Topic: Syria: The future | |
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Sat 08/04/12 08:24 AM
When you start hearing stories about the Muslim Brotherhood trying to take control in Syria you can be sure that there will be propaganda about how they are not wanted (By Israel and America) because that is how they play the game. Its just like the Democrats and the Republicans. They are all working for "the club" of bankers and criminals pretending they are not.
EVIL IS EVIL. And you can always know them by their deeds. Their methods of operation are always the same. Bribery, threats, violence, genocide, rape, torture, blackmail, killing of innocents and a disgusting lack of respect for human dignity. And on the surface they pretend to care. They do not. They pretend and they lie. Its so easy to spot these people. |
Another reason these groups like the Muslim Brotherhood have to co-operate with the Banking Cabal is because the Banking Cabal has control of most of the world's currency.
Plus, the Brotherhood needs the help, and the Cabal needs an inside Muslim track. The Cabal (The Brotherhood or "club") infiltrate everyone -including the Catholic Church. That is part of their method of operation and written in the instructions for world domination and control. |
Another reason these groups like the Muslim Brotherhood have to co-operate with the Banking Cabal is because the Banking Cabal has control of most of the world's currency. Plus, the Brotherhood needs the help, and the Cabal needs an inside Muslim track. The Cabal (The Brotherhood or "club") infiltrate everyone -including the Catholic Church. That is part of their method of operation and written in the instructions for world domination and control. That kind of ties the three cities within cities together. City of London________Money Washington ___________Muscle Vatican City__________Religion |
Forty-eight Iranian pilgrims were kidnapped from a bus in the Syrian capital, the Iranian embassy consular chief in Damascus told Iran's state television. "Armed terrorist groups kidnapped 48Iranian pilgrims on their way to the airport," Majid Kamjou told the IRIB network on Saturday,which gave the report on its website. "There are no reportsabout the fate of the pilgrims. The embassy and Syrian officials are trying to trace the kidnappers," he said. Hundreds of thousands of Iranianstravel each year to Syria to visit a Shia pilgrimage site, the shrine of Sayeda Zaynab, in Damascus. Tehran is the staunchest ally of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, whose forces are locked in a bloody conflict in Damascus and other cities against rebels his regime describes as"terrorists". Al Jazeera's Stefanie Dekker, reporting from Amman, the capital of neighbouring Jordan,said the pilgrims were travelling to the airport after visiting the shrine when they were kidnapped. Our correspondent said that though the Syrian government was blaming what it"calls terrorists connected to the FreeSyrian army", it does not know "exactly who is holding the 48[pilgrims]". "We don't have any idea about their whereabouts or exactly who is holding them, but certainly it is not a great time for Iranian pilgrims to bevisiting Syria right now," she said. Several dozen Iranianpilgrims and engineers were abducted in December and January, with most being released months later. Earlier in May, 11 Lebanese Shia pilgrims were also kidnapped by an armed group inside Syria. The group first claimed the pilgrims were member of the Lebanese group, Hezbollah, but then back-tracked, claiming to be holding the men until the leader of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, publicly apologises for voicing support for al-Assad. A local Lebanese television network broadcast a telephone interview with one of the kidnappers who said the pilgrims were in good health and thatthey were "guests", not hostages. It was also revealed that they were being held in the area of Aazaz in Aleppo province. Lebanese media reported on Saturdaythat several of the pilgrims had managed to escape from their kidnappers after shelling occurred in the area, but there was no independent confirmation of the reports. |
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Sat 08/04/12 12:36 PM
Several dozen Iranianpilgrims and engineers were abducted in December and January, with most being released months later.
Released by whom? All this report says is that unknown terrorists abducted some Iranians. So who would do that? Mossad, mercs, terrorists, the CIA, black OPS etc. That's who. Tehran is the staunchest ally of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, whose forces are locked in a bloody conflict in Damascus and other cities against rebels his regime describes as"terrorists".
I think its about time that people of the world stop calling other people "terrorists" unless those people have been caught red handed killing innocent civilians. A revolutionist is NOT a "terrorist." A protester is NOT a "terrorist." An activist is NOT a "terrorist." We all know what a terrorist is. It is someone who goes after innocent civilians. |
Abu Jemaa group...
Several dozen Iranianpilgrims and engineers were abducted in December and January, with most being released months later.
Released by whom? All this report says is that unknown terrorists abducted some Iranians. So who would do that? Mossad, mercs, terrorists, the CIA, black OPS etc. That's who. Tehran is the staunchest ally of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, whose forces are locked in a bloody conflict in Damascus and other cities against rebels his regime describes as"terrorists".
I think its about time that people of the world stop calling other people "terrorists" unless those people have been caught red handed killing innocent civilians. A revolutionist is NOT a "terrorist." A protester is NOT a "terrorist." An activist is NOT a "terrorist." We all know what a terrorist is. It is someone who goes after innocent civilians. Abu Jemaa group |
11 Lebanese hostages fall victim to rumors (That's a strange title.) ![]() Conflicting information emerged Saturday on the escape of some of the Lebanese hostages in Syria after their detention site was subject to heavy shelling. Upon hearing the news, an atmosphere of sadness prevailed in Beirut’s southern suburbs where relatives of the abductees are anxious and in panic over the fate of their loved ones. However, the spokesperson for the Syrian rebels Mohammad Nour denied, through LBCI, all the reports that circulated about the shelling of the Lebanese abductees’ detention site. He said he was with the head of the kidnappers “Abu Ibrahim” when the news was broadcasted, stressing that the latter is not wounded. Sources had earlier reported that an armed group stormed into the detention site where the 11 Lebanese hostages are kept, taking away 2 of them, adding that the rest of the detainees are still with the abductors while the kidnapping mastermind Abou Ibrahim was injured during the shooting. However, Abu Ibrahim later confirmed to the families that the 11 hostages are still in his custody. In this regard, the head of the Party of Free Syrians, Sheikh Ibrahim Zoabi told LBCI that the detention site was shelled with heavy weapons, causing 2 of the abductees to flee. Zoabi added that the other abductees were transferred by their kidnappers to another site. Zoabi said that Abu Ibrahim was wounded in the hand, stressing that the information have not yet been confirmed due to fights. “In the next few hours, we will probably confirm the injuries and the names of the abductees who fled”, he said. Zoabi said that he has no certain information regarding the party that attacked the detention site, adding that that the region is a region of war that houses “Shabiha” members and members of the Free Syrian Army. “Mediators told us that the abductees who fled went to the orchards area and disappeared; it was later said that they were found”, Zoabi said, assuring that all the abductees are safe and sound. For his part, the ambassador to Lebanon of the International Human Rights, Ali Akil Khalil, announced that Abu Ibrahim’s group split due to differences, adding that the Abu Jemaa group that defected from Abu Ibrahim’s was the one behind the attack. However, the head of the committee following up the case of the 11 pilgrims, Sheikh Abbas Zgheib, said the information had yet to be confirmed, adding that he called a number of officials including the head of the General Security Major General Abas Ibrahim who promised to follow up on the case. Sheikh Zgheib said he is afraid what is happening is the work of intelligence and is perpetrated by countries, and not just armed groups. Later in the day, Prime Minister Najib Mikati called Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu to discuss the latest developments regarding this case. (Note the bold part) |
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Sat 08/04/12 01:47 PM
"Abu Ibrahim’s group split due to differences, adding that the Abu Jemaa group that defected from Abu Ibrahim’s was the one behind the attack --->(the attack on the abductee's detention center...not the actual kidnapping of the 11 Iranians.)<---
So, you have Abu Ibrahim who did the actual kidnapping/abduction. And you have Abu Jemaa who defected from Abu Ibrahim's group and then went back and attacked the place where they were holding the 11 Iranians. Two of those Iranians were either released, escaped, were taken, or just ran away in confusion. Strange. Now we are all confused. ![]() ![]() |
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Sun 08/05/12 01:42 PM
They all are working together to replace the Syrian government. Now I will give you your fondest wish. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Please stay away. I never disputed the alliance between the MB and the SNC. What I find contentious is your belief that these groups are supportive of Israel. The Muslim Brotherhood is known for its links to Jihadist groups. Furthermore, its representatives are known for their rabid anti-semitism. Do you really believe that this group with co-operate with Israel? Really? In light of their history? No-one who studies affairs in the M.E. would entertain such a wild story. Just because there are ties between the SNC and the MB doesn't mean they are both in bed with Israel. That is merely jumping to conclusions. You shouldn't ask me a bunch of questions if you really want me to "stay away." This group will co-operate with the Criminal Banking Cabal who all share the same goal of replacing the Syrian Regime with a puppet "democracy." YES definitely I believe that and definitely they will do that. It has NOTHING to do with any lame claims about "anti-semitism" or racism or anything like that. Just as America and Israel have Criminals running their country, so does the Muslim Brotherhood have Criminals infiltrated in their midst. These criminals do not represent Israel, America or the Muslim Brotherhood. They only represent themselves and their goal of global domination and getting rich off of the backs of the people of this world. The mistake that people make is in thinking that its about "countries" and "religions" or ethnic differences. We, the people of this world, are being played by criminals who are like vampires sucking the life and blood out of us. YES members of the "Muslim Brotherhood" will co-operate with members of corporate governments for wealth and power and blood when it is in their best interest to do so. Don't be so naive. Don't be so gullible. You really believe some moronic rubbish, don't you? Please stop wasting people's time with this nonsense. |
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Sun 08/05/12 01:32 PM
Kofi Annan's bitter resignation and the collapse of Obama's Syria policy. Kofi Annan's bitter resignation yesterdayfrom his hopeless assignment as the UN's Special Envoy forSyria merely confirmswhat has long been apparent: the Obamaadministration's Syria policy has failed. The policy seems to have thus far consisted of a combination of sternly-worded denunciations , persistent outsourcing of international legitimacy to Russia and China, and belated, unenthusiastic, and possibly ineffective provisions of non-lethal aid to some Syria rebels for communications and logistics. As Peter Feaver has observed , this is not just"leading from behind" but rather"following from behind." Meanwhile, the fact that Syria represents a confluence of strategic interests and moral imperatives has not prompted a proportionate response from a White House wary of action in an election year. Into this void comes a compelling op-ed by Anne-Marie Slaughter in the Financial Times . Slaughter, an eminent Princeton professor who servedas Obama's director of the Policy PlanningStaff at the State Department during the first two years of the administration, makes an impassioned call for meaningful action. Specifically she urges that the United States lead a coalition of nations in providing "heavy weapons (and possibly air cover)" toall Syrian opposition leaders who show their commitment to democratic principles. Though now returned to the halcyon groves of academe, Slaughter remains one of the more influential foreign policy voices today. Recall her NewYork Times op-ed shortly after she left the State Departmenturging American intervention in Libya,which anticipated (and very likely influenced) the Obama administration's eventual decision to do just that. Slaughter's latest op-ed takes seriously the many factors and risks that argue against intervention, including the possibilities of arms ending up in the hands of jihadists, or of exacerbating the conflict and increasing tensions with Russia and China, not to mention the potential unintendedconsequences of taking sides in a civil war. It also contains a head-snapping concession when Slaughter admits that "sending arms without U.N. approval would put the U.S. on the wrongside of international law." The fact that one of the most eloquent proponents of international law and multilateral organizations is now channeling her inner John Bolton shows how grave the situation in Syria has become. One would hope that this point will also chasten some of the sanctimonious voiceswho are so quick to denounce any perceived violations of international law. I've been following this too...It is a heart breaker...I hope Hotrod comes on and talks about this, especially the U.S. decision to keep Iran out of the negotiation process by supporting Israel...It seems with Syria we are damned if we do and damned if we don't.... This article helps put the ridiculous notions of US manipulation of the situation to bed. Leigh is right, the US is keeping its distance from this conflict, while still having concerns about the outcome. Russia and China still want their Mediterranean ports and Iran wants an anti-semitic goverment installed, in order to provide support for Hezbollah. I personally hope the US stays out of the conflict. I know it would be preferable for the UN to send in troops on humanitarian grounds, but the radical left would twist the situation into claims of US oil imperialism (as usual), thus creating more unjustified anti-US sentiment. |
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Sun 08/05/12 01:40 PM
Syria conflict could engulf Israel, warns Iran
Published on Sunday August 05, 2012 Reuters DUBAI—Iran warned against foreign intervention in Syria on Sunday and said the conflict there could engulf Israel, Iranian media said. Larijani accused the United States and regional countries he did not name of providing military support to rebels fighting to topple President Bashar Assad, a key Arab ally of Iran. Syria has accused Turkey, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia of backing rebels in Syria and fuelling violence there. Iran meanwhile has supported Assad’s efforts to crush the 17-month revolt. “The fire that has been ignited in Syria will take the fearful (Israelis) with it,” Iran Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani said on Sunday, according to the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA). “What really allows these countries to interfere in internal Syrian affairs?” Larijani was quoted as saying. Larijani is considered a moderate conservative and a close follower of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the most powerful man in Iran who decides the country’s foreign policy. Larijani is also a fierce critic of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and widely expected to run for president in 2013. On Friday, following his visit to Moscow to discuss Syria, Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian said “terrorist groups” supported by foreign forces were operating in Damascus and Aleppo, IRNA reported. Amir-Abdollahian said “tens of thousands of weapons” had entered Syria from neighbouring countries and were being used by groups including Al Qaeda. “Unfortunately America and regional countries ... do not take steps to control the borders,” Amir-Abdollahian was quoted as saying. Amir-Abdollahian said he did not believe Syria would be attacked by foreign powers, but that if it were, it would not need Iran’s help in defending itself. “Syria has been ready for years to respond to any military attack against it by (Israel) or other countries, and can respond strongly to any military action by itself and with complete readiness,” Amir-Abdollahian was quoted as saying. Iran and Russia support the six-point plan presented by former UN peace envoy Kofi Annan to solve the crisis. A frustrated Annan resigned his post last week, blaming “finger-pointing and name-calling” at the U.N. Security Council for his decision to quit. Iran has blamed the United States and countries in the region for the failure of Annan’s plan. Predictable Iranian propaganda. |
IRAQ-SYRIA: As Kurds enter the fray, risk of conflict grows
ERBIL/DOMIZ/BERLIN, 2 August 2012 (IRIN) - The flag of Kurdistan is draped over the walls of public buildings in Afrin in northern Syria: After the security forces left the small town near the Turkish border two weeks ago, the Syrian banners have all but disappeared. Instead, new colours have been raised, not only the Kurdish national colours, but also those of the Democratic Union Party (PYD), the Syrian wing of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), deemed a “terrorist” organizations by many countries because of its bloody fight for separation or at least autonomy from Turkey for 30 years. “Now, the PYD controls everything,” said Chomerd Hawari*, who runs a small human rights organization in Afrin. “They have set up checkpoints, and their armed people are patrolling the streets. They have taken positions in the market, the central squares and in front of the bus station.” Afrin is not the only town which has been effectively taken over by Kurdish militia after the regular Syrian troops pulled out, Syrian and Kurdish activists say. The same has been reported in Kobani, also in Aleppo Province, as well as in Amude and Deirik in eastern Syria. The Kurds, roughly 10 percent of the population, have long stayed on the sidelines of the Syrian uprising, with the Kurdistan region of Syria remaining relatively peaceful. But now, with the PYD asserting its power in the north, the minority group risks getting caught up in conflict, as foreign interests intersect with local rivalries......... |
Moves by Syrian Kurds Worry Turkey
July 25, 2012 by Dorian Jones ISTANBUL — In Syria, the seizing of control by Syrian Kurds of towns close to the Turkish border has raised concerns in the Turkish capital, Ankara. Turkish authorities say Syrian Kurds might seek to create their own autonomous state, fueling similar demands from Turkey's Kurdish minority. News of Syrian Kurds taking control of towns from forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has raised concerns in Ankara, according to defense correspondent Metehan Demir of the Turkish newspaper Hurriyet. He says long-standing Turkish fears of the creation of an independent Kurdish state have resurfaced. "It's perceived as a signal of a future autonomous area in this region, just next to the Turkish border. This is second piece of a four piece puzzle on the way to a Kurdistan country. Because one part is happening in northern Iraq, [a] second part is in Syria, east Kurdistan is [in] Iran and Northern Kurdistan as known according to their dreams is [the] Turkish part," Demir said. Ankara has been fighting a decades-long insurgency by the PKK, which wants greater Kurdish rights in Turkey. Many PKK members are Syrian Kurds. According to international relations expert Soli Ozel of Istanbul's Kadir Has University, the main concern of the Turkish government is that the success of Syrian Kurds could fuel Turkey's Kurdish insurgency. "Since our Kurdish problem has not been solved, and we are not near to bringing to a conclusion, the prime minister will be concerned that there will be a fallout from what is going on in Syria, especially because in Syria the PKK-affiliated party appears to be the strong political force," Ozel said..... |
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Sun 08/05/12 03:53 PM
Moves by Syrian Kurds Worry Turkey July 25, 2012 by Dorian Jones ISTANBUL — In Syria, the seizing of control by Syrian Kurds of towns close to the Turkish border has raised concerns in the Turkish capital, Ankara. Turkish authorities say Syrian Kurds might seek to create their own autonomous state, fueling similar demands from Turkey's Kurdish minority. News of Syrian Kurds taking control of towns from forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has raised concerns in Ankara, according to defense correspondent Metehan Demir of the Turkish newspaper Hurriyet. He says long-standing Turkish fears of the creation of an independent Kurdish state have resurfaced. "It's perceived as a signal of a future autonomous area in this region, just next to the Turkish border. This is second piece of a four piece puzzle on the way to a Kurdistan country. Because one part is happening in northern Iraq, [a] second part is in Syria, east Kurdistan is [in] Iran and Northern Kurdistan as known according to their dreams is [the] Turkish part," Demir said. Ankara has been fighting a decades-long insurgency by the PKK, which wants greater Kurdish rights in Turkey. Many PKK members are Syrian Kurds. According to international relations expert Soli Ozel of Istanbul's Kadir Has University, the main concern of the Turkish government is that the success of Syrian Kurds could fuel Turkey's Kurdish insurgency. "Since our Kurdish problem has not been solved, and we are not near to bringing to a conclusion, the prime minister will be concerned that there will be a fallout from what is going on in Syria, especially because in Syria the PKK-affiliated party appears to be the strong political force," Ozel said..... The Kurds will probably exploit this opportunity to lobby for an independent state (yet again). I wish them all the best, but I don't like their chances. |
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Sun 08/05/12 03:57 PM
This article helps put the ridiculous notions of US manipulation of the situation to bed
Um... no, it doesn't. Not by a long shot. Slaughter is simply laying the groundwork for going into Syria whole hog, and bombing innocent people. Do you really think that the U.S is competly innocent and has a hands off policy in the Syrian conflict? If so, then why did Obama give the okay to send in (covert) help? It is clear that the U.S. backs Israel in everything they do, and intends to be Israel's attack dog in this case too.AS ALWAYS. But the west will use their own attack dogs out of Turkey etc. while they, and Israel wants to pretend they are 'innocent'. Here is what they are saying to each other: "We just want a regime change as easy as we can get it. But nooooo.. those stubborn people want to make this difficult and try to defend their country from us so now we are going to have to slaughter a bunch of people, cause disruption and chaos, and drop bombs as always." It will be Iraq all over again. So typicl is this Cabal's method of operation.... Israel and America should just keep their noses and their troops completely out of Syria and that includes their paid mercs and state sponsored terrorists attack dogs. BUT THEY WON'T. “Syria has been ready for years to respond to any military attack against it by (Israel) or other countries, and can respond strongly to any military action by itself and with complete readiness,” Amir-Abdollahian was quoted as saying.
ISRAEL AND AMERICA: STAY THE HELL OUT OF SYRIA. More American tax dollars, and more lives to be wasted in Syria.... soon. |
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Sun 08/05/12 05:11 PM
This article helps put the ridiculous notions of US manipulation of the situation to bed
Um... no, it doesn't. Not by a long shot. Slaughter is simply laying the groundwork for going into Syria whole hog, and bombing innocent people.
Ok, let me explain myself. I meant the charges of the CIA already being responsible for the uprising as someone posited earlier in this thread. Do you really think that the U.S is competly innocent and has a hands off policy in the Syrian conflict? If so, then why did Obama give the okay to send in (covert) help?
No, but I'm not ready to make unsubstantiated accusations either. We don't know the nature of CIA involvement apart from the monitoring of weapons supply. I stand by my statement that the US is trying to keep a distance (militarily) from this conflict and you cannot prove otherwise. It is clear that the U.S. backs Israel in everything they do, and intends to be Israel's attack dog in this case too.AS ALWAYS.
As to the attack dog charge, that's pure conjecture. But the west will use their own attack dogs out of Turkey etc. while they, and Israel wants to pretend they are 'innocent'.
Yes, we know you hate the Israelis. Here is what they are saying to each other: "We just want a regime change as easy as we can get it. But nooooo.. those stubborn people want to make this difficult and try to defend their country from us so now we are going to have to slaughter a bunch of people, cause disruption and chaos, and drop bombs as always."
You're making chit up again. It will be Iraq all over again.
So typicl is this Cabal's method of operation.... Israel and America should just keep their noses and their troops completely out of Syria and that includes their paid mercs and state sponsored terrorists attack dogs. BUT THEY WON'T. Rant over? ![]() “Syria has been ready for years to respond to any military attack against it by (Israel) or other countries, and can respond strongly to any military action by itself and with complete readiness,” Amir-Abdollahian was quoted as saying.
More American tax dollars, and more lives to be wasted in Syria.... soon. You just don't get it, do you? |
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Sun 08/05/12 05:29 PM
Message to ISRAEL AND AMERICA:-- STAY OUT OF SYRIA. You have no business sticking your noses in that country.
We don't know the nature of CIA involvement apart from the monitoring of weapons supply. I stand by my statement that the US is trying to keep a distance (militarily) from this conflict and you cannot prove otherwise. If you 'knew' the nature of the CIA involvement then they would not be very good spies would they? Unfortunately they were involved in all of the other regime changes in the past, so I seriously doubt they have changed their ways, do you? The Cabal is so predictable. |
Message to ISRAEL AND AMERICA:-- STAY OUT OF SYRIA. You have no business sticking your noses in that country. We don't know the nature of CIA involvement apart from the monitoring of weapons supply. I stand by my statement that the US is trying to keep a distance (militarily) from this conflict and you cannot prove otherwise. If you 'knew' the nature of the CIA involvement then they would not be very good spies would they? Unfortunately they were involved in all of the other regime changes in the past, so I seriously doubt they have changed their ways, do you? The Cabal is so predictable. Again, mere conjecture. Why do you focus only on the US and Israel when there are other powers with interests and influence in this conflict? This myopia is distorting your perception. Furthermore, I'm not interested in what you believe regarding Cabals or other stories, just the known facts. Every thread is hijacked with the same CT BS and it is tiresome to those who would like to conduct a rational discussion. |
Syrian rebels admit kidnapping 48 Iranians in Damascus
Published on Sunday August 05, 2012 DAMIEN CAVE and HWAIDA SAAD The New York Times BEIRUT—A group of Syrian rebels has taken responsibility for the kidnapping of 48 Iranians in Damascus on Saturday, but the rebels insist their captives are members of Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards, not religious pilgrims as reported by Iran’s official news agency. “They are Iranian thugs who were in Damascus for a field reconnaissance mission,” said a rebel leader in a video which purportedly shows the captives sitting calmly behind armed Syrian fighters. In the video, the rebels flip through what they said are Iranian identification cards and certificates for carrying weapons. This, the rebels said, proves the hostages are not religious pilgrims. More: Helicopters circle Damascus as blasts rock city The identities and motives of the captives could not be independently verified. Some rebel groups have not embraced the kidnapping or the theory laid out by the fighters in the video. Col. Malik al-Kurdi, a deputy commander of the Free Syrian Army, one of several competing umbrella groups involved in the fighting, said the brigade that took responsibility Sunday for the kidnapping appears to have acted on its own and did not tell the Free Syrian Army about the operation. Iran’s foreign minister, Ali Akbar Salehi, contacted the Syrian and Turkish foreign ministries on Saturday, asking them to secure the release of the 48 Iranians. In a statement, the Iranian Embassy in Damascus said the abducted Iranians had travelled to Syria using a “private” tour company for a pilgrimage to the Shiite shrine of Sayyida Zeinab, a Shiite site in the suburbs of Damascus. Iranian state media said women and children were also among those taken by the Syrian rebels. For the rebels, the hostages offer an opportunity to broadcast their belief that the government of President Bashar Assad is on its way out and to argue that Iran and other foreign supporters of the Syrian government should reconsider their allegiances. In the video, first shown on the Al Arabiya television network, which is owned by Saudi Arabia, a supporter of the rebel cause, the rebels insisted that the Assad government is “inevitably short-lived.” The kidnapping and the intensified fighting Sunday in both Damascus and Aleppo highlight what analysts describe as a widening war. Rebels and reporters inside Aleppo said Syrian jets were dropping bombs, U.S. officials said Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton would go to Istanbul next weekend to discuss the Syrian crisis with the Turkish government. An interesting development if the Revolutionary Guard claim is valid. |