Topic: What will you do different in 2012?
907daydreamer's photo
Thu 12/29/11 01:18 AM
im going to try to be more conscious of my carbon footprint. and take better care of my body.

Shy_Emo_chick's photo
Thu 12/29/11 01:28 AM
Must stop eating when full. That's my bad habit. Half the time i don't even realise i'm doing it. No wonder i end up with such bad stomach pain. It isn't worth all that pain you get. I'm a chocolate addict. Oh nooooooooo. My secret is out. sad

plymouthblonde's photo
Thu 12/29/11 09:53 PM
My main goal is to move....other than that, have no big resolutions.

wux's photo
Thu 12/29/11 11:01 PM
Edited by wux on Thu 12/29/11 11:02 PM
I plan to change my erroneous ways and start the healthy habit of looking both ways before crossing a road.

Edit: should it be my wish to get to the other side.

no photo
Fri 12/30/11 01:33 PM
i guarantee i guarantee i will date my checks differently (bulldog double guarantee - patent pending)

actionlynx's photo
Fri 12/30/11 02:33 PM
The one thing I plan to do differently...

To spend at least a few days with my gal despite the distance, and whether it is here or there. It will relieve much anxiety for us both.

no photo
Fri 12/30/11 03:15 PM
i finally figured it out;
i shall not cut my hair.

justme659's photo
Fri 12/30/11 03:29 PM
Buy a magic eight ball. I am done making major decisions, it always backfires on me. So the eight ball is in charge of my life from now on.

krupa's photo
Fri 12/30/11 03:49 PM

i finally figured it out;
i shall not cut my hair.


I got no ulterior motives when I say this.

The pyxie bob WORKS for you. (sorry but, your facial/bone structure is perfect for the bob. (Looked good in a long bob too)

Growing your hair would be a huge "NO!!!!!!" in my book.

I don't suck at art and I don't want in your pants so, you may give it some consideration.


(p.S. Soufie has the evidence on why I don't grow facial is horrid. ...not everyone looks good in everything)

no photo
Fri 12/30/11 03:58 PM


I got no ulterior motives when I say this.

The pyxie bob WORKS for you. (sorry but, your facial/bone structure is perfect for the bob. (Looked good in a long bob too)

Growing your hair would be a huge "NO!!!!!!" in my book.

I don't suck at art and I don't want in your pants so, you may give it some consideration.


(p.S. Soufie has the evidence on why I don't grow facial is horrid. ...not everyone looks good in everything)

it's a good thing i don't care about your book.

deborahclark's photo
Fri 12/30/11 04:04 PM
I have traded in the city life for a slower-paced life working in the same town I live in for once. This year, I plan to LISTEN to my gut instinct instead of shrugging it off as paranoia. I also will not settle for less than what I am looking for. I know what makes me happy and what makes me miserable. I plan on doing a lot less of the things that make me miserable. LOL!! This year will be the year I find my small-framed house in the country surrounded by wooded rolling hills with a creek running through the property. Always wanted to raise sheep, so I'll buy a couple, maybe a couple of horses, too, and go from there. Life is as good as you make it for yourself. I will not spend anymore time fretting over the past because it is gone and cannot be changed. But I can sure make my present and future worth the living. Time to increase my smile goal to at least 50 people per day. I like to see how many smiles I can get and, so far, there have only been a hand full of people that didn't smile back since I began back in 2010. God bless all and hope all your New Year's goals are met.biggrin

krupa's photo
Fri 12/30/11 04:04 PM
B is for b!tch boys and girls!


I am sooooooooooooo sorryyyyyyyy...but, you gotta admit!....that was pretty good.

Love ya B. Go ahead and fK your hair up. You make it all look groovy anyway.

krupa's photo
Fri 12/30/11 04:06 PM

I have traded in the city life for a slower-paced life working in the same town I live in for once. This year, I plan to LISTEN to my gut instinct instead of shrugging it off as paranoia. I also will not settle for less than what I am looking for. I know what makes me happy and what makes me miserable. I plan on doing a lot less of the things that make me miserable. LOL!! This year will be the year I find my small-framed house in the country surrounded by wooded rolling hills with a creek running through the property. Always wanted to raise sheep, so I'll buy a couple, maybe a couple of horses, too, and go from there. Life is as good as you make it for yourself. I will not spend anymore time fretting over the past because it is gone and cannot be changed. But I can sure make my present and future worth the living. Time to increase my smile goal to at least 50 people per day. I like to see how many smiles I can get and, so far, there have only been a hand full of people that didn't smile back since I began back in 2010. God bless all and hope all your New Year's goals are met.biggrin

Sounds great lil Deb

Make it happen woman.

no photo
Fri 12/30/11 04:07 PM
i'll **** it up all i want.

no photo
Fri 12/30/11 04:11 PM

Do you have any bold plans for making 2012 the best year ever? Are you planning to change your life in any way?

I'd like to be able to move -- pretty much anywhere -- but I don't think it's feasible. Other than that, the goal is to live long enough to write a few more books.

krupa's photo
Fri 12/30/11 04:12 PM
Edited by krupa on Fri 12/30/11 04:14 PM
The pink smiley face thing you did before was HAWWWWT. Not counting my anime' fetish....there ain't many chicks who could have pulled it off.

You do whatever you like doll. I won't screw with you if it makes you look retarded.


(ps...happy New Year B) Have a groovy one.


I was about to say that message was for "B"....but, ironically, it applies to Lex too!.....go figure.

no photo
Fri 12/30/11 04:17 PM
who knew lex and i had so much in common.
happy new year to you too.

krupa's photo
Fri 12/30/11 04:21 PM
Cool! I am off to make it look hard on RockBand.


no photo
Fri 12/30/11 04:53 PM
I'm going to watch more wholesome movies.

soufiehere's photo
Fri 12/30/11 04:58 PM

(p.S. Soufie has the evidence on why I don't
grow facial is horrid. ...not
everyone looks good in everything)

It is true.
I am sure they could use his hirsute picture
in the TSA's training manual on desperately
bearded terrorists.