Topic: Maternity or Eternity | |
If you do not mind could you say a brief summary that defines your faith? How about I give you links to my religion's website, and let you explore? This page explains our Seven Principles and the spiritual sources for our faith: What Unitarian Universalists Believe And here's a link that will give you some idea of our view regarding sacred texts: Sacred Texts in Unitarian Universalism TY I will ![]() |
Thank you very much.. I picked up and left everybody and everything and moved 2000 miles away to strengthen my faith.. have not met with anyone since I have been here.. because of reasons I have. I see thiers a congregation in the small city Roseburg Or. that has a group.. I look forward to discussing both beliefs when I go their as the web site says. again Thanks ![]() ![]() |
Happy to help.
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Edited by
Sat 06/29/13 11:05 PM
Happy to help. ![]() glad u r.. many things that are said I do believe in. 325 ad.. the trinity way the 1st king I guess and only of your faith why he left.. good going. see if I go to any mainstream church ( and I talk with the leaders and discuss scripture, never the members on that level) and every single time a sermon is given that their is a wolf in sheep's clothing that has entered the congregation as the minister stares at me while giving his sermon. this has happened many times. What r they so afraid of. usually it only takes about a 1/2 hour of me asking questions about the faith and asking " well what does this mean then, they never answer) and I can think of 3 times I have done this. so I do not bother.. It's against the law to walk in with a whip and drive the money changers out ![]() saying that your faith have been called heretics from the beginning We can relate TO!!!!!! see we believe during that time or actually a couple of hundred years before that time ( ever heard of the Waldesian slaughter?) the 7th day Adventists claim them but funny they do not do as they did when it comes to actions for sure.. they were 7th day Sabbath keepers so they claim them. they are very interesting. came close to wiping them all out.. history records 850,000 who never fought back. they hated them because while the ministers were standing in the streets preaching they asked questions then usually a debate ensued before the town.. see to be a Waldesian minister or Elder you had to for one beable to recite the NT by heart plus all the other qualifications.. How do you think those debates went? If you can't explain it. Kill them.. and that's what happened but a few made it to the alps and we believe ended up coming out again in 1926 in Eugene or. funny now all my brethren are mainly from Denver east and now I came back.. a dream told me to.. so I sold everything I had bought a 92 mercury Marquise and Told Yahweh ok I will leave april 3rd.2010 well time came and I was living in a hotel for a couple of months getting my self ready to leave for no mans land. ( to me at least. never been here) so I decided I needed more money so I said " Yahweh How about june 3rd" well I believe Yahweh did not like me telling him what I was going to do..You would not believe what happened. On april 1,2010 I had a knock on my door. It was the towns police chief. I asked what he wanted. He said "It's time for you to leave this place BOY" I said now why is that.. Because if you don't I will come arrest you and throw you in Jail" for what.. he said. " because I can and we will figure that out then, BOY if you are here see if I can not do it and see if you can do anything about it" wow what a kick in the rear end. I thought about this why the hek is he doing this? what have I done? thinking wow where am I going to find a place in a few days April 3rd is to quick. Then I cried and fell on my knees and told Yahweh I was sorry and on April 3rd 2010 at day light I left and never looked back.Ended up renting an apartment that just came open on Craigslist on a Horse ranch.. a couple of months later ( my landlord knew nothing} he let me ride one of their ATV's and took me up the logging roads up to a cliff where you could see the whole valley. we got off and stretched and he said " do you know what the Indians have called this place as long as anyone knows" no. " The valley of Heaven" I about fell off the cliff. anyway I do not know what happened but when it posted it was all mixed up.. strange I have had that happen before when I go into why I moved here.. anyways.. Blessings of Shalom ![]() |
I'll be honest... I don't think you'd really fit well in a Unitarian Universalist church, Miles. I think you're looking for something a lot more Bible-based and conservative. We're very diverse and liberal, so I'm not sure we'd be your cup of tea.
They fornicate because it feels good and they don't think about the consequences. I've known unmarried women who have babies just so they can get more welfare from the government, and they are usually living with some lazy dead beat sperm donor who smokes pot all day.
Absolutely and that is the governments fault for allowing the unemployed make a career out of having babies. For the government to not have the forsight not to see the ramifications is testament to the corruptness of those in government who want votes. We are now seeing 3rd generation unemployment. Having children is a privilege not a right and you have to have a job first. The government of every country is guilty as well. It all falls back on the governments who failed in their duty to make the hard decisions and not bow to the stupidity of the inbreed lowbrow masses, who are basically animals. ![]() |
I'll be honest... I don't think you'd really fit well in a Unitarian Universalist church, Miles. I think you're looking for something a lot more Bible-based and conservative. We're very diverse and liberal, so I'm not sure we'd be your cup of tea. oh can't help but see. I will just go to a few services and listen and watch before I approach a minister to see if he would like to talk. I do not talk to the congregation. except chit chat. I go straight to the leadership. they do not want anything to do with me and when they tell me something and I say turn here what about this.. oh they do not like me no more because the scripture does not bode well with them.. who knows what will happen.. the things that brought me here I do not believe their is no reason.. patience I need and try to wait to where I am put in a situation and then see why I am their.. not take myself their to see why I am their. anyway.. what I wrote about coming out I know my computer went like hung up and I waited and waited and finally went back and what I wrote at the end was all mixed up..oh well |
Edited by
Sat 06/29/13 11:17 PM
I'll be honest... I don't think you'd really fit well in a Unitarian Universalist church, Miles. I think you're looking for something a lot more Bible-based and conservative. We're very diverse and liberal, so I'm not sure we'd be your cup of tea. oh can't help but see. I will just go to a few services and listen and watch before I approach a minister to see if he would like to talk. I do not talk to the congregation. except chit chat. I go straight to the leadership. they do not want anything to do with me and when they tell me something and I say turn here what about this.. oh they do not like me no more because the scripture does not bode well with them.. who knows what will happen.. the things that brought me here I do not believe their is no reason.. patience I need and try to wait to where I am put in a situation and then see why I am their.. not take myself their to see why I am their. anyway.. what I wrote about coming out I know my computer went like hung up and I waited and waited and finally went back and what I wrote at the end was all mixed up..oh well If you're going to go to a church with the intention of basically picking a fight about scripture, don't. That's just... well, it isn't what I'd call honest and in fact it's quite rude. So don't do it. Besides which, my church doesn't really feel bound by scripture so you'll be wasting your time. |
I'll be honest... I don't think you'd really fit well in a Unitarian Universalist church, Miles. I think you're looking for something a lot more Bible-based and conservative. We're very diverse and liberal, so I'm not sure we'd be your cup of tea. oh can't help but see. I will just go to a few services and listen and watch before I approach a minister to see if he would like to talk. I do not talk to the congregation. except chit chat. I go straight to the leadership. they do not want anything to do with me and when they tell me something and I say turn here what about this.. oh they do not like me no more because the scripture does not bode well with them.. who knows what will happen.. the things that brought me here I do not believe their is no reason.. patience I need and try to wait to where I am put in a situation and then see why I am their.. not take myself their to see why I am their. anyway.. what I wrote about coming out I know my computer went like hung up and I waited and waited and finally went back and what I wrote at the end was all mixed up..oh well If you're going to go to a church with the intention of basically picking a fight about scripture, don't. That's just... well, it isn't what I'd call honest and in fact it's quite rude. So don't do it. Besides which, my church doesn't really feel bound by scripture so you'll be wasting your time. I am not wanting a fight at all. what is so wrong about asking questions.. You all yourselves say you were put in the same situation as us. we do have something in common.. Be gentle as a Dove and Wise as a serpent |
Edited by
Sat 06/29/13 11:29 PM
I explained what has happened in Mainstream. Money is what its all about not learning. what brings in money is whats preached. Surely u r not going to tell me asking questions to Unitarian Universalism is a THREAT to your Beliefs?
No, but what I'm telling you is that what you're suggesting you want to do is considered very RUDE. So I'm asking you personally not to do it, as I don't want to inflict you on my coreligionists. Had I known you were intending to go there looking for a chance to hassle the ministers, I would never have even told you what faith I belong to.
Please find something else to do. |
No, but what I'm telling you is that what you're suggesting you want to do is considered very RUDE. So I'm asking you personally not to do it, as I don't want to inflict you on my coreligionists. Had I known you were intending to go there looking for a chance to hassle the ministers, I would never have even told you what faith I belong to. Please find something else to do. Different beliefs to each his own. we welcome anyone to come in and question us and they do.. one way people come into our religion.. I am not going to be rude or anything of the sort.. to say that is to say Yahshua was wrong. I have went to Jewish synagogues and we get along fine.. I just do not like all the traditions.. Yahshua spoke the TRUTH. Messianic Jews.. well they believe pretty close but again they like their traditions that's not in the bible so I leave them to their selves. How could a self learned man hassle a leader about the bible asking questions about scriptures? Like I said if I went to the congregation behind the ministers back to try and convert them.. yes that is wrong.. to be nice and gentle and ask questions and study.. What is so wrong about that? |
Edited by
Sun 06/30/13 12:23 AM
Miles, it would be a pointless thing for you to do, and I don't even know why you'd want to unless it is to stir up trouble and controversy. That's a piss-poor reason for doing something... and frankly, you'll be wasting both your own time and the time of the ministers, who SHOULD be using that time to carry out far more important work.
I mean, I can see it now: You go in with the same attitude you sometimes show here, looking to pick things apart and demanding biblical proof of positions... and they're going to look at you and say, "Who cares?" Because most of us don't view the bible the same way you do, and won't feel compelled to justify our views to you according to your interpretation of it. See, here's the thing: The minister you approach might turn out not to be any kind of Christian at all (many UUs are not Christian). What happens if you find you're trying to have your discussion with someone who is a practicing Buddhist, or a Pagan? Neither of those are going to feel particularly compelled to discuss scripture with you. If you truly believed "to each their own", you would just let them be. Our faith teaches that each individual has to find his or her own path. You obviously have one that you feel works for you, which is fine. Whomever you wind up arguing with is going to feel that they have found THEIR own, and is neither going to try to convert you to theirs, nor are they going to convert to yours. |
Edited by
Sun 06/30/13 12:31 AM
I am 43 and have never had kids. I never had a high paying job and could not afford children.
I would love to have had kids but to not be able to give them everything, I would rather to have never been born myself. I never had kids because I loved them too much to subject them to poverty. Most people are just so stupid. How can I be of the same species? |
Miles, it would be a pointless thing for you to do, and I don't even know why you'd want to unless it is to stir up trouble and controversy. That's a piss-poor reason for doing something... and frankly, you'll be wasting both your own time and the time of the ministers, who SHOULD be using that time to carry out far more important work. I mean, I can see it now: You go in with the same attitude you sometimes show here, looking to pick things apart and demanding biblical proof of positions... and they're going to look at you and say, "Who cares?" Because most of us don't view the bible the same way you do, and won't feel compelled to justify our views to you according to your interpretation of it. See, here's the thing: The minister you approach might turn out not to be any kind of Christian at all (many UUs are not Christian). What happens if you find you're trying to have your discussion with someone who is a practicing Buddhist, or a Pagan? Neither of those are going to feel particularly compelled to discuss scripture with you. If you truly believed "to each their own", you would just let them be. any one who is not using the bible and does not claim it to be true I have no problem with them.. read my post over the years. the only time I ask for proof is when someone spouts off something like I believe in this thread like.. the bible says certain people should not be able to have children.. yes I will confront them.. if they are not using the bible I try to learn for my own info about what they believe.. so a Buddhist or a Pagan I don't know any.. Buddhist are very peaceful loving people.. I would welcome them before mainstream any day. if they do not want to discuss scripture.. I will leave it alone.. if I here a minister say something in services that I do not understand of course I will ask question and inquire why they say/ believe such a thing.. like I said mainstream only speaking with the minister not saying any thing to the congregation except to be friendly.. No church should have a problem with that. What r u really afraid of? I am nobody.. I do not want trouble.. I have to live here ![]() Anyway I like this " what to expect" on the web site.. Is this not true? "I hope the fact that you are now reading this website and this letter that you may be looking for a church home. If you are open to all faith systems, and looking for a loving, open and tolerant religious home, Umpqua Unitarian Universalist Church just may be for you. Come visit us and see." I am looking for a church home. I am Open to all faiths looking for a loving, open and tolerant religious home Believe me mainstream is not open and tolerant religious home. u know that. So again I will be very delicate.. Like I said I am COMMANDED to be. Gentle as a DOVE and WISE as a serpent So tell me are u all tolerant or not? |
Let me tell u about a few things we believe and practice. 1 we realize the saying Many are called but few are chosen is speaking 1st about the calling.. We believe this is the Christian church no matter what denomination.. we also believe until this day and time with the internet people basically could only rely on their ministers for what they believed because printing was very expensive then all the greek and Hebrew ect basically only the ministers could understand.. they were their friends who they looked up to. Yahweh knows this. the people who tried to do right and peaceful and loving in the past Yahweh loves very much. The chosen. Many people in todays age with the internet and can get even free very extensive biblical works that r references with the greek Hebrew and the Englishmans concordance is my favorite can learn in the closet of their home. Some start to see things they don't understand and start on a deep research of what ever interest them. they go to their ministers in private and u would be amazed at the Honesty ministers will give answers to but only 1 on 1. We have found the number 1 thing people who are really serious start looking into is the Sabbath.. That was mine also. I have not found a Christian Minister yet that will tell someone 1 on 1 that the Sabbath was never changed and the only reason it was , was because of Constantine when he wanted to join the Pagans and all Sun Worshippers to the same religion because of his Battle he won against all odds when he claimed he saw a cross in the sky and under it it said. "with this sign conquer" he was greatly out numbered and defeat was at hand but they won. this is when he started really thinking about this new belief system in the Roman Empire. So what did he do. In 325 ad as your website says also. called all religious people in and decided what books would be in this new state religion for having everyone under this the people would be easier to control.. kind of like our govt. make everyone poor and who is going to fight. What came out of this. 1 the Sabbath was changed to sunday to honor the sun god. 2 the feast were changed. this is where Christmas and easter came in all these to coaks the pagans into this new state religion. To get rid of Passover he declared the OT to of been a great work but now we live in a new beginning. so it was to be honored for its service but not to be practiced.. Tithing though would be a requirement as the state religion could have more funds and this would be something Pagans needed to trade off also. Many rebelled in the streets that are called Heretics in Biblical commentaries today. The scriptures speaks of this happening in.. They will change Times and Laws. So this comes to the reformation.. a new way.. No more cathalitism meaning Universal. The only problem they say they broke off from Rome but they kept the very things Rome changed. The Sabbaths mainly which their are regular Sabbaths and High Sabbaths all can be called feasts but the 7 High Sabbaths are the real feast spoken of in Lev. 23 So Christians are really catholics still.. they just refuse to admit it and call them the beast for good measure. most have no idea what they believe or why they believe it. If they did their Profession/ work for a living the way they live/study their faith they could not find a job anywhere. So on to today. The Christians we believe are the Called ones. those who really want to know as much about what they believe as much as they want too advance at work find things that do not make sence. usually this starts with the Sabbath. so many join the 7th Day Adventist.. they still do the same thing but now worship on the Sabbath and are content.. some still keep studying even deeper. Some start to see that they really do not understand where Easter and Christmas come from.. like Christ-mas Rome over and over again. Now when they start looking who does not do these things.. Many find the Jehovah Witnesses No easter no Christmas no Halloween.. we are content we even learned the importance of a name.. lets do it. Many still are not satisfied and end up in something like us.. the ones closest to us is the Messianic Jews.. Sabbath worship, no easter, no Christmas a name but they now learn Jehovah is not in the Hebrew but Yahweh some have different spellings but basically when said it comes out as Yahweh. With them now they learn about many things from clean and unclean foods to the Feasts of Yahweh. with lots of Jewish Tradition. their a big group we are nothing compared to them. still some thing they say are old as do the Jews. No reason to actually go out and look with the naked eye for the New Moon which is the start of each Biblical month. They use science who shows on your calander usually the day before anyone can actually see it go down as soon as the sun sets. it goes to quick the sun is to bright still and thiers no way in Yahshua's time you could of seen it. When you see the New Moon you are to blow the Shofar.. Israel did this with people scattered all over relaying as soon as they saw it or when they heard the shofar/ Rams Horn and it was echoed all over Israel.. this is how they knew it was a new month. a new Year. a start of the Feast of Trumpets which is a Holy Day. every where is the shofar found blowing in Revelations. This prophecy to watch is recorded for us. Gen 1:1 - Matt 25:14 "Then the kingdom of heaven shall be likened to ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. 2 Now five of them were wise, and five were foolish. 3 Those who were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them, 4 but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. 5 But while the bridegroom was delayed, they all slumbered and slept. 6 "And at midnight a cry was heard: 'Behold, the bridegroom is coming; go out to meet him!' 7 Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps. 8 And the foolish said to the wise, 'Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.' 9 But the wise answered, saying, 'No, lest there should not be enough for us and you; but go rather to those who sell, and buy for yourselves.' 10 And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding; and the door was shut. 11 "Afterward the other virgins came also, saying,'Master, Master, open to us!' 12 But he answered and said, 'Assuredly, I say to you, I do not know you.' 13 "Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming. Yahshua spoke a lot about watching. But watch has been lost.. we hear sermons about the Virgins who are Yahshua's as we see here. But 1st what did he say to the the assemblies in Rev? Rev 3:3-4 3 Remember therefore how you have received and heard; hold fast and repent. Therefore if you will not watch , I will come upon you as a thief, and you will not know what hour I will come upon you. NKJV Notice they will not watch what happens.. again Watch what? The virgins who were wise had their oil/ spirit in them. anointed few. Rev 14:3-4 4 These are the ones who were not defiled with women, for they are virgins. These are the ones who follow the Lamb wherever He goes. NKJV They are ready for Yahshua. They are PREPARED they are watching. when does the scripture command us to watch? That's enough but people find us mostly. They have searched and been told they are crazy but can not accept that then they find us.. not saying we know we are them. we hope we are them that's why all questions we welcome.. we are human we make mistakes. that's a brief summary of where me and my brethren come from.. all most all have the same story how we ended up being a Yahwists.. Yah's Wisdom |
Edited by
Sun 06/30/13 08:05 AM
And what you just posted makes you really incompatible with Unitarian Universalism. You have exclusivist beliefs, while ours are inclusivist. That's a really huge difference, and while the people in a UU congregation might be friendly to you as a person (because it's in our nature to do so), your beliefs would clash with theirs, and in the end neither you nor they would be comfortable.
I am 43 and have never had kids. I never had a high paying job and could not afford children. I would love to have had kids but to not be able to give them everything, I would rather to have never been born myself. I never had kids because I loved them too much to subject them to poverty. Most people are just so stupid. How can I be of the same species? I am saying this out of true concern and I'm not trying to be mean at all. You need to see a doctor for your depression (my amateur diagnosis). And a therapist to help you find your way out of the depression. ![]() |
And what you just posted makes you really incompatible with Unitarian Universalism. You have exclusivist beliefs, while ours are inclusivist. That's a really huge difference, and while the people in a UU congregation might be friendly to you as a person (because it's in our nature to do so), your beliefs would clash with theirs, and in the end neither you nor they would be comfortable. Shalom ViaMusica I am no threat. Patients. Every one needs new friends and church people make great friends. I might find a new 4 wheeling friend. They probally would like it where I live just get on your 4 wheeler and their is actually a Wilderness behind us. 40 miles no construction of any kind.. old logging roads for dirt bikes, 4 wheelers, horse riding , camping ,fishing whitewater rafting on your own. think 2x what u r getting into in the wilderness though.. People get lost..thankfully its not that far from the coast. the wild blue yonder.. Yes I do things beside ask questions. a lot of kids in school I bet do not ask question so they are not noticed and stay in good standing with their class. Everyone needs friends. I like to mow yard.. My landlord says I am better than family.. Great exersize. we do things for each other.. I still pay my rent.. not looking for anything. If I do I deny myself. Really you have nothing to worry about.. You have given me a lot of insite. Its a place to grow your own spiritual path.. But isn't that life, friends and family? Is that not the greatest part of our spiritual life? patience, putting others 1st. Showing your faith by the way you are. Being of good nature? We all want these and many more things in our own spiritual; path. I am listening to u.. no worry |