Topic: Athena's Poetry - Old and New | |
For All the Lovers in the House
************************************* this one here is for all the LOVERS in the house boyfriends to girlfriends… even spouses to spouse what brings us together begins as a tiny spark and we fan the ember until it brands our heart once we feel the rhythm our souls sing to each we know we’re hooked… we’re in really deep there ain’t no coming back from true passions taste if we chew it… swallow it… it fully feeds our fate so singles look around to see who’s standing alone when eyes meet two eyes our hands grab our phones because… no matter how we try to slice the pie of life we all want a bigger piece… hot out the oven is nice if our first glance deceives us and we find no romance swap partners on the floor in the middle of the dance don’t be shy about stepping up and taking the lead first come first serve is how we get what we need guilt and/or shame are feelings better left at the door just be who you are and find what you came here for people are gonna talk that’s how they pass the day but who gives a s**t what anybody else has to say no matter what… we know the risks of rolling the dice if we f** k up the first time… the next time think twice we’re all in this love game playing our best hand to win competing… some cheating… if we lose we start again ![]() ![]() |
The Next Step is Up to You
******************************** won’t we ever get over it... I’ve been on autopilot since… and it tears me up inside that we can’t even be friends… okay… so I didn’t make the wisest choice how could I… with no voice... everybody hides behind something... a mask… a look… a wall… it seemed to me I was just your booty call… someone you could master someone you didn’t have to look after… all that time you took to get my attention all the effort you made for affection… I know what you gave… I know how it made me cave… how much it made me crave... and I crumbled… then blindsided… I stumbled… oh… and the ball dropping… that was on you... you fumbled… but how much have we both been humbled… is love really suppose to hurt like this… then it's just some f**ked up bulls*it!!! I ran because I’m afraid of me I ran because I’m afraid of what you might see… now we’re both lost… souls ready for war… will there ever come a time we won’t be keeping score… who did what… or didn’t do enough… neither one of us can afford to keep this up… if we’re both moving on and leaving each other behind then fine… I want to FIND love… I want to FEEL love… I want to GIVE love… I WANT TO BE LOVED!!! and if it’s not with... or by you… then who… because you’ll never stop watching me… you won’t let yourself breath… you won’t let me be free… not really… so what do we do… I’m begging you for the truth… and I’ll leave the next step completely up to you… ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
A Brand New Start
*********************** I met you first… or was it you who found me… wandering… lost… cold… afraid… lonely… looking for something… right then I had nothing… but so much love to give… so much life to get back… eagerly opening all the doors to amusement… and so much more… too soon I became overwhelmed in my impatience to play… half my life gone… without true love… I was starving… you could see the hunger in my face… and you filled me… ever so secretly… you touched and noted my every need… like a master magician you made illusions appear… come to life… just to make my day… and now… out of the blue… I finally understand… as all the puzzle pieces fall into place… the hundreds of verse flowing from my heart… the compulsion to say… are all about you… over and over… the same thing… my subconscious memories I buried alive… the same someone… the same man… the same control... we’re two different kinds… and sides… you and I… of the same soul… the faster I ran… the farther I’d go… my emotions you took and twisted so slow… now today… every beat of my pulse… takes you straight back to my head… to my heart… still loving you… missing you… craving a brand new start… ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Geeks & Freaks
******************** what happened when you met me… when you thought you knew everything... but only knew what I wanted you to think you knew… and the second time around… do you think you know me now… does anybody know me yet… or am I just a fantasy in your head… complex is what you say… complex is what you know about me today… and you’re still brave… brave enough to want me… to want to once again play… I think you are addicted to smoke… to the blue smoke that surrounds you… to the thought of me… as you breathe us both in deep… you’ve been caught in the very net you cast over me… don’t struggle to be free like me… just relax… and once again bask… bask in our ice cold chill… and the flames of our heat… I too recall the magic we shared… in that unique society who dared… dared to show we cared… once upon a time our storybook romance came to life right before our eyes… and your jealousy took me completely by surprise… as mine for you did too… that’s the secret you know… the key to unlock our mystery… the dagger of jealousy hurts too deep… but none of us pledged fidelity… instead you said I was still free to be me… to be sexy… to be flirty… and in my anger for you’re lack of chivalry… I flaunted my self in your face intentionally… while you watched and grew extremely angry… wanting to blame me... to hate me... but you can't have me both ways... to be yours... and not to be yours... now… is our time again at hand… do we yet have a different plan… I remember how you loved to surprise me… you once told me it made you happy to make me happy… and how happy I was… until I wasn’t… and everything we built came tumbling down around us… the love and the trust… brought our knees to the ground… where unable to stand we crawled… looking around… looking for what we lost … but it could not be found… so we moved on… quickly… we’re like geeks and freaks… we thrive on our audacity… our creativity is what let’s us just be… who we are for eternity… you and me… ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Mystery, Oh Mystery!
************************** spellbinding mystery… she lingers in the air… her sense of bewilderment… is felt everywhere… to the dreamers… she plants seeds in our head… to the lovers… she amplifies feelings instead… to the painters… she shows the canvass of life… to the poets… she stimulates imaginations to write… within every mystery… therein lies a clue… if we desire to find it… she lets us do that too… with open minds… our open hearts… guide us today… to find the answers… sometimes just say… mystery… oh mystery… we ask you this right… please give us prudence… to learn what we might… for in every mystery… is a puzzle… you see… whose pieces fit together nice… and easily… there once connected… the big picture will show… what we do next… but… will it be toe to toe… or… will the mystery inside… keep pushing us to grow… slow… there is more than one key… for unlocking a mystery… to see… what lives beneath… in the dark… and the deep… where we eventually might find… whatever we seek… so… at other times… just say… mystery… oh mystery… all your secrets… we keep… in the bellies of our beast… we remain silent… discreet… whether dreamer… lover… painter… or poet… we ARTiculate our experience… as we know it… please… therefore… please… ignite our spirits to breathe… in the knowledge of mystery… this we humbly beseech… ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Is it Better to Have Loved and Lost?
******************************************* I speak of the old cliché… it’s better to have loved… and lost… then never to have loved at all… but… do we really understand at what cost… we move on… the part of ourselves we leave behind… is gone from us… we create our own void… it’s still back where… in another’s mind… and we’re forever fused in another’s heart… in the deepest dark… each missing piece… adds up to who we are… without that part… think about it… no matter the miles… time… or others… in between… we never lose the memories… the love… the pain… it all remains… as long as we live… we carry everyone we ever loved with us… even when feelings turn to hate… and our histories affect us each and every day… make no mistake… then we meet somebody new… we believe we’ll be happy then too… and we invest ourselves again… or… at least the part that’s left… and it can get less and less… as the spirit grows colder… the older… and more world weary (jaded) we get… think about it again… young love… the first love… is so innocent… so eager… and so ignorant… full of expectations… demands… and the willingness to give… and to please… to keep that which makes us feel real… feel complete… there’s no one… or nothing… to compare love against then… it’s just starting out… no road map… no known destination… and absolutely no hesitation… when inexperienced hearts rule the world… rule it together… all the storms are happily weathered… then one day without notice… we can change… our love connection isn’t the same… and we look at each other to blame… from that moment onward… every new encounter is judged by the last… until eventually we can just stop giving… stop really living… our here and now… becomes more about… then and there… and we can go through life refusing to truly care… always wearing a mask… to hide the pain… the overwhelming emptiness… the loss of ourselves in the past… So tell me… Is it really better to have loved… and lost… then never to have loved at all… ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
A Free Spirit
****************** a free spirit flies… the light in her eyes never dies… it comes from inside… where the truth never lies… she cannot be tried… and found wanting… the innocence there… cannot be compared… to the sins that she bares… both equally… down deep in her soul… she releases control… to that which she trusts… completely… a free spirit runs free… there’s no other way it can be… and no one can tame her spontaneity… her world is love… caring and sharing… you see… like the old days… old ways… and young hippies… dancing gaily in the streets… never a stranger she meets… her friendship is true… as she extends it to you… and you… and you… will you accept it… or... make her regret it… ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
A Mouse Trapped
********************* just another day in the country on the back roads I’m all alone walking to improve my energy A text rings on my cellular phone “hey babe, what are you up too?” asks my ex, who wants me back I reply, “just started walking…” then suddenly, I stop in my tracks this man, he pulls up along side me I turn, looking him straight in the face I’m startled now as I meet a stranger he smiles and says, “how is your day?” immediately, I analyze this situation with woods on both sides of us there I’m unable to outrun him, or his vehicle I could reach for my gun, if surely I dare terror instantly grips my existence thinking my life he soon could take but he quickly realizes my resistance breaks out a smile that lightens his face with his eyes ahead into the future and a strong grasp firmly on the past he laughs as he speaks confidently “you and me… we are meant to last” just as quickly as he has intruded he speeds off, like a bat out of hell looking at me in his side view mirror he proclaims loudly, “I don’t kiss and tell!” shaken severely by this idiot’s audacity he obviously hasn’t a bit of shame and I couldn’t help but oddly wonder if he is serious about playing this game what kind of a man takes such a risk coming onto a woman he’s never met who all alone she has been struggling in a complex history that’s hard to forget well, I embed this jerk in my memory and begin walking at a faster pace wanting to get home in a hurry now needing to forget I ever saw his face then suddenly he drove again by me pulls off the road and there he sat staring, he watches me walk past him I just knew I was under his attack but again he did nothing against me he just wants me to feel his control and the last time I could see his eyes I felt his power take hold of my soul the rest of the walk I look behind me I’m afraid he’ll come for me again until finally I’m in my yard at home with much relief to be away from him unlocking the door I enter the foyer hang the keys in their normal place walk quickly to my desk and computer happy to be here, and believe I’m safe with mouse in hand, I click on my email as it quickly opens the first thing I see under ‘from’ it reads, “guess who this is?” under ‘subject’, “miss me yet?” glares at me incredulous, I sit back in my chair thoughts scrambling, what does he want how did he find me out there, and in here I feel like a mouse, the cat has finally caught… to be continued… ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
There is No You and Me
*************************** you know we can never be we… us… you and me… we’re just a fantasy a figment of every imagination created to appease our longing for ecstasy our yearning craving the taste of our bodies together... warm flesh on warm flesh it has obsessed us created such intense desires inside… every time our minds make us think… no matter what we’re doing during the day even in our sleep our minds don’t let us rest yes... OUR MINDS ARE POSSESSED and turning against each other as we think about us... about you… about me. .. naked… blushing you touch me gently kiss me softly take me roughly as I give all to you tantalizing… madness… wet heat yet refusing to please… you and me in your game we play that you dominate to get your way to get relief over and over inside and out from me...!!! but… we’re just a fantasy there is no you and me there is only ecstasy so heavenly so wickedly so sensually we breathe we need we feed conceptually ![]() ![]() |
Please, Kiss Me Again
*************************** every time I try to take my mind off of you… and the sexually explicit things you do… to me… like a perfectly shot arrow into the eye of the bull’s ring… your face targets my memory… sticking right in the center of my gravity… causing me distress vs. diversion to the extreme… everyday… in every way… my body reacts to my buttons being pushed … by you… with just a brush of your finger tips… tap… tap… tapping… all over me… you want me still... you want me to experience the thrill… as you tease… my imagination… you squeeze… every last drop of my excitement spills… onto the page in front of me and you … we… have created a monster… that craves stimulation… the adulation of a look… as we write each and every chapter of this book… how will our story end… or does it… go on… and on… and on… and on… until exhausted… we finally give in… me... expelling you from my body… you… dispelling my hold on yours… it’s only a matter of time… but for now… please… kiss me again… ![]() ![]() |
Together We'll Go Far
*************************** when I empty myself… empty myself of you… life again becomes beautiful… it becomes such a beautiful view… in it… I am free… free… free to breathe… free… free to just be… alone in my world… alone… it’s just me… just me… and alchemy… changing everything I see… into hue… into a new who… a new what… a new where… a new when… a new we… in tune with destiny… with destiny calling… destiny shaping… destiny waiting… following blueprints… blueprints of fingerprints… fingerprints and footprints… footprints into the future… where we find love… love and opportunity… opportunity knocks… knocks at the door of our hearts… will we let her in… will we find in her a friend… a friend we’ll keep to the end… the end of everything… the end of love… the end of life… the end of the world… the world is changing… into hue… translucent colors… black & white to gray… blue & yellow to green… nothing is as it seems… nothing is the same… nothing… until today… today we start again… we play again… we live again… we are… we are together… together we’ll go far… ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
My Incurable Addiction
**************************** I feel it now… in your silence so deep… the fire in you… that burns the inside of me… it’s a nagging hunger… an incurable addiction … in a world all its own… its science fiction… and I can’t escape your voracious flames… as the smoke surrounds me… I’m choking on your name… maybe I’m shallow… or maybe I’m dense… or maybe I don’t make a whole lot of sense… but… you’re a man with perfect vision… and you know how I’d react to an off the wall decision… so you caught me off guard with your confession too quick… when all I wanted was a lover’s kiss… to feel your sexy body next to mine… my head on your chest… our legs intertwined… your arm resting comfortably across my back… my hand toying with your member while it’s wet and slack… our passion as one it knows no bounds… and I love the feel of your head… when it’s in my mouth… how delicious our taste as we’re equally mixed… I need you so much, baby your d**k is my fix… insatiable you’ve made me in our game we play… so why did you have to go and spoil it this way… bringing up things we’ve never discussed… right as I’m swallowing… your ejaculation a must… the empty space in my body that craves only you… it just isn't satisfied in one feeding or two… it will take more than time to fill me up… why be so hurried… we’re not in a rush… plus… now that you’ve admitted having deeper stronger feelings… we’re gonna need some serious sexual healing… cuz I can’t cum for you like I did before… now I need room to think… and more options to explore… I need to explore “all” the feelings you think I’ve missed… when all I wanted was a simple little tryst… so now you’ve gone and made a hot demon outta me… and there’s no telling just how wicked I can be… so… if you don’t stop me from playing this sinner’s game… you and me, darlin we may never be the same… cuz in this small community everybody’s looking to see… who’s gonna stupidly f**k the best of heaven outta me… ![]() ![]() |
The Master's Back
*********************** the fear is my excitement will he ever catch me now leaving the door wide open I’m free to run in and out always with an eye on me there’s nothing I can’t do but I also like to test his nerve to see if I can tempt him too this game we play is sick to some cuz they really don’t get the thrill of cat and mouse which is the best whose fastest or makes the kill as in-house rodent I can always get by because I love the Master’s cheese but the feline can smell me w/o eyes so I have to be quicker then he each time the fur ball catches me he tells me, “cuz you’re a girl, I’m letting you get off easy this time but soon I’m gonna rock your world” change is comin, they both sense that but will it be the Master of the house who takes his toy away from the cat when he traps that little girl mouse the two best friends have had free reign to them, this cat & mouse land is home but the Master’s back and wants his way with the mouse he’s got plans of his own ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
We Are the Fire!
********************* we’re always fighting… what are we gonna do… I have my view… you have your view… you like me… I like you… but headstrong are we two… I walk… you walk… I talk… you talk… we hit a wall… that’s all… I go my way… you go your way… we come back around today… there you are… here I am too… you miss me… I miss you… what are we gonna do… will we see the same view… will we talk the same talk… will we walk the same walk… not at all… we hit another wall… that’s all… I go my way… you go your way… we come together another day… love is funny this way… we come… we go… we follow the flow… together… we share what we know… together… we feed… together… we feel our need… together… we are wind in the fire… together… we are stoking flames… flames… rising higher… and higher… together... as sparks fly across the sky… other fires we ignite… together… we are fires light… together… we burn everything bright… love is funny this way… we come… we go… apart… we grow… apart… we live on the road… the road less traveled we know… apart… we go toe to toe… apart… we put on a show… apart … we learn hard as we go… apart … we are closer than friends… apart… we come together again… together and apart… we live in each others heart… our love will always last… in our memories of the past… as we grow old… all our stories have been told… will we then… talk the same talk… will we then… walk the same walk… not at all… we hit our final wall… that’s all… I go my way… you go your way… our wind has died… our fires put out… ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Naked & Exposed
********************* this is what he says to me… I give you to the count of three… to get your story straight my dear… and… I want to hear it loud and clear… tell me why you pose in the nude… your naked body exposed for his view… why you give him what is mine to see… how you could do it all for free… you’re acting like a dirty slut… just like a whore… who can’t get enough… you talk filthy trash like one too… I’m surprised anyone still speaks to you… you’ve made choices… I don’t respect… listening to the voices… in your head… we each have principles… morals too… so how can you live… without any rules… you answer to no one… this you’ve said… so alone you’ll stay… while I’m this upset… so upset… I want to turn away… make you feel the shame… point the finger of blame… at you… I don’t understand why you did it… why you would take such a risk… don’t you care what anybody thinks… your sinful nature… I swear… it stinks… ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() who are you… my judge and jury… how I live… is not your worry… as an artist… I capture my flaws… as an artist… I expose my flaws and all… there is so much beauty… in all the ugly… to understand… you have to see… not every eye will agree… that’s fine with me… but… to know an author… you read her book… to know a photographer… you see the pictures she took… to know me… as a woman… open your mind and look… I’m not asking you for anything… I’m not asking you to like me… I’m just practicing my freedom of speech… and my self expression is free… until I decide otherwise… how you react is what you’ll do… but I won’t hold your choices against you… and I’d appreciate you showing me the same respect too… we’re all adults in here… and I hope I’ve made myself perfectly clear… ![]() ![]() |
A Menage a Trois
********************** she asks me why I like to play… hey… no way… this isn’t a game… this is serious today… he’s looking our way… the one I want to see naked… be naked with… our thoughts exposed for all to see… uncovered and shaking… quaking the ground… unsteady minds all around… waiting for walls to come tumbling down… why frown… smile… laugh… revel in our gaffes… art is to be enjoyed like that… unrestricted… and yes… even conflicted… it can be overwhelming… relentlessly compelling… both magical and free… seeking to please… created between us three… a ménage a trois we can be… you… me… and him… and them… one… two… three… four… no telling how many, many more… secrets begging to be unsealed… longing to be revealed… hidden in darkness… silent and daring… ready for sharing… why hold back… does it feel like an attack… an attack on our senses… breaking down all our defenses… are we worried about denigration… do we fear alienation… for who we are… for proudly wearing scars… scars that defy our bleeding hearts… we are who we are… we are all rock stars… each… in our own way… let’s not be afraid… let’s say what we came to say… let’s write and portray… lets’ be ourselves… always… ![]() ![]() |
Falling Out of Love
************************* when we met… we were a triple threat… he said… she said… we said… everybody placed their bet… how long would the magic last… when illusions vanish fast… our hands quicker than our eyes… we weren’t surprised… what we saw… is what we draw… conclusions vs. delusions... egos suffering contusions… from envy to scorn… happy to forlorn… that’s what happened to us… we began falling out of love… all our feelings… going… going… gone… what went wrong…? cold to hot… when unaware… hot to cold… like we never really cared… when we talked… it was heavy… dead air… empty stares… we hoped the other would say goodbye… and… nobody would cry… try to save us… why… that would be a lie… now… we’re moving on… bygones in the past… we ask… is acceptance worth the task…? no… yes… maybe… it is… sealed with a kiss… an unconditional kiss of familiarity… wakens the sleeping beauty… in all of us… who do we trust…? communication a must… or a bust…? who knows… what the future holds… as we travel the same roads… again… and again… and again… unfettered… refusing to pretend… ![]() ![]() |
A War of Words
******************** sly… back seat comments people make… instead of talking face to face… these are those… who have to find somebody to hate… and their obvious jealousy… is hard to mistake… they’re always giving opinions… on what they think… as if they are the expert… on… every damn thing… instead of… live and let live… they like to attack… telling you or others… how you or they… should speak or act… the tactless giving lessons on etiquette and class… it’s funny as hell… if it’s me… you ask… if you watch them closely… you’ll see the trail they leave… being quick to pounce… like a cat on a mouse… they don’t think… about their visibility… all they care about… is showing you up publicly… and given any chance.. they position themselves to advance… their agenda… could really use some tweaking… unless they’re looking for a fight… hypothetically speaking… then… a war of words might just do the trick… to keep their nose out of other people’s business… ![]() ![]() |
Needle & Thread
********************* A friend of yours… brought it to my attention… she was setting me up… but forgot to mention… you… when I first saw it… I knew… it was meant for me… too… you and all your fantasies… pierced my heart… right from the start… what a cliché… to think of it this way… with it… you attack my senses… you wear down my defenses… overtake all my thought processes… even until this very minute… I can’t think a single thought without you in it… each and every idea thrills me through and through… what am I gonna do… you are my one temptation that’s long overdue… when you appear… I come unglued… when you trespass in my zone… call me on my phone… email me at home… I know you want something from me… your actions are pure lunacy… you are making me feel guilty… you are making me feel crazy… you are making me feel plenty… you are just making me… feel…!!! and I can’t control my innate response to you… NO…!!! I don’t want to control what I feel about you…!!! and the passionate things you do… you bring the magic to my mystery… together… I am the needle… to your “thread”… ![]() ![]() |
We Make Our Own Beds
************************** have you ever heard it said… you made your bed… so... now you have to lay in it… … what does this really mean… is it time for me to come clean… or… I have to accept responsibility… … if this is the case… I’m ready to play the lovers game… and I’ll shoulder half the blame… knowing my life won’t be the same… … when I see the red light… calling my name… immediately I ignite… stop means go… fast turns to slow… and steady… I’m into you… … I open the door without even a knock… when you touch me… I don’t ever want you to stop… never… in all my years have I felt this way… … like a virgin… … I want you to be my first… … I want you to make it hurt… … I want you to do your worst… … I need you to make a woman out of me… I need you to teach me what making love really means… … to you… … I need you to feed my hunger… I need you to satisfy my sense of wonder… I need you to make me forget… forget just how much of young… is younger… … and yes… … I want you to lie in this bed… … in this mess… … we’ve made together… ![]() ![]() P.S. In case you're wondering... this is just me taking creative liberty... my imagination running away with me... I don't have a much younger lover.. but if I did.. I'd being saying this... lol... |