does not permit him to accept unearned guilt or to regard himself as a sacrificial animal. But a man indoctrinated with the notion that reason is impotent and self-sacrifice is his moral duty, will obey anyone and anything." ** " The intellectuals are ignorant of philosophy's role in history- because of philosophy. Having been taught by philosophers for generations that reason is impotent to guide action, they regard the mind and its conclusions as irrelevant to life." ** " A dictator is not a self-confident person. He preys on weakness, uncertainty, fear. He has no chance among men of self-esteem. But in the age of self-doubt, he rises to the top." Peikoff saw it coming back in the early eighties,when no Obama was in sight,and the progress is exactly as predicted! |
And just to throw a little gas on that big ole fire, did you know it is against the law to say bad things about Odumbo within earshot of the Secret Service? Gee, even Hitler wasn't that vain. yes,Hitler was just THAT vain! |
ITs illegal to disrupt the peace, whomever you are and however you do it,,,,as it has been for centuries
it is not ILLEGAL to say 'bad' things about the President UNLESS the manner it is done is disrupting the peace,,,,, |
ITs illegal to disrupt the peace, whomever you are and however you do it,,,,as it has been for centuries it is not ILLEGAL to say 'bad' things about the President UNLESS the manner it is done is disrupting the peace,,,,, lol, some people sure like to live in a candy coated world... |
ITs illegal to disrupt the peace, whomever you are and however you do it,,,,as it has been for centuries it is not ILLEGAL to say 'bad' things about the President UNLESS the manner it is done is disrupting the peace,,,,, lol, some people sure like to live in a candy coated world... some people just are always the 'exception' I guess, considering I have PERSONALLY Witnessed people saying 'bad things' and nothing happened,, as they didn't say it in a manner that was disruptive,,,lol |
Edited by
Tue 01/14/14 01:57 PM
![]() ![]() I love the comparison of firing/KILLING,, to firing,,,as well as the usual lack of example or evidence,,,, hilarious.. more misdirection? lol, cheap lib tactics... you should try google sometimes wow, 197 in five years... yep, wow amounts to an average one of the thousands of af majors being fired somewhere in America every week,,,,,truly amazing,,, love how the article didn't choose to expand upon the reasons for their firings,, as if that is irrelevant or another big conspiracy,,, same reasons hitler fired his...not that hard... Obama's Curious Purge Of The Military Continues |
Hitler wasn't elected into a government of hundreds and no president has come close to anything like the atrocities of putting farmers and jews in concentration camps to be gassed to death the comparison is fear tactic rhetoric,,,, FDR CHECK BTW,Hitler was elected! And had the Majority in the Reichstag in combination with the other Nationalist Party! And he ignored the equivalent of congress... In fact not just ignored, he burned them out. That came after,when he had what he wanted! The Fire was just to "Weld" the Nation together. Wonder what Obama's or Hillary's Fanal will be! Boston bombing? |
The claim that President Obama is another Hitler is an opinion. And a retarded one at that. ![]() no reason to insult the mentally challenged that way,,,, ![]() Yeah.... don't confuse the liberals |
ITs illegal to disrupt the peace, whomever you are and however you do it,,,,as it has been for centuries it is not ILLEGAL to say 'bad' things about the President UNLESS the manner it is done is disrupting the peace,,,,, Not if it's a rally or a public event. There is a right to assembly. a right to protest and a right to be heard. Disrupting an event speaker could be seen as an invasion of a speakers rights, but protest outside the venue or arena of that event is a protected right. |
The claim that President Obama is another Hitler is an opinion. And a retarded one at that. ![]() no reason to insult the mentally challenged that way,,,, ![]() Yeah.... don't confuse the liberals Oh. Odumbo isn't another Hitler, he is much more dangerous than that and that is not opinion but fact. And to insinuate something is retarded is truly an insult to the mentally challenged, but to make light of the insult is much worse. And how do you confuse the confused, show the light? Doesn't seem to work so the only thing remaining is to enlighten those that are becoming awake and damn the rest. Otherwise, all is lost. |
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people PEACABLY to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.[1]
no mention of an exemption for public events yes, if one wishes to 'protest' elsewhere they can, but that wouldn't fall under the assembly right and is not protected when it is disturbing the peace,,, |
msharmony, there is an old Melmacian proverb:
"Herding cats is easier than reasoning with hearts full of hate." Want to help me herd cats? |
msharmony, there is an old Melmacian proverb: "Herding cats is easier than reasoning with hearts full of hate." Want to help me herd cats? ![]() |