Topic: Love To Be Loved
etceterasongs's photo
Fri 04/20/12 05:56 PM
Someone you love is an extension of yourself without him or her you're incomplate.

etceterasongs's photo
Fri 04/20/12 05:59 PM

Someone you love is an extension of yourself without him or her you're incomplate.
What am i without you?

krupa's photo
Fri 04/20/12 06:18 PM
Love is great brother....

but, make no mistake... just getting naked and having sex that leaves you taking aspirin and wrapping band-aides around your penis the next day is pretty damned good too.

etceterasongs's photo
Sat 04/21/12 11:00 AM
Right but you know is not all about sex

no photo
Sat 04/21/12 11:15 AM
I am complete!!!
I need noone to complete me.


Some sweet Lady who can compliment my life.....
Without complicating it......
Thats a different story!!!!

pyxxie13's photo
Sat 04/21/12 11:32 AM
I agree with ghost. You do not need others to feel complete. That sounds needy to me.

etceterasongs's photo
Sun 04/22/12 07:50 AM
Ghost you're right from the perspective of being you.But you may agree with me that things were made in twos for companionship.When you're emotionally attach with someone he/she becomes a compliment to you just as the legs compliment each other to walk.

etceterasongs's photo
Sun 04/22/12 07:56 AM
pyxxies you know whichever way you look at it two are better than one

galendgirl's photo
Sun 04/22/12 12:12 PM

Someone you love is an extension of yourself without him or her you're incomplate.

I think we need to be complete by ourselves. Others should enrich what we already are.

etceterasongs's photo
Sun 04/22/12 05:01 PM
well spoken,but how can a tree make a forest?

etceterasongs's photo
Sun 04/22/12 05:11 PM

Someone you love is an extension of yourself without him or her you're incomplete.
Looking at this topic from the spiritual perspective we're complete in God of which without him we aren't complete.

navygirl's photo
Sun 04/22/12 11:12 PM

Someone you love is an extension of yourself without him or her you're incomplate.

That's pure crap. You first have to learn to complete yourself before you can be with someone. No one can ever complete you. That is pure hallmark and valentine tripe.

pyxxie13's photo
Tue 04/24/12 01:36 PM

pyxxies you know whichever way you look at it two are better than one

No..not really. If you are needy then you would look at it this way. I am completely happy alone. There is nothing someone can give me that I can not give myself. It is a state of mind. However, that is how you feel about it for yourself. More the power to ya.

navygirl's photo
Tue 04/24/12 02:11 PM

pyxxies you know whichever way you look at it two are better than one

No..not really. If you are needy then you would look at it this way. I am completely happy alone. There is nothing someone can give me that I can not give myself. It is a state of mind. However, that is how you feel about it for yourself. More the power to ya.

I agree with what you are saying. I tried the two thing and honestly I way happier being on my own. Being with someone else just drives me crazy. I felt like a full time babysitter. :thumbsup:

Sloe00's photo
Tue 04/24/12 02:17 PM

Love is great brother....

but, make no mistake... just getting naked and having sex that leaves you taking aspirin and wrapping band-aides around your penis the next day is pretty damned good too.

Ripping off those band aids can`t feel good, I`d imagine laugh

Cheer_up's photo
Tue 04/24/12 03:05 PM

Love is great brother....

but, make no mistake... just getting naked and having sex that leaves you taking aspirin and wrapping band-aides around your penis the next day is pretty damned good too.

Ripping off those band aids can`t feel good, I`d imagine laugh
whoa surprised shocked laugh rofl :laughing: well you see Krupa he is old now he said and friction breaks his skin lollllll an then all them sores start lolllllll i hate to be that old like him rofl hahaha to funny and on the topic of love well sometimes it stairs a person in the face but its from a heart not about sex:banana: :thumbsup:

josie68's photo
Tue 04/24/12 03:14 PM
I was complete on my own, and in some ways still am.
but without my man here there is a part of me missing, so although I am complete part me is with him. but isn't that just what love

no photo
Tue 04/24/12 03:38 PM

pyxxies you know whichever way you look at it two are better than one

No..not really. If you are needy then you would look at it this way. I am completely happy alone. There is nothing someone can give me that I can not give myself. It is a state of mind. However, that is how you feel about it for yourself. More the power to ya.

huh sad huh
bigsmile laugh bigsmile