Topic: Is it right for a lady to approach you for a serious re
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Thu 02/14/13 11:18 AM
It was ingrained in me from my youth that as a female it is not my place to approach a man first, I was also taught never to smile provocatively nor make direct lingering eye contact because men can misconstrue the look. My mother was of French ancestry and she was rigid concerning the way she expected me to behave in mixed company. I have a natural swagger to my hips also, so when I walk I look sassy, and men find this attractive. My mother told me I walked too sexy and needed to tone it down. But, I can't help the way God put me together, and to this day I still twist when walking, it's not done purposely, I can assure you. With this said, I also don't mind saying that at my age I would like to feel comfortable making an advance and letting a man know I'm interested, instead of suffering in silence. But, I can't seem to get my mother's face and words out of my head when it comes to the roles both genders are expected to follow. So, no I will never approach a man first about having a serious relationship.

mikaxel80's photo
Thu 02/14/13 11:25 AM

It was ingrained in me from my youth that as a female it is not my place to approach a man first, I was also taught never to smile provocatively nor make direct lingering eye contact because men can misconstrue the look. My mother was of French ancestry and she was rigid concerning the way she expected me to behave in mixed company. I have a natural swagger to my hips also, so when I walk I look sassy, and men find this attractive. My mother told me I walked too sexy and needed to tone it down. But, I can't help the way God put me together, and to this day I still twist when walking, it's not done purposely, I can assure you. With this said, I also don't mind saying that at my age I would like to feel comfortable making an advance and letting a man know I'm interested, instead of suffering in silence. But, I can't seem to get my mother's face and words out of my head when it comes to the roles both genders are expected to follow. So, no I will never approach a man first about having a serious relationship.

Too bad.

g0dvollie's photo
Thu 02/14/13 12:46 PM
Feminine women don't approach men. Men have an approach mechanism, women have a filtering mechanism. This is why men get approach anxiety and women are ******* :)


navygirl's photo
Thu 02/14/13 12:50 PM

Feminine women don't approach men. Men have an approach mechanism, women have a filtering mechanism. This is why men get approach anxiety and women are ******* :)


Seriously; just because a woman has the guts to approach a man first; she is not feminine? Where did you get that silly idea? rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

mikaxel80's photo
Thu 02/14/13 12:56 PM

Feminine women don't approach men. Men have an approach mechanism, women have a filtering mechanism. This is why men get approach anxiety and women are ******* :)


Seriously; just because a woman has the guts to approach a man first; she is not feminine? Where did you get that silly idea? rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

Feel sorry for him. He is deeply engrossed in men's world. When was this? The Australopithecus years? Today is a world of equality

navygirl's photo
Thu 02/14/13 12:58 PM

Feminine women don't approach men. Men have an approach mechanism, women have a filtering mechanism. This is why men get approach anxiety and women are ******* :)


Seriously; just because a woman has the guts to approach a man first; she is not feminine? Where did you get that silly idea? rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

Feel sorry for him. He is deeply engrossed in men's world. When was this? The Australopithecus years? Today is a world of equality

Yeah; this why I was laughing at the statement. :thumbsup:

mikaxel80's photo
Thu 02/14/13 01:03 PM

Feminine women don't approach men. Men have an approach mechanism, women have a filtering mechanism. This is why men get approach anxiety and women are ******* :)


Seriously; just because a woman has the guts to approach a man first; she is not feminine? Where did you get that silly idea? rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

Feel sorry for him. He is deeply engrossed in men's world. When was this? The Australopithecus years? Today is a world of equality

Yeah; this why I was laughing at the statement. :thumbsup:

We all have to laugh. Keep it up!

mikaxel80's photo
Thu 02/14/13 01:08 PM

Feminine women don't approach men. Men have an approach mechanism, women have a filtering mechanism. This is why men get approach anxiety and women are ******* :)


Seriously; just because a woman has the guts to approach a man first; she is not feminine? Where did you get that silly idea? rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

Feel sorry for him. He is deeply engrossed in men's world. When was this? The Australopithecus years? Today is a world of equality

Yeah; this why I was laughing at the statement. :thumbsup:

Well Navy Girl, got to go. It is 10 past midnight here and got to sleep. Bye

navygirl's photo
Thu 02/14/13 01:10 PM

Feminine women don't approach men. Men have an approach mechanism, women have a filtering mechanism. This is why men get approach anxiety and women are ******* :)


Seriously; just because a woman has the guts to approach a man first; she is not feminine? Where did you get that silly idea? rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

Feel sorry for him. He is deeply engrossed in men's world. When was this? The Australopithecus years? Today is a world of equality

Yeah; this why I was laughing at the statement. :thumbsup:

Well Navy Girl, got to go. It is 10 past midnight here and got to sleep. Bye

Good night and sweet dreams.

willing2's photo
Thu 02/14/13 01:18 PM

I've done it twice. I was shot down both times. I'd probably never do it again. I don't think my fragile ego could take it.

Hell, Baby. I get shot down a few times a day. It's all in the game.

Score once out of 20 times it's win-win.smokin

willing2's photo
Thu 02/14/13 01:21 PM

It was ingrained in me from my youth that as a female it is not my place to approach a man first, I was also taught never to smile provocatively nor make direct lingering eye contact because men can misconstrue the look. My mother was of French ancestry and she was rigid concerning the way she expected me to behave in mixed company. I have a natural swagger to my hips also, so when I walk I look sassy, and men find this attractive. My mother told me I walked too sexy and needed to tone it down. But, I can't help the way God put me together, and to this day I still twist when walking, it's not done purposely, I can assure you. With this said, I also don't mind saying that at my age I would like to feel comfortable making an advance and letting a man know I'm interested, instead of suffering in silence. But, I can't seem to get my mother's face and words out of my head when it comes to the roles both genders are expected to follow. So, no I will never approach a man first about having a serious relationship.

That sucks.
How? What do you do to let a guy know you have an interest?

navygirl's photo
Thu 02/14/13 01:23 PM

I've done it twice. I was shot down both times. I'd probably never do it again. I don't think my fragile ego could take it.

I have been shot down more times than I can count and I even get shot down when asking a guy to dance. laugh

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Thu 02/14/13 01:24 PM
I don't approach anyone - men or women - with the intention of anything serious (unless he is Keanu Reeves - lol). :tongue:

Cheryline22's photo
Thu 02/14/13 01:48 PM
I never asked a guy out for a date,am a girl with very high ego and very stubborn..wat I do is I try to catch his gaze if I find him attractive,but if you ask me how I can't tell you exactly how
And if he is a shy boy but interested in me,I'll ask him out indirectly,maybe ask him a favor to go buy some stuffs with me.

TexasScoundrel's photo
Thu 02/14/13 01:49 PM

Anyway Tex, I think you are confusing someone's ability to chat up someone else in order to get a date with just being able to start and hold up their end of a conversation.

Women do not have problems talking. Women love to talk. You may not be particularly interested in the things that women like to talk about because while they are rabbiting on all you're thinking about is getting your end away or football but "women don't know how to have a proper conversation" is a rather daft thing to say.

That's not what I said. I said women are not good at starting a conversation with a stranger.

Yes, women will talk your ear off once they know you. But, they just aren't used to saying hello and introducing themselves.

Toodygirl5's photo
Thu 02/14/13 02:25 PM

Feminine women don't approach men. Men have an approach mechanism, women have a filtering mechanism. This is why men get approach anxiety and women are ******* :)


Seriously; just because a woman has the guts to approach a man first; she is not feminine? Where did you get that silly idea? rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

I Agree!!! laugh rofl

TawtStrat's photo
Thu 02/14/13 02:27 PM

Anyway Tex, I think you are confusing someone's ability to chat up someone else in order to get a date with just being able to start and hold up their end of a conversation.

Women do not have problems talking. Women love to talk. You may not be particularly interested in the things that women like to talk about because while they are rabbiting on all you're thinking about is getting your end away or football but "women don't know how to have a proper conversation" is a rather daft thing to say.

That's not what I said. I said women are not good at starting a conversation with a stranger.

Yes, women will talk your ear off once they know you. But, they just aren't used to saying hello and introducing themselves.

Is this the bit where I give you counterexamples, like my sister who is married to a really shy guy that she initially aproached and you tell me that you are speaking in generalities and the rule is still true even if there are exceptions?

Toodygirl5's photo
Thu 02/14/13 02:34 PM

For me, If I like what I see??? I have NO problems approaching a man for whatever I am after. I will pounce. No problem.
Seductively with every time.

I really don't know why women don't like to make the move. Maybe they are more afraid of rejection than men are.

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: Good response.

navygirl's photo
Thu 02/14/13 03:01 PM
Edited by navygirl on Thu 02/14/13 03:02 PM

Anyway Tex, I think you are confusing someone's ability to chat up someone else in order to get a date with just being able to start and hold up their end of a conversation.

Women do not have problems talking. Women love to talk. You may not be particularly interested in the things that women like to talk about because while they are rabbiting on all you're thinking about is getting your end away or football but "women don't know how to have a proper conversation" is a rather daft thing to say.

That's not what I said. I said women are not good at starting a conversation with a stranger.

Yes, women will talk your ear off once they know you. But, they just aren't used to saying hello and introducing themselves.

Is this the bit where I give you counterexamples, like my sister who is married to a really shy guy that she initially aproached and you tell me that you are speaking in generalities and the rule is still true even if there are exceptions?

Yes; according to him this and many other generalities are still true. Forget exceptions as to him they don't count as it's your personal experience and that doesn't account for all the other women out there. laugh

no photo
Thu 02/14/13 03:25 PM

It was ingrained in me from my youth that as a female it is not my place to approach a man first, I was also taught never to smile provocatively nor make direct lingering eye contact because men can misconstrue the look. My mother was of French ancestry and she was rigid concerning the way she expected me to behave in mixed company. I have a natural swagger to my hips also, so when I walk I look sassy, and men find this attractive. My mother told me I walked too sexy and needed to tone it down. But, I can't help the way God put me together, and to this day I still twist when walking, it's not done purposely, I can assure you. With this said, I also don't mind saying that at my age I would like to feel comfortable making an advance and letting a man know I'm interested, instead of suffering in silence. But, I can't seem to get my mother's face and words out of my head when it comes to the roles both genders are expected to follow. So, no I will never approach a man first about having a serious relationship.

That sucks.
How? What do you do to let a guy know you have an interest?

I'm learning how to flirt... I think... But I'm not sure if it's actually flirting, or just being playful... Since I've been online these last few months after I divorced my husband, it's easier to express what I feel when I'm alone here and it's just me and my computer. And I can express my desires in my writing, poems and short stories... that's a big step for me... and I'm trying to look at men's profiles more... I also told someone today that I like him... only I don't know too much about him other than what I see on the forums, but I like that part of him, so I told him so. And he didn't run away in disgust, so I think I will get more courage to step outside my comfort zone the more I communicate online. I know it's a rather dysfunctional way to learn how to become an adult, but I'll use whatever I have access too in order to continue to grow and mature properly for my age...