Topic: sex... how much is too much?
misswright's photo
Thu 11/14/13 02:01 PM
rofl rofl rofl

First post: Is it wrong to want sex once a week?
Later post by same guy: So twice a week is okay, right?
Two sentences later: So then two to three times a week is a good average?

rofl tears rofl

I'm dying here! Sounds exactly like me when I'm in negotiations with my man about this exact subject! Okay, 3 works for ya. Can we go for 4 maybe? How 'bout three and a half then?! laugh

Too much varies with each individual. Sex drive can be either very high, in which case daily probably isn't too much, or very low, in which case you could probably use years as increments, or generally it falls somewhere in between.

Too much FOR YOU depends on where in the scale YOUR sex drive falls. Too much for your partner might be a totally different ballpark. I do agree that it's better to find someone that is close to your range as negotiations can get tricky if the two are polar opposites. Not that I would know or anything...:angel: :laughing:

GreekAdonis's photo
Thu 11/14/13 02:22 PM

I have been in relationships where the woman wanted sex everyday.

Really? More than one?
Have you still got their phone numbers?

No seriously though as people have already mentioned before at the beginning its all hands on deck (each other)
But when that initial excitement goes and one sides sex drive drops to near zero maybe after a year of having it on tap (meaning both wanting it)
What is the guy supposed to do?
And no D.I.Y. comments please... lol

GreekAdonis's photo
Thu 11/14/13 02:30 PM

rofl rofl rofl

First post: Is it wrong to want sex once a week?
Later post by same guy: So twice a week is okay, right?
Two sentences later: So then two to three times a week is a good average?

rofl tears rofl

I'm dying here! Sounds exactly like me when I'm in negotiations with my man about this exact subject! Okay, 3 works for ya. Can we go for 4 maybe? How 'bout three and a half then?! laugh

Too much varies with each individual. Sex drive can be either very high, in which case daily probably isn't too much, or very low, in which case you could probably use years as increments, or generally it falls somewhere in between.

Too much FOR YOU depends on where in the scale YOUR sex drive falls. Too much for your partner might be a totally different ballpark. I do agree that it's better to find someone that is close to your range as negotiations can get tricky if the two are polar opposites. Not that I would know or anything...:angel: :laughing:

See in my marriage I though I was a pervert towards the end years so where I thought I was a high sex drive in fact it is probably very low compared to you misswright.

So I guess im finding out here where I am on the sex scale.
For me 2 - 3 ok maybe 4 times a week is ok if that includes the quickie when I saw you bending over picking up sometime you dropped on the floor.

And also I am very happy that I amused you. At least I put a smile on someone's face...

isaac_dede's photo
Thu 11/14/13 03:04 PM
Edited by isaac_dede on Thu 11/14/13 03:42 PM

No seriously though as people have already mentioned before at the beginning its all hands on deck (each other)
But when that initial excitement goes and one sides sex drive drops to near zero maybe after a year of having it on tap (meaning both wanting it)
What is the guy supposed to do?
And no D.I.Y. comments please... lol

For me i'd like it every day, and twice on sundayslaugh
However, on average it ranges depending on the week 2-5 times during the week and hopefully a guarantee on the weekend. Thankfully I haven't notices my gf's sex drive drop that far, although a little less aggressive than she used to be.

But after reading a book called "The married guy's sex life primer" by Athol Kay I have a different view of what sex-drive is(from a quasi-biological standpoint) and one thing he said, is that generally a declining sex-drive isn't really anything other than a declining attraction to the other person, even if the partner doesn't want that to happen.

One of the things that causes attraction is the chemical dopamine, this is basically the chemical responsible for excitement and to an extent attraction, but he states that when men fall into the role of the husband, they tend to focus strictly on the things like, good job, better house, provide for family, but they lose the excitement factor and as a result the spouse doesn't find them as exciting anymore and therefore less attractive, which is perceived than as a lack of sex-drive when however, it is really just a lack of excitement....I highly suggest the book. The underlying theme of the book is basically how to make yourself more attractive(as a whole) to women, with the hopes that the person who notices is your wife and the relationship gets back on track

misswright's photo
Thu 11/14/13 03:07 PM
Edited by misswright on Thu 11/14/13 03:12 PM

I have been in relationships where the woman wanted sex everyday.

Really? More than one?
Have you still got their phone numbers?

No seriously though as people have already mentioned before at the beginning its all hands on deck (each other)
But when that initial excitement goes and one sides sex drive drops to near zero maybe after a year of having it on tap (meaning both wanting it)
What is the guy supposed to do?
And no D.I.Y. comments please... lol

For one, it's not just guys that this happens to, so how 'bout we go with what's the person supposed to do instead?! :wink:

Now to answer the question...

Suffer apparently. That's what I do. grumble :tongue:

No seriously. Takes communication and compromise to work it out. I was kinda resentful at first, like he suckered me in by putting out daily in the beginning. Now I just to choose to see it like I tuckered the poor fella out and he needs to recoup and slow down for awhile. laugh

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Thu 11/14/13 03:13 PM

...... Are we counting quickies too? pitchfork

Of course!! Quickies often are the best pitchfork

Oh my days crystalfairy...
You do make me chuckle. .
In a nice way.. and it's nice to hear it from a woman as well...


SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Thu 11/14/13 03:23 PM
Edited by SparklingCrystal 💖💎 on Thu 11/14/13 03:26 PM
I'm actually not sure what my "normal" would be. Would really depend a lot on the vibe between me and my partner.
In my first relationship it sort of faded away cos we got kids and near the end irreconcilable differences.
Last relationship I encountered a completely different side of myself but then he didn't really want sex. frustrated frustrated frustrated
Negotiating 3 times a week? I didn't even get 3x a month :S
But at least I learned that I can enjoy it often, IF the click is right and what we consider to be 'quality' matches -->
If he'd want 3 hr sessions including massages and god knows what every other day, I'd develop a chronic case of headaches.

GreekAdonis's photo
Thu 11/14/13 04:13 PM

If he'd want 3 hr sessions including massages and god knows what every other day, I'd develop a chronic case of headaches.

3 hour sessions are reserved for birthdays anniversaries Christmas & or new years.

And misswright your starting to frighten me with your sexual prowess.
You over sexed minx...

Damez711's photo
Thu 11/14/13 08:00 PM
to much if it starts to hurt. . .theen u sgould chillax a day or two

GreekAdonis's photo
Fri 11/15/13 12:22 AM

to much if it starts to hurt. . .theen u sgould chillax a day or two

I don't think it is good to do it so much that it hurts.
I also don't think its good to keep having sex like a junkie on free crack.
Just nice comfortable engagement 3 - 4 times a week (including quickies lol)

GreekAdonis's photo
Fri 11/15/13 12:27 AM
Did you know that it's unhealthy for a man not to ejaculate for a long period?
Apparently it can lead to testicle cancer...
I read it somewhere.
Had anyone else heard that?
Or is it just my imagination so I can have more "relations"

Jesusprincessmt's photo
Fri 11/15/13 01:04 AM
I am hoping to save sex until I get married (this time around). It has been a long time so I may go crazy and want it all the time. I would not want to put an amount of how much would be enough because then it would be like a chore. I have never truly "made love" because I was not in love. I have had hot steamy sex and back in the day had it all day and every day or every other day. I honestly could not say what would be enough now.

no photo
Fri 11/15/13 01:11 AM
Well, as unqualified as I am to talk about this- it seems like anything else you would manage in an equal partnership. You give and take by measuring and taking into account needs, circumstances, wants, etc. And on a regular basis, since potency can change from what I hear.

no photo
Fri 11/15/13 01:16 AM
wel could we get intimate en relationship

Goofball73's photo
Fri 11/15/13 04:41 PM
If two people are enjoying the sex, then they will go until,

A. His penis has been worn out.
B. Her hooha is worn out.
C. It's time for bed.
D. For couples with kids, when the kids won't stop knocking on your bedroom door.
E. The game is about to come on.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Fri 11/15/13 04:48 PM

If two people are enjoying the sex, then they will go until,

A. His penis has been worn out.
B. Her hooha is worn out.
C. It's time for bed.
D. For couples with kids, when the kids won't stop knocking on your bedroom door.
E. The game is about to come on.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
(And hooha?? noway Never heard that before)

no photo
Fri 11/15/13 04:51 PM

If two people are enjoying the sex, then they will go until,

A. His penis has been worn out.
B. Her hooha is worn out.
C. It's time for bed.
D. For couples with kids, when the kids won't stop knocking on your bedroom door.
E. The game is about to come on.

A There's a shoe sale
B He's all out of his viagra
C I'll miss the latest episode of Breaking Bad

no photo
Fri 11/15/13 06:37 PM
when it's with the right person, never enough....otherwise...ewwww go AWAY

izzyphoto1977's photo
Fri 11/15/13 06:41 PM

If two people are enjoying the sex, then they will go until,

A. His penis has been worn out.
B. Her hooha is worn out.
C. It's time for bed.
D. For couples with kids, when the kids won't stop knocking on your bedroom door.
E. The game is about to come on.

Just a thought. But if you're a big sports fan, unlike me, then why not have both going on at the same? She could be bouncing on your dick while you watch the game. hahaha

GreekAdonis's photo
Sat 11/16/13 01:26 AM
A hooha?