Topic: Syria: The future | |
The new government (if there is one at all) will require the sanction of the victorious rebel factions.
Since the alleged "rebel factions" are mostly plants and people who have been manipulated into defending themselves against attack from unknown black hooded terrorists shooting them from building roofs, I'm sure they can be manipulated into accepting any leader who will bring peace to their country. If they are happy with the "Muslim Brotherhood" then the Zionist handlers will install them. If they are happy with Khaddam or even the phoney Farid al-Ghadry perhaps they will have a "democratic" election. I don't think Frank (Farid) Ghadry really wants to live in Syria though, but for the right amount of money and power he could probably be persuaded to take the position as puppet for Cabal. It should be interesting to see what happens. I'm going to save this thread and go get some popcorn. ![]() |
MOSCOW - Senior Syrian officials havepleaded with Russia for financial loans and supplies of oil products, a sign that the globalfallout from President Bashar Assad's crackdown on a rebellion is squeezing his regime.
While the Syrian delegation was holding talks in Moscow, a squadron of Russian warships was approaching Syria's port of Tartus, the only naval base Russia has outside the former Soviet Union. The Russian Defence Ministry said that some of the ships may call at the port to replenish their supplies. Syria's Deputy Prime Minister Qadri Jamil, who led a delegation of several Cabinet ministers on a trip to Moscow, told reporters Friday that they have asked for a Russian loan to replenish Syria's hard currency reserves, which have been depleted by an international embargo on Syrian exports. He said Damascus also wants to get diesel oil and other oil products from Russia in exchange for crude supplies. Jamil refused to mention specific figures, but said that the deals couldbe finalized within weeks. There was no immediate comment from the Russian government. Syria is believed to be burning quickly through the $17 billion in foreign reserves that the government was believed to have at the start of Assad's crackdown on a popular uprising that erupted in March 2011. The conflict has turned into a civil war, andrights activists estimate more than19,000 people have been killed over thepast 17 months. The Syrian regime has blamed U.S. andEuropean Union sanctions for the shortages that haveleft Syrians across the country standing in long lines to pay inflatedprices for cooking gas, fuel, sugar and other staples. But inMay, the U.S. ambassador to Damascus denied that the international sanctions were to blame for the shortages. "Our sanctions purposefully do nottarget oil and dieselimports, because we know that the Syrian people need both for their day-to-day lives," Ambassador RobertFord wrote on the embassy's Facebook page. Ford said the government is using fuel imports for its tanks. He was forced to leave Syria in February citing security concerns. Russia has protected Syria from U.N. sanctions and continued to supply it with weapons throughout the conflict. The Kremlin, backed by fellow veto-wielding U.N. Security Council member China, has blocked any plans that would call on Assad to step down. Russian news agencies reported Friday that two of the three amphibious assault ships which are part of the squadron heading to Syrian waters will call at Tartus while the third will cast anchor just outside the port. They said that each of the three ships iscarrying about 120 marines backed by armoured vehicles. It wasn't immediately clear whether some of the marines will stay to protect Tartus. Some Russian media said the marines were supposed to ensurea safe evacuation ofRussian personnel and navy equipment from the Tartus base if necessary. The Russian Defence Ministry said in a statement that there was no immediate plan for the ships to call at the port, but addedthat some of them may do that if the navy considers it necessary to replenish onboard supplies. |
Neoconservative War Criminals in Our Midst
By Paul Craig Roberts The State Department has an office that hunts German war criminals. Bureaucracies being what they are, the office will exist into the next century when any surviving German prison guards will be 200 years old. From time to time the State Department claims to have found a lowly German soldier who was assigned as a prison camp guard. The ancient personage, who had lived in the US for the past 50 or 60 years without doing harm to anyone, is then merciless persecuted, usually on the basis of hearsay. I have never understood what the State Department thinks the alleged prison guard was supposed to have done--freed the prisoners, resign his position?--when Prussian aristocrats, high-ranking German Army generals and Field Marshall and national hero Erwin Rommel were murdered for trying to overthrow Hitler. What the State Department needs is an office that rounds up American war criminals. They are in abundance and not hard to find. Indeed, recently 56 of them made themselves public by signing a letter to President Obama demanding that he send in the US Army to complete the destruction of Syria and its people that Washington has begun. At the Nuremberg Trials of the defeated Germans after World War II, the US government established the principle that naked aggression--the American way in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Pakistan, and Yemen--is a war crime. Therefore, there is a very strong precedent for the State Department to round up those neoconservatives who are fomenting more war crimes. But don't expect it to happen. Today, war criminals run the State Department and the entire US Government. They are elected to the presidency, the House, and the Senate, and appointed to the federal courts as judges. American soldiers, such as Bradley Manning, who behave as the State Department expects German soldiers to have behaved, are not honored, but are thrown into dungeons and tortured while a court marshall case is concocted against them. Hypocrisy is Washington's hallmark, and all but the most delusional are now accustomed to their rulers speaking one way and behaving in the opposite. It is now part of the American character to regard ourselves as members of the "virtuous nation," "the indispensable people," while our rulers commit war crimes around the globe. Whereas we have all been made complicit in war crimes by "our" government, it still behooves us to know who are the active war criminals in our midst who have burdened us with our war criminal reputation. You can learn the identity of many of those who are driving the world into World War Three, while their policies result in the murder of large numbers of Arabs and Muslims in Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, Somalia, Pakistan, Yemen, Iraq, and Lebanon, by perusing the signatures to the contrived letter to Obama from the neoconsevatives calling on Obama to invade Syria in order to "rescue" the Syrian people from their government. According to the letter signed by 56 neoconservatives, only the Syrian government is responsible for deaths in Syria. The Washington sponsored and armed "rebels" are merely protecting the Syrian people from the Assad government. According to the letter signers, the only way the Syrian people can be saved is if Washington overthrows the Syrian government and installs a puppet state attentive to the needs of Israel and Washington. Among the 56 signatures are a few names from the Syrian National Congress, believed to be a CIA front, and a few names from dupes among the goyim. The rest of the signatures are those of Jewish neoconservatives tightly allied with Israel, some of whom are apparently dual-Israeli citizens who participate in the formation of US foreign policy. The names on this list comprise a concentration of evil, the goal of which is not only to bring Armageddon to the Syrian people but also to the world. The letter to Obama is part of the propaganda operation to demonize the Syrian government with lies in order to get rid of a government that supports Hezbollah, the Muslims in southern Lebanon who have twice driven the vaunted, but cowardly, Israeli army out of Lebanon, thus preventing the Israeli government from achieving its aim of stealing the water resources of southern Lebanon. Not a single sentence in the letter is correct. Listen to this one for example: "The Assad regime poses a grave threat to national security interests of the United States." What utter total absurdity, and the morons who signed the letter pretend to be "security experts." How do we evaluate the fact that 56 people have no shame whatsoever and will lie to the President of the United States, telling him to his face the most absurd and obvious false things in order to advance their personal agenda at the expense of not merely the lives of Syrians but, by leading to wider war, of life on earth? This same neocon architects of Armageddon are also working against Iran, Russia, the former Soviet central Asian countries, Ukraine, Belarus, and China. It seems that they can't wait to start a nuclear war. - Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His Internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. Read more articles by Paul Craig Roberts: |
It would appear that Russian involvement in the Civil war is ramping up.
Syria reaches oil deal with ally Russia By Thomas Grove MOSCOW | Fri Aug 3, 2012 2:50pm EDT MOSCOW (Reuters) - Syria has reached an agreement with ally Russia to secure much-needed fuel as a delegation of ministers sent by President Bashar al-Assad asked Moscow to help alleviate the effects of sanctions on the war-torn country. The trip was a rare foreign visit made by high-level Syrian officials, whose circles of support are shrinking as violence mounts between rebel fighters and forces loyal to Assad, who the West and Arab countries say must leave power. Under the deal, Syria will export its crude oil to Russia in exchange for refined oil products, which Damascus sorely needs to keep its economy and military running. "Russia wants to help the Syrian people," Syrian Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs Qadri Jamil told reporters in Moscow on Friday. "We will deliver our oil and receive gasoline and fuel oil; it will be a barter," he said, adding that Syria is producing about 200,000 barrels per day. However, Syria's Oil Minister Said Hneidi said production was less than 140,000 barrels per day. Russia, with China, has used its U.N. Security Council veto to shield Assad from harsher sanctions during a 17-month rebellion that in recent weeks has reached Syria's biggest cities. Likewise, Syria is one of Russia's last Middle East footholds and hosts a Russian repair and maintenance facility on its coast. Damascus bought nearly $1 billion in arms from Moscow last year, or some 8 percent of all of Russia's arms exports. A Russian military source was quoted as saying on Friday that Moscow was sending three naval ships and up to 360 marines to Syria, but the Defence Ministry said there was no plan for the vessels to dock at the port of Tartus. The delegation of economic officials including the country's oil and finance ministers held talks with Russian government and private sector officials on ways to alleviate the economic effects of sanctions on Syria. "We need oil, oil products. Shortages of these materials are making the situation in the country difficult," Jamil said at a news conference. Jamil, who studied at Moscow State University during the Soviet era and speaks fluent Russian, also said Syria had asked for credit from Russia and that the size and terms of any loan would be decided "within weeks". Even with the promise of the swap deal in hand or a potential loan agreement, Jamil was evasive over the details of how they would benefit a government whose days analysts and some western governments say are numbered. "LIFE GOES ON" EU governments agreed on September 2 to ban imports of Syrian oil and extended sanctions to seven new Syrian individuals and entities. The EU ban on European firms making new investments in Syria's oil industry took effect on September 24, making it harder for Syria to sell its oil abroad. Many countries have also stopped selling fuels to Syria, some of which can be used to run tanks. Commenting on the departure of U.N.-Arab League envoy Kofi Annan, Jamil said: "We agreed to the stepping down of Annan because (his plan) did not lead to positive results." Syria has said it welcomed Annan's plan and began to carry out conditions of the plan, but it has accused other actors including rebels of not upholding their side of the deal. Russia has blamed the West for the failure of diplomatic efforts led by Annan, who resigned on Thursday, and the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Friday that it was important to replace him quickly. "The Russian Federation ... gave him the maximum assistance," the statement said, adding that its Western partners and some regional states had not done enough to help. Jamil also denied reports that Damascus was no longer able to pay its government employees, saying that the country was still able to collect taxes. "We are able to collect taxes because life goes on ... and the government has its reserves," he said, without giving details of state reserves. |
yep,Muslim Brotherhood working with the Zionists!
![]() I agree, it is a highly unlikely scenario and that is being kind. |
yep,Muslim Brotherhood working with the Zionists!
![]() I agree, it is a highly unlikely scenario and that is being kind. I imagine that the Cabal has fake plants inside the "Muslim Brotherhood" too. That is simply their M.O. Would you like me to follow that lead for you too? It seems like some of you just decide what to believe and what not to believe and then don't even look closely into these things or follow any leads. Just like "Frank"(Farid) Ghadry pretends to be a "Syrian," (and he is not.) I'm sure an investigation into the Muslim Brotherhood connection involved with this group is also a plant. Both Frank Ghadry and Khaddam are Saudi, and a lot of the funding for this alleged "civil war" in Syria is coming from their criminal families apparently. And of course from Israel and the United States. So just watch and see. |
Edited by
Fri 08/03/12 02:06 PM
yep,Muslim Brotherhood working with the Zionists!
![]() I agree, it is a highly unlikely scenario and that is being kind. I imagine that the Cabal has fake plants inside the "Muslim Brotherhood" too.
I'm sure you do. Would you like me to follow that lead for you too? It seems like some of you just decide what to believe and what not to believe and then don't even look closely into these things or follow any leads. Please save your ad hominem. If you don't provide links to your stories, I won't bother following them up. I'm sick of this lack of courtesy. I'm sure an investigation into the Muslim Brotherhood connection involved with this group is also a plant.
Merely your unsubstantiated opinion. Both Frank Ghadry and Khaddam are Saudi, and a lot of the funding for this alleged "civil war" in Syria is coming from their criminal families apparently. And of course from Israel and the United States.
Again, no links to sources, just unsubstantiated opinion. So just watch and see.
I have been for some time. |
Really, you want links? All you have to do is pick a name and google it and do a little of your own research and follow up.
I get this information from several different links and I spend time putting it all together. I don't just cut and paste. If you want to have a cut and paste discussion just say so. |
So, how would the Muslim Brotherhood be connected to the group that wants to replace the current regime ?
Muslim Brotherhood establishes militia inside Syria The Muslim Brotherhood has established its own militia inside Syria as the country's rebels fracture between radical Islamists and their rivals, commanders and gun-runners have told The Daily Telegraph. Calling itself the "Armed Men of the Muslim Brotherhood", the militia has a presence in Damascus as well as opposition hot spots like Homs and Idlib. One of their organisers, who called himself Abu Hamza, said that he started the movement along with a member of the Syrian National Council (SNC), the opposition alliance. The above source definitely establishes a link between the SNC and the Muslim Brotherhood. So what is the Syrian National Council? PARIS — The Syrian National Council is deep into organizing an alternative to the regime of President Bashar Assad that could include those already in state institutions or even the ruling Baath Party, a senior member of the opposition group said Friday.
The SNC itself, with members spread across continents, is a fractious lot, and does not include all Syrian opposition activists. But it is considered by nations lending moral and material support to the rebels as the legitimate representative of those opposed to Assad. Bassma Kodmani, the SNC’s Paris-based spokeswoman said Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other unnamed countries are providing weapons to the Syrian Free Army. REF: REF: |
Edited by
Fri 08/03/12 02:32 PM
They all are working together to replace the Syrian government.
Now I will give you your fondest wish. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Sat 08/04/12 12:33 AM
They all are working together to replace the Syrian government. Now I will give you your fondest wish. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Please stay away. I never disputed the alliance between the MB and the SNC. What I find contentious is your belief that these groups are supportive of Israel. The Muslim Brotherhood is known for its links to Jihadist groups. Furthermore, its representatives are known for their rabid anti-semitism. Do you really believe that this group with co-operate with Israel? Really? In light of their history? No-one who studies affairs in the M.E. would entertain such a wild story. Just because there are ties between the SNC and the MB doesn't mean they are both in bed with Israel. That is merely jumping to conclusions. |
Edited by
Sat 08/04/12 12:29 AM
Really, you want links? All you have to do is pick a name and google it and do a little of your own research and follow up. I get this information from several different links and I spend time putting it all together. I don't just cut and paste. Well, what do you do? Assemble events to make up a story? Providing links is not cutting and pasting-you should know that. You present ideas that appear irrational and yet, you supply no sources. I don't think any educated human being would believe that the muslim world would support a government in Syria sympathetic to Israel. In your fervour to prove some tie to the nebulous Illuminati, or whatever you want to call it, you to overlook a detail that is blatantly obvious to those who follow the politics and current affairs of the M.E. |
Back on Planet Earth, this is an interesting development:
HACKERS took over the blogging platform of the Reuters news agency and posted "fabricated" stories said to include an interview with a Syrian rebel leader, the company said. " was a target of a hack on Friday," said a statement from parent firm Thomson Reuters. "Our blogging platform was compromised and fabricated blog posts were falsely attributed to several Reuters journalists." Among the fake postings was a purported interview with the head of the Free Syrian Army, who was quoted as saying that rebel forces were pulling back after clashes in the city of Aleppo. Reuters said it did not carry out that interview, that the posting has been deleted and that the blogging platform was taken offline as it addresses the problem. Syrian opposition fighters told a news conference on Friday in Iraq they would not withdraw from Aleppo, the northern city which has been under attack by regime forces. |
MOSCOW - Senior Syrian officials havepleaded with Russia for financial loans and supplies of oil products, a sign that the globalfallout from President Bashar Assad's crackdown on a rebellion is squeezing his regime. While the Syrian delegation was holding talks in Moscow, a squadron of Russian warships was approaching Syria's port of Tartus, the only naval base Russia has outside the former Soviet Union. The Russian Defence Ministry said that some of the ships may call at the port to replenish their supplies. Syria's Deputy Prime Minister Qadri Jamil, who led a delegation of several Cabinet ministers on a trip to Moscow, told reporters Friday that they have asked for a Russian loan to replenish Syria's hard currency reserves, which have been depleted by an international embargo on Syrian exports. He said Damascus also wants to get diesel oil and other oil products from Russia in exchange for crude supplies. Jamil refused to mention specific figures, but said that the deals couldbe finalized within weeks. There was no immediate comment from the Russian government. Syria is believed to be burning quickly through the $17 billion in foreign reserves that the government was believed to have at the start of Assad's crackdown on a popular uprising that erupted in March 2011. The conflict has turned into a civil war, andrights activists estimate more than19,000 people have been killed over thepast 17 months. The Syrian regime has blamed U.S. andEuropean Union sanctions for the shortages that haveleft Syrians across the country standing in long lines to pay inflatedprices for cooking gas, fuel, sugar and other staples. But inMay, the U.S. ambassador to Damascus denied that the international sanctions were to blame for the shortages. "Our sanctions purposefully do nottarget oil and dieselimports, because we know that the Syrian people need both for their day-to-day lives," Ambassador RobertFord wrote on the embassy's Facebook page. Ford said the government is using fuel imports for its tanks. He was forced to leave Syria in February citing security concerns. The Kremlin, backed by fellow veto-wielding U.N. Security Council member China, has blocked any plans that would call on Assad to step down. Russian news agencies reported Friday that two of the three amphibious assault ships which are part of the squadron heading to Syrian waters will call at Tartus while the third will cast anchor just outside the port. They said that each of the three ships iscarrying about 120 marines backed by armoured vehicles. It wasn't immediately clear whether some of the marines will stay to protect Tartus. Some Russian media said the marines were supposed to ensurea safe evacuation ofRussian personnel and navy equipment from the Tartus base if necessary. The Russian Defence Ministry said in a statement that there was no immediate plan for the ships to call at the port, but addedthat some of them may do that if the navy considers it necessary to replenish onboard supplies. I find this quote from the above article quite revealing: "Russia has protected Syria from U.N. sanctions and continued to supply it with weapons throughout the conflict." That is so true. Russia is determined to protect its interests (i.e. Tartus), and as a result, we have baulking and hesitation within the Security Council. |
MOSCOW - Senior Syrian officials havepleaded with Russia for financial loans and supplies of oil products, a sign that the globalfallout from President Bashar Assad's crackdown on a rebellion is squeezing his regime. While the Syrian delegation was holding talks in Moscow, a squadron of Russian warships was approaching Syria's port of Tartus, the only naval base Russia has outside the former Soviet Union. The Russian Defence Ministry said that some of the ships may call at the port to replenish their supplies. Syria's Deputy Prime Minister Qadri Jamil, who led a delegation of several Cabinet ministers on a trip to Moscow, told reporters Friday that they have asked for a Russian loan to replenish Syria's hard currency reserves, which have been depleted by an international embargo on Syrian exports. He said Damascus also wants to get diesel oil and other oil products from Russia in exchange for crude supplies. Jamil refused to mention specific figures, but said that the deals couldbe finalized within weeks. There was no immediate comment from the Russian government. Syria is believed to be burning quickly through the $17 billion in foreign reserves that the government was believed to have at the start of Assad's crackdown on a popular uprising that erupted in March 2011. The conflict has turned into a civil war, andrights activists estimate more than19,000 people have been killed over thepast 17 months. The Syrian regime has blamed U.S. andEuropean Union sanctions for the shortages that haveleft Syrians across the country standing in long lines to pay inflatedprices for cooking gas, fuel, sugar and other staples. But inMay, the U.S. ambassador to Damascus denied that the international sanctions were to blame for the shortages. "Our sanctions purposefully do nottarget oil and dieselimports, because we know that the Syrian people need both for their day-to-day lives," Ambassador RobertFord wrote on the embassy's Facebook page. Ford said the government is using fuel imports for its tanks. He was forced to leave Syria in February citing security concerns. The Kremlin, backed by fellow veto-wielding U.N. Security Council member China, has blocked any plans that would call on Assad to step down. Russian news agencies reported Friday that two of the three amphibious assault ships which are part of the squadron heading to Syrian waters will call at Tartus while the third will cast anchor just outside the port. They said that each of the three ships iscarrying about 120 marines backed by armoured vehicles. It wasn't immediately clear whether some of the marines will stay to protect Tartus. Some Russian media said the marines were supposed to ensurea safe evacuation ofRussian personnel and navy equipment from the Tartus base if necessary. The Russian Defence Ministry said in a statement that there was no immediate plan for the ships to call at the port, but addedthat some of them may do that if the navy considers it necessary to replenish onboard supplies. I find this quote from the above article quite revealing: "Russia has protected Syria from U.N. sanctions and continued to supply it with weapons throughout the conflict." That is so true. Russia is determined to protect its interests (i.e. Tartus), and as a result, we have baulking and hesitation within the Security Council. and this Guy's Network is still very much alive! |
Kofi Annan's bitter resignation and the collapse of Obama's Syria policy. Kofi Annan's bitter resignation yesterdayfrom his hopeless assignment as the UN's Special Envoy forSyria merely confirmswhat has long been apparent: the Obamaadministration's Syria policy has failed. The policy seems to have thus far consisted of a combination of sternly-worded denunciations , persistent outsourcing of international legitimacy to Russia and China, and belated, unenthusiastic, and possibly ineffective provisions of non-lethal aid to some Syria rebels for communications and logistics. As Peter Feaver has observed , this is not just"leading from behind" but rather"following from behind." Meanwhile, the fact that Syria represents a confluence of strategic interests and moral imperatives has not prompted a proportionate response from a White House wary of action in an election year. Into this void comes a compelling op-ed by Anne-Marie Slaughter in the Financial Times . Slaughter, an eminent Princeton professor who servedas Obama's director of the Policy PlanningStaff at the State Department during the first two years of the administration, makes an impassioned call for meaningful action. Specifically she urges that the United States lead a coalition of nations in providing "heavy weapons (and possibly air cover)" toall Syrian opposition leaders who show their commitment to democratic principles. Though now returned to the halcyon groves of academe, Slaughter remains one of the more influential foreign policy voices today. Recall her NewYork Times op-ed shortly after she left the State Departmenturging American intervention in Libya,which anticipated (and very likely influenced) the Obama administration's eventual decision to do just that. Slaughter's latest op-ed takes seriously the many factors and risks that argue against intervention, including the possibilities of arms ending up in the hands of jihadists, or of exacerbating the conflict and increasing tensions with Russia and China, not to mention the potential unintendedconsequences of taking sides in a civil war. It also contains a head-snapping concession when Slaughter admits that "sending arms without U.N. approval would put the U.S. on the wrongside of international law." The fact that one of the most eloquent proponents of international law and multilateral organizations is now channeling her inner John Bolton shows how grave the situation in Syria has become. One would hope that this point will also chasten some of the sanctimonious voiceswho are so quick to denounce any perceived violations of international law. |
Kofi Annan's bitter resignation and the collapse of Obama's Syria policy. Kofi Annan's bitter resignation yesterdayfrom his hopeless assignment as the UN's Special Envoy forSyria merely confirmswhat has long been apparent: the Obamaadministration's Syria policy has failed. The policy seems to have thus far consisted of a combination of sternly-worded denunciations , persistent outsourcing of international legitimacy to Russia and China, and belated, unenthusiastic, and possibly ineffective provisions of non-lethal aid to some Syria rebels for communications and logistics. As Peter Feaver has observed , this is not just"leading from behind" but rather"following from behind." Meanwhile, the fact that Syria represents a confluence of strategic interests and moral imperatives has not prompted a proportionate response from a White House wary of action in an election year. Into this void comes a compelling op-ed by Anne-Marie Slaughter in the Financial Times . Slaughter, an eminent Princeton professor who servedas Obama's director of the Policy PlanningStaff at the State Department during the first two years of the administration, makes an impassioned call for meaningful action. Specifically she urges that the United States lead a coalition of nations in providing "heavy weapons (and possibly air cover)" toall Syrian opposition leaders who show their commitment to democratic principles. Though now returned to the halcyon groves of academe, Slaughter remains one of the more influential foreign policy voices today. Recall her NewYork Times op-ed shortly after she left the State Departmenturging American intervention in Libya,which anticipated (and very likely influenced) the Obama administration's eventual decision to do just that. Slaughter's latest op-ed takes seriously the many factors and risks that argue against intervention, including the possibilities of arms ending up in the hands of jihadists, or of exacerbating the conflict and increasing tensions with Russia and China, not to mention the potential unintendedconsequences of taking sides in a civil war. It also contains a head-snapping concession when Slaughter admits that "sending arms without U.N. approval would put the U.S. on the wrongside of international law." The fact that one of the most eloquent proponents of international law and multilateral organizations is now channeling her inner John Bolton shows how grave the situation in Syria has become. One would hope that this point will also chasten some of the sanctimonious voiceswho are so quick to denounce any perceived violations of international law. I've been following this too...It is a heart breaker...I hope Hotrod comes on and talks about this, especially the U.S. decision to keep Iran out of the negotiation process by supporting Israel...It seems with Syria we are damned if we do and damned if we don't.... |
Edited by
Sat 08/04/12 07:54 AM
They all are working together to replace the Syrian government. Now I will give you your fondest wish. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Please stay away. I never disputed the alliance between the MB and the SNC. What I find contentious is your belief that these groups are supportive of Israel. The Muslim Brotherhood is known for its links to Jihadist groups. Furthermore, its representatives are known for their rabid anti-semitism. Do you really believe that this group with co-operate with Israel? Really? In light of their history? No-one who studies affairs in the M.E. would entertain such a wild story. Just because there are ties between the SNC and the MB doesn't mean they are both in bed with Israel. That is merely jumping to conclusions. You shouldn't ask me a bunch of questions if you really want me to "stay away." This group will co-operate with the Criminal Banking Cabal who all share the same goal of replacing the Syrian Regime with a puppet "democracy." YES definitely I believe that and definitely they will do that. It has NOTHING to do with any lame claims about "anti-semitism" or racism or anything like that. Just as America and Israel have Criminals running their country, so does the Muslim Brotherhood have Criminals infiltrated in their midst. These criminals do not represent Israel, America or the Muslim Brotherhood. They only represent themselves and their goal of global domination and getting rich off of the backs of the people of this world. The mistake that people make is in thinking that its about "countries" and "religions" or ethnic differences. We, the people of this world, are being played by criminals who are like vampires sucking the life and blood out of us. YES members of the "Muslim Brotherhood" will co-operate with members of corporate governments for wealth and power and blood when it is in their best interest to do so. Don't be so naive. |
Edited by
Sat 08/04/12 08:09 AM
Kofi Annan's bitter resignation and the collapse of Obama's Syria policy. Kofi Annan's bitter resignation yesterdayfrom his hopeless assignment as the UN's Special Envoy forSyria merely confirmswhat has long been apparent: the Obamaadministration's Syria policy has failed. The policy seems to have thus far consisted of a combination of sternly-worded denunciations , persistent outsourcing of international legitimacy to Russia and China, and belated, unenthusiastic, and possibly ineffective provisions of non-lethal aid to some Syria rebels for communications and logistics. As Peter Feaver has observed , this is not just"leading from behind" but rather"following from behind." Meanwhile, the fact that Syria represents a confluence of strategic interests and moral imperatives has not prompted a proportionate response from a White House wary of action in an election year. Into this void comes a compelling op-ed by Anne-Marie Slaughter in the Financial Times . Slaughter, an eminent Princeton professor who servedas Obama's director of the Policy PlanningStaff at the State Department during the first two years of the administration, makes an impassioned call for meaningful action. Specifically she urges that the United States lead a coalition of nations in providing "heavy weapons (and possibly air cover)" toall Syrian opposition leaders who show their commitment to democratic principles. Though now returned to the halcyon groves of academe, Slaughter remains one of the more influential foreign policy voices today. Recall her NewYork Times op-ed shortly after she left the State Departmenturging American intervention in Libya,which anticipated (and very likely influenced) the Obama administration's eventual decision to do just that. Slaughter's latest op-ed takes seriously the many factors and risks that argue against intervention, including the possibilities of arms ending up in the hands of jihadists, or of exacerbating the conflict and increasing tensions with Russia and China, not to mention the potential unintendedconsequences of taking sides in a civil war. It also contains a head-snapping concession when Slaughter admits that "sending arms without U.N. approval would put the U.S. on the wrongside of international law." The fact that one of the most eloquent proponents of international law and multilateral organizations is now channeling her inner John Bolton shows how grave the situation in Syria has become. One would hope that this point will also chasten some of the sanctimonious voiceswho are so quick to denounce any perceived violations of international law. I find it ironic that the woman who is calling for "heavy weapons" and air cover to all "Syrian opposition" has the last name of "Slaughter" because that is exactly what her "unintendedconsequences" will lead to. A Slaughter. If there was a revolution in this country (America) the people behind it would be called "terrorists." That is what is in Syria. Terrorists. And Ms Slaughter wants to give them some help. In Syria, the people were peacefully demonstrating until violent intervention came in from the outside and terrorists started killing innocent civilians. Assad had no reason to kill innocent civilians. That would only serve to cause a revolution, not stop one. This is a violent coup. This is NOT a civil war. And now Ms "Slaughter" wants to get support for just going in there with heavy weapons and air support (Bombs) and start slaughtering innocent people. This is so freaking evil and wrong I can't believe it. And now I know that it is all about the conquest of the Middle east being pushed by the evil Cabal governing Israel and America. |
Edited by
Sat 08/04/12 08:17 AM
Just because there are ties between the SNC and the MB doesn't mean they are both in bed with Israel. That is merely jumping to conclusions.
If you follow the dots, they are all "in bed with Israel." This entire thing is about Israel and the Middle east. The move on Syria has been in progress for a long time. The Israel Cabal is afraid of Syria and Iran, and just about everyone they don't have control of. They brag that they have America in their back pockets. Its disgusting. Once again its the brotherhood of the snake choking the life out of another country and singing the song of "democracy" when they practice only tyranny. Disgusting and very sad. |