Topic: German WW2 Survivor Says Obama Is Hitler | |
A survivor of Hitler’s murderous WWII era German empire says that Barack Obama is essentially the notorious German madman’s political son, the heir of his political style, if you will.
Austrian Kitty Werthmann (some sites misspell her name as Katie Worthman, for some reason) was a child just before WWII broke out and lived in the failing Austrian empire when her countrymen decided to elect Adolph Hitler as their leader in the 1930s. That’s right, “elected” him. He didn’t conquer them with arms. Werthmann notes that Hitler got 98 percent of a democratically derived vote when he and his Nazi Party–the National Socialists–promised to bring Austrians the same high standard of living that Germans then enjoyed. He didn’t come into Austria with guns blazing. He came with soothing words and happy talk. Hitler “sounded like an American politician,” Werthmann has said many times. “Now you might ask how could a Christian nation, elect a monster like Hitler,” Werthman said. “The truth is at the beginning Hitler didn’t look like or talk like a monster at all. He talked like an American politician.” The elder survivor of both Hitler’s horrors and the Soviet conquerers that came after him has been warning Americans not to fall for smooth-talking politicians like Hitler and Obama. This is a Christian nation, she tells us, and we shouldn’t forsake God for a second coming of Adolf Hitler. We should never give up our God, our Constitution, or our guns. Watch Werthman’s video very carefully and then tell us your feelings in our comments section. Someone who was actually under Hitlers rule and now lives here under Obama's......... |
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Tue 01/07/14 12:34 PM
all of our presidents have been elected, and most not lacking in their 'smooth talking' abilities,,
rarely will americans vote in bumbling idiots to represent them internationally amidst other well educated or well spoken leaders,,, I wonder what she would think of posts on this thread from hitler speech 'when the people is in utter despair, when it has lost all its spirit and has no longer any faith in anything, is determined for its part ruthlessly to seize the reins of power - that is the beginning of resistance of which I spoke a few minutes ago. Here, too, there can be no compromise ' beginning of hitlers resistance? take back power from government,,,, just saying,,,, |
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Tue 01/07/14 01:01 PM
Ominous Parallels
by Leonard Peikoff a Book worthwhile to get. Kelly Murray's review Feb 07, 13 5 of 5 stars bookshelves: non-fiction, sp Recommended for: Anyone who is interested in history/philosophy Read in June, 2009 I'd give this book a million stars if I could! Phenomenal. Peikoff did a great job showing how the German people were able to be so accepting of Nazism- what philosophies, ideologies, religions, etc made it possible for the horrible totalitarian take-over. Well thought-out explanations were given as to how a country's philosophical/ideological base is the seed from which EVERYHING else stems. If the philosophers and intellectuals of a country/culture endorse and spread chaotic, disembodied, irrational ideas, then it's only a matter of course that a human embodiment of those ideas will emerge (Hitler). He also compared modern America with pre-Nazi Germany, saying that we're moving closer towards a similar decline in rational thought, towards irrational, mystic subjectivism (anti- individual, anti-reason, etc)...which is the path Germany was on when the Nazis took over. A few key quotes which I feel really capture the cause of the uprise: ** "Reason does not permit man to feel metaphysically helpless; egoism does not permit him to accept unearned guilt or to regard himself as a sacrificial animal. But a man indoctrinated with the notion that reason is impotent and self-sacrifice is his moral duty, will obey anyone and anything." ** " The intellectuals are ignorant of philosophy's role in history- because of philosophy. Having been taught by philosophers for generations that reason is impotent to guide action, they regard the mind and its conclusions as irrelevant to life." ** " A dictator is not a self-confident person. He preys on weakness, uncertainty, fear. He has no chance among men of self-esteem. But in the age of self-doubt, he rises to the top." Peikoff saw it coming back in the early eighties,when no Obama was in sight,and the progress is exactly as predicted! |
So, someone with hate in his heart compares President Obama to Hitler.
That is no more surprising than a Democrat comparing the Tea Party to Hitler because the Democrat believes lies about the Tea Party. |
Ominous Parallels by Leonard Peikoff a Book worthwhile to get. Kelly Murray's review Feb 07, 13 5 of 5 stars bookshelves: non-fiction, sp Recommended for: Anyone who is interested in history/philosophy Read in June, 2009 I'd give this book a million stars if I could! Phenomenal. Peikoff did a great job showing how the German people were able to be so accepting of Nazism- what philosophies, ideologies, religions, etc made it possible for the horrible totalitarian take-over. Well thought-out explanations were given as to how a country's philosophical/ideological base is the seed from which EVERYHING else stems. If the philosophers and intellectuals of a country/culture endorse and spread chaotic, disembodied, irrational ideas, then it's only a matter of course that a human embodiment of those ideas will emerge (Hitler). He also compared modern America with pre-Nazi Germany, saying that we're moving closer towards a similar decline in rational thought, towards irrational, mystic subjectivism (anti- individual, anti-reason, etc)...which is the path Germany was on when the Nazis took over. A few key quotes which I feel really capture the cause of the uprise: ** "Reason does not permit man to feel metaphysically helpless; egoism does not permit him to accept unearned guilt or to regard himself as a sacrificial animal. But a man indoctrinated with the notion that reason is impotent and self-sacrifice is his moral duty, will obey anyone and anything." ** " The intellectuals are ignorant of philosophy's role in history- because of philosophy. Having been taught by philosophers for generations that reason is impotent to guide action, they regard the mind and its conclusions as irrelevant to life." ** " A dictator is not a self-confident person. He preys on weakness, uncertainty, fear. He has no chance among men of self-esteem. But in the age of self-doubt, he rises to the top." Peikoff saw it coming back in the early eighties,when no Obama was in sight,and the progress is exactly as predicted! |
Both Hitler and Obama held rallies in outdoor stadiums to excite and inflame the people's passions. Frequently women would faint or break into tears.
Both Hitler and Obama wrote ghost-written autobiographies prior to the start of theri run for political office. Hitler wrote Mein Kampf (My Struggle), and Obama wrote Dreams Of My Father. Both men then wrote a second book talking about their goals for German and America. Hitler wrote A New World Order, and Obama wrote The Audacity of Hope. Both Hitler and Obama originally had last names that were changed later in life. Hitler used to be Schickelbruber, and Obama's last name was Soetoro. Both Hitler and Obama hid their real identies. Hiter had a Jewish ancestry, and Obama a Muslim one. But unlike Hitler, Obama flaunted his Muslim roots in his start as a politician in order to defuse the inevitable firestorm. His ploy of "hiding in plain sight" worked very well. Both Hitler and Obama's supporters followed them blindly, and without question Both Hitler and Obama used political power and coercion to conceal and hide their birth certificates from coming to public view. Hitler made his disappear, and Obama is unwilling and unable to produce his long-form birth certificate. Both Hitler and Obama advocate using young people as a driving force to create an "army" of youth dedicated to their Ideals. Hitler had his Hitler Youth, and Obama his Obama Youth Brigade. Both Hitler and Obama were known for their tremendous oratorical skills Both Hitler and Obama received Messianic comparisons, and both men had songs of adoration written about them and for them. Like Hitler, Obama rules in direct disregard to the will and wishes of the people. Like Hitler, Obama has an obvious distaste for the Jews, and sides with the Muslims every chance he gets. Both Hitler and Obama were able to mezmerize the people even when it was obvious that what they were saying was not true. Both Hitler and Obama used domestic terrorists to launch their careers. Hitler had his Brown Shirts from his beer hall days, and Obama had people like Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, and Rashid Khalidi. Like Hitler, Obama advocates using murder as a means of population control. Not to mention one of the first thing Hitler did was to band gun ownership leaving the good decent Germans defenceless, just like Barry is doing. Then there's using the IRS, CIA and Secret Service to intimidate and destroy people opposed to the Obama regime. Sounds a lot like the Brown Shirts, SS and Gestapo. |
As Democrats continue viciously crucifying anyone who disagrees with them as Klansmen, suicide bombers, anarchists and misogynists, anyone who dares to notice the similarities between our Constitution-shredding Black Panther-in-chief and other racist dictators is still being met with the same hysterical shrieks, convulsions and fainting as always from the book-burning tyrant-worshipers of the left.
But Obama's lawless, un-American attacks on dissent, rigged elections and appalling crimes against the Constitution are overwhelming and unmistakable at this point, and more than warrant such comparisons. Here are the top 50 reasons that sensible people cannot help but make this painfully obvious connection: 50) He blatantly violated bankruptcy laws to force through payoffs for unions. 49) He tried to persecute George Zimmerman after he had been exonerated in a court of law. 48) He illegally tried to force through invented taxes without Congress. 47) He illegally took foreign campaign contributions. 46) He illegally used tax dollars to fund partisan campaign events. 45) He arbitrarily decided to pick and choose which parts of his disastrous health care take-over to enforce until after the election. 44) He blatantly disregarded an order by a federal judge to stop illegally trying to shut down all American energy exploration. 43) He illegally bypassed Congress to repeal wildly successful welfare reforms. 42) He illegally refused to enforce drug sentencing laws. 41) He protected illegal immigrants as they protested for more taxpayer-funded handouts on "closed" monuments, but then sent in federal police to attack law-abiding veterans for peacefully disagreeing with him...all while deliberately making the "shutdown" as painful as possible for the American people. 40) He staged phony "investigations" into illegal NSA spying, appointing White House cronies to pretend to clear their own names. 39) He appointed dozens of unaccountable "czars" and racist lunatics to influential posts without the Senate. 38) He used his illegal health care takeover to force through obscene partisan payoffs for political allies. 37) He blatantly violated federal energy laws. 36) He exploded the national debt while demanding unlimited borrowing power for himself. 35) He illegally spied on everyone but Muslims and terrorists. 34) He tried to illegally seize treaty-ratifying powers from the Senate. 33) He corrupted and politicized the Census Bureau for partisan gain. 32) He illegally attacked a sovereign country (Libya) with zero authorization from Congress. 31) He illegally ordered his Department of Justice to stop enforcing the Defense of Marriage Act. 30) He made illegal "recess appointments" while the Senate was still in session. 29) He illegally enforced legislation already struck down by the Supreme Court (Voting Rights Act). 28) He illegally used the EPA to impose drastic, devastating environmental regulations rejected by Congress. 27) He had his EPA create phony employees and email accounts to hide his administration's conduct from the public. 26) He criminalized being a conservative in the military. 25) He publicly called out, targeted, and persecuted private citizens who dared to donate money to his opponents. 24) He illegally seized media phone records and targeted journalists who questioned him. 23) He tried to sue Boeing into submission for daring to survive crippling union abuses by moving to a Right-to-Work state (South Carolina). 22) He tried to prosecute Bush attorneys for daring to write legal opinions that he disagreed with. 21) He used the EPA to hinder political opponents. 20) He threatened the broadcasting license of a Pennsylvania station just for considering airing an ad on his extreme anti-gun record. 19) He smears, insults and blacklists any news media outlet that actually questions him. 18) He had HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius issue threats and order private companies not to criticize Obamacare or correctly link it to cuts in benefits. 17) He sued the state of Arizona for daring to enforce the most lenient immigration laws on the planet. 16) He illegally ordered private companies and religious institutions to violate their own beliefs and provide contraceptives free of charge to all female employees. 15) He illegally forced through speech-trampling attacks on everyone but unions, without Congress. 14) He imposed his illegal, economy-killing health care takeover on an unwilling public through open blackmail and bribery. 13) He aggressively suppressed military votes. 12) He illegally distributed farmers' personal information to environmental fanatics for harassment and intimidation. 11) Deliberately provoked and staged a phony "government shutdown" crisis to turn public opinion against Republicans. 10) He launched partisan IRS attacks on the Tea Parties, anti-abortion groups, and individual critics during a major national election. 9) He granted himself the power to assassinate any American citizen he deems "associated" with terrorists without any due process. 8) He launched repeated "investigations" against any state that dared to require free (or nearly free) state IDs for voting (to prevent rampant Democrat voter fraud--see here, here and here). 7) He illegally instructed his DHS to stop enforcing our immigration laws while quietly crippling our ability to deport virtually anyone (to import millions of new Democrat voters)...which enabled numerous, entirely preventable rapes and murders against Americans for years. 6) He refused to let his Attorney General prosecute armed Black Panthers who were caught on video openly intimidating voters at polling places on Election Day in 2008. 5) He is an open racist. 4) He deliberately abandoned American officials and citizens to be savagely murdered in the streets in Benghazi, erroneously blamed critics of Islam, apologized to the terrorists, and silenced witnesses to cover it all up. 3) He illegally armed barbaric Mexican drug cartels to stage gun violence that would prompt and legitimize his attack on the 2nd Amendment (which did eventually happen)...and had his administration lie repeatedly about Fast & Furious while vindictively retaliating against whistle-blowers and threatening ATF employees. 2) He launched a blatantly illegal attack on our gun rights. 1) He armed, aided, funded, supported and protected Islamic terrorists at every turn...and even recruited them to highly sensitive government posts. It goes on and on, and on...and on (especially when you consider that the 10th Amendment makes much of what the Federal Government does illegal in the first place, as I explained here). Act like a fascist dictator, get compared to one. It's that simple. |
stated again for clarity
AMerica cannot have a dictator, it is made of a congress of hundreds (senate and house) and one potus,,, it is ruled by a majority model which requires more than the ONE POTUS to truly make anything happen this president does very little dictating and a whole lot of agreeing with the majority in government,,,, |
stated again for clarity AMerica cannot have a dictator, it is made of a congress of hundreds (senate and house) and one potus,,, it is ruled by a majority model which requires more than the ONE POTUS to truly make anything happen this president does very little dictating and a whole lot of agreeing with the majority in government,,,, With a swift of a pen he can issue executive orders, make recess appointments and threaten people into backing what he wants. All's this piece is the simularaties between Hitler and Obama. Hitler didn't start out as a dictator either. He waited until he got the Reichstag to pass anti gun laws and laws giving himself more power, just like Obama is doing. They are both extreme narcicists with god complexes and sociopaths. Using state agencies to target political rivals and anyone who doesn't agree with him, Hitler did that too. It's pretty scary when you think about it. |
Edited by
Wed 01/08/14 12:36 AM
stated again for clarity AMerica cannot have a dictator, it is made of a congress of hundreds (senate and house) and one potus,,, it is ruled by a majority model which requires more than the ONE POTUS to truly make anything happen this president does very little dictating and a whole lot of agreeing with the majority in government,,,, With a swift of a pen he can issue executive orders, make recess appointments and threaten people into backing what he wants. All's this piece is the simularaties between Hitler and Obama. Hitler didn't start out as a dictator either. He waited until he got the Reichstag to pass anti gun laws and laws giving himself more power, just like Obama is doing. They are both extreme narcicists with god complexes and sociopaths. Using state agencies to target political rivals and anyone who doesn't agree with him, Hitler did that too. It's pretty scary when you think about it. executive orders have been available long before OBama and used the only thing scary is that people continue to use the hitler comparisons or non patriotic guilt trips whenever they have a disagreement in politics I remember the same tired rhetoric with Bush, his with us or against us approach to two wars,,,,, oh yeah, hitler did that with us or against us tactic too,, didn't he? it was nonsense when it was done with Bush, for whom I didn't vote, and its nonsense now lets leave hitler where he belongs, as a one of a kind there is no president in us history that compares to him in anything but being leaders with leadership authority,,,, |
Ominous Parallels by Leonard Peikoff a Book worthwhile to get. Kelly Murray's review Feb 07, 13 5 of 5 stars bookshelves: non-fiction, sp Recommended for: Anyone who is interested in history/philosophy Read in June, 2009 I'd give this book a million stars if I could! Phenomenal. Peikoff did a great job showing how the German people were able to be so accepting of Nazism- what philosophies, ideologies, religions, etc made it possible for the horrible totalitarian take-over. Well thought-out explanations were given as to how a country's philosophical/ideological base is the seed from which EVERYHING else stems. If the philosophers and intellectuals of a country/culture endorse and spread chaotic, disembodied, irrational ideas, then it's only a matter of course that a human embodiment of those ideas will emerge (Hitler). He also compared modern America with pre-Nazi Germany, saying that we're moving closer towards a similar decline in rational thought, towards irrational, mystic subjectivism (anti- individual, anti-reason, etc)...which is the path Germany was on when the Nazis took over. A few key quotes which I feel really capture the cause of the uprise: ** "Reason does not permit man to feel metaphysically helpless; egoism does not permit him to accept unearned guilt or to regard himself as a sacrificial animal. But a man indoctrinated with the notion that reason is impotent and self-sacrifice is his moral duty, will obey anyone and anything." ** " The intellectuals are ignorant of philosophy's role in history- because of philosophy. Having been taught by philosophers for generations that reason is impotent to guide action, they regard the mind and its conclusions as irrelevant to life." ** " A dictator is not a self-confident person. He preys on weakness, uncertainty, fear. He has no chance among men of self-esteem. But in the age of self-doubt, he rises to the top." Peikoff saw it coming back in the early eighties,when no Obama was in sight,and the progress is exactly as predicted! |
seems some people need to re-read Sinclair Lewis' "It Can't Happen Here"!
Got Buzzy Windrip sitting in the White House right now! And the Political Shading don't mean nothing,Hitler was a Socialist after all! |
Hmm, this is reminiscent of a retarded monkey which dives deep into the ocean and locks himself in an underwater cage, then claims as in this place there is no visible counter argument that he is king of the castle.
Dude, nobody wants this particular castle of yours. Go and yell Obama is Hitler at a rally and see how ridiculous you look for yourself. |
Comparing Obama to Hitler. LOL! Of all the brain dead hyperbole.
Comparing Obama to Hitler. LOL! Of all the brain dead hyperbole. Yeah. He really ruined his argument when he claimed that Obama is a Muslim and that his last name wasn't originally "Obama". |
all of our presidents have been elected, and most not lacking in their 'smooth talking' abilities,, rarely will americans vote in bumbling idiots to represent them internationally amidst other well educated or well spoken leaders,,, I wonder what she would think of posts on this thread from hitler speech 'when the people is in utter despair, when it has lost all its spirit and has no longer any faith in anything, is determined for its part ruthlessly to seize the reins of power - that is the beginning of resistance of which I spoke a few minutes ago. Here, too, there can be no compromise ' beginning of hitlers resistance? take back power from government,,,, just saying,,,, And so how do you explain Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford, George Bush (not one but two of them, hey why not add a Jeb for the future) and of course an "Odumbo". American's will vote any idiot into office that they believe will take from others and give to them. Crap, most American's think this is a democracy and haven't a clue what democracy really means. But just for clarity, democracy = Obumbo. |
Let's just hold our breath until his term in office is over.
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Ominous Parallels by Leonard Peikoff a Book worthwhile to get. Kelly Murray's review Feb 07, 13 5 of 5 stars bookshelves: non-fiction, sp Recommended for: Anyone who is interested in history/philosophy Read in June, 2009 I'd give this book a million stars if I could! Phenomenal. Peikoff did a great job showing how the German people were able to be so accepting of Nazism- what philosophies, ideologies, religions, etc made it possible for the horrible totalitarian take-over. Well thought-out explanations were given as to how a country's philosophical/ideological base is the seed from which EVERYHING else stems. If the philosophers and intellectuals of a country/culture endorse and spread chaotic, disembodied, irrational ideas, then it's only a matter of course that a human embodiment of those ideas will emerge (Hitler). He also compared modern America with pre-Nazi Germany, saying that we're moving closer towards a similar decline in rational thought, towards irrational, mystic subjectivism (anti- individual, anti-reason, etc)...which is the path Germany was on when the Nazis took over. A few key quotes which I feel really capture the cause of the uprise: ** "Reason does not permit man to feel metaphysically helpless; egoism does not permit him to accept unearned guilt or to regard himself as a sacrificial animal. But a man indoctrinated with the notion that reason is impotent and self-sacrifice is his moral duty, will obey anyone and anything." ** " The intellectuals are ignorant of philosophy's role in history- because of philosophy. Having been taught by philosophers for generations that reason is impotent to guide action, they regard the mind and its conclusions as irrelevant to life." ** " A dictator is not a self-confident person. He preys on weakness, uncertainty, fear. He has no chance among men of self-esteem. But in the age of self-doubt, he rises to the top." Peikoff saw it coming back in the early eighties,when no Obama was in sight,and the progress is exactly as predicted! Or to quote one of my favorites: "Above this race of men stands an immense and tutelary power, which takes upon itself alone to secure their gratifications and to watch over their fate. That power is absolute, minute, regular, provident, and mild. It would be like the authority of a parent if, like that authority, its object was to prepare men for manhood; but it seeks, on the contrary, to keep them in perpetual childhood: it is well content that the people should rejoice, provided they think of nothing but rejoicing. For their happiness such a government willingly labors, but it chooses to be the sole agent and the only arbiter of that happiness; it provides for their security, foresees and supplies their necessities, facilitates their pleasures, manages their principal concerns, directs their industry, regulates the descent of property, and subdivides their inheritances: what remains, but to spare them all the care of thinking and all the trouble of living? Thus it every day renders the exercise of the free agency of man less useful and less frequent; it circumscribes the will within a narrower range and gradually robs a man of all the uses of himself. The principle of equality has prepared men for these things;it has predisposed men to endure them and often to look on them as benefits. After having thus successively taken each member of the community in its powerful grasp and fashioned him at will, the supreme power then extends its arm over the whole community. It covers the surface of society with a network of small complicated rules, minute and uniform, through which the most original minds and the most energetic characters cannot penetrate, to rise above the crowd. The will of man is not shattered, but softened, bent, and guided; men are seldom forced by it to act, but they are constantly restrained from acting. Such a power does not destroy, but it prevents existence; it does not tyrannize, but it compresses, enervates, extinguishes, and stupefies a people, till each nation is reduced to nothing better than a flock of timid and industrious animals, of which the government is the shepherd." ― Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America But this can be summarized by another: "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.' - Benjamin Franklin |
Edited by
Wed 01/08/14 06:50 PM
stated again for clarity AMerica cannot have a dictator, it is made of a congress of hundreds (senate and house) and one potus,,, it is ruled by a majority model which requires more than the ONE POTUS to truly make anything happen this president does very little dictating and a whole lot of agreeing with the majority in government,,,, Is that why Sen Sanders (whom I rarely agree with) is complaining Congress is being blackmailed under NSA spying on them and the IRS is intimidating the opponents of this POTUS? Of course Congress has nothing to hide so they can't be intimidated for a favorable vote.....right? You don't have to be a dictator by title to use/abuse the power and tactics of one.... Hitler was "elected" Chancellor into a "free" society which later became Nazi Germany He then got rid of generals who opposed him, banned guns, and passed laws. Created the Nazi Youth movement by controlling education, he then centralized medicine to obtain patient records, ended the free press and banned "certain" books and teachings..... sound familiar? Don't shoot the messenger..... that's simple historical fact |
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Wed 01/08/14 06:59 PM
stated again for clarity AMerica cannot have a dictator, it is made of a congress of hundreds (senate and house) and one potus,,, it is ruled by a majority model which requires more than the ONE POTUS to truly make anything happen this president does very little dictating and a whole lot of agreeing with the majority in government,,,, America has had a autocracy for almost two centries now, but your are correct it is not Odumbo nor was it Bush, they are but the puppets on the stage. Can you imagine, $2 Billion to be "El Presidente" for eight years. Wonder how much it will cost to be "elected" for a third term? And again, this is not a democracy and the majority do not "rule". "Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!" - Patrick Henry |