Topic: Athena's Poetry - Old and New | |
Without Love, We Don’t Have Much
******************************************* I think back on Valentine’s Day How ecstatic I was to get your card And as I opened it to read what you’d say There was "no love mentioned" on any page My heart stopped in that very moment I realized Without any love, our desires would eventually fade And if you didn’t express it then, I seriously wondered why What was your angle, always talking about love, and even marriage But when you had the chance to actually show it, you held back Because friends is the only thing you ever asked me to be And in the end a friend is all you ever were to me But I'm not really sure if we were even that After reading what you said about me in your versed attack Up to then I didn't write about you, until you slammed me first And even at that point I tried to be polite, carefully choosing my words You on the other hand showed me that some people call hate love When, without any qualms you gutted me, you even made stuff up Even now in hindsight it's only me you choose to blame After I got tired of the guff, and quit playing your patronizing game Regardless to the spin that is now your current claim I told you from the start where it is that I aim To love, to be genuine, to be loyal, and share unconditional love And it may be difficult, maybe even downright tough But without love, even at the puppy stage Dreams and promises aren’t worth much ©AthenaRose 03/08/13 |
Stranger Danger
********************** a stranger approaches you he wants to be your friend and asks for directions --- will you let him in? --- innocently happily you tell him everything he wants to know --- and he tells you the way “he wants it to go” --- time is spent --- talking laughing crying confessing nurturing feelings --- eventually yet quickly he tells you he loves you --- you’re good friends now --- you tell him you love him too and become best of friends --- as time goes on you see him differently that he isn’t what he pretends to be and he doesn’t really care in fact he’s a player with his own game and he knows your address and your real name --- he also feels entitled to play with you his own way and being without a conscience guilt in him doesn’t exist especially if there’s hell to pay doing wrong he’ll never admit --- so rather than apologize to ease the strife he makes excuses then goes on with his life --- so what do you do now? how can you quietly back out? or should you scream and make a scene? opening yourself up to even more of his decree in that he says “now you belong to me!” --- rather than setting you free he won’t let you run you’re hapless and he’s pure evil the devil’s own son with his grip on your throat and he will never let it go --- instead stronger and tighter becomes the noose of his hands as he strangles out your life if against him you stand --- so ladies beware when you’re in the devil’s lair don’t talk to strangers or you haven’t got a prayer ©AthenaRose ![]() ![]() |
Is This Really What Love is Made Of?
********************************************* I CAN’T DENY My ANGER My PAIN My DOUBT My REGRET --- It’s all locked inside my head --- And it’s eating me alive It’s devouring my pride --- The happiness I felt Only yesterday Today I forget --- How is it possible to feel in an unpredictable way? --- Why can’t I say what I need to say? DAM IT! --- Instead --- All I hear out of my own mouth Is filled with the anger, the pain, and all of the doubt --- My feelings mixed with such explosive energy --- While the anger goads me to SHOUT, KICK or SCREAM --- The pain makes me want to just numb out --- But the doubt is tempting me to figure stuff out And to even spell it all out --- I’ve never in all my days Been so horribly mixed up Feeling what I can’t touch Dealing out such tough love --- Is all this agony really what love is made of? ©AthenaRose 03/09/13 |
Spring is in the Air
*************************** There’s so much excitement in the air That I feel inspired almost everywhere Gone is the confusion that led to despair In its place, I see more reasons to care While Spring Ahead is here and now Today’s aim was yesterday’s doubt Then, as if it was me, I was bandied about And like a mouse trapped, I had to get out Until during the lonely blink of an eye Looming dark clouds forsook the sky And changing winds then set me free So I can’t wait for tomorrow to see What the new love in my life will bring With laughter and tears our words will sing Together combined we’ll face everything As wounds of the past have lost their sting We know that everybody isn’t our cup of tea With each our own is where we prefer to be We’re also critiqued by the company we keep And this can lead to fights, sparked by jealousy But, when the dust settles, or we finally pick a side How we choose to convey, may be a matter of pride So, it’s best to remember what caused us to collide As we hop on a new train, for one hell of a future ride ©Athena Rose ![]() ![]() |
Is This a Game, or is it Real?
**************************************** They’re everywhere now And closing in fast Jeezzz What a pain in the azz They can really be It’s either Many of them Or A very busy he --- So many profiles And faces to delete But all their messages are the same From the players handbook They must be --- I was so naïve To their way Just a few months ago But it’s old hat now It’s extremely boring today --- Scammers email The same dam nonsense Everyday They don’t even try to impress It’s just the same old pretense --- Hi pretty Do you want to talk to me? --- C’mon!!! --- Do I really have “feel free to cum over here and fruck with me” Printed in bold type On my profile --- For a-holes like you to get your freak??? --- And I must be on their speed dial --- But it’d be nice If they’d leave me alone For even a little while To let me forget they exist This simple act Would bring me such bliss --- Oh yeah, I forgot It’s not me they’re aiming to plzzz They’re just getting their rocks off By pestering me Continuously --- I don’t know about any of you Other ladies How you feel When checking your inbox And you read their appeal --- Do you think it’s just a game? Or is it all too real? ©AthenaRose ![]() ![]() |
Are We Willing To Risk Our Lives?
******************************************* The in between stage Is all the rage When no two people Are on the same page --- These days --- It’s all about Finding the right one Looking deeper Determining The keeper --- Tests Rules We’re all tempted To try To break a few --- Because --- We know what we like And want it in our lives So we invite it to come inside Where together love will survive --- But Will it stay? Or Will we chase it away? --- For this answer We must hear our own heart first Carefully Discerning each word --- Does it tell us to hold on? Or Does it tell us to let go? --- Does our mind and heart agree? Or Are they divided separately? --- With our hearts We say yes We can make it If we try --- But with our minds We say wait Why risk a loss And waste our time --- Ultimately --- Only we know love’s true worth When no other voice is heard --- So --- Will we throw caution to the wind Boldly readying our lives to begin --- Or --- Leave our futures up to chance As we avoid, or forget romance ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Mon 03/18/13 02:10 PM
Have You Ever Felt Hated?
********************************* Have you ever felt hated? ~~ And not known the reason why ~~ Has anyone ever spurned you? Then laughed When they made you cry ~~ One minute They come to your defense Then the next They are your biggest offense ~~ Arrogantly Strutting a peacock's plumage Among all your friends Their show of charm Is nothing more than pretense ~~ When you’re nice to them They pick a fight There’s something about them Just doesn’t fit right ~~ But, no matter how difficult they are You refuse to compete And as you walk the way of the martyr Turning to them your other cheek They smack you in the face Making them selves look weak ~~ Yet after they inflict unjustified pain And their fiery print on your face begins to fade Your heart reaches out to understand What it is that makes them behave this way ~~ Have you ever felt hated? ~~ And not known the reason why ![]() ![]() |
Double The Trouble
************************* Which one do we choose? ~ ~ A narcissist Or A lyricist ~ ~ I can’t help but laugh When I hear the twist ~ ~ It’s just a joke ~ ~ And without a punch line There’s nothing to miss ~ ~ Connecting pieces Filling in the puzzle Its picture complete The price is double ~ ~ Who’d have thought It’d be so much trouble ~ ~ Everything worth having Takes time and effort Only the buyers know If it’s now or never ~ ~ Keeping our eyes peeled Watching the market We’ll find the deal To put in our pocket ~ ~ Until then ~ ~ We’re reading the signs ~ ~ If anybody asks Together creating Sidestepping the trash ~ ~ There’s no way to lose What will actually last ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Thu 03/21/13 12:26 AM
*Sometimes Lovers Collide*
********************************* Sometimes It’s just the way it has to be The past is revived Lovers in love Collide They hold to each other tight For one hell of a different ride The future looks bright Everyone is happy All the candles in place Romance in the air Takes hold with grace Sometimes Old lovers Become friends Again They laugh Make love He gives chase She’s his ace In the hole Money is like honey It sweetens the pot Together they feast On each other They’re HOT! Sometimes It’s actually fun To be in love And anger's pain Doesn't have to rule the day Sometimes ![]() ![]() |
Old School Rules
********************** I feel so alone Like nobody else is home And I want to play So I call you on the phone And what do you say? OH It’s you What do you want us to do? Okay Let me see if they want too BRB Hey Yeah We’ll play What about today? Cool What’s the rule? Old school Blind man’s buff And you’re “it” ME! Okay You asked for it Now let me see Where can you possibly be? I take one step to the right Another to the left Hands out stretched But I can’t touch anybody yet Okay you guys This isn’t going to be any fun If I can’t get close to anyone When suddenly They all approach at once I’m surrounded There’s nowhere else to run And I hear them all say Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet, Eating her curds and whey. When along came a spider That sat down beside her And scared Miss Muffet away! Okay you guys This isn’t funny anymore What’s the deal With this crazy a$$ spider? Doesn’t he know fear Only brings out the fighter In me Just you wait And he’ll see Said the spider to the fly “WILL YOU walk into my parlour?” said the Spider to the Fly, 'Tis the prettiest little parlour that ever you did spy; The way into my parlour is up a winding stair, And I've a many curious things to shew when you are there.” “Oh no, no,” said the little Fly, “to ask me is in vain, For who goes up your winding stair -can ne'er come down again.” “I'm sure you must be weary, dear, with soaring up so high; Will you rest upon my little bed?” said the Spider to the Fly. “There are pretty curtains drawn around; the sheets are fine and thin, And if you like to rest awhile, I'll snugly tuck you in!” “Oh no, no,” said the little Fly, “for I've often heard it said, They never, never wake again, who sleep upon your bed!” Said the cunning Spider to the Fly, “Dear friend what can I do, To prove the warm affection I 've always felt for you? I have within my pantry, good store of all that's nice; I'm sure you're very welcome — will you please to take a slice?” “Oh no, no,” said the little Fly, “kind Sir, that cannot be, I've heard what's in your pantry, and I do not wish to see!” “Sweet creature!” said the Spider, “you're witty and you're wise, How handsome are your gauzy wings, how brilliant are your eyes! I've a little looking-glass upon my parlour shelf, If you'll step in one moment, dear, you shall behold yourself.” “I thank you, gentle sir,” she said, “for what you 're pleased to say, And bidding you good morning now, I'll call another day.” The Spider turned him round about, and went into his den, For well he knew the silly Fly would soon come back again: So he wove a subtle web, in a little corner sly, And set his table ready, to dine upon the Fly. Then he came out to his door again, and merrily did sing, “Come hither, hither, pretty Fly, with the pearl and silver wing; Your robes are green and purple — there's a crest upon your head; Your eyes are like the diamond bright, but mine are dull as lead!” Alas, alas! how very soon this silly little Fly, Hearing his wily, flattering words, came slowly flitting by; With buzzing wings she hung aloft, then near and nearer drew, Thinking only of her brilliant eyes, and green and purple hue — Thinking only of her crested head — poor foolish thing! At last, Up jumped the cunning Spider, and fiercely held her fast. He dragged her up his winding stair, into his dismal den, Within his little parlour — but she ne'er came out again! And now dear little children, who may this story read, To idle, silly flattering words, I pray you ne'er give heed: Unto an evil counsellor, close heart and ear and eye, And take a lesson from this tale, of the Spider and the Fly. ~By Mary Howitt, 1829 And I thought We were just playing a game Silly me There’s always plan B! Hehehehehe ![]() ![]() Athena Rose 03/21/13 |
A Big Fat Zero, Or An Even Bigger Hero?
*************************************************** Unlike you I enjoy my own company No matter how serious I can find most anything to be funny Life is too short To always feed the drama If you don’t believe me Then go and ask your momma We women have a way Of spinning anything into gold And if you want to play Join the fun as it unfolds If the truth be told I’m just getting started And nothing is too difficult When we choose to be lighthearted The trick is You have to let everything go Because Holding on to nothing Adds up quickly To a big fat Zero So Let’s go find our hero Laughing along the way And don’t forget there’s magic In store for us each day ![]() ![]() |
hi... i love the way you express yourself through writing... awesome! i love your work madame...
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hi... i love the way you express yourself through writing... awesome! i love your work madame... ![]() Thank you, sandygloria... your kind praise of my work brings a smile to my heart... and I welcome you to Mingle... ![]() |
Let Me Live Again, Please
********************************** It’s horrible What I’m doing to my body Garbage in Garbage out ~ ~ Lately I’ve been insatiably hungry Like maggots eating away at my wounds Yet nothing curbs the craving ~ ~ And I don’t know what for ~ ~ It’s as if I’ve lost control As my mind directs my actions My hands follow in unison With mechanical fingers tapping Involuntarily Programming my reality Day after day ~ ~ The numbness Overwhelming and meaningless If I can but feel again To reach beyond the emptiness Instead My needs are not met My pleas are unsaid My path not clear to step My thoughts going head to head ~ ~ What is my crime? I beg for leniency This punishment is killing me Help me to break free ~ ~ Let me live again Please ©Athena Rose 03/22/13 |
I Love You Too
********************* If you say it is I know that it’s not You picture it like this Because you forgot I’m just a fool Whose heart can’t be bought I look inside And my eyes do see My tongue latches on The words that you speak Before I chew them They’re guiding me Back to you I choose My breath Yours to breathe Trying to fight it Our war You have won My life in your hands Our lives just begun United souls Together are undone As new life springs forth More in love we become I try to imagine Time without you Only seconds I count The moments are few Forgive me my weakness Forget my wrongs too Just remember life’s frailty And that... *I love you* ![]() ![]() |
You Make Me So Happy
***************************** There’s no talking me out of you No one else knows our truth Like we do ~ ~ Reaching across time Your heart takes mine In your hands I am yours Irresistibly ~ ~ And you are my man Of this you make known Unquestionably ~ ~ You make me soooooo happy ~ ~ Every day I wake And my mind sees your face My life quickens its pace Hurrying towards the day Our love will be ours to partake Longingly Eagerly We’ll savor its taste ~ ~ Until then Dearer to me than a friend I hold you closely within Beguiled You’ve attached my sanity In that There’s no talking you out of me ![]() ![]() |
The Inevitable Hour
*************************** There comes a time In everyone’s life We have to decide If we want to do wrong Or we have to do right ~ ~ When the inevitable hour comes We’ll know which way to go At the fork in the road Our nose always knows Which instincts to follow ~ ~ Along this journey we take On the one less traveled Any promises we’ve made Are so much harder to break Once tethered to a heart’s ache ~ ~ Friends are plentiful And enemies are too What we have to know Is who is really who And are they being true? ~ ~ If in doubt We relax Have some fun Where once there was safety in numbers It’s now narrowed down to just one ~ ~ The tighter the bond Its strength will succeed And nothing but death Will usurp what it needs ~ ~ Together Matched or divisively Making all the more sense Mellowing through strife We’ll live with the consequence For the best of our life ![]() ![]() |
You Enable Me To See
***************************** I love you more Than I ever thought possible Before ~ ~ You are the sunshine To my rain The antidote To my pain The left To my right The day To my night ~ ~ Your love Gives my eyes sight Where I’ve been blind It opens my heart And Enlightens my mind ~ ~ You enable me to see Truth In its various forms And diversity ~ ~ I can understand The law of opposites Attracting ~ ~ With you I know what it feels like To be truly happy ~ ~ I’m like a child First learning to read Sounding out words As you teach them to me ~ ~ In our own little world We’re together Living vicariously Through our creativity ~ ~ And I wouldn’t change a thing No matter the storm Or dark clouds warning ~ ~ Because I believe In you and me And in destiny ![]() ![]() |
Together In Rhapsody
***************************** Your lips Make me ravenous Weak and unsteady On my feet Overwhelmed By their demanding Intensity ~ ~ Your mouth Delicate Inviting I seek it Greedily With it I must feed Feverishly Continually ~ ~ Mine pressed against yours Together In rhapsody ~ ~ Your tongue Ignites a flame When I hear my name In every word You say Calling out to me I follow your lead Instinctively ~ ~ Alive in my memory Your voice breeds Impulsively Throbbing Against and within My naked body ~ ~ Your eyes Symbolize Power In them You devour My anatomy Exposing elements Of our dichotomy ~ ~ Your face Cannot be replaced In my mind Nor betrayed By space and time ~ ~ You are one of a kind ~ ~ And you are mine Indefinitely ![]() ![]() |
Ill be a wind
That perhaps blows too much As insanity be broken With the loss of sense of touch WRITE ? ![]() KiK |