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Topic: Obama officially ineligible
Sojourning_Soul's photo
Fri 04/20/12 05:58 AM

With enough money and power, I could give you a legal deed to the white house!

Masterpieces have been forged for centuries, documents and paintings, by people with skill and little influence, who got their work into the right hands. Even "experts" have been fooled!

Put an "agenda" behind it, political clout, and the MSM....let's not forget the bankers who proclaim King Barry as their boy, and fill his WH staff..... what are the chances of "real" truthful disclosure?

It could be that people have just had enough of the lies and BS!

Real or fake, this idiots policies are enough to disqualify him as a leader and represenative of the people. Welfare and warfare are non productive policy traits, and the expansion of either grows gov't and stiffles personal liberties. These are NOT the job of the president or his office!

Like a spoiled brat, if our present dictator doesn't get his way, he writes and unconstitutional executive order! Every one of them over steps his right, empowers gov't reach, and depletes the power of the people....the exact opposite of the constitutional powers granted to gov't!

Chazster's photo
Fri 04/20/12 07:24 AM
Now from what I read about constatutional law is that even if he was born in Kenya to at least 1 American parent he would be considered a natural born citizen. Now with they being said I wonder what the point of a fake birthcertificate is? Does anyone else question this? Is no one else curious? Is three no lega punishment for submitting fake legal documents does no one care because he is the president? Isn't he supposed to be held to a higher standard? I mean Clinton was almost impeached over an affair.

no photo
Fri 04/20/12 09:14 AM

I mean Clinton was almost impeached over an affair.

Clinton was impeached, but it wasn't over an affair. He was impeached for perjury.

Chazster's photo
Fri 04/20/12 09:27 AM
Edited by Chazster on Fri 04/20/12 09:28 AM

I mean Clinton was almost impeached over an affair.

Clinton was impeached, but it wasn't over an affair. He was impeached for perjury.

Purgery over what?

no photo
Fri 04/20/12 09:36 AM

I mean Clinton was almost impeached over an affair.

Clinton was impeached, but it wasn't over an affair. He was impeached for perjury.

Purgery over what?

He lied in court. He was sued by Paula Jones and he testified in court that he hadn't had an affair with Monica Lewinsky. Thus we see how successful the media was at turning Clinton's impeachment to "just about sex", rather than his attempt to prevent a wronged woman from getting justice.

Chazster's photo
Fri 04/20/12 09:53 AM

I mean Clinton was almost impeached over an affair.

Clinton was impeached, but it wasn't over an affair. He was impeached for perjury.

Purgery over what?

He lied in court. He was sued by Paula Jones and he testified in court that he hadn't had an affair with Monica Lewinsky. Thus we see how successful the media was at turning Clinton's impeachment to "just about sex", rather than his attempt to prevent a wronged woman from getting justice.

How successful the media was? I was like 9 lol.

no photo
Fri 04/20/12 10:02 AM

I mean Clinton was almost impeached over an affair.

Clinton was impeached, but it wasn't over an affair. He was impeached for perjury.

Purgery over what?

He lied in court. He was sued by Paula Jones and he testified in court that he hadn't had an affair with Monica Lewinsky. Thus we see how successful the media was at turning Clinton's impeachment to "just about sex", rather than his attempt to prevent a wronged woman from getting justice.

How successful the media was? I was like 9 lol.

Thus we see how successful the teachers unions have been at turning Clinton's impeachment to "just about sex", rather than his attempt to prevent a wronged woman from getting justice.


no photo
Fri 04/20/12 11:14 AM
Edited by alleoops on Fri 04/20/12 11:20 AM
I really liked Clinton, except that he was and still is a liar and a sleeze ball...:wink:

Democrats lie because stupid people believe them...sad. sad2

mightymoe's photo
Fri 04/20/12 11:32 AM

I really liked Clinton, except that he was and still is a liar and a sleeze ball...:wink:

Democrats lie because stupid people believe them...sad. sad2

sad part is they know about the lies, and then just ignore them or try to weakly justify them in some strange and obscure way...

msharmony's photo
Fri 04/20/12 01:44 PM
Edited by msharmony on Fri 04/20/12 01:48 PM

I really liked Clinton, except that he was and still is a liar and a sleeze ball...:wink:

Democrats lie because stupid people believe them...sad. sad2

sad part is they know about the lies, and then just ignore them or try to weakly justify them in some strange and obscure way...

and a lie under oath,,(Excluding the oath taken when they earn their position) is 'supposed' to be punishable

but they pick and choose who they actually will 'go after' to implement said punishment,,,

like they pick and choose whose lies qualify them as 'traitors' or the 'worst',,,,,

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Fri 04/20/12 02:27 PM

The thin "gray" line....like the thin blue line police cite.

They protect their own and don't much care whoever else it might affect.....like "we the people"!

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