Community > Posts By > etceterasongs

etceterasongs's photo
Sun 04/22/12 05:11 PM

Someone you love is an extension of yourself without him or her you're incomplete.
Looking at this topic from the spiritual perspective we're complete in God of which without him we aren't complete.

etceterasongs's photo
Sun 04/22/12 05:01 PM
well spoken,but how can a tree make a forest?

etceterasongs's photo
Sun 04/22/12 07:56 AM
pyxxies you know whichever way you look at it two are better than one

etceterasongs's photo
Sun 04/22/12 07:50 AM
Ghost you're right from the perspective of being you.But you may agree with me that things were made in twos for companionship.When you're emotionally attach with someone he/she becomes a compliment to you just as the legs compliment each other to walk.

etceterasongs's photo
Sat 04/21/12 11:00 AM
Right but you know is not all about sex

etceterasongs's photo
Fri 04/20/12 05:59 PM

Someone you love is an extension of yourself without him or her you're incomplate.
What am i without you?

etceterasongs's photo
Fri 04/20/12 05:56 PM
Someone you love is an extension of yourself without him or her you're incomplate.