Topic: German WW2 Survivor Says Obama Is Hitler | |
Yeah, it's called a bad case of Odumboitis. Don't you recognize it, makes you believe the crap coming out of Odumbo's mouth and suspect other people when they don't agree. When the doubt gets really bad, play the race card. yeah,, the 'race card',, (which I haven't mentioned) is so much 'dumber' than the name calling card when one has no logical or rational contribution to a discussion,,,, ![]() ![]() ![]() Congratulations on your facing the mirror and gaining an inner perspective of your person. I mean this post was a confession, wasn't it? |
![]() Wonder who paraphrased whom? Adolph Obama or vice versa? I would say neither, this has been true since man started to walk upright. But I would like to offer quotes from a French Aristocrat of the early 19th Century that predicates either Hitler or Odumbo: "I do not know if the people of the United States would vote for superior men if they ran for office, but there can be no doubt that such men do not run." - Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America Pretty much explains those in our political system, a major part of the problem. "Society will develop a new kind of servitude which covers the surface of society with a network of complicated rules, through which the most original minds and the most energetic characters cannot penetrate. It does not tyrannise but it compresses, enervates, extinguishes, and stupefies a people, till each nation is reduced to nothing better than a flock of timid and industrious animals, of which the government is the shepherd." - Alexis de Tocqueville I think that pretty much covers that huge stack of administrative law so prevalent in this country today. "I have always thought it rather interesting to follow the involuntary movements of fear in clever people. Fools coarsely display their cowardice in all its nakedness, but the others are able to cover it with a veil so delicate, so daintily woven with small plausible lies, that there is some pleasure to be found in contemplating this ingenious work of the human intelligence." - Alexis de Tocqueville That covers the demeanor of Odumbo and other in government. "It is above all in the present democratic age that the true friends of liberty and human grandeur must remain constantly vigilant and ready to prevent the social power from lightly sacrificing the particular rights of a few individuals to the general execution of its designs. In such times there is no citizen so obscure that it is not very dangerous to allow him to be oppressed, and there are no individual rights so unimportant that they can be sacrificed to arbitrariness with impunity." - Alexis de Tocqueville And finally, this pretty much covers how we got here or as the ole saying goes, those that ignore history are destined to repeat it. |
Liberals, enjoy this message from your King.
"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America 's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the US Government cannot pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government's reckless fiscal policies. Increasing America 's debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that, 'the buck stops here.' Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better." ~ Senator Barack H. Obama, March 2006 ![]() ![]() and they went and voted for him twice! |
I really don;t think it should be too difficult to draw parallels between individuals who govern developed nations. Simply the similarities of their positions will make some commonalities. Because someone is an orator does not make them a genocidal murderer.
President Obama is more of a puppet in my opinion, of the bankers and corporate/political power mongers who prop him up for their own purposes. Hitler was no puppet, he was a workaholic with a grand design rooted in a doctrine "lebensraum." Whenever there are lists of statements taken out of context, I wonder what the real agenda is. If it is to make Mr Obama look bad, he actually does that quite well on his own. Get back to me when Obama invades Canada |
Doesn't change nothing on the Fact that Obama and his Gang are following the same Policies,whether you know it,or want to admit it to yourself or not! The Handwriting has been on the Wall for several Decades,Obama is just putting the finishing touches to it! which policies exactly? gassing people? (US did that with an atomic bomb long before Obama) rounding them up by the millions into camps for death sentences? targeting a racial or religious demographic for subjugation and helplessness by denying them rights or protection?( US did that a while ago too,, before any of us actually) so who are the 'Nazis' and who are the 'jews' ,,demographically, in this diabolical imitation of Hitlers policies? I can answer these: 1) Get a grip and face reality. Three clues: IRS, NSA and Homeland Security. 2) Syria, and why stop with gassing, they have drones capable of much more, even on US soil. 3) You could start with Gitmo and expand outward. But what is really interesting are the FEMA camps. Why do they look more like prisons than disaster recovery sites? And why so many? 4) Whites and any christian religion! 5) Nazis = Homeland Security (military having problem shooting women and children). Jews = Jews and Christians. |
I really don;t think it should be too difficult to draw parallels between individuals who govern developed nations. Simply the similarities of their positions will make some commonalities. Because someone is an orator does not make them a genocidal murderer. President Obama is more of a puppet in my opinion, of the bankers and corporate/political power mongers who prop him up for their own purposes. Hitler was no puppet, he was a workaholic with a grand design rooted in a doctrine "lebensraum." Whenever there are lists of statements taken out of context, I wonder what the real agenda is. If it is to make Mr Obama look bad, he actually does that quite well on his own. Get back to me when Obama invades Canada Again, I would agree with your baseline conclusion but one minor flaw, Hitler was not alone. He was financed by those same bankers. And those bankers were even Jewish. So much for the ole axiom that the Jews take care of their own. But then they weren't prejudicial, they financed the other side also. |
Yeah, it's called a bad case of Odumboitis. Don't you recognize it, makes you believe the crap coming out of Odumbo's mouth and suspect other people when they don't agree. When the doubt gets really bad, play the race card. yeah,, the 'race card',, (which I haven't mentioned) is so much 'dumber' than the name calling card when one has no logical or rational contribution to a discussion,,,, ![]() ![]() ![]() Congratulations on your facing the mirror and gaining an inner perspective of your person. I mean this post was a confession, wasn't it? wow,, some people will never get it,, when did I allegedly use the 'race' card or resort to calling names in this thread? ![]() ![]() again I ASk, does anyone have any logical or RATIONAL rebuttal on the topic? |
Liberals, enjoy this message from your King. "The fact that we are here today to debate raising America 's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the US Government cannot pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government's reckless fiscal policies. Increasing America 's debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that, 'the buck stops here.' Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better." ~ Senator Barack H. Obama, March 2006 ![]() ![]() and they went and voted for him twice! he was so totally wrong,,,,and na�ve, in that statement,, A statutorily imposed debt ceiling has been in effect since 1917 when the US Congress passed the Second Liberty Bond Act. Before 1917 there was no debt ceiling in force, but there were parliamentary procedural limitations on the level of possible debt that could be held by government. US government indebtedness has been the norm in United States financial history, as well of most Western European and North American countries, for the past 200 years. The US has been in debt every year except for 1835. Debts incurred during the American Revolutionary War and under the Articles of Confederation led to the first yearly report on the amount of the debt ($75,463,476.52 on January 1, 1791[1]). Every President since Herbert Hoover has added to the national debt expressed in absolute dollars. The debt ceiling has been raised 74 times since March 1962,[2] including 18 times under Ronald Reagan, eight times under Bill Clinton, seven times under George W. Bush, and five times under Barack Obama. |
Edited by
Sat 01/11/14 12:19 PM
Doesn't change nothing on the Fact that Obama and his Gang are following the same Policies,whether you know it,or want to admit it to yourself or not! The Handwriting has been on the Wall for several Decades,Obama is just putting the finishing touches to it! which policies exactly? gassing people? (US did that with an atomic bomb long before Obama) rounding them up by the millions into camps for death sentences? targeting a racial or religious demographic for subjugation and helplessness by denying them rights or protection?( US did that a while ago too,, before any of us actually) so who are the 'Nazis' and who are the 'jews' ,,demographically, in this diabolical imitation of Hitlers policies? I can answer these: 1) Get a grip and face reality. Three clues: IRS, NSA and Homeland Security. 2) Syria, and why stop with gassing, they have drones capable of much more, even on US soil. 3) You could start with Gitmo and expand outward. But what is really interesting are the FEMA camps. Why do they look more like prisons than disaster recovery sites? And why so many? 4) Whites and any christian religion! 5) Nazis = Homeland Security (military having problem shooting women and children). Jews = Jews and Christians. these are answers? really? so, we rounded up Syrians to gas them? or drop drones on them? wow we round up people into FEMA camps? they aren't an option that is voluntary for those in need? wow whites and Christians are being singularly denied rights and protections? HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ![]() ![]() ![]() and homeland security are the ones subjugating and oppressing and rounding up CHristians and Jews ? ,,,,wow...just wow! smh |
which policies exactly? gassing people? (US did that with an atomic bomb long before Obama) rounding them up by the millions into camps for death sentences? targeting a racial or religious demographic for subjugation and helplessness by denying them rights or protection?( US did that a while ago too,, before any of us actually) so who are the 'Nazis' and who are the 'jews' ,,demographically, in this diabolical imitation of Hitlers policies? I can answer these: 1) Get a grip and face reality. Three clues: IRS, NSA and Homeland Security. 2) Syria, and why stop with gassing, they have drones capable of much more, even on US soil. 3) You could start with Gitmo and expand outward. But what is really interesting are the FEMA camps. Why do they look more like prisons than disaster recovery sites? And why so many? 4) Whites and any christian religion! 5) Nazis = Homeland Security (military having problem shooting women and children). Jews = Jews and Christians. these are answers? really? so, we rounded up Syrians to gas them? or drop drones on them? wow we round up people into FEMA camps? they aren't an option that is voluntary for those in need? wow whites and Christians are being singularly denied rights and protections? HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ![]() ![]() ![]() and homeland security are the ones subjugating and oppressing and rounding up CHristians and Jews ? ,,,,wow...just wow! smh Answers, question 1 no, it stated clues. You need to find the answer, not too difficult for those awake. And so, even after your boy drew a line in the sand, you are unfamiliar with the scenario or just want to ignore. Another little hint, the keys are Benegazi (can you say Turkey) and Saudi Arabia. Some gassing was involved. FEMA, oh yeah, volunteers, then why is it designed to keep people in? And obliviously you have no idea at what is going on in this world, need to get away from CNN and NBC. |
which policies exactly? gassing people? (US did that with an atomic bomb long before Obama) rounding them up by the millions into camps for death sentences? targeting a racial or religious demographic for subjugation and helplessness by denying them rights or protection?( US did that a while ago too,, before any of us actually) so who are the 'Nazis' and who are the 'jews' ,,demographically, in this diabolical imitation of Hitlers policies? I can answer these: 1) Get a grip and face reality. Three clues: IRS, NSA and Homeland Security. 2) Syria, and why stop with gassing, they have drones capable of much more, even on US soil. 3) You could start with Gitmo and expand outward. But what is really interesting are the FEMA camps. Why do they look more like prisons than disaster recovery sites? And why so many? 4) Whites and any christian religion! 5) Nazis = Homeland Security (military having problem shooting women and children). Jews = Jews and Christians. these are answers? really? so, we rounded up Syrians to gas them? or drop drones on them? wow we round up people into FEMA camps? they aren't an option that is voluntary for those in need? wow whites and Christians are being singularly denied rights and protections? HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ![]() ![]() ![]() and homeland security are the ones subjugating and oppressing and rounding up CHristians and Jews ? ,,,,wow...just wow! smh Answers, question 1 no, it stated clues. You need to find the answer, not too difficult for those awake. And so, even after your boy drew a line in the sand, you are unfamiliar with the scenario or just want to ignore. Another little hint, the keys are Benegazi (can you say Turkey) and Saudi Arabia. Some gassing was involved. FEMA, oh yeah, volunteers, then why is it designed to keep people in? And obliviously you have no idea at what is going on in this world, need to get away from CNN and NBC. these were not ANSWERS,,,, lol the answer is ,, find my own answer,, got it same as no answer,,, and how were people rounded up there? what were the numbers 'rounded up' and by what means,, this is NOT Turkey or Saudi Arabia,, this is AMerica,,,we are debating whether there is someone in office, (or ever has been) who presents a similar fate for AMERICANS,,for MILLIONS of americans, based solely on their racial or religious demographic the answer is still, Hell to the NO,,,, ![]() ![]() ![]() which is why people should stop using stupid fear tactics to try to equate us presidents (any us president) or their intentions to those of HITLER,,, |
which policies exactly? gassing people? (US did that with an atomic bomb long before Obama) rounding them up by the millions into camps for death sentences? targeting a racial or religious demographic for subjugation and helplessness by denying them rights or protection?( US did that a while ago too,, before any of us actually) so who are the 'Nazis' and who are the 'jews' ,,demographically, in this diabolical imitation of Hitlers policies? I can answer these: 1) Get a grip and face reality. Three clues: IRS, NSA and Homeland Security. 2) Syria, and why stop with gassing, they have drones capable of much more, even on US soil. 3) You could start with Gitmo and expand outward. But what is really interesting are the FEMA camps. Why do they look more like prisons than disaster recovery sites? And why so many? 4) Whites and any christian religion! 5) Nazis = Homeland Security (military having problem shooting women and children). Jews = Jews and Christians. these are answers? really? so, we rounded up Syrians to gas them? or drop drones on them? wow we round up people into FEMA camps? they aren't an option that is voluntary for those in need? wow whites and Christians are being singularly denied rights and protections? HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ![]() ![]() ![]() and homeland security are the ones subjugating and oppressing and rounding up CHristians and Jews ? ,,,,wow...just wow! smh Answers, question 1 no, it stated clues. You need to find the answer, not too difficult for those awake. And so, even after your boy drew a line in the sand, you are unfamiliar with the scenario or just want to ignore. Another little hint, the keys are Benegazi (can you say Turkey) and Saudi Arabia. Some gassing was involved. FEMA, oh yeah, volunteers, then why is it designed to keep people in? And obliviously you have no idea at what is going on in this world, need to get away from CNN and NBC. these were not ANSWERS,,,, lol the answer is ,, find my own answer,, got it same as no answer,,, and how were people rounded up there? what were the numbers 'rounded up' and by what means,, this is NOT Turkey or Saudi Arabia,, this is AMerica,,,we are debating whether there is someone in office, (or ever has been) who presents a similar fate for AMERICANS,,for MILLIONS of americans, based solely on their racial or religious demographic the answer is still, Hell to the NO,,,, ![]() ![]() ![]() which is why people should stop using stupid fear tactics to try to equate us presidents (any us president) or their intentions to those of HITLER,,, Now you totally make no sense, I mean the atomic bombs where Japan and the gassing were Syria. While Japan was right out in the open, the gassing was done as a false flag, too bad about the Ambassador but he got in the way. And of course you wouldn't understand the implications of Turkey and Saudi Arabia in all this. And even CNN and NBC have gotten in on the NSA and IRS scandal. Oh, that's right, it couldn't have been Odumbo, must be Bush. And if you don't know what Homeland Security stands for, you are even more naive than you portend. And after all this, you want to pretend Odumbo is just an innocent being. Of course with that view you can't understand the connection between Hitler and Odumbo. Well let me provide the first clue, they are both egotistical maniacs. And just to throw a little gas on that big ole fire, did you know it is against the law to say bad things about Odumbo within earshot of the Secret Service? Gee, even Hitler wasn't that vain. |
And just to throw a little gas on that big ole fire, did you know it is against the law to say bad things about Odumbo within earshot of the Secret Service? Gee, even Hitler wasn't that vain. Ah, another false urban legend being promoted. ![]() |
And just to throw a little gas on that big ole fire, did you know it is against the law to say bad things about Odumbo within earshot of the Secret Service? Gee, even Hitler wasn't that vain. Ah, another false urban legend being promoted. ![]() Can you prove prove it false? |
And just to throw a little gas on that big ole fire, did you know it is against the law to say bad things about Odumbo within earshot of the Secret Service? Gee, even Hitler wasn't that vain. Ah, another false urban legend being promoted. ![]() Can you prove prove it false? it's not false, it started with bush and the patriot act... barry just bumped it up a notch |
Edited by
Sat 01/11/14 08:52 PM
which policies exactly? gassing people? (US did that with an atomic bomb long before Obama) rounding them up by the millions into camps for death sentences? targeting a racial or religious demographic for subjugation and helplessness by denying them rights or protection?( US did that a while ago too,, before any of us actually) so who are the 'Nazis' and who are the 'jews' ,,demographically, in this diabolical imitation of Hitlers policies? I can answer these: 1) Get a grip and face reality. Three clues: IRS, NSA and Homeland Security. 2) Syria, and why stop with gassing, they have drones capable of much more, even on US soil. 3) You could start with Gitmo and expand outward. But what is really interesting are the FEMA camps. Why do they look more like prisons than disaster recovery sites? And why so many? 4) Whites and any christian religion! 5) Nazis = Homeland Security (military having problem shooting women and children). Jews = Jews and Christians. these are answers? really? so, we rounded up Syrians to gas them? or drop drones on them? wow we round up people into FEMA camps? they aren't an option that is voluntary for those in need? wow whites and Christians are being singularly denied rights and protections? HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ![]() ![]() ![]() and homeland security are the ones subjugating and oppressing and rounding up CHristians and Jews ? ,,,,wow...just wow! smh Answers, question 1 no, it stated clues. You need to find the answer, not too difficult for those awake. And so, even after your boy drew a line in the sand, you are unfamiliar with the scenario or just want to ignore. Another little hint, the keys are Benegazi (can you say Turkey) and Saudi Arabia. Some gassing was involved. FEMA, oh yeah, volunteers, then why is it designed to keep people in? And obliviously you have no idea at what is going on in this world, need to get away from CNN and NBC. these were not ANSWERS,,,, lol the answer is ,, find my own answer,, got it same as no answer,,, and how were people rounded up there? what were the numbers 'rounded up' and by what means,, this is NOT Turkey or Saudi Arabia,, this is AMerica,,,we are debating whether there is someone in office, (or ever has been) who presents a similar fate for AMERICANS,,for MILLIONS of americans, based solely on their racial or religious demographic the answer is still, Hell to the NO,,,, ![]() ![]() ![]() which is why people should stop using stupid fear tactics to try to equate us presidents (any us president) or their intentions to those of HITLER,,, Now you totally make no sense, I mean the atomic bombs where Japan and the gassing were Syria. While Japan was right out in the open, the gassing was done as a false flag, too bad about the Ambassador but he got in the way. And of course you wouldn't understand the implications of Turkey and Saudi Arabia in all this. And even CNN and NBC have gotten in on the NSA and IRS scandal. Oh, that's right, it couldn't have been Odumbo, must be Bush. And if you don't know what Homeland Security stands for, you are even more naive than you portend. And after all this, you want to pretend Odumbo is just an innocent being. Of course with that view you can't understand the connection between Hitler and Odumbo. Well let me provide the first clue, they are both egotistical maniacs. And just to throw a little gas on that big ole fire, did you know it is against the law to say bad things about Odumbo within earshot of the Secret Service? Gee, even Hitler wasn't that vain. ANYONE who has run and became a US PRESIDENT could be said to be 'egotistical',, they are the freaking PRESIDENT don't think a 'shy' president would be very effective do ya? no, its not illegal to say 'bad things' about the president,,, during a freaking address to the nation a POLITICIAN called him a liar,,,,did he get arrested no lol I have been to two town halls where he spoke and people said 'bad things' about him and no one was arrested there either stop believing the propaganda machines,, please,,, |
Now you totally make no sense, I mean the atomic bombs where Japan and the gassing were Syria. While Japan was right out in the open, the gassing was done as a false flag, too bad about the Ambassador but he got in the way. And of course you wouldn't understand the implications of Turkey and Saudi Arabia in all this. And even CNN and NBC have gotten in on the NSA and IRS scandal. Oh, that's right, it couldn't have been Odumbo, must be Bush. And if you don't know what Homeland Security stands for, you are even more naive than you portend. And after all this, you want to pretend Odumbo is just an innocent being. Of course with that view you can't understand the connection between Hitler and Odumbo. Well let me provide the first clue, they are both egotistical maniacs. And just to throw a little gas on that big ole fire, did you know it is against the law to say bad things about Odumbo within earshot of the Secret Service? Gee, even Hitler wasn't that vain. ANYONE who has run and became a US PRESIDENT could be said to be 'egotistical',, they are the freaking PRESIDENT don't think a 'shy' president would be very effective do ya? no, its not illegal to say 'bad things' about the president,,, during a freaking address to the nation a POLITICIAN called him a liar,,,,did he get arrested no lol I have been to two town halls where he spoke and people said 'bad things' about him and no one was arrested there either stop believing the propaganda machines,, please,,, Still in denial ah? And anyone that would go twice to listen to that egotistical lying *** speak can't be all there. |
It's not Obama by itself!
It's the trend that has taken place since WWII,and possibly even before. Ominous Parallels by Leonard Peikoff Kelly Murray's review Feb 07, 13 I'd give this book a million stars if I could! Phenomenal. Peikoff did a great job showing how the German people were able to be so accepting of Nazism- what philosophies, ideologies, religions, etc made it possible for the horrible totalitarian take-over. Well thought-out explanations were given as to how a country's philosophical/ideological base is the seed from which EVERYHING else stems. If the philosophers and intellectuals of a country/culture endorse and spread chaotic, disembodied, irrational ideas, then it's only a matter of course that a human embodiment of those ideas will emerge (Hitler). He also compared modern America with pre-Nazi Germany, saying that we're moving closer towards a similar decline in rational thought, towards irrational, mystic subjectivism (anti- individual, anti-reason, etc)...which is the path Germany was on when the Nazis took over. A few key quotes which I feel really capture the cause of the uprise: ** "Reason does not permit man to feel metaphysically helpless; egoism does not permit him to accept unearned guilt or to regard himself as a sacrificial animal. But a man indoctrinated with the notion that reason is impotent and self-sacrifice is his moral duty, will obey anyone and anything." ** " The intellectuals are ignorant of philosophy's role in history- because of philosophy. Having been taught by philosophers for generations that reason is impotent to guide action, they regard the mind and its conclusions as irrelevant to life." ** " A dictator is not a self-confident person. He preys on weakness, uncertainty, fear. He has no chance among men of self-esteem. But in the age of self-doubt, he rises to the top." Read the Book and you might understand! |
It's not Obama by itself! It's the trend that has taken place since WWII,and possibly even before. Ominous Parallels by Leonard Peikoff Kelly Murray's review Feb 07, 13 I'd give this book a million stars if I could! Phenomenal. Peikoff did a great job showing how the German people were able to be so accepting of Nazism- what philosophies, ideologies, religions, etc made it possible for the horrible totalitarian take-over. Well thought-out explanations were given as to how a country's philosophical/ideological base is the seed from which EVERYHING else stems. If the philosophers and intellectuals of a country/culture endorse and spread chaotic, disembodied, irrational ideas, then it's only a matter of course that a human embodiment of those ideas will emerge (Hitler). He also compared modern America with pre-Nazi Germany, saying that we're moving closer towards a similar decline in rational thought, towards irrational, mystic subjectivism (anti- individual, anti-reason, etc)...which is the path Germany was on when the Nazis took over. A few key quotes which I feel really capture the cause of the uprise: ** "Reason does not permit man to feel metaphysically helpless; egoism does not permit him to accept unearned guilt or to regard himself as a sacrificial animal. But a man indoctrinated with the notion that reason is impotent and self-sacrifice is his moral duty, will obey anyone and anything." ** " The intellectuals are ignorant of philosophy's role in history- because of philosophy. Having been taught by philosophers for generations that reason is impotent to guide action, they regard the mind and its conclusions as irrelevant to life." ** " A dictator is not a self-confident person. He preys on weakness, uncertainty, fear. He has no chance among men of self-esteem. But in the age of self-doubt, he rises to the top." Read the Book and you might understand! While I have not read the book, it does sound interesting. From the excerpts it follows the lines of Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America (1835). It also seems reminiscent of Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged (1957). |
Edited by
Sun 01/12/14 07:37 AM
We haven't had a representative of the people in office for a very long time, and that is the long and short of it. Since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 we have been doomed, and with allowing "corporations are people too" and the influence of money into politics our fate was sealed. Power corrupts, and money corrupts absolutely. The media controls the vote, the corporations control the media, and the banks control the corporations and therefore the elections. Goodyear, IBM, Standard Oil, practically the entire list of multinational corporations and the banks who enable them all supported every war effort, both sides, since long before the Civil War. Lincoln fought the banks with the "Green Back" and was assassinated, Jackson fought the banks and was attempted to be assassinated but the shooters pistols failed, Kennedy tried to put us on a tax free dollar and we know that history. If something happens once it might be a mistake, twice is not, but 4 times...... So every puppet that has come to power, and not been assassinated, is following the agenda of money and power..... the central bankers... so they are all indeed Napoleons, Alexanders, and yes, Hitlers by similarity. That similarity is control of the banks and their agenda of world domination thru manipulation of the currency and elections. They don't care who fights wars or who wins or loses, they are paid from both sides. "Give me the power to print a nations currency and I care not who makes its laws" That is why Obozo will never be impeached, stand trial, or punished for his acts of treason. He adds a new wild card to the bankers deck to better their odds still further..... The Race Card! The Ice Queen would add another for 2016..... The Gender Card! But they are running out of cards..... and time. |