Topic: What if there were no such things as jobs? | |
Tax his land,
Tax his bed, Tax the table At which he's fed. Tax his tractor, Tax his mule, Teach him taxes Are the rule. Tax his work, Tax his pay, He works for peanuts Anyway! Tax his cow, Tax his goat, Tax his pants, Tax his coat. Tax his ties, Tax his shirt, Tax his work, Tax his dirt. Tax his tobacco, Tax his drink, Tax him if he Tries to think. Tax his cigars, Tax his beers, If he cries Tax his tears. Tax his car, Tax his gas, Find other ways To tax his ***. Tax all he has Then let him know That you won't be done Till he has no dough. When he screams and hollers; Then tax him some more, Tax him till He's good and sore. Then tax his coffin, Tax his grave, Tax the sod in Which he's laid. Put these words Upon his tomb, Taxes drove me to my doom...' When he's gone, Do not relax, Its time to apply The inheritance tax. Accounts Receivable Tax Building Permit Tax CDL license Tax Cigarette Tax Corporate Income Tax Dog License Tax Excise Taxes Federal Income Tax Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA) Fishing License Tax Food License Tax Fuel Permit Tax Gasoline Tax (currently 44.75 cents per gallon) Gross Receipts Tax Hunting License Tax Inheritance Tax Inventory Tax IRS Interest Charges IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax) Liquor Tax Luxury Taxes Marriage License Tax Medicare Tax Personal Property Tax Property Tax Real Estate Tax Service Charge T ax Social Security Tax Road Usage Tax Sales Tax Recreational Vehicle Tax School Tax State Income Tax State Unemployment Tax (SUTA) Telephone Federal Excise Tax Telephone Federal Universal Service FeeTax Telephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge Taxes Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax Telephone Recurring and Non-recurring Charges Tax Telephone State and Local Tax Telephone Usage Charge Tax Utility Taxes Vehicle License Registration Tax Vehicle Sales Tax Watercraft Registration Tax Well Permit Tax Workers Compensation Tax "STILL THINK THIS IS FUNNY? Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago, and our nation was the most prosperous in the world. We had absolutely no national debt, had the largest middle class in the world, and Mom stayed home to raise the kids." |
Edited by
Tue 06/04/13 02:56 PM
Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago, and our nation was the most prosperous in the world. We had absolutely no national debt, had the largest middle class in the world, and Mom stayed home to raise the kids." People payed taxes 100 years ago. People payed taxes before this nation existed as well. And before that as well.... People have payed taxes since the first civilization came into existence. |
The topic is: "What if there were no jobs?" Interesting subject; basically, in my opinion the whiners need to change their attitude and make changes, re-invent the wheel if that is what it takes, do something besides whine about the situation they find themselves in.
But just think about it if there was no employment, no taxes, everyone would be on the same page. I say that because even the rich need someone to purchase their services or products, and if there were no taxes the politicians would not have an income, there would be no military forces, law enforcement, no schools and roads would not be maintained or built, which wouldn't really matter because no one would have a car. If there were cars that would mean someone had a job... No jobs and life as we know it today would change/end. As it was pointed out, hunting isn’t an option, too many rules and regulations. Crime wouldn’t even be profitable if there were no services or products to purchase. What about our energy needs if there were no jobs? I haven’t even touched the tip of the iceberg if you really think about the effect no work, or no jobs would have on people. No matter what service or product we might have to offer you have to find someone who has something of equal value to barter with. I can’t imagine everyone learning to live off the land, growing their own food, living in sod houses. It is not even an option, we all enjoy modern technically. |
In the past, people found things to do to make a living. Before there were corporations and jobs... they sold cattle, broke horses, build wagons, tilled the fields, planted food, hunted, etc. Now everyone sits around doing nothing because there are no jobs? I say get up off your butts and find something to do and stop whining about there not being any jobs. Well, starting a business is a lot different than starting a hobby. Businesses require money and permits and red-tape and things of that nature. Legal ones anyways. The system is stacked by the wealthy against the common person. It's the iron law of oligarchy. But hobbies are good. If one can get into one that doesn't cost a lot of money. All I am hearing from you is BUT BUT BUT BUT.... ![]() The question is: What if there was no such thing as Jobs? NO JOBS ANYWHERE. People are going to do what they have to do to make a living. They are going to get into trading, hunting, planting, or some service or business.. etc. People are not going to sit around whining about no jobs when they need to do something to survive. Unfortunately some will turn to crime. Government is not going to be able to do much about it when people start businesses without the "proper permits and red tape." That is all about taxes. If there are no jobs, there can't really be any taxes. I don't get why you are so against taxes.. taxes are what made this country the greatest all around... there is no place in this world where you don't have to pay taxes, and they help keep our country great. so why the big issue with taxes? Because it's extortion? Because it's theft? The government tells us we have to do something to make a living, but why can they be bums and make their money off of us??? Double standard much? Taxes did not and do not make this country the best, if you really think that I suggest you take the rose colored glasses off and look around again. They just exist to keep the rich rich and the poor poor, hell 2 percent of the US controls over 90 percent of the wealth! How can a country be great if so much of its' people is either straddling the poverty line or far below it? ![]() regardless, taxes serve a purpose... |
In the past, people found things to do to make a living. Before there were corporations and jobs... they sold cattle, broke horses, build wagons, tilled the fields, planted food, hunted, etc. Now everyone sits around doing nothing because there are no jobs? I say get up off your butts and find something to do and stop whining about there not being any jobs. Well, starting a business is a lot different than starting a hobby. Businesses require money and permits and red-tape and things of that nature. Legal ones anyways. The system is stacked by the wealthy against the common person. It's the iron law of oligarchy. But hobbies are good. If one can get into one that doesn't cost a lot of money. All I am hearing from you is BUT BUT BUT BUT.... ![]() The question is: What if there was no such thing as Jobs? NO JOBS ANYWHERE. People are going to do what they have to do to make a living. They are going to get into trading, hunting, planting, or some service or business.. etc. People are not going to sit around whining about no jobs when they need to do something to survive. Unfortunately some will turn to crime. Government is not going to be able to do much about it when people start businesses without the "proper permits and red tape." That is all about taxes. If there are no jobs, there can't really be any taxes. I don't get why you are so against taxes.. taxes are what made this country the greatest all around... there is no place in this world where you don't have to pay taxes, and they help keep our country great. so why the big issue with taxes? hard work, paying taxes, doing the right thing... this country is still better than anywhere else, so if you people don't want to follow the rules, go somewhere else... |
In the past, people found things to do to make a living. Before there were corporations and jobs... they sold cattle, broke horses, build wagons, tilled the fields, planted food, hunted, etc. Now everyone sits around doing nothing because there are no jobs? I say get up off your butts and find something to do and stop whining about there not being any jobs. in the past we had communities, security, safety, that we dont have today different times,, different needs, different resources,,,, |
In the past, people found things to do to make a living. Before there were corporations and jobs... they sold cattle, broke horses, build wagons, tilled the fields, planted food, hunted, etc. Now everyone sits around doing nothing because there are no jobs? I say get up off your butts and find something to do and stop whining about there not being any jobs. Well, starting a business is a lot different than starting a hobby. Businesses require money and permits and red-tape and things of that nature. Legal ones anyways. The system is stacked by the wealthy against the common person. It's the iron law of oligarchy. But hobbies are good. If one can get into one that doesn't cost a lot of money. All I am hearing from you is BUT BUT BUT BUT.... ![]() The question is: What if there was no such thing as Jobs? NO JOBS ANYWHERE. People are going to do what they have to do to make a living. They are going to get into trading, hunting, planting, or some service or business.. etc. People are not going to sit around whining about no jobs when they need to do something to survive. Unfortunately some will turn to crime. Government is not going to be able to do much about it when people start businesses without the "proper permits and red tape." That is all about taxes. If there are no jobs, there can't really be any taxes. I don't get why you are so against taxes.. taxes are what made this country the greatest all around... there is no place in this world where you don't have to pay taxes, and they help keep our country great. so why the big issue with taxes? Because it's extortion? Because it's theft? The government tells us we have to do something to make a living, but why can they be bums and make their money off of us??? Double standard much? Taxes did not and do not make this country the best, if you really think that I suggest you take the rose colored glasses off and look around again. They just exist to keep the rich rich and the poor poor, hell 2 percent of the US controls over 90 percent of the wealth! How can a country be great if so much of its' people is either straddling the poverty line or far below it? When did this thing called "taxes" begin? How are roads and bridges built and schools and firestations and police paid for? btw. It is not extortion and it is not theft.... The hell it's not, forcing you to pay them money you EARNED against your will, is theft doesn't matter how you wanna justify it. They are nothing more than a glorified mafia, they act the same exact way. And if you think that money they get really goes to what they say, you're very naive. This country would NOT be in the shape its' in if it did. Ever wonder why they constantly say they're losing money? Constantly needing to raise our taxes higher? Where the hell is the money going? It's a nice thought that they give a damn about things and actually are honest about what they do with our money, but reality is they are just not. Notice they are not made to disclose how they spend, but we are? We can't get away with half the secrecy they do, why would that be? Things are not what they seem. you should find somewhere that makes you happy... it obviously isn't here... |
the problem isnt 'jobs',, slaves had 'jobs'
the issue is compensation,,,there are plenty of 'jobs' that have very little compensation in return for the effort and time expected thats the problem,,,, |
In the past, people found things to do to make a living. Before there were corporations and jobs... they sold cattle, broke horses, build wagons, tilled the fields, planted food, hunted, etc. Now everyone sits around doing nothing because there are no jobs? I say get up off your butts and find something to do and stop whining about there not being any jobs. Well, starting a business is a lot different than starting a hobby. Businesses require money and permits and red-tape and things of that nature. Legal ones anyways. The system is stacked by the wealthy against the common person. It's the iron law of oligarchy. But hobbies are good. If one can get into one that doesn't cost a lot of money. All I am hearing from you is BUT BUT BUT BUT.... ![]() The question is: What if there was no such thing as Jobs? NO JOBS ANYWHERE. People are going to do what they have to do to make a living. They are going to get into trading, hunting, planting, or some service or business.. etc. People are not going to sit around whining about no jobs when they need to do something to survive. Unfortunately some will turn to crime. Government is not going to be able to do much about it when people start businesses without the "proper permits and red tape." That is all about taxes. If there are no jobs, there can't really be any taxes. I don't get why you are so against taxes.. taxes are what made this country the greatest all around... there is no place in this world where you don't have to pay taxes, and they help keep our country great. so why the big issue with taxes? hard work, paying taxes, doing the right thing... this country is still better than anywhere else, so if you people don't want to follow the rules, go somewhere else... Government loves people like you........they are so easily led....... |
In the past, people found things to do to make a living. Before there were corporations and jobs... they sold cattle, broke horses, build wagons, tilled the fields, planted food, hunted, etc. Now everyone sits around doing nothing because there are no jobs? I say get up off your butts and find something to do and stop whining about there not being any jobs. Well, starting a business is a lot different than starting a hobby. Businesses require money and permits and red-tape and things of that nature. Legal ones anyways. The system is stacked by the wealthy against the common person. It's the iron law of oligarchy. But hobbies are good. If one can get into one that doesn't cost a lot of money. All I am hearing from you is BUT BUT BUT BUT.... ![]() The question is: What if there was no such thing as Jobs? NO JOBS ANYWHERE. People are going to do what they have to do to make a living. They are going to get into trading, hunting, planting, or some service or business.. etc. People are not going to sit around whining about no jobs when they need to do something to survive. Unfortunately some will turn to crime. Government is not going to be able to do much about it when people start businesses without the "proper permits and red tape." That is all about taxes. If there are no jobs, there can't really be any taxes. I don't get why you are so against taxes.. taxes are what made this country the greatest all around... there is no place in this world where you don't have to pay taxes, and they help keep our country great. so why the big issue with taxes? Because it's extortion? Because it's theft? The government tells us we have to do something to make a living, but why can they be bums and make their money off of us??? Double standard much? Taxes did not and do not make this country the best, if you really think that I suggest you take the rose colored glasses off and look around again. They just exist to keep the rich rich and the poor poor, hell 2 percent of the US controls over 90 percent of the wealth! How can a country be great if so much of its' people is either straddling the poverty line or far below it? ![]() regardless, taxes serve a purpose... Oh they do alright, to line the pockets of the rich and steal from the poor. |
I work every single day.. I've been working every single day from the age 8 on up. Granted I might have been paid each and every time but I'm always doing something for somebody at any given moment. There's plenty to do out there. Heck sometimes just doing something out of charity gives you a better chance for employment than just submitting your resume every single day.
Always try to stay active, that's the best advice I can give anyone in today's economy. |
In the past, people found things to do to make a living. Before there were corporations and jobs... they sold cattle, broke horses, build wagons, tilled the fields, planted food, hunted, etc. Now everyone sits around doing nothing because there are no jobs? I say get up off your butts and find something to do and stop whining about there not being any jobs. in the past we had communities, security, safety, that we dont have today different times,, different needs, different resources,,,, In the past? Are you telling me you don't have a community? You don't have security or safety? And you want gun control? I don't know where all of you people live, but my town has a community. Yes we pay sales taxes, and property taxes and licence fees on our cars and we pay the state when we get caught driving with no seat belt. Income tax I don't want to pay. When I earn money I don't think the government has any right to take any of it. Nevada has no income tax. They get their money from gambling. Colorado has gambling in some cities, and lotto. We should not have to pay income tax. |
Okay so my main beef are people who sit around doing nothing but complaining that there are no jobs. Then if they want to do any kind of contract work they are supposed to have workman's comp. (Red tape) Even if you mow lawns, you legally are supposed to have workman's comp insurance. So what do you think people do to make money or extra money? They sell drugs or just work under the table and get paid cash. In Kentucky even businesses pay people money under the table to avoid all the government red tape. Illegal? Yes it is, but when I see how the government spending is so totally out of control it makes me sick. They waste so much money that is why they are always crying that they need to raise taxes!! |
Okay so my main beef are people who sit around doing nothing but complaining that there are no jobs. Then if they want to do any kind of contract work they are supposed to have workman's comp. (Red tape) Even if you mow lawns, you legally are supposed to have workman's comp insurance. So what do you think people do to make money or extra money? They sell drugs or just work under the table and get paid cash. In Kentucky even businesses pay people money under the table to avoid all the government red tape. Illegal? Yes it is, but when I see how the government spending is so totally out of control it makes me sick. They waste so much money that is why they are always crying that they need to raise taxes!! You can do what I do for extra income. Mine bitcoins. It's spending money for me.. everything I make from my usual job goes towards bills/investments. |
Okay so my main beef are people who sit around doing nothing but complaining that there are no jobs. Then if they want to do any kind of contract work they are supposed to have workman's comp. (Red tape) Even if you mow lawns, you legally are supposed to have workman's comp insurance. So what do you think people do to make money or extra money? They sell drugs or just work under the table and get paid cash. In Kentucky even businesses pay people money under the table to avoid all the government red tape. Illegal? Yes it is, but when I see how the government spending is so totally out of control it makes me sick. They waste so much money that is why they are always crying that they need to raise taxes!! You can do what I do for extra income. Mine bitcoins. It's spending money for me.. everything I make from my usual job goes towards bills/investments. I don't know much about bit coins. I heard they go up and down like crazy, worse than the stock market. I will investigate. I do make a little money from google adsense and I sell my paintings and tarot cards via the Internet. |
In the past, people found things to do to make a living. Before there were corporations and jobs... they sold cattle, broke horses, build wagons, tilled the fields, planted food, hunted, etc. Now everyone sits around doing nothing because there are no jobs? I say get up off your butts and find something to do and stop whining about there not being any jobs. Well, starting a business is a lot different than starting a hobby. Businesses require money and permits and red-tape and things of that nature. Legal ones anyways. The system is stacked by the wealthy against the common person. It's the iron law of oligarchy. But hobbies are good. If one can get into one that doesn't cost a lot of money. All I am hearing from you is BUT BUT BUT BUT.... ![]() The question is: What if there was no such thing as Jobs? NO JOBS ANYWHERE. People are going to do what they have to do to make a living. They are going to get into trading, hunting, planting, or some service or business.. etc. People are not going to sit around whining about no jobs when they need to do something to survive. Unfortunately some will turn to crime. Government is not going to be able to do much about it when people start businesses without the "proper permits and red tape." That is all about taxes. If there are no jobs, there can't really be any taxes. I don't get why you are so against taxes.. taxes are what made this country the greatest all around... there is no place in this world where you don't have to pay taxes, and they help keep our country great. so why the big issue with taxes? hard work, paying taxes, doing the right thing... this country is still better than anywhere else, so if you people don't want to follow the rules, go somewhere else... Government loves people like you........they are so easily led....... You can always go live some place that doesn't have a government.... |
In the past, people found things to do to make a living. Before there were corporations and jobs... they sold cattle, broke horses, build wagons, tilled the fields, planted food, hunted, etc. Now everyone sits around doing nothing because there are no jobs? I say get up off your butts and find something to do and stop whining about there not being any jobs. Well, starting a business is a lot different than starting a hobby. Businesses require money and permits and red-tape and things of that nature. Legal ones anyways. The system is stacked by the wealthy against the common person. It's the iron law of oligarchy. But hobbies are good. If one can get into one that doesn't cost a lot of money. All I am hearing from you is BUT BUT BUT BUT.... ![]() The question is: What if there was no such thing as Jobs? NO JOBS ANYWHERE. People are going to do what they have to do to make a living. They are going to get into trading, hunting, planting, or some service or business.. etc. People are not going to sit around whining about no jobs when they need to do something to survive. Unfortunately some will turn to crime. Government is not going to be able to do much about it when people start businesses without the "proper permits and red tape." That is all about taxes. If there are no jobs, there can't really be any taxes. I don't get why you are so against taxes.. taxes are what made this country the greatest all around... there is no place in this world where you don't have to pay taxes, and they help keep our country great. so why the big issue with taxes? Because it's extortion? Because it's theft? The government tells us we have to do something to make a living, but why can they be bums and make their money off of us??? Double standard much? Taxes did not and do not make this country the best, if you really think that I suggest you take the rose colored glasses off and look around again. They just exist to keep the rich rich and the poor poor, hell 2 percent of the US controls over 90 percent of the wealth! How can a country be great if so much of its' people is either straddling the poverty line or far below it? When did this thing called "taxes" begin? How are roads and bridges built and schools and firestations and police paid for? btw. It is not extortion and it is not theft.... The hell it's not, forcing you to pay them money you EARNED against your will, is theft doesn't matter how you wanna justify it. They are nothing more than a glorified mafia, they act the same exact way. And if you think that money they get really goes to what they say, you're very naive. This country would NOT be in the shape its' in if it did. Ever wonder why they constantly say they're losing money? Constantly needing to raise our taxes higher? Where the hell is the money going? It's a nice thought that they give a damn about things and actually are honest about what they do with our money, but reality is they are just not. Notice they are not made to disclose how they spend, but we are? We can't get away with half the secrecy they do, why would that be? Things are not what they seem. you should find somewhere that makes you happy... it obviously isn't here... he has every right to be here with a protected freedom of conscience and freedom of speech to think and say as he pleases regardless of what you think of it dissension is what has made this country great. we are completely and disgustlingly overtaxed. gov't spending needs to halved by requirement - starting with salary and bennies and for that taxes that do remain we the tas payers need to be able to earmark how we want th money spent on the tax form with an independent auditor NOT the IRS - which is close to being abolished, I think - overseeing the process then the politicians can find real jobs and answer the OP |
Okay so my main beef are people who sit around doing nothing but complaining that there are no jobs. Then if they want to do any kind of contract work they are supposed to have workman's comp. (Red tape) Even if you mow lawns, you legally are supposed to have workman's comp insurance. So what do you think people do to make money or extra money? They sell drugs or just work under the table and get paid cash. In Kentucky even businesses pay people money under the table to avoid all the government red tape. Illegal? Yes it is, but when I see how the government spending is so totally out of control it makes me sick. They waste so much money that is why they are always crying that they need to raise taxes!! Taxes have been higher in the past. When Bush was in office, he (and his regime) lowered the tax rate on the top percent so low that it could not cover the cost of the several wars that were declared and they did not readjust them accordingly. |
Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago, and our nation was the most prosperous in the world. We had absolutely no national debt, had the largest middle class in the world, and Mom stayed home to raise the kids." People payed taxes 100 years ago. People payed taxes before this nation existed as well. And before that as well.... People have payed taxes since the first civilization came into existence. what does that have to do with anything, read waht was said. it was a list of taxes that did not exist 100 years ago. no one said people did not pay taxes then. It is disgusting how deep and long the thievery has gotten |
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