Topic: Scientific Quadriplegism Of Atheism | |
How do you explain the earth's unique design and surmirat in a shooting cosmic gallery? how come we have all elements in the right quantities and water which is universal solvent in abundant quantities.that same water makes up 70% of our total mass.its no mistake our blood is almost entirely water.why is oxygen in abundant on earth planets? Pls explain the various natural cycles since you guys believe we stemmed from nothing.pls,explain to us in mingle why oxygen is present in the most abundant element on earth.Explain also why if the earth was as small as mercury it wouldnt be powerful enough to retain our atmosphere or if the earth was as large as jupitar,gravity would be a problem.why our moon is large enough to control the oceans around and keep it from spilling over land? Tell us why a few degree more tilted our axis is and our world would have been a catastrophic shift or a few degrees more backward and our earth would have been a frigid cryonic desert like venus where in daytime,leads melt.I wait 4 u Bumping old threads I see! ![]() OK, I'm bored. Earth's unique design? It's not. It's just a ball of cosmic dust just like the rest of them. It formed in an orbit that made it rocky instead of gassy. It's most unique feature is the relatively big moon which was the leftovers from a collision with a smaller planet. "Surmirat"(?) in a cosmic shooting gallery" I guess that means "still existing". Actually, the Earth has been destroyed many times as the accretion of rocks and comets built up to near it's present size. Then there was the "heavy bombardment" period where asteroids peppered the Earth. The Mars size planet that hit the Earth leaving debris that became the Moon turned the whole planet into a molten mess! You can still see the scars of the "heavy bombardment" of the Moon. In recent times the Earth has been destroyed three times in a general sense that represent major exterminations of life on the planet. It will happen again, hopefully not soon. The water probably came from the thousands of asteroids and comets that hit the Earth. They contain a lot of water. Water makes up 70% of our total mass? Maybe you are referring to people, not the Earth? Why is oxygen so abundant? ... because it is one of the most abundant elements in the universe. When a star goes SuperNova, the explosion makes lots of new elements from the basic Hydrogen. Silicon (rocks), oxygen, iron, etc., are produced in abundance and become interstellar gas and dust. It later comes together again due to gravity and the shock waves of other stellar explosions to create more stars and planets. The abundant hydrogen and oxygen get together to form water... and lots of it! "if it was as small as mercury ..."? If? If is an infinite question. If a frog had a glass azz, it would only hop once! Mercury's lack of atmosphere is due to the fact that the solar wind blows it away. Earth has a magnetic field to divert the solar wind, hence protecting it. The comment about the Moon preventing the oceans from spilling over land is beyond any comment I could make. However, the Moon is our friend. ![]() "It's most unique feature is the relatively big moon which was the leftovers from a collision with a smaller planet." I,ve read that in science and its just a theory , imo common sense does not enter science , if two planets were to collide i doubt you,d be left with two spheres ? The Moon and Earth have been hit yes . But i dont buy theories . You don't buy theories? You "doubt" what happens when two spheres hit? Perhaps you should study the topic and learn the concept of "peer review". You think "common sense" does not enter science? Actually it doesn't really. That concept is what differs science from assumption. Common sense does play a huge part in experimentation however. It also plays a huge part in applied physics. Newton's laws of physics (note the word "laws" instead of "theory") give the reactions, forces, movements, and energy of objects hitting each other. Easy problems can be calculated by hand but finite element techniques have allowed the forces, etc., to be calculated to a much finer detail. These analytical methods are used to calculate, for example, what happens if a car hits a wall, car, post, etc. The comparison between the finite element result and the actual crash shows how accurate the computations work. Computing what happens when two spheres hit works in exactly the same way. "Common sense does play a huge part in experimentation however. It also plays a huge part in applied physics." Physicists are at odds about quantum mechanics they understand 'there' version of explaining it (theory) becuase it isnt SCIENCE Cannot be tested as is the Description of Science , so it fails by definition of science , sigh .... Im Currently looking at Quantum mechanics :- Break Atoms down , to protons ,Quarks , Electrons , Nutrons ... Then they are formed by even smaller particals , made up of LIGHT then dissapear into 'nothingness' , So everything we see is made up of nothing and nothing made everything we see ..... Quantum Chemist Henry F Schaeffer III Said :- A creator must exist . The big bang theory ripples and subsequent findings are clearly pointing to the ex nihilo creation consistent with the first few verses in Genesis . LET THERE BE LIGHT . Is it not amazing that The Bible first verses were LET THERE BE LIGHT and LIGHT is at the very Quantum of everything we see and dont see ? Only now are we finding this out yet thousands of years ago it had it right . GOD IS LIGHT . Man has intelectualised himself so much that science by definition IS NOT SCIENCE :- We need to define what science IS and what Theory IS as the lines have blured ... Science is :- hypothesis , experiment , data , evidence , modified hypothesis , theory , prediction and explanation , duplication by peers . That is a joke becuase most of our SCIENCE is THEORY accepted as fact , cant experiment on it , cant duplicate it cant explain it ... What we can do is predict by the universal fundamental constants in nature that are there as law , we have a rational inteligable universe (mathematically) which points upwards to intelligence not downwards to reductionism , we have order in the universe not chaos if one of the Natural constants were off by a hair's width we wouldnt be here , then you,ve gotta bypass all specualtions of an Earth filled with water , to the cell ?? which bypasses all of the above in science and enters the realm of miracle , then we go on and on with conitnued miracles in everything and everywhere ... Till you hold your miracle of a baby in your hands and slap the giver of that baby in the face saying this is just the product of chaos , it is the biggest shame in humanity , something that isnt going unnoticed by the giver of LIFE , something each person will have to have an answer for individually before him . ( oh science told me you dont exist ) aint gonna cut it ... you will not be able to point to 'them ' you will be alone to answer ' what did YOU do or study to find out about life ? You just happened to be there did you ? No scientists told me we came from nothing , non-life to life Oh i see and that makes sense does it ? i gave you a brain , you knew i was there , yet joined the crowd against me ... I bought into existence order not chaos , yet you were blind ... You need to work on your quantum physics homework. The particles you mention are not made of light but light is one of the massless particles. A good point could be made that the big bang started out as pure energy and all that is condensed from that soup. The same thing is done at CERN on a much smaller scale to convert high mass protons to pure energy and then see the massed particles that jump out of the soup. Science is what allows you to use the internet, talk on the phone, watch TV, microwave a hot dog. Science is real. What's wrong with believing that science is how God made things work? |
Edited by
Thu 01/15/15 10:13 PM
How do you explain the earth's unique design and surmirat in a shooting cosmic gallery? how come we have all elements in the right quantities and water which is universal solvent in abundant quantities.that same water makes up 70% of our total mass.its no mistake our blood is almost entirely water.why is oxygen in abundant on earth planets? Pls explain the various natural cycles since you guys believe we stemmed from nothing.pls,explain to us in mingle why oxygen is present in the most abundant element on earth.Explain also why if the earth was as small as mercury it wouldnt be powerful enough to retain our atmosphere or if the earth was as large as jupitar,gravity would be a problem.why our moon is large enough to control the oceans around and keep it from spilling over land? Tell us why a few degree more tilted our axis is and our world would have been a catastrophic shift or a few degrees more backward and our earth would have been a frigid cryonic desert like venus where in daytime,leads melt.I wait 4 u Bumping old threads I see! ![]() OK, I'm bored. Earth's unique design? It's not. It's just a ball of cosmic dust just like the rest of them. It formed in an orbit that made it rocky instead of gassy. It's most unique feature is the relatively big moon which was the leftovers from a collision with a smaller planet. "Surmirat"(?) in a cosmic shooting gallery" I guess that means "still existing". Actually, the Earth has been destroyed many times as the accretion of rocks and comets built up to near it's present size. Then there was the "heavy bombardment" period where asteroids peppered the Earth. The Mars size planet that hit the Earth leaving debris that became the Moon turned the whole planet into a molten mess! You can still see the scars of the "heavy bombardment" of the Moon. In recent times the Earth has been destroyed three times in a general sense that represent major exterminations of life on the planet. It will happen again, hopefully not soon. The water probably came from the thousands of asteroids and comets that hit the Earth. They contain a lot of water. Water makes up 70% of our total mass? Maybe you are referring to people, not the Earth? Why is oxygen so abundant? ... because it is one of the most abundant elements in the universe. When a star goes SuperNova, the explosion makes lots of new elements from the basic Hydrogen. Silicon (rocks), oxygen, iron, etc., are produced in abundance and become interstellar gas and dust. It later comes together again due to gravity and the shock waves of other stellar explosions to create more stars and planets. The abundant hydrogen and oxygen get together to form water... and lots of it! "if it was as small as mercury ..."? If? If is an infinite question. If a frog had a glass azz, it would only hop once! Mercury's lack of atmosphere is due to the fact that the solar wind blows it away. Earth has a magnetic field to divert the solar wind, hence protecting it. The comment about the Moon preventing the oceans from spilling over land is beyond any comment I could make. However, the Moon is our friend. ![]() "It's most unique feature is the relatively big moon which was the leftovers from a collision with a smaller planet." I,ve read that in science and its just a theory , imo common sense does not enter science , if two planets were to collide i doubt you,d be left with two spheres ? The Moon and Earth have been hit yes . But i dont buy theories . You don't buy theories? You "doubt" what happens when two spheres hit? Perhaps you should study the topic and learn the concept of "peer review". You think "common sense" does not enter science? Actually it doesn't really. That concept is what differs science from assumption. Common sense does play a huge part in experimentation however. It also plays a huge part in applied physics. Newton's laws of physics (note the word "laws" instead of "theory") give the reactions, forces, movements, and energy of objects hitting each other. Easy problems can be calculated by hand but finite element techniques have allowed the forces, etc., to be calculated to a much finer detail. These analytical methods are used to calculate, for example, what happens if a car hits a wall, car, post, etc. The comparison between the finite element result and the actual crash shows how accurate the computations work. Computing what happens when two spheres hit works in exactly the same way. "Common sense does play a huge part in experimentation however. It also plays a huge part in applied physics." Physicists are at odds about quantum mechanics they understand 'there' version of explaining it (theory) becuase it isnt SCIENCE Cannot be tested as is the Description of Science , so it fails by definition of science , sigh .... Im Currently looking at Quantum mechanics :- Break Atoms down , to protons ,Quarks , Electrons , Nutrons ... Then they are formed by even smaller particals , made up of LIGHT then dissapear into 'nothingness' , So everything we see is made up of nothing and nothing made everything we see ..... Quantum Chemist Henry F Schaeffer III Said :- A creator must exist . The big bang theory ripples and subsequent findings are clearly pointing to the ex nihilo creation consistent with the first few verses in Genesis . LET THERE BE LIGHT . Is it not amazing that The Bible first verses were LET THERE BE LIGHT and LIGHT is at the very Quantum of everything we see and dont see ? Only now are we finding this out yet thousands of years ago it had it right . GOD IS LIGHT . Man has intelectualised himself so much that science by definition IS NOT SCIENCE :- We need to define what science IS and what Theory IS as the lines have blured ... Science is :- hypothesis , experiment , data , evidence , modified hypothesis , theory , prediction and explanation , duplication by peers . That is a joke becuase most of our SCIENCE is THEORY accepted as fact , cant experiment on it , cant duplicate it cant explain it ... What we can do is predict by the universal fundamental constants in nature that are there as law , we have a rational inteligable universe (mathematically) which points upwards to intelligence not downwards to reductionism , we have order in the universe not chaos if one of the Natural constants were off by a hair's width we wouldnt be here , then you,ve gotta bypass all specualtions of an Earth filled with water , to the cell ?? which bypasses all of the above in science and enters the realm of miracle , then we go on and on with conitnued miracles in everything and everywhere ... Till you hold your miracle of a baby in your hands and slap the giver of that baby in the face saying this is just the product of chaos , it is the biggest shame in humanity , something that isnt going unnoticed by the giver of LIFE , something each person will have to have an answer for individually before him . ( oh science told me you dont exist ) aint gonna cut it ... you will not be able to point to 'them ' you will be alone to answer ' what did YOU do or study to find out about life ? You just happened to be there did you ? No scientists told me we came from nothing , non-life to life Oh i see and that makes sense does it ? i gave you a brain , you knew i was there , yet joined the crowd against me ... I bought into existence order not chaos , yet you were blind ... You need to work on your quantum physics homework. The particles you mention are not made of light but light is one of the massless particles. A good point could be made that the big bang started out as pure energy and all that is condensed from that soup. The same thing is done at CERN on a much smaller scale to convert high mass protons to pure energy and then see the massed particles that jump out of the soup. Science is what allows you to use the internet, talk on the phone, watch TV, microwave a hot dog. Science is real. What's wrong with believing that science is how God made things work? " Science is what allows you to use the internet " That i of course agree with , observable , testable , repeatable . But i think mankind i still fairly primative in Regards Science , what i have a problem with being a 'Christian'is being ridiculed as a pixie believer when in fact i have enormous interest in Science , but i believe Science points upwards to intelligence not downwards to chaos . I Beleive God started it all and maintains it all , the God of what we do know and what we dont as yet know , not a God of the gaps . ( therefore we dont know so God did it ) I do not swallow scientific theories whole as i see it 'faith' to a point ie 'piltdown man' Scientists do not agree on quantum mechanics . I Don't have a problem with science as i do with some Scientists , ie Richard Dawkins , Laurence Krauss , and ppl like Christopher hitchens , i realize the limits of Science , but imo the goals posts are allways being shifted to meld theory into fact. Logic , something that science seems to be losing , redifining allways the meaning of SCIENCE ... I think that becuase the Fundamental constants in Nature being so finely tuned for life along with the inteligibility of the Universe through mathematics etc points towards order and design not downwards towards Chaos and accidents ... To lay it bare i cannot accept you can get life from non-life regardless of Scientific theory becuase then it is not repeatable , not testable and falls into the catergory of faith , the very thing anti-theists accuse us of , my faith is based upon the nature that i observe and science that can test what we have .. I see order , design and symbiosis everywhere , and what i see science doing of late is trying to reduce human to mere animal a product of random chance whereas God and the Bible regards Mankind as created in GODS image , beutifull , intelligent and an awe inspiring creation ... Sorry ive believed in God since aged 5 , just by looking at the beutifull world around me and everywhere i have looked in Science gives a Naturalistic dumbing down of that beuty to make man mere animal with no Concrete evidence , but alot of theories and hypothesis that still hang in the air , Science doesnt/cant test God so therefore puts an alternative in his Place ... As we are learing more about science we are using it to rape the planet of its beuty . "Jesus walked on water, or turned water into wine - if these things could happen, science is peoples best bet to finding out how" Yes science is the only way/tool mankind has at picking things apart BUT if God works outside of time and space as described in the bible he is not bound by OUR laws , so untestable , it seems tho imo science gives a free pass on pre-bigbang without time and space as its said time and space began at the big bang , yet walking on water for the person that created water is an impossibility ? Turning water into wine . life form non-life , ppl need to use logic sometimes and NOT science as surely things need to make some sense ? How easily we have been conformed to believe life can come from thin air yet walking on water is the miracle ? I,ve seen shadow people at the end of my bed , i commented in the other thread , this was about the same time as a child i came to the conclusion that there is a God , many ppl have had similar experiences , i know what i saw , but its not the reason i believe in God... Just know theres more to life than ' meets the eye ' ![]() |
Sure."There is more to life than meets the eye" God is real!!
Yes science is the only way/tool mankind has at picking things apart BUT if God works outside of time and space as described in the bible he is not bound by OUR laws , so untestable , it seems tho imo science gives a free pass on pre-bigbang without time and space as its said time and space began at the big bang , yet walking on water for the person that created water is an impossibility ? Turning water into wine . life form non-life , ppl need to use logic sometimes and NOT science as surely things need to make some sense ? How easily we have been conformed to believe life can come from thin air yet walking on water is the miracle ? I,ve seen shadow people at the end of my bed , i commented in the other thread , this was about the same time as a child i came to the conclusion that there is a God , many ppl have had similar experiences , i know what i saw , but its not the reason i believe in God... Just know theres more to life than ' meets the eye ' ![]() you say to use logic, but then you say for people to accept that life began from "thin air"... i don't see your logic in that... but to give up and just say "god did it" is a failure, a reason to not study and try... god, an alien, or just by blind luck life did start, and to not search for the reason how is absurd... here is a website, try it with an open mind... |
Edited by
Sat 01/17/15 07:11 AM
Yes science is the only way/tool mankind has at picking things apart BUT if God works outside of time and space as described in the bible he is not bound by OUR laws , so untestable , it seems tho imo science gives a free pass on pre-bigbang without time and space as its said time and space began at the big bang , yet walking on water for the person that created water is an impossibility ? Turning water into wine . life form non-life , ppl need to use logic sometimes and NOT science as surely things need to make some sense ? How easily we have been conformed to believe life can come from thin air yet walking on water is the miracle ? I,ve seen shadow people at the end of my bed , i commented in the other thread , this was about the same time as a child i came to the conclusion that there is a God , many ppl have had similar experiences , i know what i saw , but its not the reason i believe in God... Just know theres more to life than ' meets the eye ' ![]() you say to use logic, but then you say for people to accept that life began from "thin air"... i don't see your logic in that... but to give up and just say "god did it" is a failure, a reason to not study and try... god, an alien, or just by blind luck life did start, and to not search for the reason how is absurd... here is a website, try it with an open mind... No im not saying not study , i absolutely love learning about life , but i was picking up a bible that started my adventure , i have learnt so much about history and a little science along the way , im no scientist by a long shot but i know alot more about the ' theory of evolution ' than most people i have spoken to who just accept what they are taught/told ... I went to the Adelaide University not long ago when proffesor John Lennox was talking about " will science find gods fingerprints' I find it fascinating . But what i have found with modern Science is logic and common sense is missing , the definition of Science is changing . Take a mathematician as John Lennox is who in turn saw c.s lewis talk on numerous occasions . The Odds Mathematically that this planet little lone the universe with its Natural laws comming into existence is impossible , the odds of a single cell forming again mathematically impossible , then we go UP in Complexity , Not Downward into chaos as a Random Universe would . Yet logic is missing . And theory is being put firmly inplace/instead of FACT if it doesnt fit ' make it fit ' Antony flew 30 yrs writing text books on Science and an Atheist comes out of the whole thing as a true Scientist who followed the evidence WHEREVER it leads said at the end , there must be a creator . His books however were not withdrawn from Universites tho ... So many physicists are saying the same thing and more the more they are finding out the more they are realizing that Naturalism/Materialism just isnt adding up , the problems are getting bigger not easier , Science is finding again and again it does not have the answers and isnt likely to before we cause our own extinction . Explosions rarely if ever result in order . |
Yes science is the only way/tool mankind has at picking things apart BUT if God works outside of time and space as described in the bible he is not bound by OUR laws , so untestable , it seems tho imo science gives a free pass on pre-bigbang without time and space as its said time and space began at the big bang , yet walking on water for the person that created water is an impossibility ? Turning water into wine . life form non-life , ppl need to use logic sometimes and NOT science as surely things need to make some sense ? How easily we have been conformed to believe life can come from thin air yet walking on water is the miracle ? I,ve seen shadow people at the end of my bed , i commented in the other thread , this was about the same time as a child i came to the conclusion that there is a God , many ppl have had similar experiences , i know what i saw , but its not the reason i believe in God... Just know theres more to life than ' meets the eye ' ![]() you say to use logic, but then you say for people to accept that life began from "thin air"... i don't see your logic in that... but to give up and just say "god did it" is a failure, a reason to not study and try... god, an alien, or just by blind luck life did start, and to not search for the reason how is absurd... here is a website, try it with an open mind... No im not saying not study , i absolutely love learning about life , but i was picking up a bible that started my adventure , i have learnt so much about history and a little science along the way , im no scientist by a long shot but i know alot more about the ' theory of evolution ' than most people i have spoken to who just accept what they are taught/told ... I went to the Adelaide University not long ago when proffesor John Lennox was talking about " will science find gods fingerprints' I find it fascinating . But what i have found with modern Science is logic and common sense is missing , the definition of Science is changing . Take a mathematician as John Lennox is who in turn saw c.s lewis talk on numerous occasions . The Odds Mathematically that this planet little lone the universe with its Natural laws comming into existence is impossible , the odds of a single cell forming again mathematically impossible , then we go UP in Complexity , Not Downward into chaos as a Random Universe would . Yet logic is missing . And theory is being put firmly inplace/instead of FACT if it doesnt fit ' make it fit ' Antony flew 30 yrs writing text books on Science and an Atheist comes out of the whole thing as a true Scientist who followed the evidence WHEREVER it leads said at the end , there must be a creator . His books however were not withdrawn from Universites tho ... So many physicists are saying the same thing and more the more they are finding out the more they are realizing that Naturalism/Materialism just isnt adding up , the problems are getting bigger not easier , Science is finding again and again it does not have the answers and isnt likely to before we cause our own extinction . Explosions rarely if ever result in order . what makes you think earth is the only planet with life? mathmatics alone says there's other life out there... our galaxy, milky way, has over 100 billion stars in it... thats just one galaxy, there 100's of millions of bigger galaxies out in the universe... i'm not sure what books your reading, but evolution is 99.9999% fact... i'm not sure about god or not, but i'm pretty sure no one/thing/god just snapped it's fingers and life was here.... billions of years of evolution decides these matters, not gods... |
Edited by
Sun 01/18/15 01:13 AM
Yes science is the only way/tool mankind has at picking things apart BUT if God works outside of time and space as described in the bible he is not bound by OUR laws , so untestable , it seems tho imo science gives a free pass on pre-bigbang without time and space as its said time and space began at the big bang , yet walking on water for the person that created water is an impossibility ? Turning water into wine . life form non-life , ppl need to use logic sometimes and NOT science as surely things need to make some sense ? How easily we have been conformed to believe life can come from thin air yet walking on water is the miracle ? I,ve seen shadow people at the end of my bed , i commented in the other thread , this was about the same time as a child i came to the conclusion that there is a God , many ppl have had similar experiences , i know what i saw , but its not the reason i believe in God... Just know theres more to life than ' meets the eye ' ![]() you say to use logic, but then you say for people to accept that life began from "thin air"... i don't see your logic in that... but to give up and just say "god did it" is a failure, a reason to not study and try... god, an alien, or just by blind luck life did start, and to not search for the reason how is absurd... here is a website, try it with an open mind... No im not saying not study , i absolutely love learning about life , but i was picking up a bible that started my adventure , i have learnt so much about history and a little science along the way , im no scientist by a long shot but i know alot more about the ' theory of evolution ' than most people i have spoken to who just accept what they are taught/told ... I went to the Adelaide University not long ago when proffesor John Lennox was talking about " will science find gods fingerprints' I find it fascinating . But what i have found with modern Science is logic and common sense is missing , the definition of Science is changing . Take a mathematician as John Lennox is who in turn saw c.s lewis talk on numerous occasions . The Odds Mathematically that this planet little lone the universe with its Natural laws comming into existence is impossible , the odds of a single cell forming again mathematically impossible , then we go UP in Complexity , Not Downward into chaos as a Random Universe would . Yet logic is missing . And theory is being put firmly inplace/instead of FACT if it doesnt fit ' make it fit ' Antony flew 30 yrs writing text books on Science and an Atheist comes out of the whole thing as a true Scientist who followed the evidence WHEREVER it leads said at the end , there must be a creator . His books however were not withdrawn from Universites tho ... So many physicists are saying the same thing and more the more they are finding out the more they are realizing that Naturalism/Materialism just isnt adding up , the problems are getting bigger not easier , Science is finding again and again it does not have the answers and isnt likely to before we cause our own extinction . Explosions rarely if ever result in order . what makes you think earth is the only planet with life? mathmatics alone says there's other life out there... our galaxy, milky way, has over 100 billion stars in it... thats just one galaxy, there 100's of millions of bigger galaxies out in the universe... i'm not sure what books your reading, but evolution is 99.9999% fact... i'm not sure about god or not, but i'm pretty sure no one/thing/god just snapped it's fingers and life was here.... billions of years of evolution decides these matters, not gods... Well obviously not the same you are , it really seems to depend on what scientist you ask . I dont beleive God snapped his fingers and everything just appeared , it seems from the biblical account of 1000 years being a day ( allthough a creation DAY is disputed )that it took 1000 years to create animals , which in some scientists opinion explains the explosion onto the scene of complex ' body types ' ( the cambrian explosion ) Which some scientists say it is to short a time period for Evolution to occur , others seem to ' make it fit 'also the age of the Earth is NOT mentioned in the bible . As far as other life in the universe ? the bible doesnt mention it , what it does say is man is created in God's image , so we are the most intelligent life in the universe according to the bible ...apart from Angels . What i find interesting is that God is beyond time and space possibly outside our universe , Jesus said he was going away to 'prepare' a place for us ' a New heaven and new Earth " ( A new Universe ) ? the bible does say our's will disapear when Jesus returns ...All things being made new . So out little 70 years is as the bible says 'nothing' compared to Eternity which was/IS his plan for mankind . |
Loving this thread, you guys! I dig a guy who can get down with some physics.
I've met more judgmental, bigoted 'Christians', than Atheists. I'm cool with people having faith and believing whatever they want... but... Don't be an *******. If there is a god, pretty sure he/she wouldn't be cool with that. Outside of that, it would be really cool if the religious side could get super familiar with logical fallacies before wanting to embark on a debate. Alright now... please continue. I'm enjoying the discussion. Mostly. :-) |
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Sun 01/18/15 02:34 AM
Christian pastor offers atheists $100,000 to prove God doesn't exist, atheist proves pastor is dumb ![]() |
| Christian pastor offers atheists $100,000 to prove God doesn't exist, atheist proves pastor is dumb ![]() I just did a standing ovation in my apartment. Strange looks from the offspring... This was fantastic. |
Edited by
Sun 01/18/15 03:30 AM
Yes science is the only way/tool mankind has at picking things apart BUT if God works outside of time and space as described in the bible he is not bound by OUR laws , so untestable , it seems tho imo science gives a free pass on pre-bigbang without time and space as its said time and space began at the big bang , yet walking on water for the person that created water is an impossibility ? Turning water into wine . life form non-life , ppl need to use logic sometimes and NOT science as surely things need to make some sense ? How easily we have been conformed to believe life can come from thin air yet walking on water is the miracle ? I,ve seen shadow people at the end of my bed , i commented in the other thread , this was about the same time as a child i came to the conclusion that there is a God , many ppl have had similar experiences , i know what i saw , but its not the reason i believe in God... Just know theres more to life than ' meets the eye ' ![]() you say to use logic, but then you say for people to accept that life began from "thin air"... i don't see your logic in that... but to give up and just say "god did it" is a failure, a reason to not study and try... god, an alien, or just by blind luck life did start, and to not search for the reason how is absurd... here is a website, try it with an open mind... No im not saying not study , i absolutely love learning about life , but i was picking up a bible that started my adventure , i have learnt so much about history and a little science along the way , im no scientist by a long shot but i know alot more about the ' theory of evolution ' than most people i have spoken to who just accept what they are taught/told ... I went to the Adelaide University not long ago when proffesor John Lennox was talking about " will science find gods fingerprints' I find it fascinating . But what i have found with modern Science is logic and common sense is missing , the definition of Science is changing . Take a mathematician as John Lennox is who in turn saw c.s lewis talk on numerous occasions . The Odds Mathematically that this planet little lone the universe with its Natural laws comming into existence is impossible , the odds of a single cell forming again mathematically impossible , then we go UP in Complexity , Not Downward into chaos as a Random Universe would . Yet logic is missing . And theory is being put firmly inplace/instead of FACT if it doesnt fit ' make it fit ' Antony flew 30 yrs writing text books on Science and an Atheist comes out of the whole thing as a true Scientist who followed the evidence WHEREVER it leads said at the end , there must be a creator . His books however were not withdrawn from Universites tho ... So many physicists are saying the same thing and more the more they are finding out the more they are realizing that Naturalism/Materialism just isnt adding up , the problems are getting bigger not easier , Science is finding again and again it does not have the answers and isnt likely to before we cause our own extinction . Explosions rarely if ever result in order . what makes you think earth is the only planet with life? mathmatics alone says there's other life out there... our galaxy, milky way, has over 100 billion stars in it... thats just one galaxy, there 100's of millions of bigger galaxies out in the universe... i'm not sure what books your reading, but evolution is 99.9999% fact... i'm not sure about god or not, but i'm pretty sure no one/thing/god just snapped it's fingers and life was here.... billions of years of evolution decides these matters, not gods... Well obviously not the same you are , it really seems to depend on what scientist you ask . I dont beleive God snapped his fingers and everything just appeared , it seems from the biblical account of 1000 years being a day ( allthough a creation DAY is disputed )that it took 1000 years to create animals , which in some scientists opinion explains the explosion onto the scene of complex ' body types ' ( the cambrian explosion ) Which some scientists say it is to short a time period for Evolution to occur , others seem to ' make it fit 'also the age of the Earth is NOT mentioned in the bible . As far as other life in the universe ? the bible doesnt mention it , what it does say is man is created in God's image , so we are the most intelligent life in the universe according to the bible ...apart from Angels . What i find interesting is that God is beyond time and space possibly outside our universe , Jesus said he was going away to 'prepare' a place for us ' a New heaven and new Earth " ( A new Universe ) ? the bible does say our's will disapear when Jesus returns ...All things being made new . So out little 70 years is as the bible says 'nothing' compared to Eternity which was/IS his plan for mankind . am i understanding you here?... if the bible doesn't say it, it doesn't exist? you just showed me your the extent of your science knowledge... keep reading your bible, obviously all your answers are there... as for me, i'll keep reading and learning, after all, there is lots to learn that the bible misses for some reason... |
Yes science is the only way/tool mankind has at picking things apart BUT if God works outside of time and space as described in the bible he is not bound by OUR laws , so untestable , it seems tho imo science gives a free pass on pre-bigbang without time and space as its said time and space began at the big bang , yet walking on water for the person that created water is an impossibility ? Turning water into wine . life form non-life , ppl need to use logic sometimes and NOT science as surely things need to make some sense ? How easily we have been conformed to believe life can come from thin air yet walking on water is the miracle ? I,ve seen shadow people at the end of my bed , i commented in the other thread , this was about the same time as a child i came to the conclusion that there is a God , many ppl have had similar experiences , i know what i saw , but its not the reason i believe in God... Just know theres more to life than ' meets the eye ' ![]() you say to use logic, but then you say for people to accept that life began from "thin air"... i don't see your logic in that... but to give up and just say "god did it" is a failure, a reason to not study and try... god, an alien, or just by blind luck life did start, and to not search for the reason how is absurd... here is a website, try it with an open mind... No im not saying not study , i absolutely love learning about life , but i was picking up a bible that started my adventure , i have learnt so much about history and a little science along the way , im no scientist by a long shot but i know alot more about the ' theory of evolution ' than most people i have spoken to who just accept what they are taught/told ... I went to the Adelaide University not long ago when proffesor John Lennox was talking about " will science find gods fingerprints' I find it fascinating . But what i have found with modern Science is logic and common sense is missing , the definition of Science is changing . Take a mathematician as John Lennox is who in turn saw c.s lewis talk on numerous occasions . The Odds Mathematically that this planet little lone the universe with its Natural laws comming into existence is impossible , the odds of a single cell forming again mathematically impossible , then we go UP in Complexity , Not Downward into chaos as a Random Universe would . Yet logic is missing . And theory is being put firmly inplace/instead of FACT if it doesnt fit ' make it fit ' Antony flew 30 yrs writing text books on Science and an Atheist comes out of the whole thing as a true Scientist who followed the evidence WHEREVER it leads said at the end , there must be a creator . His books however were not withdrawn from Universites tho ... So many physicists are saying the same thing and more the more they are finding out the more they are realizing that Naturalism/Materialism just isnt adding up , the problems are getting bigger not easier , Science is finding again and again it does not have the answers and isnt likely to before we cause our own extinction . Explosions rarely if ever result in order . what makes you think earth is the only planet with life? mathmatics alone says there's other life out there... our galaxy, milky way, has over 100 billion stars in it... thats just one galaxy, there 100's of millions of bigger galaxies out in the universe... i'm not sure what books your reading, but evolution is 99.9999% fact... i'm not sure about god or not, but i'm pretty sure no one/thing/god just snapped it's fingers and life was here.... billions of years of evolution decides these matters, not gods... Well obviously not the same you are , it really seems to depend on what scientist you ask . I dont beleive God snapped his fingers and everything just appeared , it seems from the biblical account of 1000 years being a day ( allthough a creation DAY is disputed )that it took 1000 years to create animals , which in some scientists opinion explains the explosion onto the scene of complex ' body types ' ( the cambrian explosion ) Which some scientists say it is to short a time period for Evolution to occur , others seem to ' make it fit 'also the age of the Earth is NOT mentioned in the bible . As far as other life in the universe ? the bible doesnt mention it , what it does say is man is created in God's image , so we are the most intelligent life in the universe according to the bible ...apart from Angels . What i find interesting is that God is beyond time and space possibly outside our universe , Jesus said he was going away to 'prepare' a place for us ' a New heaven and new Earth " ( A new Universe ) ? the bible does say our's will disapear when Jesus returns ...All things being made new . So out little 70 years is as the bible says 'nothing' compared to Eternity which was/IS his plan for mankind . am i understanding you here?... if the bible doesn't say it, it doesn't exist? you just showed me your the extent of your science knowledge... keep reading your bible, obviously all your answers are there... as for me, i'll keep reading and learning, after all, there is lots to learn that the bible misses for some reason... most of what is known today was totally un-known then! So,actually those who say that everything is contained in the Religious Books,even though it flies in the Face of today's objective Knowledge,are working with very outdated Blueprints! ![]() |
Yes science is the only way/tool mankind has at picking things apart BUT if God works outside of time and space as described in the bible he is not bound by OUR laws , so untestable , it seems tho imo science gives a free pass on pre-bigbang without time and space as its said time and space began at the big bang , yet walking on water for the person that created water is an impossibility ? Turning water into wine . life form non-life , ppl need to use logic sometimes and NOT science as surely things need to make some sense ? How easily we have been conformed to believe life can come from thin air yet walking on water is the miracle ? I,ve seen shadow people at the end of my bed , i commented in the other thread , this was about the same time as a child i came to the conclusion that there is a God , many ppl have had similar experiences , i know what i saw , but its not the reason i believe in God... Just know theres more to life than ' meets the eye ' ![]() you say to use logic, but then you say for people to accept that life began from "thin air"... i don't see your logic in that... but to give up and just say "god did it" is a failure, a reason to not study and try... god, an alien, or just by blind luck life did start, and to not search for the reason how is absurd... here is a website, try it with an open mind... No im not saying not study , i absolutely love learning about life , but i was picking up a bible that started my adventure , i have learnt so much about history and a little science along the way , im no scientist by a long shot but i know alot more about the ' theory of evolution ' than most people i have spoken to who just accept what they are taught/told ... I went to the Adelaide University not long ago when proffesor John Lennox was talking about " will science find gods fingerprints' I find it fascinating . But what i have found with modern Science is logic and common sense is missing , the definition of Science is changing . Take a mathematician as John Lennox is who in turn saw c.s lewis talk on numerous occasions . The Odds Mathematically that this planet little lone the universe with its Natural laws comming into existence is impossible , the odds of a single cell forming again mathematically impossible , then we go UP in Complexity , Not Downward into chaos as a Random Universe would . Yet logic is missing . And theory is being put firmly inplace/instead of FACT if it doesnt fit ' make it fit ' Antony flew 30 yrs writing text books on Science and an Atheist comes out of the whole thing as a true Scientist who followed the evidence WHEREVER it leads said at the end , there must be a creator . His books however were not withdrawn from Universites tho ... So many physicists are saying the same thing and more the more they are finding out the more they are realizing that Naturalism/Materialism just isnt adding up , the problems are getting bigger not easier , Science is finding again and again it does not have the answers and isnt likely to before we cause our own extinction . Explosions rarely if ever result in order . what makes you think earth is the only planet with life? mathmatics alone says there's other life out there... our galaxy, milky way, has over 100 billion stars in it... thats just one galaxy, there 100's of millions of bigger galaxies out in the universe... i'm not sure what books your reading, but evolution is 99.9999% fact... i'm not sure about god or not, but i'm pretty sure no one/thing/god just snapped it's fingers and life was here.... billions of years of evolution decides these matters, not gods... Well obviously not the same you are , it really seems to depend on what scientist you ask . I dont beleive God snapped his fingers and everything just appeared , it seems from the biblical account of 1000 years being a day ( allthough a creation DAY is disputed )that it took 1000 years to create animals , which in some scientists opinion explains the explosion onto the scene of complex ' body types ' ( the cambrian explosion ) Which some scientists say it is to short a time period for Evolution to occur , others seem to ' make it fit 'also the age of the Earth is NOT mentioned in the bible . As far as other life in the universe ? the bible doesnt mention it , what it does say is man is created in God's image , so we are the most intelligent life in the universe according to the bible ...apart from Angels . What i find interesting is that God is beyond time and space possibly outside our universe , Jesus said he was going away to 'prepare' a place for us ' a New heaven and new Earth " ( A new Universe ) ? the bible does say our's will disapear when Jesus returns ...All things being made new . So out little 70 years is as the bible says 'nothing' compared to Eternity which was/IS his plan for mankind . am i understanding you here?... if the bible doesn't say it, it doesn't exist? you just showed me your the extent of your science knowledge... keep reading your bible, obviously all your answers are there... as for me, i'll keep reading and learning, after all, there is lots to learn that the bible misses for some reason... most of what is known today was totally un-known then! So,actually those who say that everything is contained in the Religious Books,even though it flies in the Face of today's objective Knowledge,are working with very outdated Blueprints! ![]() lol, biblethumpers will be biblethumpers... i just let them believe whatever weird crap they want to believe.. |
Edited by
Sun 01/18/15 05:20 AM
Yes science is the only way/tool mankind has at picking things apart BUT if God works outside of time and space as described in the bible he is not bound by OUR laws , so untestable , it seems tho imo science gives a free pass on pre-bigbang without time and space as its said time and space began at the big bang , yet walking on water for the person that created water is an impossibility ? Turning water into wine . life form non-life , ppl need to use logic sometimes and NOT science as surely things need to make some sense ? How easily we have been conformed to believe life can come from thin air yet walking on water is the miracle ? I,ve seen shadow people at the end of my bed , i commented in the other thread , this was about the same time as a child i came to the conclusion that there is a God , many ppl have had similar experiences , i know what i saw , but its not the reason i believe in God... Just know theres more to life than ' meets the eye ' ![]() you say to use logic, but then you say for people to accept that life began from "thin air"... i don't see your logic in that... but to give up and just say "god did it" is a failure, a reason to not study and try... god, an alien, or just by blind luck life did start, and to not search for the reason how is absurd... here is a website, try it with an open mind... No im not saying not study , i absolutely love learning about life , but i was picking up a bible that started my adventure , i have learnt so much about history and a little science along the way , im no scientist by a long shot but i know alot more about the ' theory of evolution ' than most people i have spoken to who just accept what they are taught/told ... I went to the Adelaide University not long ago when proffesor John Lennox was talking about " will science find gods fingerprints' I find it fascinating . But what i have found with modern Science is logic and common sense is missing , the definition of Science is changing . Take a mathematician as John Lennox is who in turn saw c.s lewis talk on numerous occasions . The Odds Mathematically that this planet little lone the universe with its Natural laws comming into existence is impossible , the odds of a single cell forming again mathematically impossible , then we go UP in Complexity , Not Downward into chaos as a Random Universe would . Yet logic is missing . And theory is being put firmly inplace/instead of FACT if it doesnt fit ' make it fit ' Antony flew 30 yrs writing text books on Science and an Atheist comes out of the whole thing as a true Scientist who followed the evidence WHEREVER it leads said at the end , there must be a creator . His books however were not withdrawn from Universites tho ... So many physicists are saying the same thing and more the more they are finding out the more they are realizing that Naturalism/Materialism just isnt adding up , the problems are getting bigger not easier , Science is finding again and again it does not have the answers and isnt likely to before we cause our own extinction . Explosions rarely if ever result in order . what makes you think earth is the only planet with life? mathmatics alone says there's other life out there... our galaxy, milky way, has over 100 billion stars in it... thats just one galaxy, there 100's of millions of bigger galaxies out in the universe... i'm not sure what books your reading, but evolution is 99.9999% fact... i'm not sure about god or not, but i'm pretty sure no one/thing/god just snapped it's fingers and life was here.... billions of years of evolution decides these matters, not gods... Well obviously not the same you are , it really seems to depend on what scientist you ask . I dont beleive God snapped his fingers and everything just appeared , it seems from the biblical account of 1000 years being a day ( allthough a creation DAY is disputed )that it took 1000 years to create animals , which in some scientists opinion explains the explosion onto the scene of complex ' body types ' ( the cambrian explosion ) Which some scientists say it is to short a time period for Evolution to occur , others seem to ' make it fit 'also the age of the Earth is NOT mentioned in the bible . As far as other life in the universe ? the bible doesnt mention it , what it does say is man is created in God's image , so we are the most intelligent life in the universe according to the bible ...apart from Angels . What i find interesting is that God is beyond time and space possibly outside our universe , Jesus said he was going away to 'prepare' a place for us ' a New heaven and new Earth " ( A new Universe ) ? the bible does say our's will disapear when Jesus returns ...All things being made new . So out little 70 years is as the bible says 'nothing' compared to Eternity which was/IS his plan for mankind . am i understanding you here?... if the bible doesn't say it, it doesn't exist? you just showed me your the extent of your science knowledge... keep reading your bible, obviously all your answers are there... as for me, i'll keep reading and learning, after all, there is lots to learn that the bible misses for some reason... most of what is known today was totally un-known then! So,actually those who say that everything is contained in the Religious Books,even though it flies in the Face of today's objective Knowledge,are working with very outdated Blueprints! ![]() From what i understand The bible gives a brief explanation of why we are here . Of course all answers arnt in the bible i never said once they were , theres a logical fallacy " that Atheists dont put words in christians mouths " I read alot , hardly the bible , ive read it , i refer to it occasionally , i know its msg and have studied it for a number of years against history , historians and the genesis account of creation against unguided naturalism . The conclusion i have come up with but imo allways known , Science backs the biblical account of creation , order not chaos . Yet what i,ve found is Christians get bellitled for not going with the crowd and believing life came from non living matter . That isnt a logical fallacy its an impossibilty , i really dont care what science tries to force feed me , not all scientists believe in Materialism/Naturalism . Its hard to talk to non-believers about the bible when they have never read it , and not just read it , be able to cross reference it to other biblical books .... Bible thumpers lol , maybe the Bible is Gods inspired word and just maybe we are living in the time that the bible predicted .(actually its unmistakable - jesus said excactly what to look for) All signs that jesus said for the ' perfect storm ' are here now and increasing daily ... The bible says ' from ancient times i tell the ending from the beginning ' Scientists agree we are in a mass extinction phaze and all right on cue and accurate with prophecy . 30% of the bible is prophecy , it will take whats written in the bible to happen to wake some ppl up . We are running this planet into the ground and jesus said unless he returns ' no flesh will be saved ' Jesus is GOD and he has said he will bring to ruin those ruining the Earth . From 2015-2030 we are in for a bumpy ride to say the least , if it lasts that long , i cant see it myself as China is out of water , theres mass animal deaths , WW3 is on the horizen , the fall of the $ all predicted ... Hosea predicted the mass animal deaths Revelation predicts the fall of the $ water running out , rivers and oceans turning blood red (have been ) Isaiah Predicted Damascus will be wiped off the map and many prophets predict the last attack on christianity (which is in the works now) Along with a Global Government , Global currency and one world religion .(which started with the good ol U.S of A bringing down the towers on their own citizens)( now the CIA created ISIS is the next bogey man ) all to get the world to turn against religion and accept its worldwide outlawing ...(predicted) All very specifc bible prophecies for the very near future . The world is teatering on global collapse and everybody is asleep as jesus said they would be ... We have become so desensitised by hollywood the news that it is ONLY christians that know whats going on everybody else is sound asleep to whats comming ... WAKE UP . Just watch for the UN to force Israel to Divide Jeruselum with Palestein and declare:- " peace and security " it is one of the very last prophecies in the bible . |
Yes science is the only way/tool mankind has at picking things apart BUT if God works outside of time and space as described in the bible he is not bound by OUR laws , so untestable , it seems tho imo science gives a free pass on pre-bigbang without time and space as its said time and space began at the big bang , yet walking on water for the person that created water is an impossibility ? Turning water into wine . life form non-life , ppl need to use logic sometimes and NOT science as surely things need to make some sense ? How easily we have been conformed to believe life can come from thin air yet walking on water is the miracle ? I,ve seen shadow people at the end of my bed , i commented in the other thread , this was about the same time as a child i came to the conclusion that there is a God , many ppl have had similar experiences , i know what i saw , but its not the reason i believe in God... Just know theres more to life than ' meets the eye ' ![]() you say to use logic, but then you say for people to accept that life began from "thin air"... i don't see your logic in that... but to give up and just say "god did it" is a failure, a reason to not study and try... god, an alien, or just by blind luck life did start, and to not search for the reason how is absurd... here is a website, try it with an open mind... No im not saying not study , i absolutely love learning about life , but i was picking up a bible that started my adventure , i have learnt so much about history and a little science along the way , im no scientist by a long shot but i know alot more about the ' theory of evolution ' than most people i have spoken to who just accept what they are taught/told ... I went to the Adelaide University not long ago when proffesor John Lennox was talking about " will science find gods fingerprints' I find it fascinating . But what i have found with modern Science is logic and common sense is missing , the definition of Science is changing . Take a mathematician as John Lennox is who in turn saw c.s lewis talk on numerous occasions . The Odds Mathematically that this planet little lone the universe with its Natural laws comming into existence is impossible , the odds of a single cell forming again mathematically impossible , then we go UP in Complexity , Not Downward into chaos as a Random Universe would . Yet logic is missing . And theory is being put firmly inplace/instead of FACT if it doesnt fit ' make it fit ' Antony flew 30 yrs writing text books on Science and an Atheist comes out of the whole thing as a true Scientist who followed the evidence WHEREVER it leads said at the end , there must be a creator . His books however were not withdrawn from Universites tho ... So many physicists are saying the same thing and more the more they are finding out the more they are realizing that Naturalism/Materialism just isnt adding up , the problems are getting bigger not easier , Science is finding again and again it does not have the answers and isnt likely to before we cause our own extinction . Explosions rarely if ever result in order . what makes you think earth is the only planet with life? mathmatics alone says there's other life out there... our galaxy, milky way, has over 100 billion stars in it... thats just one galaxy, there 100's of millions of bigger galaxies out in the universe... i'm not sure what books your reading, but evolution is 99.9999% fact... i'm not sure about god or not, but i'm pretty sure no one/thing/god just snapped it's fingers and life was here.... billions of years of evolution decides these matters, not gods... Well obviously not the same you are , it really seems to depend on what scientist you ask . I dont beleive God snapped his fingers and everything just appeared , it seems from the biblical account of 1000 years being a day ( allthough a creation DAY is disputed )that it took 1000 years to create animals , which in some scientists opinion explains the explosion onto the scene of complex ' body types ' ( the cambrian explosion ) Which some scientists say it is to short a time period for Evolution to occur , others seem to ' make it fit 'also the age of the Earth is NOT mentioned in the bible . As far as other life in the universe ? the bible doesnt mention it , what it does say is man is created in God's image , so we are the most intelligent life in the universe according to the bible ...apart from Angels . What i find interesting is that God is beyond time and space possibly outside our universe , Jesus said he was going away to 'prepare' a place for us ' a New heaven and new Earth " ( A new Universe ) ? the bible does say our's will disapear when Jesus returns ...All things being made new . So out little 70 years is as the bible says 'nothing' compared to Eternity which was/IS his plan for mankind . am i understanding you here?... if the bible doesn't say it, it doesn't exist? you just showed me your the extent of your science knowledge... keep reading your bible, obviously all your answers are there... as for me, i'll keep reading and learning, after all, there is lots to learn that the bible misses for some reason... most of what is known today was totally un-known then! So,actually those who say that everything is contained in the Religious Books,even though it flies in the Face of today's objective Knowledge,are working with very outdated Blueprints! ![]() From what i understand The bible gives a brief explanation of why we are here . Of course all answers arnt in the bible i never said once they were , theres a logical fallacy " that Atheists dont put words in christians mouths " I read alot , hardly the bible , ive read it , i refer to it occasionally , i know its msg and have studied it for a number of years against history , historians and the genesis account of creation against unguided naturalism . The conclusion i have come up with but imo allways known , Science backs the biblical account of creation , order not chaos . Yet what i,ve found is Christians get bellitled for not going with the crowd and believing life came from non living matter . That isnt a logical fallacy its an impossibilty , i really dont care what science tries to force feed me , not all scientists believe in Materialism/Naturalism . Its hard to talk to non-believers about the bible when they have never read it , and not just read it , be able to cross reference it to other biblical books .... Bible thumpers lol , maybe the Bible is Gods inspired word and just maybe we are living in the time that the bible predicted .(actually its unmistakable - jesus said excactly what to look for) All signs that jesus said for the ' perfect storm ' are here now and increasing daily ... The bible says ' from ancient times i tell the ending from the beginning ' Scientists agree we are in a mass extinction phaze and all right on cue and accurate with prophecy . 30% of the bible is prophecy , it will take whats written in the bible to happen to wake some ppl up . We are running this planet into the ground and jesus said unless he returns ' no flesh will be saved ' Jesus is GOD and he has said he will bring to ruin those ruining the Earth . From 2015-2030 we are in for a bumpy ride to say the least , if it lasts that long , i cant see it myself as China is out of water , theres mass animal deaths , WW3 is on the horizen , the fall of the $ all predicted ... Hosea predicted the mass animal deaths Revelation predicts the fall of the $ water running out , rivers and oceans turning blood red (have been ) Isaiah Predicted Damascus will be wiped off the map and many prophets predict the last attack on christianity (which is in the works now) Along with a Global Government , Global currency and one world religion .(which started with the good ol U.S of A bringing down the towers on their own citizens)( now the CIA created ISIS is the next bogey man ) all to get the world to turn against religion and accept its worldwide outlawing ...(predicted) All very specifc bible prophecies for the very near future . The world is teatering on global collapse and everybody is asleep as jesus said they would be ... We have become so desensitised by hollywood the news that it is ONLY christians that know whats going on everybody else is sound asleep to whats comming ... WAKE UP . Just watch for the UN to force Israel to Divide Jeruselum with Palestein and declare:- " peace and security " it is one of the very last prophecies in the bible . |
"lol, the "all knowing" bible...i like how the bible thumpers see these prophecies after the fact..."
I just said prophecies happening now and ' before ' the fact , damascus becomming a ruinus heap and Jeruselum being divided . NWO , one world government , one world currency , one world religion . All predicted as future events . 2012 , christians were the only ones not talking about it , yet we were to 'blame' for a mayan calender. 300 prophecies in the OT pointed towards Jesus , and ALL of the bible points to ' our ' time ' ,The whole Bible talks about a 'saviour ' comming to Re-claim the fallen world from satan . Some people as i said above wont believe it until they see it , thing is from the time they realize it's true the door will be shut and they will realize they have been fooled by science and us silly bible thumpers were trying to help them ![]() Last comment here , cheer's |
prophecy... another scientific part of the bible... i have no issues with people wanting to believe in fantasies, but at least try to put a little bit of science with it...
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Edited by
Sun 01/18/15 05:25 PM
prophecy... another scientific part of the bible... i have no issues with people wanting to believe in fantasies, but at least try to put a little bit of science with it... ![]() Not everything is explained with Science . Tell me how Science explains what i saw at the foot of my bed on several occasions ? Well Science doesnt/cant test the supernatural so they put in a Naturalistic explanation becuase somethings are untestable or they,ll say it just must of been an halucination or 'fantasy' ... Assuming the millions of people that have seen these things all have mental issues , which i dont . Science is far from the answer to ALL things . And Man is far from as intelligent as he would believe himself to be . If we were so smart with Science , instead of using Science to make a thermonuclear warhead we maybe should of used our brains to think ' Should we ? ' That would of been the smart road . The conversation ends here for me , i do not like being told i believe in fantasies , as you've said yourself you dont know if theres a God . I believe Science points upwards to intelligence not downwards chaos and degeneration as Naturalism would surely be , a big bang then further destruction , not complexity . Maybe ppl who dont believe in a supreme intelligence are the ones with their eye's closed ? To assume we would be of an intelligence to know GOD is putting mere mans intelligence far above his acomplishments . To think Science can know God is again putting way to much 'faith' in Science . But anyways again when Atheists put us up as pixie/fairy/fantasy believers the conversation ends .Do you actually think that a Christian has not questioned his belief as rational ? Many a Scientist believes in God . "��This sense of wonder leads most scientists to a Superior Being �� der Alte, the Old One, as Einstein affectionately called the Deity �� a Superior Intelligence, the Lord of all Creation and Natural Law."�� Abdus Salam, winner of the 1979 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work in electroweak theory. "��A scientific discovery is also a religious discovery. There is no conflict between science and religion. Our knowledge of God is made larger with every discovery we make about the world."�� "��Joseph H. Taylor, Jr., who received the 1993 Nobel Prize in Physics for the discovery of the first known binary pulsar, and for his work which supported the Big Bang theory of the creation of the universe. ��God [is] the author of the universe, and the free establisher of the laws of motion."�� Physicist and chemist Robert Boyle, who is considered to be the founder of modern chemistry. "��It may seem bizarre, but in my opinion science offers a surer path to God than religion."�� Physicist Paul Davies, the winner of the 2001 Kelvin Medal issued by the Institute of Physics and the winner of the 2002 Faraday Prize issued by the Royal Society (amongst other awards), as cited in his book God and the New Physics. "��Astronomers now find they have painted themselves into a corner because they have proven, by their own methods, that the world began abruptly in an act of creation to which you can trace the seeds of every star, every planet, every living thing in this cosmos and on the earth. And they have found that all this happened as a product of forces they cannot hope to discover. That there are what I or anyone would call supernatural forces at work is now, I think, a scientifically proven fact."��AND ' As we scale the mountain of knowledge we will finally get to the top only to find a team of theologians that have been there all the time' Astronomer, physicist and founder of NASAs Goddard Institute of Space Studies Robert Jastrow. [ THEY CANNOT HOPE TO DISCOVER ] "��If you study science deep enough and long enough, it will force you to believe in God."�� Lord William Kelvin, who was noted for his theoretical work on thermodynamics, the concept of absolute zero and the Kelvin temperature scale based upon it. i've quoted just a very few Scientsts here i can quote another 20 odd if you like , all Fantasy believers ... please dont assume Christians have 'mental issues' as you assume . I take my beliefs very seriously based on Science and Logic . |
no one is telling you not to believe in god, believe what you want, makes no difference in the long run... just because science can't explain something doesn't mean "god did it", it just means we need to learn more... the thing you saw? how could anyone but you explain it if nobody saw it but you? people say they see bigfeets, i don't believe that either, but a lot of people saw something... prophecy? it's called coincidence, imo...There's a lot science can't explain, but i'm not going to read the bible to try to explain it...
lots of this could be explained by inter dimensional travel, but since we can't prove other dimensions exist, we can't say thats what it is, unlike what people do with god... |
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Sun 01/18/15 10:40 PM
no one is telling you not to believe in god, believe what you want, makes no difference in the long run... just because science can't explain something doesn't mean "god did it", it just means we need to learn more... the thing you saw? how could anyone but you explain it if nobody saw it but you? people say they see bigfeets, i don't believe that either, but a lot of people saw something... prophecy? it's called coincidence, imo...There's a lot science can't explain, but i'm not going to read the bible to try to explain it... lots of this could be explained by inter dimensional travel, but since we can't prove other dimensions exist, we can't say thats what it is, unlike what people do with god... Begs the question what are you doing on a 'religion topic' ? Let me post some info :- Zechariah predicts Nuclear war , an angel told him to record it as with most prophecies Angels either gave them a vision and told them to record it or told them outright what to write . Daniel was told to write a prohecy , he asked the angel what the prophecy meant as he had no idea and it sounded strange , the angel said ' it is not for you to understand , just write it down , the people living in the end times will understand . And the angel that was showing me these things said, What do you see? I see a flying scroll in the sky; the length thereof is twenty cubits, and the breadth thereof ten cubits. (flying scroll ? only thing he could compare it to the length in feet is 34.3 feet long, and 5.5 feet in diameter.) Then said he unto me, this is the curse that goeth forth over the face of the whole earth. This flying scroll that you see, will completely consume the timbers and stone , it will rot eyes from sockets and tongue from mouth and disolve flesh from bone while ppl are yet standing . What is it asked Zechariah ? The angel said 'an Evil offering encased in lead , it will consume the Earth by fire and flashes of light ' These prophecies are specifically for our time this was written 3500 yrs ago . this is one of many for OUR time , why our time becuase everything else (other writers prophecies are comming true NOW) China is now overtaking the U.S as THE World power , everytime this has happened in the past it has been via WAR , interesting enough the U.S.A is absent in the last pages of the bible . The War on Terror/Religion is very much centre stage as a delusion to bring order out of chaos , hence NWO its on your dollar bill , (assuming your American) Interdimensional Travel ? Interesting the Bible does say there IS Interdimensional Travel but it aint humans doing it , it is The Super-Natural (fallen Angels) We wont be here long enough according to your science to accomplish such a feat ?? [the thing you saw? how could anyone but you explain it if nobody saw it but you?] Becuase people have drawn pictures of the 'excact' same thing when i saw them it made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up becuase it was excactly what i saw , and people have described in detail what they saw , unless i saw it i wouldnt believe it . A figure but shadow (weird) a solid shadow no eyes features , very weird and rather scary , when it moved it didnt walk it glided across the room as others described ... With the Bible , Logic , common sense , experience , the state of the world which changed in the early 90's , before that i was sceptical about these prophecies , now they have slammed into world affairs front and centre as predicted , believe what you like , there is things comming which will change ppls minds and shaping up now . My fear as a Christian is that Christians can see it and we know that somewhere along the way the door will be shut.(Let me be honest as a christian that time is nearly here) There will be a very narrow window of opportunity to be saved (BY Jesus Christ who is God in the Flesh) Before he shuts the door as in Noahs Day , he was warning people to change their ways . And they took no notice until the flood came and swept them away , the door on the Ark was shut just after they realized , so to it will be with the comming of Jesus , the signs are everywhere and when the world tips the door will be shut , unfortunately . Matthew 24:37-39 As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark;People didn't realize what was going to happen until the flood came and swept them all away. That is the way it will be when the Son of Man comes . Then mankinds reign away from God will come to its end and the question will be answered (can man rule himself ?) ( Can man be his own God ?) Revelation 11:18 The nations were angry, and your wrath has come. The time has come for judging the dead, and for rewarding your servants the prophets and your people who revere your name, both great and small-- and for destroying those who destroy the earth." I Doubt it the 1st century when this was written that their was any notion of the Earth Being Ruined ... The Bibles prophecies are specific and happening and Science agrees ![]() Thats why the bible says ' Repent for the Kingdom of the Heavens has drawn near " Its called the Good news of the Kingdom :- Revelation 21-3-4 And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "Look! God's dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God , He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death will not exist any more--or mourning, or crying, or pain, for the former things have ceased to exist." Satan will be Removed as the God of this world (which he now is) 2 Corinthians 4:4 "Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don't believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don't understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God." The one that has misled the Earth and challenged God about the free will of Mankind will be destroyed and the Question of where our free will has taken us will be answered for ALL eternity and GOD will then Rule ... He has allowed US to rule ourselves to 'fix' this for Eternity . Matthew 24:22 "If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened." According to Prophecy and it seems Science we will wipe ourselves out , GOD has said he will step in to save us from ourselvs ... There will be no excuses on that day , that Richard Dawkins and all their theories and'lies' were 'evidence' of Origin , we will be without excuse . Romans 1:20 "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse." The only ppl who have an excuse are Children who the bible says are automatically saved by grace ...GOD IS LOVE Bible thumping in a religion thread ![]() |