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Topic: Obama officially ineligible
Sojourning_Soul's photo
Thu 04/19/12 09:05 AM

Can you believe this shite! After all the BS they NOW ADMIT THE BIRTHERS WERE RIGHT!

The judge, EVEN THOUGH THE DOCUMENT IS A PROVEN FORGERY, says because it is a blatant fake it can't be used as evidence against him! UNFLIPPIN BELIEVABLE!

Ladylid2012's photo
Thu 04/19/12 09:33 AM
hahaha ~ imagine!

lilott's photo
Thu 04/19/12 09:39 AM
I still believe the man is a closet Muslim.

Chazster's photo
Thu 04/19/12 09:56 AM
I am curious. Is he going to be charged with forgery and fraud even if he produces real evidence? If he doesn't have evidence and is ineligible would that undo his legislation? is it a crime ti run for president and win if you were ineligible? Will the actual news even cover this?

Peccy's photo
Thu 04/19/12 10:18 AM
I guess everyone who defended him feels pretty flippin' stupid...

mightymoe's photo
Thu 04/19/12 10:27 AM

I guess everyone who defended him feels pretty flippin' stupid...

laugh laugh laugh laugh

boredinaz06's photo
Thu 04/19/12 10:40 AM

Oh i can't wait for the Obamites to come running to defenselaugh laugh laugh laugh

Peccy's photo
Thu 04/19/12 10:47 AM
After they're done wiping their chins, they will be

msharmony's photo
Thu 04/19/12 10:49 AM
I will feel stupid if a relevant and reliable source actually reports some DETAILS of what the judgment was and exactly how it was worded,, instead of a subjective summary,,,,,,

Ladylid2012's photo
Thu 04/19/12 10:56 AM
Why feel stupid for supporting a candidate that ended up a lying crook?!

Like any of them are different..pffft.

Totage's photo
Thu 04/19/12 10:59 AM

I guess everyone who defended him feels pretty flippin' stupid...

Unfortunately I'm sure most are too ignorant and arrogant to realize it.

msharmony's photo
Thu 04/19/12 11:00 AM

they are taking a commentary as factual without researching what the details were,,,

but thats the instant 'information' age for ya,,,

Chazster's photo
Thu 04/19/12 11:01 AM

I will feel stupid if a relevant and reliable source actually reports some DETAILS of what the judgment was and exactly how it was worded,, instead of a subjective summary,,,,,,

From what i understand there is no judgement yet. Obama has time to bring forth evidence of citizenship to allow him on the ballot. I am not sure if this will be covered by regular news.

Totage's photo
Thu 04/19/12 11:02 AM


they are taking a commentary as factual without researching what the details were,,,

but thats the instant 'information' age for ya,,,

I think the birth certificate thing is more of a distraction tool. I just don't see how anyone can be pro-Obama, especially at this point. Not that it matters, he's just a figure head, but still.

msharmony's photo
Thu 04/19/12 11:08 AM
People have as many reasons to be pro obama as they do to be pro romney,,,,,

depending upon their personal vision for their 'country'

my view is more in line with what I see OBama standing for, where all citizens are valuable and worthwhile and not just those at the top of the financial status totem pole

I tend to see Romney as more the type who only sees value in those who are already 'successful',,,,

msharmony's photo
Thu 04/19/12 11:09 AM
Fergal said: This article is completely untrue - no wonder birthers are so ill informed if this is where they get their information. I watched the whole proceedings and Hill didn't admit the image was a forgery at all. All parties, the judge and both sets of lawyers agreed the computer image was inadmissible as it is obviously not a certified document. All Apuzzo's evidence was disparaged by the judge because it was just innuendo and rumour downloaded from the internet. It got the treatment it deserved - he was more or less laughed out of court by a judge that let him present his case for over hours. If you don't believe me you can watch the video of their entire proceedings yourself here:

I havent tried the link yet, but Im confident NOTHING posted in the commentary was actually SAID about the presidents birth certificate,,,

boredinaz06's photo
Thu 04/19/12 11:10 AM

There is no excuse for being pro Hussein or Romney

msharmony's photo
Thu 04/19/12 11:10 AM

call them what you want,, I certainly have mine,,,,

no photo
Thu 04/19/12 11:21 AM


they are taking a commentary as factual without researching what the details were,,,

but thats the instant 'information' age for ya,,,

Yea, kinda like Dan Rather did with the George W. Bush lie?

no photo
Thu 04/19/12 11:24 AM
Actually, I like Obama, except that he is a LIAR and has been a totally incompetent President.happy

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