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no photo
Thu 05/24/12 08:50 PM
I was reading about this today in a news paper. People lying about past experience to get a job.

My question is this, Have you ever lied on an application to get a job? And if you did, How did things turn out?

krupa's photo
Thu 05/24/12 09:21 PM
I lie every day.....and I am good at it.

A lot of people are amatures about it and shouldn't even bother trying.

I don't lie about the important things...but I lie about random conversations all the time. Who cares?

Here is a perfectly good example....

"I got a three pound penis with a knuckle on it"

I can be penis only weighs 2 pounds.

Somehow I get by.

Kimoboy's photo
Thu 05/24/12 10:05 PM

I lie every day.....and I am good at it.

A lot of people are amatures about it and shouldn't even bother trying.

I don't lie about the important things...but I lie about random conversations all the time. Who cares?

Here is a perfectly good example....

"I got a three pound penis with a knuckle on it"

I can be penis only weighs 2 pounds.

Somehow I get by.


Totage's photo
Thu 05/24/12 10:24 PM

I was reading about this today in a news paper. People lying about past experience to get a job.

My question is this, Have you ever lied on an application to get a job? And if you did, How did things turn out?

No, they would expect more from you and it would eventually catch up to you.

soufiehere's photo
Thu 05/24/12 11:51 PM

..My question is this, Have you ever
lied on an application to get a job? ..

The only applications I filled out,
in my late teens, were looking for
'entry level' people.

So I turned in near-blank applications
and stated that I had absolutely no
skills of any kind, and, therefore,
highly trainable :-)

I was offered all 5 jobs and took the
highest-paying one.
I say, never lie, make assets of your
liabilities from the getgo.

no photo
Thu 05/24/12 11:54 PM

My question is this, Have you ever lied on an application to get a job? And if you did, How did things turn out?

Jobs are slavery. I hope to never EVER have one of those obscene things again.

msharmony's photo
Fri 05/25/12 12:03 AM
I was reading about this today in a news paper. People lying about past experience to get a job.

My question is this, Have you ever lied on an application to get a job? And if you did, How did things turn out?

no, I only include what is relevant to the position, I dont feel forced to lie to get a job,, but then, besides the volunteer stuff I do in the public sector, I still dont have a 'job' after three years of applying either

I refuse to worry about lies coming back to haunt me, so I continue to be honest about what an employer is getting,,or not getting

msharmony's photo
Fri 05/25/12 12:04 AM

My question is this, Have you ever lied on an application to get a job? And if you did, How did things turn out?

Jobs are slavery. I hope to never EVER have one of those obscene things again.

the first part, I Agree

the second part, I Dont,, I hope to have one long enough to earn what I need to invest in my own business,,,lol

no photo
Fri 05/25/12 12:07 AM

My question is this, Have you ever lied on an application to get a job? And if you did, How did things turn out?

Jobs are slavery. I hope to never EVER have one of those obscene things again.

the first part, I Agree

the second part, I Dont,, I hope to have one long enough to earn what I need to invest in my own business,,,lol

I just helped a neighbor to create a business. My total investment, my time and energy helping him to design his first project. In point of fact, he now makes $58.00/hour for his time running my machines. My cut of that is 10%.

msharmony's photo
Fri 05/25/12 12:09 AM
always good to give back

I have all kinds of 'ideas' of how I will do that too once I Have means,,,,

no photo
Fri 05/25/12 12:15 AM

always good to give back

I have all kinds of 'ideas' of how I will do that too once I Have means,,,,

We all have the means. It's when it's every wo/man for themselves, we forget that. I'm actually working on building a cooperative that will ultimately become self-sustainable with the intention of helping the community to grow and survive, even in the face of the great depression 2.0 . The corporate model is slavery, simply put. The monetary system and inflation vs income has ultimately forced the majority of families to have both parents working. It's a boiling frog, 4 decades in the making and I for one, see people as something to value, not money.

msharmony's photo
Fri 05/25/12 12:17 AM
Edited by msharmony on Fri 05/25/12 12:17 AM

always good to give back

I have all kinds of 'ideas' of how I will do that too once I Have means,,,,

We all have the means. It's when it's every wo/man for themselves, we forget that. I'm actually working on building a cooperative that will ultimately become self-sustainable with the intention of helping the community to grow and survive, even in the face of the great depression 2.0 . The corporate model is slavery, simply put. The monetary system and inflation vs income has ultimately forced the majority of families to have both parents working. It's a boiling frog, 4 decades in the making and I for one, see people as something to value, not money.

its a good philosophy, I agree

not everyone is a gardner and we all have different gifts we can use

but our RESOURCES (which includes money, time, energy, networks) can factor in pretty significantly to what we are able or not able to accomplish while MAINTAINING our own home,,,,

wux's photo
Fri 05/25/12 12:26 AM
Edited by wux on Fri 05/25/12 12:30 AM

..My question is this, Have you ever
lied on an application to get a job? ..

The only applications I filled out,
in my late teens, were looking for
'entry level' people.

So I turned in near-blank applications
and stated that I had absolutely no
skills of any kind, and, therefore,
highly trainable :-)

I was offered all 5 jobs and took the
highest-paying one.
I say, never lie, make assets of your
liabilities from the getgo.

I alzo learned my lieabilitiez from the ghetto
I made zo much an azzlet of me on
interviewz when applying for below-entry level
jobz, that I got fired from ALL
my job within three month, and I
am not kidding!!! Until I got a college
degree at 36 yearz of age, and embarked
on a carrier like a viciouz dog up a tree

My new-fangled keyboard worked fine the firt
three dayz, but now it refuzez to type the
letter between A and D on the keyboard

Maybe thiz malfunction haz to do with my
nailing four zcrewz in on the bAck
to hold a coat hanger, which helpz me
hang my keyboard up at night after I
finizh typing in bed



Thiz keyboard hang-up invention iz my
way of giving back to myzelf

The period or point alzo doezn`t work

no photo
Fri 05/25/12 12:51 AM
Edited by Unknow on Fri 05/25/12 12:52 AM

always good to give back

I have all kinds of 'ideas' of how I will do that too once I Have means,,,,

We all have the means. It's when it's every wo/man for themselves, we forget that. I'm actually working on building a cooperative that will ultimately become self-sustainable with the intention of helping the community to grow and survive, even in the face of the great depression 2.0 . The corporate model is slavery, simply put. The monetary system and inflation vs income has ultimately forced the majority of families to have both parents working. It's a boiling frog, 4 decades in the making and I for one, see people as something to value, not money.

its a good philosophy, I agree

not everyone is a gardner and we all have different gifts we can use

but our RESOURCES (which includes money, time, energy, networks) can factor in pretty significantly to what we are able or not able to accomplish while MAINTAINING our own home,,,,

While my grandfather did in fact have a garden, I never did, until recently. In point of fact, I'm gardening because I know it will become a necessity for the survival of my family and that some of my crops will be considered luxuries. While I am actually one of the highest earners in a square mile of me, none of that really means anything, especially when you consider that the Non-soverign US dollar is going the way of the German Mark soon. When the Euro fails, so will bank of America, who is floating more than 75 trillion dollars in derivatives, all of which are FDIC insured. This translates to $2,000,000 of debt per capita when the EURO market finally and inevitably crashes.

Money is not a resource. It's a liability. Time, energy, alliances, friendships. That's the REAL wealth. You need only a small amount of money because it carries with it the delusion of wealth, and people still believe the lie. We all have SOMETHING to offer to our community, and in the end, it will prove to be what we have to give to each other that matters.

Our neighborhood is transforming dramatically this year. Every yard has a garden. Unlike any other community I've been in, we know what's coming, and are working together for survival. In fact, when the mother of my baby girl relapsed on drugs, no neighbor would help her get her fix. She had to leave town to get it, because of respect for my family. That, by itself should reflect just how significant of a unity we're developing.

oldhippie1952's photo
Fri 05/25/12 09:45 AM

I was reading about this today in a news paper. People lying about past experience to get a job.

My question is this, Have you ever lied on an application to get a job? And if you did, How did things turn out?

No I have not and will not. You cannot lie in my field and get by with it.

TxsGal3333's photo
Fri 05/25/12 10:12 AM
Nope have never lied on a job application.....shshsh did not even have to fill one out on the last two jobs they asked me to go to work for them...bigsmile

Kahurangi's photo
Fri 05/25/12 04:22 PM
Why lie??'re just shooting yourself in the foot if you lie about your abilities and can't back it up when it actually comes to doing it.

newarkjw's photo
Fri 05/25/12 04:30 PM
I always try to lie on the pizz test..........smokin

motowndowntown's photo
Fri 05/25/12 04:32 PM
If it was lie or go hungry, I would lie my butt off take the money
and run.

Peccy's photo
Fri 05/25/12 05:13 PM

If it was lie or go hungry, I would lie my butt off take the money
and run.
I work for myself, but when I did have a boss I may have fudged a

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