Topic: 5 date rule?
pennyg281's photo
Mon 08/05/13 09:24 AM

My rule is three dates

waving good to see you TB

1Cynderella's photo
Mon 08/05/13 01:37 PM

I cannot set a time it will take me to care for someone.

If I'm not ready to share myself sexually, it's simply not going to happen.

Any man who does not want to wait for that gift, only wants to take, and does not care enough to gain my trust to begin with.

I only want a man who gives himself to me freely and without reservations. Why would I want someone I had to coerce into having sex with me? noway slaphead

I haven't ever used the 5 date rule, I was just curious about people take on it. I'm just really getting tired guys who think that i will have sex with someone Ive only talked to online, or expect sex the 1st time we meet. Even though I clearly tell them before had that is not what I am looking for. So I was considering telling guys that I had a 5 date rule, as a way to help the the situation, and wanted others opinions on it.

Geesh, stop bragging Penny! :laughing: flowerforyou

I totally get it. Just tell em if you're not feeling it...neither will they. rofl

1Cynderella's photo
Mon 08/05/13 01:39 PM

My rule is three dates

Hey TB. waving

Can you always get to know someone in three dates?

Do you have ways of making them talk? :laughing:

MythicalMark's photo
Mon 08/05/13 01:45 PM
I have a 100% rule.
I don't have sex until I'm a 100% its a girl.
Or I'm super drunk which ever comes first.

no photo
Mon 08/05/13 01:53 PM
Penny flowerforyou

As a man, My advice would be to NEVER let that information be known to men you're dating. Just trust me on this.

no photo
Mon 08/05/13 01:58 PM

not before I feel like I know someone well
enough. That way if it feels right we can just go for it and
if it doesn't feel right then maybe later.

this ^^ I fully concur with!! :thumbsup:
and a rule I tend to live by.. :wink:

unsure's photo
Mon 08/05/13 02:30 PM
I never tell the guy but I give myself a 3 month rule. If
I feel comfortable after 3 months and feel like we are
going somewhere then it might happen, if won't.

scottinkck's photo
Tue 08/06/13 05:42 AM
HEY so I have to admitt that I have a three date rule. This is not to get rid of anybody but to give me time to try and get to know somebody. If sex starts to come up before the fourth date I just politely say I'd rather spend alittle more time with you before having sex so my feeling's for you are not based on sex. And as far as the paying thing came up I also have a go dutch policy as well, I think it is healthy when dating cuz yes some guys do think that spending x amount on money on you is a guarantee to get into your pants, and for this before a date (after a bad experience) I tell my date that I would rather we go dutch or split the bill, usually this is never a problem. BUT bottom line is you have to be you and do what you feel is best for you when dating and we can NEVER be too carefull!

TBRich's photo
Tue 08/06/13 06:01 AM

My rule is three dates

Hey TB. waving

Can you always get to know someone in three dates?

Do you have ways of making them talk? :laughing:

We have ways of making you talk! LOL!

I am very good at what I do, but I am unclear about your question. I don't look for marriage potential in everyone I meet, that takes long-term proving on their part. But a yes or no on the topic of intimacy is fairly easy; do I want to be their friend or a little something more.

1Cynderella's photo
Tue 08/06/13 07:20 AM

My rule is three dates

Hey TB. waving

Can you always get to know someone in three dates?

Do you have ways of making them talk? :laughing:

We have ways of making you talk! LOL!

I am very good at what I do, but I am unclear about your question. I don't look for marriage potential in everyone I meet, that takes long-term proving on their part. But a yes or no on the topic of intimacy is fairly easy; do I want to be their friend or a little something more.

Oh, I'm mostly just messing with you. :tongue: But I assume that most people who have a standard time frame for assessing a prospect have a purpose for that waiting period. I doubt many are prospecting for proposals on the first few off period maybe? tongue2

Toodygirl5's photo
Tue 08/06/13 11:52 AM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Tue 08/06/13 11:55 AM
I would not mind that Rule, because I don't plan to be intimate with any man I meet online, unless there is some kind of serious committment behide it. I have met a few inperson and all they get is hug and kiss but they were ok with that. Some men like a lady and I make it known before Meeting inperson what my plan is.

Some have rejected to meet inperson and that is fine too. I don't need a Low or No morals Man. bigsmile

SingleAZDad3's photo
Tue 08/06/13 12:28 PM
I agree with one of the aforementioned posters...never tell a man you have a specific date limit before becoming intimate. Three reasons- one group of men will try to jump through just enough hoops to jump your hoop, one group of men will decide to not bother, and the third reason is actually more useful- if it is about getting to know someone and learn about them, then a man should respect a woman's space enough to not try and force the issue in the first place.

Duttoneer's photo
Wed 08/07/13 01:10 AM

I'm curious what your reaction would be if someone told you they had a 5 date rule. Meaning that they require that you have at least 5 dates before they would consider becoming intimate. What would your reaction be?

I would say ignore the five date rule, who is to say when both parties are ready to move closer together, could be the 5th date, 6th date , 7th date, ...

It will happen when both want it to happen in my opinion.

Dewirose's photo
Wed 08/07/13 06:32 AM
No rule... Just follow your heart if he make you comfort go ahead gals

1Cynderella's photo
Wed 08/07/13 06:44 AM

I'm curious what your reaction would be if someone told you they had a 5 date rule. Meaning that they require that you have at least 5 dates before they would consider becoming intimate. What would your reaction be?

I would say ignore the five date rule, who is to say when both parties are ready to move closer together, could be the 5th date, 6th date , 7th date, ...

It will happen when both want it to happen in my opinion.

Surely, no one's five date rule requires they have sex on the sixth ! Cause that just sounds like a patient scammer.:laughing:

EdwardCB's photo
Wed 08/07/13 06:47 AM
Is it wrong to on the first?

Duttoneer's photo
Wed 08/07/13 10:24 AM
Edited by Duttoneer on Wed 08/07/13 10:25 AM

I'm curious what your reaction would be if someone told you they had a 5 date rule. Meaning that they require that you have at least 5 dates before they would consider becoming intimate. What would your reaction be?

I would say ignore the five date rule, who is to say when both parties are ready to move closer together, could be the 5th date, 6th date , 7th date, ...

It will happen when both want it to happen in my opinion.

Surely, no one's five date rule requires they have sex on the sixth ! Cause that just sounds like a patient scammer.:laughing:

Could be tonight's the night! laugh


incagrass's photo
Wed 08/07/13 10:47 AM
Just pack all five dates into a single day and Bingo!

no photo
Wed 08/07/13 01:14 PM
I don't have any dating rules that I must follow. I'd probably hit it off best with guys who feel the same.

blueeyes2000's photo
Wed 08/07/13 07:01 PM
I don't think anyone should be having sex at all. It's an evil,evil thing.