Topic: Athena's Poetry - Old and New | |
Love Just Isn't Enough
***************************** this girl wants to be the center of his world but all that boy wants is to give her a twirl once around the dance floor is how he lives he swags to sway and has nothing else to give that boy talks a really good game about losers in his reality rules, beggars can’t be choosers taking whatever he can get at others expense he’s an incubus for which there is no defense this girl sees that boy in her day and night dreams he’s not what she needs, nor is what he seems yet she’s drawn to him as if by some evil magic if she gives into his charm life could become tragic that boy shouldn’t cut in to this girl’s last dance unless he’s ready to commit to a real romance even then, this girl on that boy is taking a chance but, for this girl maybe that boy will become a man a man that will grow together with this woman in love because this woman wants a man she can be proud of differences with verbal sparring may sometimes come up but, without debate affairs can gather boredom’s dust so, a creative mind and can do attitude is a definite plus for this woman to accept a man, he has to have her trust but, if he steps on her toes their dance is done simply because in her reality rules, love without fidelity just isn’t enough ![]() ![]() |
Biology 101
***************** I see him in my mind blue jeans a tight white t-shirt brown leather uppers boat shoes, not boots dark shades to camouflage his face he’s so fine and soon he’ll be mine for Valentine’s Day he’ll send his love my way for now I’ll drop a dime and call my attention to the new life lesson this dream is about to teach me and it will be on him, finally a freakin freebie there won’t be any cost to me learning will come naturally cause I want to graduate with a degree in love after I took a semester in hate and just like a deviled egg he will be my appetizer knowing him will make me wiser even if I have to fail a grade experience is worth the price I’ll pay with my heart its been scarred tough as a bed of nails it deflects or impales but he enjoys creating pleasure from pain transforming normal from the insane expertly he breaks through walls healing old wounds, scars and all and ladies… when an original, life changing man sets his sites on me you can bet your bottom dollar me and him we’re gonna make some history just you wait, watch, and see and when my schooling with him is complete maybe you too can take his biology class for free ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I'll Give You My Cherry
***************************** who cares if nobody cares? I care, you care to share with me? who said she said he said? I said, you want to say it with me? pretty pleeeeezzz!!! I’ll give you my cherry on top, underneath, it’s a tight squeeze between us two, but we’ll make it fit... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Our Music Sounds Like Love
********************************** I like the feel of plush, it softens all the rough, and I never get enough of your words, they make me hush. I see your soul through the bluff, and I know your tender touch, while our friends are all abuzz together we’re high on life’s head rush. I know I can be smug, I also tend to act tough, and our timing sometimes sucks, but our music sounds like love. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I Believe In Karma
************************* I want to see a different view, but I’m not sure how, or what to do. When each new day dawns like the last, I’m constantly reminded of the past. But what’s the point in looking back, where wounds sustained leave fading tracks? And I’ll never retrace the steps I took, as I crossed the street, but failed to look. My thoughts are angry when I think about it, how being played makes me feel like s#it!!! Some painful memories I’ve buried so deep, no one will see them encased in concrete. Yet so very often my face is rubbed in the dirt, like my heart is calloused or I’m incapable of being hurt. And all I can hope for at this stage of the game, is to never see your face again or ever hear your name. I believe in karma so whatever you did, or do will eventually come back around and make a bigger fool out of you. ![]() ![]() |
The Power of Positive Energy
************************************ My part of our loveship’s on pause as I reboot me all over from scratch, being back to square one is surprising it’s like living with The Cat in the Hat. What looked like the genuine article reads more like a fluff piece instead, that taught me to distinguish the value of what and who I let inside my head. Connections can be blots and blessings when disguised they’re difficult to see, but I trust the power of positive energy to open the doors that are right for me. My own future is in the palm of my hand and I’m molding it to suit my personality, maybe one day there will even be a man who’ll take notice, and make me his lady. Yesterday showed me tomorrows skies and I’m eager to experience the weather, even if storms beat us down to the ground they will never stop us from being together. Regardless to where fate might lead us my soul has to climb out of this dark, as I leave behind all the old memories I’ll make room for new love in my heart. An online romance is great when it exists if it’s a solid clicking between two souls one day we could look back to reminisce about what we all did to make us feel whole… ![]() ![]() |
Can You Feel The Love
**************************** I want to walk NO I want to run I want to feel the warmth of the sun I know its glow is for everyone but if I could I would take extra for me and hoard its rays so selfishly letting them shine on my darkest of days I’d always feel the love of nature that way then there’s the moon and all of her beams affecting my feelings directing my dreams if I could capture just an ounce of her light for romance I’d shine it on the darkest of nights illuminating a path coming straight to my door so my lover can find me ce que je ferias pour l’amour let me not forget each star in the sky whose twinkling view is caught in my eyes and as I focus my lenses on you reflecting the harmony of the stars, sun, and moon you will begin to understand me with an open mind you’ll see my greatest need it is my lust for life YES and it comes naturally ![]() ![]() |
It's Time to Move On
**************************** Why are you still viewing me? I haven’t changed until recently when you said you want to be free you said you want someone else so I walked away immediately I didn’t ask you to stay I didn’t ask you to explain I cut all ties so you can realize I’m no longer part of your life you no longer have to hide you no longer have to pretend we’re not even friends because then you might actually have to admit we have a connection we have a relationship but we don’t anymore just like you wanted and I don’t want to be haunted by you so take a clue and move on too OH and BTW I hope she is everything that I’m not your friend your lover I’m sure you both deserve each other so be happy forget about me because I don’t play second fiddle in lovers lives I don’t get in the middle I’m all or I’m nothing and you will miss all my loving because you knew how much I loved you but you didn’t love me ![]() obviously ![]() ![]() |
It's Just Another Mood Swing
************************************ My life more over than starting out is now starting over reborn to begin again my head no longer in the clouds my dad would be proud… I know there’s a man for me somewhere he’s my destiny and I’ll answer when he calls I’ll let him climb all my walls to exercise his will with mine he’ll be my blanket my security when I’m cold I’ll feel his heat when I’m lonely he’ll be with me when I’m angry he’ll turn the other cheek and talk me off the ledge hedging his bets that it’s just another mood swing c’mon I am 51… going through life’s changes is a never ending cycle for women when every monthly we can become enemies even to our friends growing and slowing pains never end… then there’s the monthly moon swings too Mother Nature can be cruel to those of us she rules up and down round and round one minute this the next minute that if you doubt my verse read the farmer’s almanac and don’t forget the zodiac signs to show you why when I’m happy I still cry there’s always some truth even in the absurd and I wish that all the men could really comprehend what we women have to endure just from our own bodies forget about our minds that’s a story of a completely different kind you could fill the pages in a book explaining the meaning in a look that starts off in our head where we can get upset and our faces will reflect our intensity for all to see so the entire human race can clearly appreciate what we’ll say to explain the looks away while thinking “Thank God, I’m not the one in the hot seat.” you see we women are nature’s complexity and I’m just starting out again hoping the universe is still my friend so my nights are occupied getting to know yin and yang of the future around us as it unfolds with more stories to be told… ![]() ![]() |
You Won't See Us Cry
*************************** You’ve had my attention from the start I wasn’t thinking with my head I was feeling my way through with my heart finally this is something I want to feel and I want to pretend it’s real I’m not ashamed to admit I like the fantasy the make believe the you and me we’ll never be except for in my dreams because sometimes fake is much more safe than real it can be more real than how real can ever feel and if it’s a crime to take something fake and pass it off as real then I’ll consider you a steal and if convicted of taking what I want from you I won’t even bother to appeal instead I’ll gladly serve a life sentence with the way you make me feel I hope I’m not spinning my wheels explaining my philosophy telling you what works for me after all we’re not children playing hide and seek we’re lovers crushing on the rush buzzing on our freak geek to geek! So NO we won’t cry our love wasn’t a lie it just wasn’t real you get the deal right? ![]() ![]() |
What Do You Want From Me
******************************** What do you want from me? Why are you in my face? You are making this so difficult When it’s easier to just walk away You think you know me so well Okay, I’ll give you this one, only one! When you’re near me I crave, I cave, and I hate you for making me weak in this way!!! Am I a game now, are you having fun? That’s it! You’re alone and bored So you thought you’d look me up Good ole Karen, she’ll come out and play Only my feelings are real about us! Do you think I’m impervious to pain? Do you think I’ll take all you dish out? Do I look like a sucker for punishment? Do you really understand what I’m about? You hurt me! You want to be free, of me! You want another woman, not me! Again! Why are you still in my face? What do you still want from me? You are making it hard for me to turn away! MY FEELINGS ARE REAL!!! ![]() ![]() |
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Fri 03/15/13 04:31 PM
We Are Meant To Be
************************ This is just too creepy I can’t write When you’re watching me Self consciousness defeats my inner spirit If there’s a voice I just can’t hear it Well… I do But there are too many Not all are friendly And each wants to be first To quench my tongue’s thirst Selecting one Makes my head and heart hurt Choosing wrong Makes me feel even worse So I stumble along Falling over each verse Closing an opening Beginning at the ending I understand now, I’m cursed! It’s only your face In front of me It’s only your voice From my fingertips heard Obsession Once again Is my reveling As my focus becomes blurred All I can think now Is to keep breathing Inhaling and exhaling our spirits igniting The fire that burns our scarred minds Keeping us blind To the void we deny Opening our eyes to the new love We find In each others life Where we’ll always be Because I’m the one for you And you’re the one for me ![]() ![]() |
There's No Such Thing As Mr. Right
******************************************* I see the pattern with my own eyes and I’m very aware of what’s behind each disguise what makes your sense of romance intriguing and nice are the games that you play to keep me surprised from the very beginning you weren’t who you are relentlessly you followed me and no path was too far every single word that came out of my mouth you quickly devoured like a lure to a trout in your world of cold shoulder respect you have to behave like others expect so when I, a nomad, unwittingly entered your domain you wanted much more than to know just my name through many a mask and as many weeks went by I chatted so much I must have met a hundred guys but very few of them interested me beyond a hello and goodbye don’t get me wrong I will tell you no lie there have been several I’ve enjoyed giving of my time being new to the dating scene yes I was green but just like in the real world we do what comes naturally so eventually I relaxed and let down my hair it was finally then I had my only cyber affair it was the most intense experience I’ve ever known I wouldn’t change a thing and like ET… I phoned home telling my family about the new people I’d met about the fun I was having without leaving my desk and they were happy knowing I am finally free and can experience my life however it pleases me I soon discovered though that dating online isn’t enough no matter how good words feel we all still need real love and a warm body to snuggle up so where does today bring you and me bring us after each and every online line has been crossed and marked off I’m still just as single with nothing ventured and nothing lost and I’m pretty sure tomorrow will be like yesterday and today I’ll write and I’ll post and I’ll talk the time away but most importantly I’ll keep uppermost in my mind there’s no such thing as a man who’s Mr. Right so whether on the internet or in my real life if I meet a man who likes me and I like him too we’ll take it one step at a time until we decide what to do how does this sound to you ![]() ![]() |
Motives Are Hard To Hide
******************************* us vs. them how do we comprehend women vs. men enemy vs. friend literate vs. illiterate who really gets it we divide to soothe our pride then we think others should choose a side and motives are hard to hide they give us away like beacons in the sky while light exposes what’s too dark to believe with the naked eye we see the polarity ![]() ![]() |
We Keep Moving Forward
******************************* I feel the world it’s under my feet The firm foundation of its concrete I hear the sounds of music to my ear So many voices perceiving them clear In this time and space I choose to relate We all need love and can do without hate If only our hearts could learn to play along Imagine the beauty we’d see with each song Erasing the ugly we could right all the wrong Looking inside we will explore each possibility Life can be hard without the support we need And we control directions to a certain degree If we crave love we must first learn to give The more that we share the better we live When feelings sense hurt walls we erect Reality of pain we don’t easily forget Mistakes are the lessons we’ll learn Most foolish patterns we'll discern Keep moving past all negativity To see if you can know happy ![]() ![]() |
One's Goodbye is Another's Hi
************************************** do you feel it too change is coming soon who knows how lives collide why strangers can see eye to eye when ones goodbye is another’s hi cause and effect is karma’s true vibe be careful what you wish for I hear my subconscious warn then she nudges me to unlock my door you’ve been down this road before she whispers while trying to implore love is… and can be real and it’s what you need you really need to heal how long will you keep waiting patiently as each memory fades there’s another ready and willing to take its place life is a foot race between time and the empty space voids only deepen the longer we hesitate if we have love we should keep it if we sow love we will reap it for now I lay my old life on each line releasing my soul in music and rhyme as my future reaches back to take my hand it guides me to the new me that I am nothing and no one can change my path with each step forward I’ll forget to look back and yesterdays story will be the remains of the past ![]() ![]() |
Reality's Bell Rang
*************************** We’re moving on just like you want we can’t look back or be each other’s haunt We had a nice time lots of laughs and intimate talks sharing our dreams and daily jaunts looking forward to meeting even being together one day it was exciting to think of the future in this and every way You and me were planning so many things until I heard reality’s bell ring all of a sudden your feelings changed for me okay, no problem, now I see we were a fantasy Life goes on, even when relationships turn off when there’s nowhere to go, our feelings have to stop I won’t ever forget you, you’re in my brain to stay but I’ll get over you, my thoughts will quiet one day until then, I wish the best for both of us we’ll experience love again too we’ll both be happy campers and we’ll forget about me and you ![]() ![]() |
You Know My # and My Name
********************************* When you had me exactly where I wanted to be You thought you could take advantage of me easily Like a weak minded female you could just intimidate You never expected me to turn, daring you to retaliate I knew from that moment when you first withdrew There wouldn’t be much in common between us two You see, a strong woman needs an even stronger man One that can formulate, and carry out his master plan Haven’t you ever heard, that you can’t outrun a fox It’s the thrill of the chase that spurs the action on Backing down from a challenge is the same as suicide There’s more than just a win at stake, it’s a matter of pride I laid my cards on the table, and held some close to my vest When it comes to a battle of wits, I’ve learned from the best There’s not much in this life that can be done to break my will And I was hoping to meet my match, who has some real skill Too bad the various difficulties in the situation made you run If only you’d have hung around, we could have had some fun Instead, I’m on the prowl for some new blood in this sport But, you’re the only one that understands what I’m doing it for Regardless, we had our day, now we’ll go our separate ways Unless you change your mind about the hand you want to play If that’s the case, you know my number, my email, and my name Hesitate using it, and they’ll be many more players in this game ![]() ![]() |
Aboard a Different Train
********************************** When I set out on my walk yesterday there were black & white clouds, some even gray, and their thick overcast kept the sun at bay all day. The air was enigmatic and I breathed it in deep, as I reveled in fresh oxygen it filled my lungs to capacity. Then suddenly and unexpectedly the wind picked herself up, I heard a roar in my ears and felt a very strong gust. Powerfully this wind’s noise blew into my soul, I felt earth’s pulling energy and didn’t want her to let me go… Just for a minute I imagined having her force, to push past the boundaries that keep me off course. Normally during my daily exercise it’s just the wild animals and me, they’re in the surrounding woods, and we keep each other company. Occasionally a few neighbors drive by, some slow down and ask if I need a ride. Just once but never again I’d like to say yes, then climb onboard a different train that’s going anywhere fast. Mostly it’s just me and my thoughts talking like friends, as they give me ideas I grab a pad and pen. You might not understand the connection between my thoughts and me hell, sometimes I even see them as my own worst enemy. But when intuition puts her face in my business, she aggravates my feelings until she makes them bare witness. Once my feelings and thoughts have been swayed by intuition, I’m left with no other choice it’s to her voice I listen. Whatever she reveals my mind’s eye detects, and as I trust in her instinct she’s never let me down yet. Well with everything going on from stormy weather, to some health and financial issues, to my ex, it’s difficult to decide what I should do next. So I’m kinda in limbo as I move forward in life, my motivation is waning now that I’m nobodies wife. It’s like I’m on autopilot in a steady nose dive, where nothing I do matters if I can’t get anything right. And the faster I walk the harder my pulse beats, as it rushes through my veins it’s out of step with my feet. So annoying is the noise of my shoes on the road, as it clearly reminds me that I’m always walking alone. But I have to keep smiling, refusing to let sadness creep in, or else it might be my story’s end. ![]() ![]() |
What Are We Willing To Do For Love?
********************************************* how do I express what I really feel if I direct it straight at you will it make you react too or are you like me just taking a wait and see attitude that could lose the race for me or even lose it for you we know our writing isn’t a competition for the winner to take home first prize it’s about opening our books so we can get a closer look into the mirrors of our souls as we search for the love that makes us whole the one other heart we truly recognize when we can see ourselves in another’s eyes and there’s no pretense no kind of disguise but rather being hypnotized by the one who makes us feel alive and compels us to strive to get and keep them by our side because without them we feel and understand that we might survive but we’ll never thrive as long as there’s a divide between our hearts and minds my feminine ways vs. your masculinity two sides of different stories when we come together will we create one novel that others will want to follow reading one chapter after the other in the hopes that they’ll discover how we found love and what works for us or will we join the rush getting to the finish line is an eventual must as running in place gets us nowhere but here year after year with destinations unclear you know what I’m saying’s for real so if I can’t win it is your heart ready for me to steal is it insured against a loss have you already decided I’m worth the cost of losing your life to me knowing together we’ll live happily for an eternity when you read my pages do they compel you to keep turning one after the other hoping you’ll uncover the key to my heart so you can unlock my defenses that bar the door to your entrance because like me you too realize we are meant to be part of each others destiny are you a man that goes after what’s yours refusing to stop no matter what obstacles may impede until you finally succeed even if I’m the hindrance does this make any sense or, are you like me such a criminal for love you’ll become a thief who’s willing to steal the heart that we need so we can keep breathing hey, don’t judge others have done worse for love ![]() ![]() |