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Topic: Creflo Dollar?
msharmony's photo
Wed 07/04/12 06:44 AM

but funches, this is where semantics turns on you

why is it 'abuse',,,? is it 'abuse' when I do it with my spouse?

MsHarmony...if you were taught by pain...there could be sex in your violence ..

no clue what that even means,,,,but

pain is actually a great natural teacher,,do you realize it is PAIN that keeps ups from continually putting our hand over an open flame

that flame actually is causing DAMAGE to us and if we didnt have the pain to deter us we could suffer much greater injury than the temporary 'pain' of a burn,,,,

oldhippie1952's photo
Wed 07/04/12 06:45 AM

but funches, this is where semantics turns on you

why is it 'abuse',,,? is it 'abuse' when I do it with my spouse?

MsHarmony...if you were taught by pain...there could be sex in your violence ..

no clue what that even means,,,,but

pain is actually a great natural teacher,,do you realize it is PAIN that keeps ups from continually putting our hand over an open flame

that flame actually is causing DAMAGE to us and if we didnt have the pain to deter us we could suffer much greater injury than the temporary 'pain' of a burn,,,,

laugh There's no sex in your violence is a song lyric. laugh waving

msharmony's photo
Wed 07/04/12 06:47 AM

but funches, this is where semantics turns on you

why is it 'abuse',,,? is it 'abuse' when I do it with my spouse?

MsHarmony...if you were taught by pain...there could be sex in your violence ..

no clue what that even means,,,,but

pain is actually a great natural teacher,,do you realize it is PAIN that keeps ups from continually putting our hand over an open flame

that flame actually is causing DAMAGE to us and if we didnt have the pain to deter us we could suffer much greater injury than the temporary 'pain' of a burn,,,,

laugh There's no sex in your violence is a song lyric. laugh waving

ahh,, I see

interesting lyric

no photo
Wed 07/04/12 06:51 AM

but funches, this is where semantics turns on you

why is it 'abuse',,,? is it 'abuse' when I do it with my spouse?

MsHarmony...if you were taught by pain...there could be sex in your violence ..

no clue what that even means,,,,but

you discovered pleasure in pain

no photo
Wed 07/04/12 06:56 AM

but funches, this is where semantics turns on you

why is it 'abuse',,,? is it 'abuse' when I do it with my spouse?

MsHarmony...if you were taught by pain...there could be sex in your violence ..

no clue what that even means,,,,but

pain is actually a great natural teacher,,do you realize it is PAIN that keeps ups from continually putting our hand over an open flame

that flame actually is causing DAMAGE to us and if we didnt have the pain to deter us we could suffer much greater injury than the temporary 'pain' of a burn,,,,

laugh There's no sex in your violence is a song lyric. laugh waving

perhaps taken from the book of psalms

no photo
Fri 07/13/12 08:24 AM
I am living in the New Testament times. It is no longer appropriate to actually beat or harm a child. Creflo was abusing his daughter and acting out of anger and not love.

msharmony's photo
Fri 07/13/12 08:33 AM

I am living in the New Testament times. It is no longer appropriate to actually beat or harm a child. Creflo was abusing his daughter and acting out of anger and not love.

Did the New Testament make spanking a sin?

no photo
Mon 07/16/12 06:33 AM
those that believe that Jesus is God would understand why spanking is not a sin in The New Testament especially since it was Jesus that handed down the laws to Moses to stone unruly children to death, Jesus drown all the children in the great flood, Jesus killed all of pharoah's first born etc. etc. etc... so if Jesus is God then that would explain why committing violence upon a child is not a sin

but the contradiction comes into play when those that use violence or recommend violence to conform the children then complain about how much violence there is in the world

Creflo Dollar went shoe ninja on his daughter but yet some do not equate this as being the same as beating or hitting a spouse ..violence against those that live in the household all falls into the category of domestic abuse which was what Creflo Dollar was arrested for

the facts are that striking a child with the intentions of inflicting pain is domestic abuse

msharmony's photo
Mon 07/16/12 09:27 AM
Edited by msharmony on Mon 07/16/12 09:29 AM

those that believe that Jesus is God would understand why spanking is not a sin in The New Testament especially since it was Jesus that handed down the laws to Moses to stone unruly children to death, Jesus drown all the children in the great flood, Jesus killed all of pharoah's first born etc. etc. etc... so if Jesus is God then that would explain why committing violence upon a child is not a sin

but the contradiction comes into play when those that use violence or recommend violence to conform the children then complain about how much violence there is in the world

Creflo Dollar went shoe ninja on his daughter but yet some do not equate this as being the same as beating or hitting a spouse ..violence against those that live in the household all falls into the category of domestic abuse which was what Creflo Dollar was arrested for

the facts are that striking a child with the intentions of inflicting pain is domestic abuse

again, simplistic logic

moving an ADULT against their consent is kidnapping

taking a CHILD , who is YOURS, is not

different rules for different situations,,,

children are our responsibility, discipline is our responsibility as well, discipline is never meant to make a child feel 'good' or it would not be a deterrent

there is violence in the world because people are violent,, there is not an abundance of people running around putting others over their knee though

the comparison continues to ignore the reality of different contexts and different circumstances,,,

there are two extremes I hear complain about spanking, those who suffered ABUSE or those who were too spoiled to believe they ever deserved to be made to do or not do what they wanted,,,

I feel for the former, because they obviously cant tell the difference, confusing spanking with beating and abuse

kind of like women who feel they are loved because someone has sex with them,,confusing sex with love

no photo
Mon 07/16/12 10:35 AM

children are our responsibility, discipline is our responsibility as well,

I can see Creflo using that defense to explain why he choked punched and beat his daughter with a shoe

discipline is never meant to make a child feel 'good' or it would not be a deterrent

MsHarmony you still haven't explain how the "pain-o-meter" works ...how much pain is required to inflict upon a child to cause the Pain-o-meter's arm to jump from a spanking to a beating

msharmony's photo
Mon 07/16/12 10:37 AM
Edited by msharmony on Mon 07/16/12 10:38 AM

children are our responsibility, discipline is our responsibility as well,

I can see Creflo using that defense to explain why he choked punched and beat his daughter with a shoe

discipline is never meant to make a child feel 'good' or it would not be a deterrent

MsHarmony you still haven't explain how the "pain-o-meter" works ...how much pain is required to inflict upon a child to cause the Pain-o-meter's arm to jump from a spanking to a beating

a beating is administred with a fist (on any part of the body) or an open palm smack above the neck, places children would rarely harm in normal play and roughhousing

a spanking is administered , either by a hand or other non lethal instrument across the BEHIND,,,,the place children OFTEN fall upon and 'hurt' in normal play and roughhousing

TBRich's photo
Mon 07/16/12 02:33 PM
James Dobson from Focus on the Family has an outline course for beating your children, you know how not to leave bruises and get in trouble, how to inflict serious pain with pressure points etc. It is highly recommended Xian reading.

msharmony's photo
Mon 07/16/12 11:56 PM
Edited by msharmony on Mon 07/16/12 11:56 PM

James Dobson from Focus on the Family has an outline course for beating your children, you know how not to leave bruises and get in trouble, how to inflict serious pain with pressure points etc. It is highly recommended Xian reading.

plenty of quack 'parenting' experts out there with books, thats part of the problem

take what works from others and your own experience and discard what hasnt worked,,, dont simply take it from a book,, it just doesnt work that way,,,

no photo
Tue 07/17/12 05:31 AM

a beating is administred with a fist (on any part of the body) or an open palm smack above the neck, places children would rarely harm in normal play and roughhousing

a spanking is administered , either by a hand or other non lethal instrument across the BEHIND,,,,the place children OFTEN fall upon and 'hurt' in normal play and roughhousing

a non-lethal instrument?...that reminds me of the movie "The Chronicles of Riddick" when Riddick said to a jailer that he can kill him with a cup ...and did

but anyway MsHarmony you do realize that a child can be seriously injure or even kill by an open hand or a non lethal instrument across the behind ...but that wasn't the question ..but allow me to rephrase the question in the context in which you place it

THE QUESTION: in junction with "The Chronicles of MsHarmony"
how much pain have to be administered with an open hand or a non-lethal instrument upon the child's behind for it to be consider a beating

no photo
Tue 07/17/12 05:41 AM

James Dobson from Focus on the Family has an outline course for beating your children, you know how not to leave bruises and get in trouble, how to inflict serious pain with pressure points etc. It is highly recommended Xian reading.

like inflicting mental abuse...some parents even play mind games of torture by telling their child to go get the belt they are about to be spanked with

so you want me to go get the non-lethal instrument that you're about to torture me with? ....are you out of your Vulcan mind

I heard of being lazy but jeez...

no photo
Tue 07/17/12 05:58 AM

James Dobson from Focus on the Family has an outline course for beating your children, you know how not to leave bruises and get in trouble, how to inflict serious pain with pressure points etc. It is highly recommended Xian reading.

plenty of quack 'parenting' experts out there with books, thats part of the problem

take what works from others and your own experience and discard what hasnt worked,,, dont simply take it from a book,, it just doesnt work that way,,,

just use a non-lethal taser gun on the little monsters ..a couple of volts surging through the child's electrical system will induce the child's muscular system to cause the child's skeletal system to bounce up and down thus simulating a spanking with no wear and tear on the parent

TBRich's photo
Tue 07/17/12 06:02 AM
In case you did not read Republican Gemorrah, it was Dobson who got Tom Delay to step down and influenced Palin's selection for VP. He is a very powerful man, whose agenda is to make America a Xian theocracy.

no photo
Tue 07/17/12 06:34 AM
America has always been a Christian Theocracy ...look at what is printed on all US currency..."In God we Trust"

but no matter what the America is or what others trying to turn it into...there are parents that even if you torture them they still would still not spank their children

because the message and the purpose becomes a lost cause once you resort to inflicting pain upon someone that you claim to love whether it's a child or a spouse ..but it may be more of a horror to use pain to take away a child's innocence

msharmony's photo
Tue 07/17/12 08:18 AM

a beating is administred with a fist (on any part of the body) or an open palm smack above the neck, places children would rarely harm in normal play and roughhousing

a spanking is administered , either by a hand or other non lethal instrument across the BEHIND,,,,the place children OFTEN fall upon and 'hurt' in normal play and roughhousing

a non-lethal instrument?...that reminds me of the movie "The Chronicles of Riddick" when Riddick said to a jailer that he can kill him with a cup ...and did

but anyway MsHarmony you do realize that a child can be seriously injure or even kill by an open hand or a non lethal instrument across the behind ...but that wasn't the question ..but allow me to rephrase the question in the context in which you place it

THE QUESTION: in junction with "The Chronicles of MsHarmony"
how much pain have to be administered with an open hand or a non-lethal instrument upon the child's behind for it to be consider a beating

a child can be killed by an open hand across the behind? cite an incidence please,,,,

to answer your question,

since 'pain' is pretty hard to define in any specific detail,

there is the pain of a needle administering a drug
there is the pain of a momentary sting by a bee
there is the pain of falling off of a bike or a skateboard
there is also pain of an open hand across the behind

I dont know a way of satisfactorily 'ranking' these types of pain,,,except to say some are risks that come with living life and others are momentary negative sensations for a greater LONG TERM good or avoidance of future negative sensations

msharmony's photo
Tue 07/17/12 08:19 AM
Edited by msharmony on Tue 07/17/12 08:23 AM

James Dobson from Focus on the Family has an outline course for beating your children, you know how not to leave bruises and get in trouble, how to inflict serious pain with pressure points etc. It is highly recommended Xian reading.

plenty of quack 'parenting' experts out there with books, thats part of the problem

take what works from others and your own experience and discard what hasnt worked,,, dont simply take it from a book,, it just doesnt work that way,,,

just use a non-lethal taser gun on the little monsters ..a couple of volts surging through the child's electrical system will induce the child's muscular system to cause the child's skeletal system to bounce up and down thus simulating a spanking with no wear and tear on the parent

if one really compares a taser of electrical JOLT, created to stop CRIMINALS, with no particular discomfort to the user

to an open hand, (created by nature and physically linked to the user), on the behind,, tis best one not be a parent,,,

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