Topic: Scientific Quadriplegism Of Atheism | |
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Thu 01/02/14 07:06 PM
In my view a human is composed of all the things you mention and more. However, that does not make them anything more or less than one of the billions of animals that inhabit a minor planet of a undistinguished star in one of the multitude of galaxies.
And I respect your opinion. But, I didn't say that it makes anyone anything "more" or "less" than one of the billions of animals that inhabit a minor planet...etc... Of course, one is entitled to the opinion that being part of what we call nature makes one a "god." Others are entitled to the opinion that is an exercise in imagination and/or hyperbole.
What is a "god" then? Perhaps it is your definition of "god" that needs to be looked at. I didn't say I was a god. I said I AM. "If" God is defined as "that which exists" then I am indeed God. I exist. So please understand me, when I say that "I AM or "I am God" I am saying that I exist. I am NOT saying that I am a god or that I am better or less than one of the billions of animals..... etc. |
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Thu 01/02/14 07:21 PM
You still did not answer my question.
Do you have a body? Do you have a brain? Do you have a mind? Do you have an opinion? Do you have thoughts? Do you have a personality? If you do, then please tell me, who are you that has these things? You said: In my view a human is composed of all the things you mention and more
But I did not ask you what you believe a human is. I asked you something else. (I believe you are a human. but...) Who are YOU that has these things? |
I believe there a syndrome called Cotard's (sp), where in the brain getting blocked from the emtional parts of the brain. It finds this so confusing that the only way for it to deal is assume that it is dead and the person becomes delusional and even sees worms coming out of his/her dead body
I believe there a syndrome called Cotard's (sp), where in the brain getting blocked from the emtional parts of the brain. It finds this so confusing that the only way for it to deal is assume that it is dead and the person becomes delusional and even sees worms coming out of his/her dead body I don't understand the relevance of this post. ![]() ![]() |
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Thu 01/02/14 09:37 PM
But I have just come to the conclusion that nobody understands anything I am attempting to express.
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Fri 01/03/14 01:08 AM
But I have just come to the conclusion that nobody understands anything I am attempting to express. ![]() ![]() |
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Fri 01/03/14 02:51 AM
But I have just come to the conclusion that nobody understands anything I am attempting to express. ![]() ![]() Lol, I love how you call her 'sister' as if you care about her, harbor real affection or something, and then wantonly demean and belittle her as if she were insane. It's not going to persuade her, you know. That tends to turn people off Ucheaa. But then you openly admit you're mostly on here to stoke fires so I guess you already knew that. |
Mark_the_man,happy new year!.I merely responded to her post where she stated that we couldnt understand her expressions.I asserted that those "expressions" are outlandish and that was why we couldnt understand.I trust she wouldnt take your insinuation serious.You might need the dictionary to avoid misunderstanding my words.Stay blessed
Mark_the_man,happy new year!.I merely responded to her post where she stated that we couldnt understand her expressions.I asserted that those "expressions" are outlandish and that was why we couldnt understand.I trust she wouldnt take your insinuation serious.You might need the dictionary to avoid misunderstanding my words.Stay blessed See? ^^ case in point. Lol Ucheaa, it's true I don't read the dictionary that often. I read *books* and learn language contextually. You know, things like Les Miserables, The Count of Monte Cristo, several books of scripture, Little Big, Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, The First Law Trilogy, and so on. It's why I almost never use jargon, and the absence of it is probably why every sentence of yours is drowning in it. And I'm sorry, but touting God's authority and using it to express a superiority of opinion is not 'merely' explaining why she's difficult to understand. That's just plain bigotry. Just so we're not mincing words any longer, let me make this abundantly clear to you- "Bigotry is the state of mind of a bigot: someone who, as a result of their prejudices, treats or views other people with... *contempt* on the basis of a person's -opinion-...religion... Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. described bigotry in the following quotation: "The mind of a bigot is like the pupil of the eye; the more light you pour upon it, the more it will contract." The prime example in your response to Jeannie being this: Your claim to be God (her opinion) is to say the least,weird and repulsive to any right thinking mortal (your contempt).God is seated in heaven,controlling the affairs of all the planets,not on a desk typing and posting (The religious disparity that fuels your contempt). Your belief is not superior to others ucheaa, any more than your use of language is. And lording that non-superiority over people isn't going to help anyone. Tell me, when did Christ go out of his way to describe other's beliefs as outlandish while he was here? Can you think of one where he went out of his way to berate ordinary non-believing people for their point of view? You may have noticed that the answer is no- he berated his own. He took the leaders of the *church* and his own disciples to task and leveled them to the ground with his words so he could save them. I do remember one or two interactions Christ had with people outside his faith......but they involved healing. Not hurting. |
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Fri 01/03/14 01:29 PM
But I have just come to the conclusion that nobody understands anything I am attempting to express. ![]() ![]() This is a perfect example of what I mean by "nobody understands anything I am saying." In my view, "GOD" is defined as "THAT WHICH EXISTS." (Not some demi-god non-human creature or personality who claims to be lord of the universe, and not some deity espoused by world churches as having given them the power to lord over the populace.) And it is not just the fundamental religious believers of the Bible who don't understand me, its also the hard core atheists who demand verifiable evidence for everything I utter. The religious don't even understand their own Bible. "I and the father are one." I am. I exist. God is love. These things have personal meaning and there is no man or alien creature who can lay claim to being the one and only creator or lord of the universe. We are all that. We are one. GOD IS WITHIN. TRUTH IS WITHIN. That is all I need to say. Take it or leave it. |
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Tue 01/07/14 04:01 PM
I agree partially with Jeannie --�� that there is not likely a "��god"�� in "heaven"�� controlling the universe and the events in human lives. That idea appeals to many religionists who promote the worship of their favored "god"�� (along with providing influence and income to those who identify themselves as "priests" and claim special knowledge or association with one of the proposed supernatural beings).
Perhaps it is good advice to look inward for "godliness"�� (however defined) rather than devoting one's self to one or more of the thousands of proposed invisible, undetectable, supernatural beings. |
And a lot of the things people say about "God" depends on how they decide to define that term.
When someone asks me if I believe in God, I like to ask them to define the term first. The only thing I can say I know for certain is that I exist. I don't think of myself as my "body" or my "brain" or my "mind." I am not my beliefs, or my opinions either. I honestly don't know what I am. I just know that I am. |
It is nice to meet people of like minds, but if I never met anyone with a like mind it would not matter to me. I am past the stage of caring what anyone thinks of me. What people think about me is their own business.
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I am past the stage of caring what anyone thinks of me. What people think about me is their own business.
As a lifetime Maverick (defined as: unbranded animal, not of the herd -- somewhat similar to non-conformist), I reached that conclusion long ago and gained a great deal of personal freedom when I realized that it doesn't matter what "they" think, say or do unless it affects me directly and negatively. |
I am past the stage of caring what anyone thinks of me. What people think about me is their own business.
As a lifetime Maverick (defined as: unbranded animal, not of the herd -- somewhat similar to non-conformist), I reached that conclusion long ago and gained a great deal of personal freedom when I realized that it doesn't matter what "they" think, say or do unless it affects me directly and negatively. Yes I noticed you were a maverick right away~ ![]() |
I am past the stage of caring what anyone thinks of me. What people think about me is their own business.
As a lifetime Maverick (defined as: unbranded animal, not of the herd -- somewhat similar to non-conformist), I reached that conclusion long ago and gained a great deal of personal freedom when I realized that it doesn't matter what "they" think, say or do unless it affects me directly and negatively. |
What people do affects you and others indirectly! The world is fused in such a web pattern
Agreed. However, much (most?) indirect behavior tends to be outside one's sphere of influence. If, for simplistic example, someone leaves a board with a nail and we step on it the effect is indirect. However, if that person deliberately steps on our foot the effect is direct. I am unlikely to make a response in the first case but very likely to make one in the latter. On a more practical level, when religionists proselytize to others there may be an indirect effect (perhaps through influencing community "standards" or mores). However, if the proselytizing is toward us personally, the effect is direct. I seldom react adversely to the former but do to the latter. |
well i not sure , i was going to ask why when i about to suicide does something happen to stop me , it's not fair , stop the planet i want to get off
well i not sure , i was going to ask why when i about to suicide does something happen to stop me , it's not fair , stop the planet i want to get off