Topic: What will you do different in 2012?
PacificStar48's photo
Mon 12/26/11 09:49 AM

The main thing I need to do now, stop allowing people to take advantage of my kindness and then ignoring me until they need advice, help or a favor again.

I tend to agree with you there. Sometimes people mistake kindness for weakness. I found the little bit of journaling I did in 2011 helped me spot these energy vampires and I think I will probably do a little more of.

I don't think you have to keep tally sheets on long term friends but when ever things start getting upended and you are having to grab for the rails it is probably time to get off the Titanic type friendships and invest where the sailing is a little smoother.

gymguy84's photo
Mon 12/26/11 09:49 AM
I am happy with my life but im ready to settle down so id say get in a seriois relationship

Ladylid2012's photo
Mon 12/26/11 09:50 AM

I'm going to THROW myself into the service of others....
instead of baby stepping in.

I think that is wonderful, but please, please, please don't let homeless people over to your house. I know you have a good heart, but I will be worried sick about you if you do this. Seriously. :heart: flowerforyou

I don't bring homeless people into my house Ruth.
Don't worry your self. flowerforyou

Ruth34611's photo
Mon 12/26/11 09:56 AM

I'm going to THROW myself into the service of others....
instead of baby stepping in.

I think that is wonderful, but please, please, please don't let homeless people over to your house. I know you have a good heart, but I will be worried sick about you if you do this. Seriously. :heart: flowerforyou

I don't bring homeless people into my house Ruth.
Don't worry your self. flowerforyou

:thumbsup: flowers

PacificStar48's photo
Mon 12/26/11 10:03 AM
Having worked with the homeless many years I have to say you can sometimes really nake a difference ministering to one person in a personal way.

Yea you want to have boundries and be really careful but a few that I brought to my home are still some of my most loyal friends who took the hand up and made something to be really proud of themself for the opportunity.

This thought thread made me think if something someone said to me about being one leg in and one leg out on things. If you are only half committed to anything people are going to have a hard time believeing in you.

prashant01's photo
Mon 12/26/11 10:03 AM

I'm going to THROW myself into the service of others....
instead of baby stepping in.

I think that is wonderful, but please, please, please don't let homeless people over to your house. I know you have a good heart, but I will be worried sick about you if you do this. Seriously. :heart: flowerforyou

I don't bring homeless people into my house Ruth.
Don't worry your self. flowerforyou

And my request is don't let your home be a mere house while throwing yourself into service of others.

winterblue56's photo
Mon 12/26/11 10:07 AM

My word for myself for 2012 is "Compassion" I want to work that into my everyday life on a day to day basis and share it with everyone. I am planning to go back to school (paper work almost all finished)and also planning a trip to Germany at the end of 2012...

The world is gonna end in 2012.................Why don't ya plan that trip to come see me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and we will both go out with a big bang!!!!!.........laugh laugh laugh

"Both the Hopis and Mayans recognize that we are approaching the end of a World Age... In both cases, however, the Hopi and Mayan elders do not prophesy that everything will come to an end. Rather, this is a time of transition from one World Age into another. The message they give concerns our making a choice of how we enter the future ahead. Our moving through with either resistance or acceptance will determine whether the transition will happen with cataclysmic changes or gradual peace and tranquility. The same theme can be found reflected in the prophecies of many other Native American visionaries from Black Elk to Sun Bear."

I might be involved in a little of that, who knows?

Yes...exactly. That's what anyone will find out if they research the Mayan culture. A major change. Hopefully, it will be in the human races' attitudes. More love and less hate. More 'energy' flowing back and forth in a positive way. I would sure love to be part of it also. I was very intrigued in reading the Celestin Prophecy and the 10 insights. No more money. No more vieing for attention. Gather our love from all the positive energy flowing around. Seems like such a peaceful way to live the rest of my life.

krupa's photo
Mon 12/26/11 10:08 AM
What will I change about me

Not a damned thing. I love hard, I work hard and I laugh a lot.

If it ain't broke.......don't fix it.

winterblue56's photo
Mon 12/26/11 10:09 AM

If I can beat this illness I plan on living EVERY day to the fullest and appreciating everything life has to offer.

You can Mikey flowerforyou

Ruth34611's photo
Mon 12/26/11 10:24 AM

Having worked with the homeless many years I have to say you can sometimes really nake a difference ministering to one person in a personal way.

Yea you want to have boundries and be really careful but a few that I brought to my home are still some of my most loyal friends who took the hand up and made something to be really proud of themself for the opportunity.

This thought thread made me think if something someone said to me about being one leg in and one leg out on things. If you are only half committed to anything people are going to have a hard time believeing in you.

I understand what you are saying but I don't think you need to take people you don't know into your home to be fully committed to helping them. Many of the homeless are mentally ill and may be very sweet and kind one minute and not so much the next minute. It's not their fault, but it is what it is.

DaveyB's photo
Mon 12/26/11 10:52 AM
Edited by DaveyB on Mon 12/26/11 10:52 AM
I resolve to repeat all the same mistakes I made in 2010 but in a different way... may not be much of a resolve but it's one I can keep laugh

prashant01's photo
Mon 12/26/11 10:58 AM

I resolve to repeat all the same mistakes I made in 2010 but in a different way... may not be much of a resolve but it's one I can keep laugh
laugh laugh laugh

& how about the mistakes that you made in 2011,davey??laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

DaveyB's photo
Mon 12/26/11 11:04 AM

I resolve to repeat all the same mistakes I made in 2010 but in a different way... may not be much of a resolve but it's one I can keep laugh
laugh laugh laugh

& how about the mistakes that you made in 2011,davey??laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

I made much better mistakes in 2010, it wouldn't be anywhere near the challenge :tongue:.

Ruth34611's photo
Mon 12/26/11 11:06 AM

I resolve to repeat all the same mistakes I made in 2010 but in a different way... may not be much of a resolve but it's one I can keep laugh
laugh laugh laugh

& how about the mistakes that you made in 2011,davey??laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

I made much better mistakes in 2010, it wouldn't be anywhere near the challenge :tongue:.

laugh flowerforyou

no photo
Mon 12/26/11 12:23 PM

:angry: YES,,,EVERYTHING is going to be different NOW..

No more saying NO to chicks who just want in my pants.



laugh laugh laugh laugh :banana: drinker :banana:


no photo
Mon 12/26/11 12:25 PM

Thank U so much Boone and Terry I so much appreciate it!!! Tomarrow is exploritory surgery day and then I should know if it has spread and just how bad (OR good)my prognosis is!!!!

Keep yer head high brother.........................we will all keep ya in our prayers...........
amen to that...

rara777's photo
Mon 12/26/11 12:35 PM
I have no major plans to make changes in my life in 2012.:thumbsup:

I make NO New Years resolutions. Who lives up to their New Years resolutions anyway?laugh

I`m pretty well satisified with my life as it is right now.:thumbsup:

I`m me and no one is going to change me.waving

chicmagnet21's photo
Mon 12/26/11 01:20 PM
Not hide who I want to have sex with and explorer my sexuality.

Ruth34611's photo
Mon 12/26/11 03:33 PM

Not hide who I want to have sex with

Me too!

boonedoggy61's photo
Mon 12/26/11 03:38 PM

Not hide who I want to have sex with

Me too!

I'm getting in line now baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!pitchfork pitchfork