Topic: The Cost of Israel to Americans | |
horrah for anti-zionist blogs everywhere!
We need something to balance the Pro-Zionist Media propaganda we get flooded with every freaking day. |
Long Live Freedom of Speech. ......
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Long Live Freedom of Speech. ......
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Long live freedom of speach and expression
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Jews are people who practice the religion. They exist. Other "Jews" are referred to as "so-called Jews" by a lot of people. They are those who call themselves Jewish. It is not against the law to call yourself Jewish apparently. I guess I could do the same. ![]() Jews are those who practice the religion. They exist and almost all of the Jews in Israel also practice their religion at different levels of observance. Some go to services every week, others do home rituals, observe some holidays, some keep kosher some do not. The secular Jews may not observe as strictly as the really religious Jews. But they are all Jews. You just try over and over to try to claim that the Zionists somehow aren't Jewish but that is a a dumptruck full of caca de toro. ![]() Zionism is Israeli nationalism and the Zionists were originally and remain Jews from all over the world - but as the genetic research shows they all have seem to have a common mideast ancestry. ![]() And they deserve our enthusiastic support. 4% of the Intl Affairs budget is not much of a burden for us to support one of our closest long term allies. ![]() Go Zionists! Bringing peace and prosperity and democracy and freedom of religion to the Mideast. An admirable people and a remarkable country. ![]() |
Well we all have our opinions. Most Zionists do not practice Judaism, and Zionism has nothing to do with religion.
Zionism is a political movement that supports the on-going project of colonizing Palestine for the purposes of building a state premised on Jewish nationalism. Therefore, a central goal of the current Zionist movement is to ensure that Israel maintains the maximum area in Palestine with the minimum number of Palestinians.
Well we all have our opinions. Most Zionists do not practice Judaism, and Zionism has nothing to do with religion. THAT'S NONSENSE! ![]() Zionism was founded by Jews who wished to return to the country of their ancestors! They re-established Israel in it's original location as a sanctuary for Jews and Non-Jews alike. Most Israeli Jews remain ardent Zionists (although there are certainly also a minority of non-Jewish Zionists) just as many Americans remain passionately patriotic about our country! Zionism is different from Judaism of course but almost all Zionists have been Jews from antiquity until today - and there is nothing at all wrong with that. It is not a matter of opinion though. It is a matter of fact. And the facts are absolutely in disagreement with the laughable opinion that most Zionists don't practice Judaism. ![]() ![]() Thus, Zionism has much to do with religion. Judaism in particular. |
Zionism is a political movement that supports the on-going project of colonizing Palestine for the purposes of building a state premised on Jewish nationalism. Therefore, a central goal of the current Zionist movement is to ensure that Israel maintains the maximum area in Palestine with the minimum number of Palestinians. More CaCa. Zionism is Israeli Nationalism based on having the majority Jewish population in Israel re-establishing the Jewish country on the same land it had originally 3000 years ago. There are many Arabs from the surrounding countries who are now Israeli citizens but the other Arabs in neighboring parts of the West Bank, Gaza, Syria, Lebanon and Egypt wish to have their countries and areas Judenrein (free of Jews)....reminiscent of some other vile attempts to prevent Jews from having religious and cultural freedom. Like I said, "Ca-Ca". If the Arabs stopped attacking Israelis then there would be peace tomorrow. |
If the Arabs stopped attacking Israelis then there would be peace tomorrow.
I find that impossible to believe. |
Judaism is apposed to Zionism, hence a Zionist cannot be practicing true Judaism. The Difference Between Judaism and Zionism G. Neuburger "Zionism, is rebellion against G-d and treason to the Jewish people." -G. Neuburger One means of misleading many Jews and all too many non-Jews is the Zionist misuse of names and symbols sacred in Judaism. They use the holy name Israel for their Zionist state. They have named their land acquisition fund with a term that traditionally implies the reward for piety, good deeds, and charitable work. They have adopted as a state symbol the menorah (candlebrum). What hypocrisy, what perversion it is to have the Israeli army fight under an emblem, the meaning of which is explained in the Tenach (on the occasion of a previous return to the Holy Land) as, "not with armed force and not with power, but in My spirit says the Lord of Hosts." |
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Sun 11/27/11 12:03 AM
Judaism is apposed to Zionism, hence a Zionist cannot be practicing true Judaism. The Difference Between Judaism and Zionism G. Neuburger "Zionism, is rebellion against G-d and treason to the Jewish people." -G. Neuburger One means of misleading many Jews and all too many non-Jews is the Zionist misuse of names and symbols sacred in Judaism. They use the holy name Israel for their Zionist state. They have named their land acquisition fund with a term that traditionally implies the reward for piety, good deeds, and charitable work. They have adopted as a state symbol the menorah (candlebrum). What hypocrisy, what perversion it is to have the Israeli army fight under an emblem, the meaning of which is explained in the Tenach (on the occasion of a previous return to the Holy Land) as, "not with armed force and not with power, but in My spirit says the Lord of Hosts." Somebody somewhere has fed you a line. There are a few nutballs who make the claim you repeat here but there is nothing about Zionism that goes against the Jewish religion. ![]() It is the one place in the entire world where Judaism is practiced freely and openly without any fear whatsoever of social stigma or anti-Jewish bias or having somebody try to convert them and fix their religious beliefs. ![]() A major factor in the reason why the state of Israel was re-established was to re-create a safe haven for Jews. To ignore this fact is simply willful ignorance. All Jews pray facing Jerusalem all over the world out of reverence for their ancient homeland! Muslims face Mecca. That is the reality. But there is nothing wrong with Zionism or Judaism or Israel. It is just a country full of nice people who want to live in peace and freedom like any other people in this world. They do not deserve the hate and suspicion piled on them by others who have a different religious agenda or who try to blame Jews or Zionists for all manner societies ills. They are not trying to take anyone else's land. They do not have any aspirations to take over the world financially or politically. Neither Zionists or the Jews who created the original state of Israel nor the Jews who re-created the modern state of Israel. All any of them wanted was the freedom to practice their brand of noble and kind religion and to live in peace and security. Whenever the Arabs stop attacking them then there have always been long stretches of peaceful coexistence! But the Jews in Israel whose parents and grandparents and great-grandparents suffered terrible persecution under various Mideast, South American, European and Russian regimes will certainly protect themselves and their homes and cities if they are attacked. And they should protect themselves militarily and safeguard their own freedoms and peaceful tolerant society. Israel is clearly the best place to live in the entire region and one of the best places to live in the world since the Zionist/Israeli/Jews recreated it in the last century. I think the surrounding countries in the Arab spring would be well advised to emulate the Israeli society and allow all other religions to practice openly and without persecution in their countries as well - and commit their troops to defensive actions only as the Israelis have done. Then they could have the same kind of peaceful and open society and enjoy the benefits of intellectual modernization just like the Israelis! ![]() Even though there is a wide degree of religious observance in Isreal it is a uniquely Jewish place. Not completely super-religious just like the US is not overly religious. But all the Jews in Israel observe the Sabbath on Sat and stop driving and spend time on introspection on their big holy day. Anyway it really is kind of different and cool. Read about it at Israelly-cool. ![]() and |
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Sun 11/27/11 01:00 AM
There are a few nutballs who make the claim you repeat here but
there is nothing about Zionism that goes against the Jewish religion. How do you know unless you are heavy into Judaism, which you are not. This information comes from real religious Jews. I think I will take their word over yours. The use of insults about "willful ignorance" is a common Zionist tactic. People have been brainwashed by the Zionist Machine for so long they actually believe that propaganda. I don't. The stuff you post sound like word for word Zionist rhetoric. |
There are a few nutballs who make the claim you repeat here but
there is nothing about Zionism that goes against the Jewish religion. How do you know unless you are heavy into Judaism, which you are not. This information comes from real religious Jews. I think I will take their word over yours. The use of insults about "willful ignorance" is a common Zionist tactic. People have been brainwashed by the Zionist Machine for so long they actually believe that propaganda. I don't. The stuff you post sound like word for word Zionist rhetoric. There are various sects of ultra-religious Jews who are against Zionism because they don't believe Israel should be a State until the Messiah comes. Why do you use Zionism in such a derogatary way. I believe in Israel's right to exist in peace - therefore I am a Zionist! |
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Sun 11/27/11 01:31 AM
There are various sects of ultra-religious Jews who are against Zionism because they don't believe Israel should be a State until the Messiah comes. Why do you use Zionism in such a derogatary way. I believe in Israel's right to exist in peace - therefore I am a Zionist! Go talk to Dr. Hajo Meyer....he has been there and done that. He also has the T-Shirt |
There are various sects of ultra-religious Jews who are against Zionism because they don't believe Israel should be a State until the Messiah comes. Why do you use Zionism in such a derogatary way. I believe in Israel's right to exist in peace - therefore I am a Zionist! Go talk to Dr. Hajo Meyer....he has been there and done that. He also has the T-Shirt As they say, there are always one or two bad apples in the bunch. |
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Sun 11/27/11 01:51 AM
About the book:
"Zionism, the real enemy of the Jews" by Alan Hart "Almost everything you've been conditioned to believe about the making and sustaining of conflict in and over Palestine that became Israel is not true. It's not true that all the Palestinians who became refugees in 1948 left their homeland voluntarily. Most were driven out by Zionist terrorism and ethnic cleansing. It's not true that Israel has lived in constant danger of annihilation, the "driving into the sea" of its Jews. Israel's existence has never, ever, been in danger. And it's not true that Israel never had Arab partners for peace. It's Zionism that has never been interested in peace on terms the vast majority of Palestinians and most other Arabs and Muslims everywhere could accept. Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews is a journey through the propaganda lies and truth of history. When the citizens of nations know the difference between Zionism's propaganda lies and the documented facts and truth of history, they will be empowered, if they care, to demand that their governments act to end Israel's oppression of the Palestinians. And that's why Alan Hart devoted more than five years of his life to researching and writing this book - to empower citizens to play their necessary part in stopping the countdown to catastrophe for all. Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews is a complete re-writing of the history of the making and sustaining of the conflict, replacing Zionist mythology with events as they actually happened. The events are given global context to enable all readers to see how all the pieces of the most complex and complicated jig-saw puzzle fit together. The insight Alan brings to the pages of this book is assisted by revelations from private conversations he had over the years with leaders on both sides of the conflict, including the two greatest opposites in all of human history - Golda Meir, Mother Israel, and Yasser Arafat, Father Palestine. Written in his down-to-earth, television reporting and conversational style, the book reads more like a novel than a conventional history. It will keep you turning the pages wanting to know more. It has two central themes. One is why Western support of Israel right-or-wrong has made the whole Arab and wider Muslim world an explosion of anger and humiliation waiting for its time to happen. The other is how Israel, the child of Zionism, became its own worst enemy and a threat not only to the peace of the region and the world, but also to the best interests of Jews everywhere and the moral integrity of Judaism itself. The key to understanding, the author writes, is knowledge of the difference between Judaism and Zionism. He explains: "Judaism is the religion of Jews, not 'the' Jews because not all Jews are religious. Like Christianity and Islam, Judaism has at its core a set of moral values and ethical principles. Zionism is Jewish nationalism in the form of a sectarian, colonial enterprise which, in the process of creating and then expanding in the Arab heartland a state for some Jews, made a mockery of Judaism's moral values and ethical principles and demonstrated contempt for international law and the human and political rights of the Palestinians. That's why, for example, Nazi holocaust survivor Dr. Hajo Meyer titled his latest book An Ethical Tradition Betrayed, The End of Judaism." The author adds: "Supporters of Israel right or wrong conflate Judaism and Zionism because the assertion that they are one and the same enables them to claim that criticism of the Zionist state of Israel is a manifestation of anti-Semitism. Often, almost always these days, the accusation that criticism of Israel is anti-Semitism is false. And this false charge is the blackmail card played to silence criticism of, and suppress informed and honest debate about, the Zionist state and its policies. The reality is that Judaism and political Zionism are total opposites, and knowledge of the difference is the key to understanding two things. One is why it is perfectly possible to be passionately anti-Zionist - opposed to Zionism's colonial enterprise - without being in any way, shape or form anti-Semitic (anti-Jew). The other is why it is wrong to blame all Jews everywhere for the crimes of the hard core Zionist few in Palestine that became Israel." |
I am pleased to have shaken the hand of Dr. Hajo Meyer One of the last remaining Auschwitz survivors.
Dr. Hajo Meyer is an Anti Zionist I am an Anti Zionist |
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Sun 11/27/11 01:55 AM
America stepped in to stop Hitler's oppression of the Jews, now they should step in to stop Israel's oppression of Palestinians.
Citizens of Germany were mostly kept in the dark about what was going on. Citizens of America are mostly kept in the dark about what is going on. |