Topic: Maternity or Eternity | |
The government of every country is guilty as well. It all falls back on the governments who failed in their duty to make the hard decisions and not bow to the stupidity of the inbreed lowbrow masses, who are basically animals.
![]() Genesis 1:26-28(NIV) : "Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it.”" If people are created in the image of God, then it is an insult to call any person an animal. Also, according to Christ's parable of the sheep and goats (Matthew 25:31-46), it isn't enough to complain about someone being trapped in poverty. If you know that someone is trapped in poverty, and if you personally have the means to personally help alleviate the poverty but refuse to do so, then you are no better than a goat. |
I don't think having a government controlling who can and cannot have children would be a good idea at all. The less government control the better.
I do think that more attention should be placed on creating a real society that supports the wellness and prosperity of all its people rather than the kind of society we currently have right now where the government is arming itself in preparation for a citizens revolt. The citizens have been robbed blind and over taxed and are being forced to bail out corporations and banks who are manipulating stocks and building their plants in other countries. The politicians are pawns for corporations and they are corrupt. They waste money, and they cut citizens benefits. Corruption is rampant. What people need is education. Real education. |
The government of every country is guilty as well. It all falls back on the governments who failed in their duty to make the hard decisions and not bow to the stupidity of the inbreed lowbrow masses, who are basically animals.
![]() Genesis 1:26-28(NIV) : "Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it.”" If people are created in the image of God, then it is an insult to call any person an animal. Also, according to Christ's parable of the sheep and goats (Matthew 25:31-46), it isn't enough to complain about someone being trapped in poverty. If you know that someone is trapped in poverty, and if you personally have the means to personally help alleviate the poverty but refuse to do so, then you are no better than a goat. I always did like Alf!!! ![]() |
The government of every country is guilty as well. It all falls back on the governments who failed in their duty to make the hard decisions and not bow to the stupidity of the inbreed lowbrow masses, who are basically animals.
If this is what you perceive then your perception is skewed horribly. Yes, you can blame the 'government' but who is the 'government' really? The government is created by the people. Unfortunately, today, the people who seem to have the most power and influence are the greedy filthy rich Elite whose only agenda is their own wealth and power. They buy, bribe, and threaten politicians. They control the media and shape the beliefs of the masses. The are experts at spreading propaganda, infiltrating every government, organization and company. They spy on everyone. They lie, steal, murder and they are above the law. These are the masters to whom you would give power to tell you if you can or cannot have children? If so, then you are dreadfully misinformed. Please Please take a few steps back and reevaluate your core belief system. |
But people are stupid.
Finally we agree on something JB wich the responses prove. May I reminds the so called christians who have replied, that Paul said that if a man cannot provide for his family, he is worse then a nonbeliever. I have the backing of scripture on this. No one has any rights only responsibilities. To disagree with child birth regulations in our current situation is mironic. If you cannot provide for children you cannot have them. Before having children you have to get a job and be prepared to support them. It's logic, it's reason and anything else is perversed maddness" U r right about 1 thing speaking to believers. to prepare. we are to Prepare for the Feasts, For the Sabbath. Also if you do not know when the census was done every male 20 and under did not go to war.. age of accountability..manhood. 2. our marriage cerimony are all mixed up. the womans parents pay for the wedding.. Not so biblically.. The groom before he ever went to her father before asking her hand in marriage must show he can provide for his wife. build a house for one thing.. wouldn't that help before marriage? 3 When he did this he offered an offering to the parents. could be a number of things because they had to agree so the groom would want to give them a lot if he loved her that much. 3rd.. the groom had to have enough saved for a 1 year Honeymoon where neither one worked to get to know each other and had to be able to prove he could continue to beable to support his wife after the year. He would never even go to ask the father or his brother if the father had passed until he could prove he was ready for his wife to leave her father ( who's duty was to support her) as she leaves her father and cleaves to his wife and they become one. I wish this custom was still around instead of saying the old is of no use to us today |
Edited by
Sat 06/29/13 08:57 PM
If a person had to save up enough money to be able to support two adults for a year with neither of them working, marriage would be reserved only for the very wealthy because nobody else would be able to afford it.
So that's pretty unrealistic right there. Also, women these days aren't regarded as the property of their fathers, so that business about a man going to the father of the woman he wants to marry... uh, no. We women are perfectly capable of handling our own decisions about marriage, thank you. These customs are old and outmoded for some very good reasons. |
If a person had to save up enough money to be able to support two adults for a year with neither of them working, marriage would be reserved only for the very wealthy because nobody else would be able to afford it. So that's pretty unrealistic right there. Also, women these days aren't regarded as the property of their fathers, so that business about a man going to the father of the woman he wants to marry... uh, no. We women are perfectly capable of handling our own decisions about marriage, thank you. These customs are old and outmoded for some very good reasons. Can you prove your position from the Bible? |
Edited by
Sat 06/29/13 09:02 PM
Miles, I like your version of what a man should do before getting married.
Seriously, if a young man (or any man) would focus first on getting an income and getting a house, Then he would have a much easier time finding a wife. A smart woman who wants to raise a family will (or should) choose a man who looks like he can support her and the children. That is why women are more attracted to men with a "nice car" or a job because they are looking for a man of means who can support her and her family. I have no children because in my opinion, I did not have a husband who was able to support a family. I was married twice. I had no faith in either husband. I did not want to be a woman alone with children to raise, so I did not have any children. If I had it to do all over, and if I wanted children, I would look for a responsible man who had the means and the desire to raise a family. Those men are very rare. |
If a person had to save up enough money to be able to support two adults for a year with neither of them working, marriage would be reserved only for the very wealthy because nobody else would be able to afford it. So that's pretty unrealistic right there. Also, women these days aren't regarded as the property of their fathers, so that business about a man going to the father of the woman he wants to marry... uh, no. We women are perfectly capable of handling our own decisions about marriage, thank you. These customs are old and outmoded for some very good reasons. Can you prove your position from the Bible? No, and fortunately there's no need for me to do so. |
Miles, I like your version of what a man should do before getting married. Seriously, if a young man (or any man) would focus first on getting an income and getting a house, Then he would have have a much easier time finding a wife. A smart woman who wants to raise a family will (or should) choose a man who looks like he can support her and the children. That is why women are more attracted to men with a "nice car" or a job because they are looking for a man of means who can support her and her family. I have no children because in my opinion, I did not have a husband who was able to support a family. I was married twice. I had no faith in either husband. I did not want to be a woman alone with children to raise, so I did not have any children. If I had it to do all over, and if I wanted children, I would look for a responsible man who had the means and the desire to raise a family. Those men are very rare. Money is such an issue in a family.. if believers who say they live their life by the bible and a young man knew he could not have sex before marriage . Do you not think at like the age of 12 maybe from seeing what other kids older brothers did that he would not start very early so he would start to Prepare to get married someday.. What a start of responsibility for a young man.. geesh their sex drive alone would make them want to work their but off so they could get married someday |
Miles, I like your version of what a man should do before getting married. Seriously, if a young man (or any man) would focus first on getting an income and getting a house, Then he would have have a much easier time finding a wife. A smart woman who wants to raise a family will (or should) choose a man who looks like he can support her and the children. That is why women are more attracted to men with a "nice car" or a job because they are looking for a man of means who can support her and her family. I have no children because in my opinion, I did not have a husband who was able to support a family. I was married twice. I had no faith in either husband. I did not want to be a woman alone with children to raise, so I did not have any children. If I had it to do all over, and if I wanted children, I would look for a responsible man who had the means and the desire to raise a family. Those men are very rare. Money is such an issue in a family.. if believers who say they live their life by the bible and a young man knew he could not have sex before marriage . Do you not think at like the age of 12 maybe from seeing what other kids older brothers did that he would not start very early so he would start to Prepare to get married someday.. What a start of responsibility for a young man.. geesh their sex drive alone would make them want to work their but off so they could get married someday |
If a person had to save up enough money to be able to support two adults for a year with neither of them working, marriage would be reserved only for the very wealthy because nobody else would be able to afford it. So that's pretty unrealistic right there. Also, women these days aren't regarded as the property of their fathers, so that business about a man going to the father of the woman he wants to marry... uh, no. We women are perfectly capable of handling our own decisions about marriage, thank you. These customs are old and outmoded for some very good reasons. Can you prove your position from the Bible? No, and fortunately there's no need for me to do so. You prove to non believers your faith does not really mean that much. scripture says to study to show YOURSELF approved. why? That you may give EVEYONE an answer of the Glory of your faith |
Miles, I like your version of what a man should do before getting married. Seriously, if a young man (or any man) would focus first on getting an income and getting a house, Then he would have have a much easier time finding a wife. A smart woman who wants to raise a family will (or should) choose a man who looks like he can support her and the children. That is why women are more attracted to men with a "nice car" or a job because they are looking for a man of means who can support her and her family. I have no children because in my opinion, I did not have a husband who was able to support a family. I was married twice. I had no faith in either husband. I did not want to be a woman alone with children to raise, so I did not have any children. If I had it to do all over, and if I wanted children, I would look for a responsible man who had the means and the desire to raise a family. Those men are very rare. Money is such an issue in a family.. if believers who say they live their life by the bible and a young man knew he could not have sex before marriage . Do you not think at like the age of 12 maybe from seeing what other kids older brothers did that he would not start very early so he would start to Prepare to get married someday.. What a start of responsibility for a young man.. geesh their sex drive alone would make them want to work their but off so they could get married someday This is so true. Today, in this society, young girls give it away to anyone in exchange for drugs or just to be noticed. Its awful. |
If a person had to save up enough money to be able to support two adults for a year with neither of them working, marriage would be reserved only for the very wealthy because nobody else would be able to afford it. So that's pretty unrealistic right there. Also, women these days aren't regarded as the property of their fathers, so that business about a man going to the father of the woman he wants to marry... uh, no. We women are perfectly capable of handling our own decisions about marriage, thank you. These customs are old and outmoded for some very good reasons. Can you prove your position from the Bible? No, and fortunately there's no need for me to do so. You prove to non believers your faith does not really mean that much. scripture says to study to show YOURSELF approved. why? That you may give EVEYONE an answer of the Glory of your faith Miles, two problems: I think you're a bit confused about my faith. We don't use "scripture" the same way you do, and we regard the bible very differently from the way you seem to. Secondly, I know of NO ONE, not even in the most stringently devout fundamentalist Christian household, who believes a married couple needs to be able to afford a year without work in order to get married. If you had to afford that, could YOU ever get married? My answers and opinions are based on what's realistic in the world we live in. My faith's "glory" is in the fact that it is realistically applicable in today's modern world. |
Edited by
Sat 06/29/13 09:18 PM
Great... I click ONCE to submit my post, and the system posts it TWICE. This has been happening to me a lot tonight. Grr.
If a person had to save up enough money to be able to support two adults for a year with neither of them working, marriage would be reserved only for the very wealthy because nobody else would be able to afford it. So that's pretty unrealistic right there. Also, women these days aren't regarded as the property of their fathers, so that business about a man going to the father of the woman he wants to marry... uh, no. We women are perfectly capable of handling our own decisions about marriage, thank you. These customs are old and outmoded for some very good reasons. Can you prove your position from the Bible? No, and fortunately there's no need for me to do so. You prove to non believers your faith does not really mean that much. scripture says to study to show YOURSELF approved. why? That you may give EVEYONE an answer of the Glory of your faith Miles, two problems: I think you're a bit confused about my faith. We don't use "scripture" the same way you do, and we regard the bible very differently from the way you seem to. Secondly, I know of NO ONE, not even in the most stringently devout fundamentalist Christian household, who believes a married couple needs to be able to afford a year without work in order to get married. If you had to afford that, could YOU ever get married? My answers and opinions are based on what's realistic in the world we live in. My faith's "glory" is in the fact that it is realistically applicable in today's modern world. what kind of Govt./faith/religion do you think is prophesied when Yahshua comes back and sets up rule for 1000 years? that is if you believe in the 1000 year rule when Yahshua comes back. |
what kind of Govt./faith/religion do you think is prophesied when Yahshua comes back and sets up rule for 1000 years? that is if you believe in the 1000 year rule when Yahshua comes back. No, we don't believe in that. |
what kind of Govt./faith/religion do you think is prophesied when Yahshua comes back and sets up rule for 1000 years? that is if you believe in the 1000 year rule when Yahshua comes back. No, we don't believe in that. Ok I can accept that. If you do not mind could you say a brief summary that defines your faith? |
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Sat 06/29/13 09:50 PM
You are certainly right that the average American could not possibly afford to have the money to live for a year without working. If that were a requirement for marriage, or sex, .... the average American would die out. Most of us are in the poverty range. I know a lot of people in other countries don't believe that. We are so poor, when the economy crashes and rich bankers are jumping out of windows, we hardly notice any changes at all. ![]() |
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Sat 06/29/13 10:01 PM
If you do not mind could you say a brief summary that defines your faith? How about I give you links to my religion's website, and let you explore? This page explains our Seven Principles and the spiritual sources for our faith: What Unitarian Universalists Believe And here's a link that will give you some idea of our view regarding sacred texts: Sacred Texts in Unitarian Universalism Here, I'll also throw in an overview of our religious history: Our Historic Faith |