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Topic: Men
no photo
Tue 02/19/13 05:53 PM

It really depends on the feelings.

All blokes I know, including me, will open up to a woman eventually.

But we will never do it in the same way or as often as your girlfriends will.

A man can express a thousand words in a solitary look.

You just have to be looking
I taught we men was to express our feelings in the form of grunts.:tongue: :smile:

no photo
Tue 02/19/13 06:11 PM

mountainwatergirl's photo
Tue 02/19/13 09:00 PM

Glad you found yet another reason men use women.
Now why was it women can't use you???

huh Another reason that men . . . noway

Congratulations! You read into my statement something that I did not say and did not mean.

Actually, I think you just missed what I was referencing.
did you not say men will stay with a "jerk" to avoid being alone?
Id feel used right there.


mountainwatergirl's photo
Tue 02/19/13 09:03 PM

Glad you found yet another reason men use women.
Now why was it women can't use you???

huh Another reason that men . . . noway

Congratulations! You read into my statement something that I did not say and did not mean.

Yeah, that happens to me too.

You hush,... and go back to your cage before I get the hose.


mountainwatergirl's photo
Tue 02/19/13 09:06 PM

It really depends on the feelings.

All blokes I know, including me, will open up to a woman eventually.

But we will never do it in the same way or as often as your girlfriends will.

A man can express a thousand words in a solitary look.

You just have to be looking

Wowie... that was well put.
Love a brief and brilliant answer from a real man.


TexasScoundrel's photo
Wed 02/20/13 04:05 AM

Glad you found yet another reason men use women.
Now why was it women can't use you???

huh Another reason that men . . . noway

Congratulations! You read into my statement something that I did not say and did not mean.

Yeah, that happens to me too.

You hush,... and go back to your cage before I get the hose.


Thanks, but I already have a hose.

no photo
Wed 02/20/13 07:57 AM

It really depends on the feelings.

All blokes I know, including me, will open up to a woman eventually.

But we will never do it in the same way or as often as your girlfriends will.

A man can express a thousand words in a solitary look.

You just have to be looking

Wowie... that was well put.
Love a brief and brilliant answer from a real man.


We all do react different to pain. When someone I care about hurts me, I tend to become quiet and drawn in, away from others. No one likes to be hurt and it is hard to be open with the one that just hurt you if they are close to you.But after a while I can open up if they are ready to listen.

Dodo_David's photo
Wed 02/20/13 02:05 PM

Glad you found yet another reason men use women.
Now why was it women can't use you???

huh Another reason that men . . . noway

Congratulations! You read into my statement something that I did not say and did not mean.

Actually, I think you just missed what I was referencing.
did you not say men will stay with a "jerk" to avoid being alone?
Id feel used right there.


The only way that you'd be used in such scenario is if you were a jerk.

mountainwatergirl's photo
Wed 02/20/13 06:30 PM

Glad you found yet another reason men use women.
Now why was it women can't use you???

huh Another reason that men . . . noway

Congratulations! You read into my statement something that I did not say and did not mean.

Actually, I think you just missed what I was referencing.
did you not say men will stay with a "jerk" to avoid being alone?
Id feel used right there.


The only way that you'd be used in such scenario is if you were a jerk.

Well.... no one deserves to be used... but I get it that its also tolerance which I can respect.

proudmomof4's photo
Wed 02/20/13 07:36 PM
it isn't just men. and if your looking for a man who talks about their feelings all of the time then you aren't going to find it. Actions speak louder than words. As the mother of a teenager boys just don't express themselves the same way women do. and for example... "i love you" just being said is meaningless. its the actions that make it real or not. and im not talking about how much money they spend on you. its the simple things in life that make the world go round.

no photo
Thu 02/21/13 07:48 AM
I remember hearing about one older guy that love his wife but never said I love you. He said if he ever were to come out and say, “I love you” his wife would think he was cheating on her.

xxL4LUNCHBOX's photo
Fri 02/22/13 09:06 AM
Edited by xxL4LUNCHBOX on Fri 02/22/13 09:10 AM
guys express there feelings difrently than women ,us guys are not as affected or afflicted .instead we get years of fatherly :thou shalt not cry : .but we do have those feelings on the end of there tether hooks that we are finely balanced on the crest of an emotional cliff overlooking a deep gorge ,that our loved one can change the balance so easily and our true fragility will reveal its immortal face.so its not that we cant show our emotions its we to busy with the balancing act to do so ,we should be packaged fragile explosives handle with care ..and we spend a great deal of emotion of family as a unit and not as separate units due to our experiance of balancing ....in suicide guys are more graphic by the choice of because there actions are there language of hurt and tears are so alien ..a large majiority of cryers as so are ussually of a feminite nature this is not a homophobic responce but rather a subject of the male phyce in brief..no offence intended ..

ps: we have diffrent hormones that allow for or lack of certain chemicals to take hold and our behaviour differs there too..

mountainwatergirl's photo
Fri 02/22/13 09:26 AM

it isn't just men. and if your looking for a man who talks about their feelings all of the time then you aren't going to find it. Actions speak louder than words. As the mother of a teenager boys just don't express themselves the same way women do. and for example... "i love you" just being said is meaningless. its the actions that make it real or not. and im not talking about how much money they spend on you. its the simple things in life that make the world go round.

"then you aren't going to find it"
Are ya sure???
For the most part, you're right about finding a lot of men that don't express their feelings....but I have known a few that do.
I have 5 brothers, 3 of them openly express their feelings...about anything....trust me, sometimes I didn't want to know lol
I've dated musicians that express their feelings with no problems.
I know they are out there. I've witnessed it for myself.
Maybe it's just the grunting caveman types that don't.

no photo
Fri 02/22/13 12:53 PM

it isn't just men. and if your looking for a man who talks about their feelings all of the time then you aren't going to find it. Actions speak louder than words. As the mother of a teenager boys just don't express themselves the same way women do. and for example... "i love you" just being said is meaningless. its the actions that make it real or not. and im not talking about how much money they spend on you. its the simple things in life that make the world go round.

"then you aren't going to find it"
Are ya sure???
For the most part, you're right about finding a lot of men that don't express their feelings....but I have known a few that do.
I have 5 brothers, 3 of them openly express their feelings...about anything....trust me, sometimes I didn't want to know lol
I've dated musicians that express their feelings with no problems.
I know they are out there. I've witnessed it for myself.
Maybe it's just the grunting caveman types that don't.
I think the artistic types that do; music, art, acting and writing might be the one that are more willing to show feelings. Sports players might be different. Dad use to tell me when you hurt your leg, suck it up, don’t cry, tape it up and get back in the game. I don’t know, I may just be rambling on about nothing.

Jorgearturo's photo
Sat 02/23/13 03:40 AM
Men are looking for someone to fall in love with Women are looking for someone to just get married " Men want to be their first in their live Women want to be their last in their lives

GreenEyes48's photo
Sat 02/23/13 05:35 AM
Some men (and women) may not cry or express their vulnerable feelings in open ways...But they make it okay to "gripe" or complain...Or they use sarcasm or "snide-remarks" to express some of their feelings...Getting angry (and defensive) and taking a belittling tone seems safer than talking about "feeling hurt." (To some people.)....I had quite a few "macho women" in my family who relied on sarcasm. It was rare for them to admit to "feeling hurt." (Because they didn't want to be viewed as "sissies" or "softies.")...Channeling everything through anger or "snippets" or "gripes" or cynicism doesn't seem as threatening compared to saying: "I feel hurt. Or I feel sad" etc.

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