Topic: What if there were no such things as jobs? | |
In the past, people found things to do to make a living. Before there were corporations and jobs... they sold cattle, broke horses, build wagons, tilled the fields, planted food, hunted, etc. Now everyone sits around doing nothing because there are no jobs? I say get up off your butts and find something to do and stop whining about there not being any jobs. Well, starting a business is a lot different than starting a hobby. Businesses require money and permits and red-tape and things of that nature. Legal ones anyways. The system is stacked by the wealthy against the common person. It's the iron law of oligarchy. But hobbies are good. If one can get into one that doesn't cost a lot of money. All I am hearing from you is BUT BUT BUT BUT.... ![]() The question is: What if there was no such thing as Jobs? NO JOBS ANYWHERE. People are going to do what they have to do to make a living. They are going to get into trading, hunting, planting, or some service or business.. etc. People are not going to sit around whining about no jobs when they need to do something to survive. Unfortunately some will turn to crime. Government is not going to be able to do much about it when people start businesses without the "proper permits and red tape." That is all about taxes. If there are no jobs, there can't really be any taxes. I don't get why you are so against taxes.. taxes are what made this country the greatest all around... there is no place in this world where you don't have to pay taxes, and they help keep our country great. so why the big issue with taxes? Because it's extortion? Because it's theft? The government tells us we have to do something to make a living, but why can they be bums and make their money off of us??? Double standard much? Taxes did not and do not make this country the best, if you really think that I suggest you take the rose colored glasses off and look around again. They just exist to keep the rich rich and the poor poor, hell 2 percent of the US controls over 90 percent of the wealth! How can a country be great if so much of its' people is either straddling the poverty line or far below it? When did this thing called "taxes" begin? How are roads and bridges built and schools and firestations and police paid for? btw. It is not extortion and it is not theft.... The hell it's not, forcing you to pay them money you EARNED against your will, is theft doesn't matter how you wanna justify it. They are nothing more than a glorified mafia, they act the same exact way. And if you think that money they get really goes to what they say, you're very naive. This country would NOT be in the shape its' in if it did. Ever wonder why they constantly say they're losing money? Constantly needing to raise our taxes higher? Where the hell is the money going? It's a nice thought that they give a damn about things and actually are honest about what they do with our money, but reality is they are just not. Notice they are not made to disclose how they spend, but we are? We can't get away with half the secrecy they do, why would that be? Things are not what they seem. you should find somewhere that makes you happy... it obviously isn't here... he has every right to be here with a protected freedom of conscience and freedom of speech to think and say as he pleases regardless of what you think of it dissension is what has made this country great. we are completely and disgustlingly overtaxed. gov't spending needs to halved by requirement - starting with salary and bennies and for that taxes that do remain we the tas payers need to be able to earmark how we want th money spent on the tax form with an independent auditor NOT the IRS - which is close to being abolished, I think - overseeing the process then the politicians can find real jobs and answer the OP ![]() I might be, but history apparently is not |
i think everyone agrees the country has it's problems right now, even tho we all disagree what the actually are... personally, i do not think the countries problems are based on taxes... i think it all boils down to corrupt politicians and greed... things won't change unless we make a stand on what we believe the problems are... me, i'm voting against any incumbent that i can... we start getting people out of office, and the politicians will understand who works for who... well solve this little dilemma then. they ALL (politicians) understand who they work for until they're elected.... I'd say what we really need is an easier process to get them OUT if they do not stick to the agenda they were elected on |
i think everyone agrees the country has it's problems right now, even tho we all disagree what the actually are... personally, i do not think the countries problems are based on taxes... i think it all boils down to corrupt politicians and greed... things won't change unless we make a stand on what we believe the problems are... me, i'm voting against any incumbent that i can... we start getting people out of office, and the politicians will understand who works for who... well solve this little dilemma then. they ALL (politicians) understand who they work for until they're elected.... I'd say what we really need is an easier process to get them OUT if they do not stick to the agenda they were elected on i couldn't agree more... they are actually gearing up to be more aggressive towards the people, while not caring what we want/think /believe... doesn't seem very right to me... |
i think everyone agrees the country has it's problems right now, even tho we all disagree what the actually are... personally, i do not think the countries problems are based on taxes... i think it all boils down to corrupt politicians and greed... things won't change unless we make a stand on what we believe the problems are... me, i'm voting against any incumbent that i can... we start getting people out of office, and the politicians will understand who works for who... well solve this little dilemma then. they ALL (politicians) understand who they work for until they're elected.... I'd say what we really need is an easier process to get them OUT if they do not stick to the agenda they were elected on i couldn't agree more... they are actually gearing up to be more aggressive towards the people, while not caring what we want/think /believe... doesn't seem very right to me... this could be more fun than mud wrestilng :) |
In the past, people found things to do to make a living. Before there were corporations and jobs... they sold cattle, broke horses, build wagons, tilled the fields, planted food, hunted, etc. Now everyone sits around doing nothing because there are no jobs? I say get up off your butts and find something to do and stop whining about there not being any jobs. in the past we had communities, security, safety, that we dont have today different times,, different needs, different resources,,,, In the past? Are you telling me you don't have a community? You don't have security or safety? And you want gun control? I don't know where all of you people live, but my town has a community. Yes we pay sales taxes, and property taxes and licence fees on our cars and we pay the state when we get caught driving with no seat belt. Income tax I don't want to pay. When I earn money I don't think the government has any right to take any of it. Nevada has no income tax. They get their money from gambling. Colorado has gambling in some cities, and lotto. We should not have to pay income tax. I dont mind income tax, 'freedom' is not free nor should it be,,, with all its faults, we still live in a pretty blessed country in terms of resources and lifestyles,, and that doesnt just protect itself, roads dont build themselves, teachers dont teach for free, police dont protect for free,, we dont have safety nets for the least amongst us for free,, and the list goes on an on income tax is the rent for living in america,,,in my opinion in nevada, yes, we have communities as far as people residing in the same area,, but in all reality,,,,there are maybe 100 homes around my community,, most all have working families, all of whom are full of the very kind of people who claim they want to be free to 'keep' all their income ,, and they dont want to spend it on people in 'need',, though they will spend it with businesses as far as gun control, I dont feel guns in everyones hands makes me more safe,, so thats not really part of my thought process regarding jobs,,,Im speaking more about 'job security',, or more accurately 'income security' tasks such as mowing lawns or cleaning homes take TIME and effort and an investment in materials,, they also take consumers who TRUST unlicensed strangers who are 'in need' to come into their well decorated homes,,,it takes a landscape where there are lawns,,, thats not happening where I live,, or where MANY folks live there are not really self tasks that are going to realistically pay anyones bills,,,, I got a question for you, why do we OWE the state anything? why is there rent (which btw you don't own something truly if you have to pay to keep it, like say a house), why do we have bills? can you tell me that? I'll tell you exactly why......all these bills we owe, are nothing more than collateral for the debt of the state, it's really that simple. We ALL are in debt because they have made us to be so, that's the whole reason for paper money (we have no money of our own since they create it all), for birth certificates, for social security numbers, etc. We are just used to pay their bills. We should not owe anything to anyone except those we contract with of our own accord (and by contract I mean a legal one which gives us say so over its' terms, any other contract is not lawful even if the state says you have to sign it), that we do means we are born into debt and we are not free under that debt. Oh and I guess this answers the question posed about how would police be served, how would roads be built etc, without taxes. There are MANY other ways and means of exchange to get things done. Money as we know it isn't the only way, we have been conditioned to think it is, but it's not. We can survive without that means of exchange if we knew how and were taught how. But those in power don't want that, because if we knew that, their game would be over and their money pit would dry up, so they don't tell us. They need us a hell of a lot more than we need them and they know it. why don't you elaborate on the many ways these things get done without taxes? It's called bartering, or you do something for them, they do something for you, do I really need to explain the concept? I know you're smarter than that. And when it comes to things like helping a neighbor in distress, whatever happened to doing things just for the sake of them rather than because you expect something back? welcome to the real world... that utopia never existed but in peoples dreams... forms of rule/control/government has existed since the caveman days, with the biggest and strongest in charge... history is made by who is currently in power... |
In the past, people found things to do to make a living. Before there were corporations and jobs... they sold cattle, broke horses, build wagons, tilled the fields, planted food, hunted, etc. Now everyone sits around doing nothing because there are no jobs? I say get up off your butts and find something to do and stop whining about there not being any jobs. Well, starting a business is a lot different than starting a hobby. Businesses require money and permits and red-tape and things of that nature. Legal ones anyways. The system is stacked by the wealthy against the common person. It's the iron law of oligarchy. But hobbies are good. If one can get into one that doesn't cost a lot of money. All I am hearing from you is BUT BUT BUT BUT.... ![]() The question is: What if there was no such thing as Jobs? NO JOBS ANYWHERE. People are going to do what they have to do to make a living. They are going to get into trading, hunting, planting, or some service or business.. etc. People are not going to sit around whining about no jobs when they need to do something to survive. Unfortunately some will turn to crime. Government is not going to be able to do much about it when people start businesses without the "proper permits and red tape." That is all about taxes. If there are no jobs, there can't really be any taxes. I don't get why you are so against taxes.. taxes are what made this country the greatest all around... there is no place in this world where you don't have to pay taxes, and they help keep our country great. so why the big issue with taxes? Because it's extortion? Because it's theft? The government tells us we have to do something to make a living, but why can they be bums and make their money off of us??? Double standard much? Taxes did not and do not make this country the best, if you really think that I suggest you take the rose colored glasses off and look around again. They just exist to keep the rich rich and the poor poor, hell 2 percent of the US controls over 90 percent of the wealth! How can a country be great if so much of its' people is either straddling the poverty line or far below it? When did this thing called "taxes" begin? How are roads and bridges built and schools and firestations and police paid for? btw. It is not extortion and it is not theft.... The hell it's not, forcing you to pay them money you EARNED against your will, is theft doesn't matter how you wanna justify it. They are nothing more than a glorified mafia, they act the same exact way. And if you think that money they get really goes to what they say, you're very naive. This country would NOT be in the shape its' in if it did. Ever wonder why they constantly say they're losing money? Constantly needing to raise our taxes higher? Where the hell is the money going? It's a nice thought that they give a damn about things and actually are honest about what they do with our money, but reality is they are just not. Notice they are not made to disclose how they spend, but we are? We can't get away with half the secrecy they do, why would that be? Things are not what they seem. you should find somewhere that makes you happy... it obviously isn't here... he has every right to be here with a protected freedom of conscience and freedom of speech to think and say as he pleases regardless of what you think of it dissension is what has made this country great. we are completely and disgustlingly overtaxed. gov't spending needs to halved by requirement - starting with salary and bennies and for that taxes that do remain we the tas payers need to be able to earmark how we want th money spent on the tax form with an independent auditor NOT the IRS - which is close to being abolished, I think - overseeing the process then the politicians can find real jobs and answer the OP "We" are not "overtaxed". That is political rhetoric. And the young man speaks of being self-reliant and living without any government. By all means, he can prove his point by doing so..... we are most definitely over taxed and it is taxation without representation because we get no day in how OUR money is spent. my family was involved in military contracting so I have firsthand expereince with gov't waste in spending. so I KNOW firsthand we are over taxed to the max. you must be gov't no one should get lifetime medical care at my expense our young friend is under no obligation to prove anything to you, neither am I nor is anyone else. that is a weak distraction from some of his very valid points. Because he is young means he cannot have an opinion. There are actually state gov'ts that do quite well with little or no income tax. Plus I really think a lot of people feel they are not getting what we are paying for back on our taxes as so much of it goes to pay for programs working , middle class Americans do not need to benefit from. that's a picture with a problem. I see another gov't furlough coming up. have a good vacay I think that people should always live up to the values that they claim to believe in. I think it would be a great example to all of humanity for someone to be able to survive without any government. I could support that. I wonder why more people have not tried it..... Okay, you "think" and "feel" a lot of things. That's great. Opinions are good. Can you cite anything specific? is there a specific reason why I should? I have been specific in terms of things happening in this country and my idea waht could be, but no, not I am not going to do research for your benefit (sounds like a gov't request...a little free research at my expense? good luck with that) lol. this is a discussion forum not a research paper. it is really not that important to me, but I do read the papers everyday - and at least 2 other news sources almost everyday npr, reuters, cnn, msn, yahoo, local paper, and bunch of specialty stuff in the environment and energy policy- and have a fair background - so I'm good. if my opinons are not good enough talk to someone who you'd prefer, I guess. I do not debate. sorry I have opinions but no, no feelings about any of this. there you are incorrect ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() glad u find me so amusing jsut like a man try to chime in a little for once and he wants to bring me flowers good grief |
i think everyone agrees the country has it's problems right now, even tho we all disagree what the actually are... personally, i do not think the countries problems are based on taxes... i think it all boils down to corrupt politicians and greed... things won't change unless we make a stand on what we believe the problems are... me, i'm voting against any incumbent that i can... we start getting people out of office, and the politicians will understand who works for who... well solve this little dilemma then. they ALL (politicians) understand who they work for until they're elected.... I'd say what we really need is an easier process to get them OUT if they do not stick to the agenda they were elected on i couldn't agree more... they are actually gearing up to be more aggressive towards the people, while not caring what we want/think /believe... doesn't seem very right to me... this could be more fun than mud wrestilng :) ![]() ![]() |
sad truths 1. There are laws 2. Nothing worthwhile was meant to come free 3. noone lives in a vaccuum that they create all alone, 4. Even if we dont think we owe,, we ow,,, 5. all three hundred million americans arent going to like EVERYTHING about their country, 6. When you dont like the household, move to another one 7. this is not the world it was when people 'bartered' , technology has caused a necessary evolvement from that form of minimal co supportive communities 1. Yes but most "laws" do not truly apply to us even if we're told so. Law as we know it to be now, is not true law. 2. Perhaps not, but we were not put here to be slaves to another beings wishes either and if we are forced to obey someone in any number of ways, we are very much that whether you wanna hear that or not. 3. True, but no one should be able to tell someone else what to do simply because it offends their moral code either. There is a line when it comes to personal rights and freedoms and it ought not be crossed. 4. Only if we consent to that owing, we could bring this entire system crashing down if we realized our true power, our true rights as human beings and took it all back. Most however either don't know, or don't have the guts to try. 5. No they're not, doesn't give them the right to force their brand of morality on someone else against their will either, and no offending moral sensibilities doesn't mean your rights are being infringed sorry to tell you. 6. You make that sound so damn easy, but you know it's not, especially in this world we live in, with all the red tape that comes with moving. Besides, we are more and more becoming a police state anyway, so moving from one place to another won't work forever because the problem is everywhere and growing. The better option is to stop the bleeding now before it's too late so we aren't made to go anywhere. But again like personal rights, too many are apathetic to all this and won't stand up for themselves, making their own bed to have to lie in the end. 7. No, technology didn't change this, government greed and lust for power and control did, this system has been around since the 1920's, it didn't spring up overnight, technology has just risen up the last 30 or so, the system and stepping away from bartering was long since in place. And you could still trade goods and services anyway, hell look at bitcoin there's an example right there of using technology to step around the financial game we all are forced into playing. We can find ways to manage ourselves no matter whether technology existed it or not. That has not made this what it is, greedy people only caring for their own interests and power have. and anyway you wanna call this evolving? a system in which 2 percent of the people hold like 97 percent of the wealth and control with it? you have a funny way of defining it then, I call it regressing. This system doesn't work, it is unsustainable and it needs to go away in favor of something else, something where ALL would benefit not just a select few. |
![]() ![]() i think everyone agrees the country has it's problems right now, even tho we all disagree what the actually are... personally, i do not think the countries problems are based on taxes... i think it all boils down to corrupt politicians and greed... things won't change unless we make a stand on what we believe the problems are... me, i'm voting against any incumbent that i can... we start getting people out of office, and the politicians will understand who works for who... well solve this little dilemma then. they ALL (politicians) understand who they work for until they're elected.... I'd say what we really need is an easier process to get them OUT if they do not stick to the agenda they were elected on i couldn't agree more... they are actually gearing up to be more aggressive towards the people, while not caring what we want/think /believe... doesn't seem very right to me... this could be more fun than mud wrestilng :) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |