Topic: Maternity or Eternity | |
Before you criticize a person for the number of kids that the person has, find out from the person the reason for that number of kids. Good point. |
You can have as many kids as you want. But when you want society to flip the bill it becomes the tax payers problem. I pay taxes and I should have just as much say as anyone else.
Edited by
Sun 06/30/13 09:54 PM
People don't get to vote on how many kids someone else can have, though. So you do have as much say as anyone else -- which is to say, none.
And plenty of people had their kids when they were doing okay but then they fell on hard times. Well, somebody's got to foot the bill to feed those kids, and since it is to society's benefit NOT to have starving kids on the streets, we all chip in to pay for them. Nothing wrong with that. I don't resent helping poor families. I'm not exactly wealthy myself and I can completely understand that times are tough. I guess I figure that since I've never had kids of my own, it won't kill me to chip in a bit for someone else's. But if we as a society truly want to see a reduction in the number of children born into poverty, then we'd damn well better make sure that everyone receives comprehensive sex education, access to birth control, and a proper education in general so they have the tools to do something other than screw around and make babies. Oh, and an improved economy and job market wouldn't hurt. I won't even touch the other issue that goes along with the above, because there are already enough third rails in this thread. |
Do you guys know that there is a society that call themselves Vehement, its. members vow to not have any children, they see beyond there own selfish needs and look to depopulating the planet, so that it may survive. They believe that all of mankind should stop having children and let the human population dwindle, even die out. This proves that there are enlightened people on this planet. Once we destroy this planet we are all dead and no Alien civilization is going to rescue us at the last minute, only Christ if you obey him now. Atleast this Vehement society is able to see the big picture, identify the problem and are tryin to do something practical and very nobal. Of course the majority of mankind live with their heads up thier bums. Secular education is the biggest threat, which encourages sexual exploration. Like they say if you want to fix the legal system kill all the lawyers. So if its better education you want, kill all the teachers. Atleast the Vehement society is doing something nobal and honorable.
Do you guys know that there is a society that call themselves Vehement, its. members vow to not have any children, they see beyond there own selfish needs and look to depopulating the planet, so that it may survive. They believe that all of mankind should stop having children and let the human population dwindle, even die out. This proves that there are enlightened people on this planet. Once we destroy this planet we are all dead and no Alien civilization is going to rescue us at the last minute, only Christ if you obey him now. Atleast this Vehement society is able to see the big picture, identify the problem and are tryin to do something practical and very nobal. Of course the majority of mankind live with their heads up thier bums. Secular education is the biggest threat, which encourages sexual exploration. Like they say if you want to fix the legal system kill all the lawyers. So if its better education you want, kill all the teachers. Atleast the Vehement society is doing something nobal and honorable. I do hope that you, personally, have joined this organization |
Edited by
Mon 07/01/13 06:39 PM
Do you guys know that there is a society that call themselves Vehement, its. members vow to not have any children, they see beyond there own selfish needs and look to depopulating the planet, so that it may survive. They believe that all of mankind should stop having children and let the human population dwindle, even die out. This proves that there are enlightened people on this planet. Once we destroy this planet we are all dead and no Alien civilization is going to rescue us at the last minute, only Christ if you obey him now. Atleast this Vehement society is able to see the big picture, identify the problem and are tryin to do something practical and very nobal. Of course the majority of mankind live with their heads up thier bums. Secular education is the biggest threat, which encourages sexual exploration. Like they say if you want to fix the legal system kill all the lawyers. So if its better education you want, kill all the teachers. Atleast the Vehement society is doing something nobal and honorable. Yes, it the The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement. Started by a shape shifting reptilian group no doubt. They have wanted to reduce the population of the earth for a long time. The reason is because in ancient history, humans and these reptilian creatures got into a war and the humans won by shear numbers. Humans outnumbered them. So now these beasts want to convince humans to stop reproducing. It won't work. So they are trying to poison us with GMO food. ![]() (This is classified information channeled by jeanniebean.) here is their website: |
GMO foods have proven to cause rodents who eat a steady diet of it become infertile after three generations.
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Mon 07/01/13 06:51 PM
I must be a member since I decided not to reproduce.
![]() Of course the GMO foods are a covert plan to cause extinction, not a voluntary one. But the reptilians are probably behind both plans. If you don't want to volunteer not to reproduce, then here... have some of this corn. See that you feed it to your kids too. ![]() |
People don't get to vote on how many kids someone else can have, though. So you do have as much say as anyone else -- which is to say, none.
Of course they do. Where's the logic in that, pless tell me. We live in a finite space with finite resources. Averyone has to respect that. What does intelligence mean to you, to me it's being a responsible adult. Do you even comprehend the suffering that's coming? Have you not been keeping up with current avents? Do you know that the glaciers that feed mood of Asia with fresh water are rapidly melting, do you know that to keep up with current seafood demands, the ocean will be almost empty in 50 years. Do you know that to provid for our current population and lifestyles there is not going to be anything left for the next generation. attitude is |
The sun is going through changes. The entire solar system is going through major changes in weather etc. The earth is too, and we are getting the least of it.
Will we survive? I think so. But there could be a lot of deaths. |
If it were only a perfect world. Morally, I don't think people who can't take care of their children should get pregnant. But people are stupid. They fornicate because it feels good and they don't think about the consequences. I've known unmarried women who have babies just so they can get more welfare from the government, and they are usually living with some lazy dead beat sperm donor who smokes pot all day. funny..? Lack of money stop you to dream..for a natural outcome of being parent..!!! ----------- |
The sun is going through changes. The entire solar system is going through major changes in weather etc. The earth is too, and we are getting the least of it. Will we survive? I think so. But there could be a lot of deaths. It's. called climate change due to the ever increasing green house gas emissions which will lead to a runnaway greenhouse effect where the surface of the earth will burn. Its got nothing to do with changes in the sun, that's laughable. In a runaway greenhouse effect no one survives. The surface of the planet will burn as the Bible predicted 2000 years ago, which is going to be fulfilled in our time. So why flatter yourself with delusions? |
2 Peter 3:10 The elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.
Edited by
Tue 07/02/13 12:13 AM
Do you guys know that there is a society that call themselves Vehement, its. members vow to not have any children, they see beyond there own selfish needs and look to depopulating the planet, so that it may survive. They believe that all of mankind should stop having children and let the human population dwindle, even die out. This proves that there are enlightened people on this planet. Once we destroy this planet we are all dead and no Alien civilization is going to rescue us at the last minute, only Christ if you obey him now. Atleast this Vehement society is able to see the big picture, identify the problem and are tryin to do something practical and very nobal. Of course the majority of mankind live with their heads up thier bums. Secular education is the biggest threat, which encourages sexual exploration. Like they say if you want to fix the legal system kill all the lawyers. So if its better education you want, kill all the teachers. Atleast the Vehement society is doing something nobal and honorable. If I remember right their is a group that is almost gone today.. They practice the men lived in like 1 dormitory and the women in another and basically they did not come together much except for services daily plus others. always women on the left and men on the right. People said each group while praising and the Men took hands in one large circle as did the women as a Hyme would be played skipping to the music like children.. They were said to look like Angels I remember 1 description of them. Main problem the last member I know of was 86 a few years ago... Could get the converts with the 20ieth century came around. before that everyone seemed to know about them. So when she dies it's dead unless someone picks back op on our history and and vows the same. " no sex" no touch of any kind time later Thinking about their situation and their role in American History.. People loved them 17-1800's the men and women were working at one. but they took rev. 14 -literally.. spiritual virgins... When is the point in your life where you can become a spiritual virgin. Thee eye is the window to the soul. lets you see pleasure and wonder. It all works together. As soon as your washed( because every priest before intering the temple could not enter without washing 1st.they had to be clean around the King. Would you not wash to meet a King? That's Spirtual Baptism at it cleanest moment. Brain Washing the eye of the soul. The eye likes what's pleasing it. yet talks with the brain by sign waves. Does it not? We look at the evelutional property of Dust, raised Adam from Dust as we maybe be from the Dust of the Ground. at least all who went before us.. they saw death so they will be the 1st raised. These people believe that spiritual death/resserection washing of the Soul. Is a chance for a New life. You as an Adult as was Issac. Will enter the fold, shifting to that of the group. These people were expert craftsman some of their chairs all handmade are still sought after. The division of men and women yet worship together gets way more work done far less distraction, living as one as holy as they believe they can get. The loyalty can only come from leaving the world as soon as you are Baptized to life the life. People seen them as have quite an enduring quality to them. So to carry on, the oral tradition you must be washed and leave the world to learn the way. Hope they are not forgotten.. don't think the ever thought the world would be like it is. Maybe it will continue or somehow picked back up. anyone heard of them? |
The sun is going through changes. The entire solar system is going through major changes in weather etc. The earth is too, and we are getting the least of it. Will we survive? I think so. But there could be a lot of deaths. It's. called climate change due to the ever increasing green house gas emissions which will lead to a runnaway greenhouse effect where the surface of the earth will burn. Its got nothing to do with changes in the sun, that's laughable. In a runaway greenhouse effect no one survives. The surface of the planet will burn as the Bible predicted 2000 years ago, which is going to be fulfilled in our time. So why flatter yourself with delusions? Please tell me you are not talking about the Warminghoax! |
Edited by
Tue 07/02/13 08:04 AM
people who believe Gods creation (the Earth) cant provide for Gods creation (man) do not truly understand Gods greatness
all things are possible with God and humans will meet their end on His time not theirs,, and HIs time wont be changed whether some people choose abstinence or not people that truly are concerned will do something to help those who are HERE,, instead of trying to play fortunetellers and doing 'NOTHING',,,literally,,,,trying to claim its out of nobility perhaps help with some of the coops or work with the children who are suffering in poverty or work to provide or advocate for education to help children grow up with conservation skills, or work towards introducing more healthy options in the mainstream ,,,,etc,,, |
The sun is going through changes. The entire solar system is going through major changes in weather etc. The earth is too, and we are getting the least of it. Will we survive? I think so. But there could be a lot of deaths. It's. called climate change due to the ever increasing green house gas emissions which will lead to a runnaway greenhouse effect where the surface of the earth will burn. Its got nothing to do with changes in the sun, that's laughable. In a runaway greenhouse effect no one survives. The surface of the planet will burn as the Bible predicted 2000 years ago, which is going to be fulfilled in our time. So why flatter yourself with delusions? The other planets in the solar system are also going through serious changes.. a lot worse than the earth. There are no "greenhouse gas emissions" there. So, the propaganda of it being a runaway greenhouse gas effect is what is laughable. You are the one with doomsday delusions. |
Because two things can never happen at once....?
The sun is going through changes. The entire solar system is going through major changes in weather etc. The earth is too, and we are getting the least of it. Will we survive? I think so. But there could be a lot of deaths. It's. called climate change due to the ever increasing green house gas emissions which will lead to a runnaway greenhouse effect where the surface of the earth will burn. Its got nothing to do with changes in the sun, that's laughable. In a runaway greenhouse effect no one survives. The surface of the planet will burn as the Bible predicted 2000 years ago, which is going to be fulfilled in our time. So why flatter yourself with delusions? The other planets in the solar system are also going through serious changes.. a lot worse than the earth. There are no "greenhouse gas emissions" there. So, the propaganda of it being a runaway greenhouse gas effect is what is laughable. You are the one with doomsday delusions. That's just not true. You might want to consult something more reliable the Tarot cards. There are no changes happening on other planets. Our atmosphere is being terraformed by the constant emissions of green house gases that has been encreasing for the past century. Delusion by its definition means, holding to a view contrary to the known facts. To believe that we can destroy the environment to make way for the billions of people who are all carbon emitters, and consumers, and think it won't have an impact is delusional. As for having children, to me a pregnant woman is the most beautiful thing to behold. For me it's like a religious experience. It is poetry that words cannot express. I am inspired, enraptured, by pregnant art photography. My dream job would be rubbing oil onto pregnant womens bellies while they relax in the sun. No one would love to have s pregnant woman to pamper, then me. No one sees the beauty of pregnancy then me. So I know more then anyone how much it hurts not to have that experience, but I know that I have done the right thing, by not indulgeing my love for pregnant women, for the sake of common scense. |
Earths poles are shifting.
Planetary changes on Venus, Saturn, Jupiter etc. can be observed and has been observed by NASA. The sun is loosing energy, and coronal holes are appearing facing earth more often. There is a serious energy change going on in the entire solar system. I keep up with space weather on a daily basis. Human greenhouse gases are not the cause of planetary and solar system changes. The earth's magnetic field is created by the sun and by CME's from the sun. Earth shield is fading. It is because of what is going on with the sun. Don't be fooled when someone tells you it is the fault of humans. It is not. They have an agenda for making you believe that. |